Act 1 Scene 4b - First Dawn First Day [Broken Memories]

Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Mark waits for the waitress to continue her service.

Then he starts smelling his plate, and his tea, not out of suspicion, but delighted by the scents of food and a strong brewage, and he starts eating his breakfast quietly, savouring the first food he remembers tasting, and the first "Chai" of his new life.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

The food is mouth-watering and piled with just the right amount of food for Aaron's and Mark's appetites, and it tastes even better than it smells. The coffee is rich and full of flavour, the chai on the other hand is smells strongly of tea mixed with a variety of other pungent spices among which cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and star anise strongly rise to the fore front. Drinking it is almost a taste explosion, but it settles down into a subtle delight.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Throughout Aaron and Mark's conversation, Jessica has been studiously ignoring them -- or rather, pretending to ignore them while trying to listen in. She's not very good at it.

Now she takes a sip of the coffee and gags. Her upper lip curls back, revealing teeth entirely too large and too glisteningly wet.

"What is this stuff? It tastes terrible!"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"I think the waitress referred to it as "coffee", and if you find it bitter or too strong, don't even try the "chai"..." answers Mark "The fry ups tastes like they were cooked with a lot of grease, but are extremely nurishing."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

The waitress takes the ordser from the couple, chat with them for a moment or so before moving over to the newly sat down young man. She again takes his order and skurries off into the kitchen area again.

The traffic of people in the street increases slight over the next 10 minutes and the dramatically drops off to one or two people. Two more table fill and the waitress takes their orders after delivering the couples and the young mans orders, before dissappearing back into the kitchen area. She reappears again a few minutes later with a tray filled with food for the new tables. She then take money from the couple and young man before they walk of in different directions down the street. The old man who was originally there in the cafe still sips on his coffee.

"Ok" she says after coming over to your table. "Anything else you want?"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"Yes," Jessica says in her sharp voice before the other two can start peppering the waitress with questions. "This is definitely not what I had in mind. What else do you have that's strong and black, but not...'coffee'?"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"And some more information on ourselves and this place too..." added Mark
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

The waitress raises an eyebrow at Jessica. "Strong and black but not coffee.. umm... well I have some bovril or marmite that I sometimes brew up with."

She turns to Mark as she starts to move off. "Wait here I'll be right back."

She rushes off to the kitchen area again, and very soon comes back with two mugs of black thick liquids, both smell strong, one of beef, the other has an almost undescribeable smell.

"Ok try these." The waitress places the mugs infront of Jessica and crosses her arms waiting for Jessica's reaction.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Jessica sniffs them both and shudders.

"No, no, no...what I'm looking for is sort of reddish-brownish-black, and it's only slightly bitter, and you can put milk and honey in it..." Her face scrunches up as she tries to remember. "I think it's made with...boiling water?"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"oh tea." the waitress raises her eyes skywards before turning back to the kitchen area and bringing back with her a metal pot, a cup and another jug of milk. The pot steams and a strong auroma of tea steams from it.

Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"So." The waitress crosses her hands in front of her. "what did you want to know?"

The cafe behind her has calmed down only a few tables are occupied and the people walking along the street has dropped.

"We're in the mid morning lull, only last for half an hour tops."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Mark waits for the tea to be served and looks straight at the waitress with an expression that makes her feel uneasy.

"Well, tell us more about this place, and the reasons behind our current amnesias... I have a significant amount of questions, but I guess it would be easier to let you give us some more details."

He pauses.

"However, I have a question I cannot hold much longer: are these our real names or were they given to us ? They sound so unfamiliar..." he adds showing his ID.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

The waitress shakes her head slightly and blows out her cheeks.

"Wow you don't want much." saying this she pulls up an empty chair to the table and sits down.

"OK, you are in the city. Some, well my hubby and his friends call the Hidden City. Its a place you just find your way to."

She looks at the ID card Mark shows to her.

"I guess so, it normally is." she shrugs. "As for your loss of memory, that seems to be a common thing at the moment, another bloke was here last night he had lost his as well. Its not a normal thing for Awakes. You lot are the bottom rung of society here ex-crims normally rereleased into the city in sector 5 as strata 12s, for a second chance."

She looks over Mark shoulder and her face pales visibly.

"Oh fuck!"

Turning in the direction she is looking you see a sleek black vehicle roll down the road towards you.

"Sleepers....." She stands quickly kicking her chair back and sprints back into the cafe. "Come on!"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Without a single moment of hesitation, Mark follows the girl, surprising himself with his own speed, reflexes and physical condition. Probably the chai and the breakfast he thinks to himself.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Aaron follows suit quickly with an awkward loping run but - despite the obvious if vague danger of the situation - his curiosity was still in command.

"Who are these people that we are running from?" his words like his breath came hard and fast. "And what do you mean ex-crims? Are we criminals?"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Jessica is sipping her tea with every evidence of pleasure when the waitress suddenly sounds the alarm. For a moment she sits, frozen in panicked indecision, her cup halfway to her mouth.

Then she slams the cup down on the table, so hard that the hot liquid splashes over the rim and onto her hand, making her wince. Rising clumsily to her feet, she follows them hastily, stammering, "Wait...I'm coming...don't leave me here!"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Turning back you all see gul door open up on the black vehicle and two men climb out. They are wearing dark suits and glasses and their head loll oddly to the side, and fall forward as they stand up straight, as if the have no control of their neck muscles.

The rest of the street is completely deserted; only the old man sits drinking his coffee with a sly quirky smile on his face, he waves at you as you sprint through doorway into the cafe proper.

The waitress sprints across the cafe interior and behind the cooking area, opening a trap door. As she does the front of the cafe explodes inwards showering those inside with glass and bits of window. Picking them up off their feet and slamming them into the scattered tables and chairs.

"Shit shit shit."

Standing in the destruction that is now the front of the cafe one of the two men flicks a pieces of glass off his shoulder, the other strides purposely toward everyone as they lie haphazardly around the back wall of the cafe. Now they are closer you can see both men have their eyes closed.

"BRIAN!!!!" The waitress screams as one of the men stands over her.

--fades to black--


heh closing this scene now new one opening soon :twisted:

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