New Game - Broken Memories


One Thousand Club
Ok I'd like to start a new game, an exalted one but one with a bit of a difference you will all start with Amnesiac characters some place else and well we take it from there.

So basically I'm looking for players, the only requirement for character gen is a description (which I'm warning you may not get used :twisted: ), and we'll take the rest in a rp stylie...
What type?

Solar, Lunar, Sidereal, Abyssal, Dragonblooded, Godblooded, Mortal, Mixed? :D
heh well thats the thing.. you won't know until you remember...

suffice to say it will not be set in the time of tumult, but the first age ... .sort of...... ;)
I'm interested.

Lemmie get this right. Since we start with no memory, we write no histories. So you just want a physical description?
I don't know if personnalities are even needed here, since we're all amnesiac, nobody will have a clue about how they shall react to something, and it will be basic instincts in charge.

Think it would be fun just to give a physical description and let it play along. :)

Yeah I liked finding out I was the dark lord of the sith in the first KOTOR after I did everything I could to be a good jedi :twisted: .
Personalities are some thing that I'm guessing the players need to fix into their heads. With a basically stat-less and backgroundless start it is I feel important to get an idea of what your character would do in certain situations, how he/she would react to others.

IMHO just because you have no memories of who you are, where you came from etc... the way you react is no blank slate, you will generally react in the ways you would have if you had memories.

Now I'm not saying you should work out a complete history to work out the general personality ... but generally some notes on your characters personality would be of use....
ok reopening player slots for this game...

i'm looking for about 2 (possibly upto 4) more players to join in

for those who want to know about the game, its a non standard exalted game, players start with no memories, and non character sheet, not knowing what type of exalted there are etc...

those interested please pm me and we can discuss
Judging by Coyotekin's location I would be that friend from CoV and I'll be tossing you a PM as soon as I work out an idea. That probably won't take too long.
US servers I guess. Guardian right now. And wherever else. There are man of us, to include the wife that I got addicted to the game, that hang out together and on Ventrilo.
ok well pointing you in the direction of Eurocore... one of the biggest and most active SGs on the US servers... real nice people.. i not subbed atm but I ubb for a month here and there... they are main based on Victory but if you're looking for people who play similar times to you they are a really good bunch of people -
ok back on track...

I have 3 new players and I'm closing recruitment there, may open it again later on but we'll see where we go with this...
hey, kind of a newb on this forum but have done both play by post and exalted before. it sounds like a really cool idea so if you open recruitment again give me a pm?

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