Act 1 Scene 4b - First Dawn First Day [Broken Memories]


One Thousand Club
It was a little over an hour ago that each of them had woken up. Woken up in a small room, a room that they have the distinct feeling that they didn’t fall asleep in. Their mouth tasted distinctly foul like something evil had crawled up and died in there while they slept.

The room itself was small it had a small basin with a mirror hanging over it. Soap lied on the side crusted with old bubbles and past use. But it was the mirror that drew their attention most and more specifically the face that stared back at them, it wasn’t theirs, of that they were certain.

Looking back around the room they see the single bed, they awoke in, a single chair stands to its left next to the wardrobe and nightstand. Over a bricked up fireplace several books perched with a small carriage clock. It had stopped at 10:37.

Moving to the window and drawing aside the dark green curtains they stared at the street below. Their room was third floor and in a terraced town house if the view across the street reflected the building he was now in. A few people were moving around in the street below. An old man sits at one of the many tables and chairs that sit outside a café, named the Coconut Tree Café. Gingham table cloths cover the tables and the chairs are leaned against the tables. A single woman working chats to the old man while putting a full plate of food down in front of him. She is dark haired, slim wearing a patterned dark dress, glasses, stockings and dark rimmed glasses.

Turning back into the room they saw a dark suit of clothes hung over the back of the chair and they weren’t surprised when the trousers fitted them perfectly. The contents of the coat’s pockets were neatly spread over the bed in a short time and he carefully studied each item. A black leather wallet contained 50 obals in kokus, quians, sius and yens. A card that looked as though manufactured from a light metal and bearing a number, a slip of paper with what looked like a phone number on and an identity card. The face that rested on the I.D. card’s photograph was the same as the one that had stared at them from the mirror moments before….

The card stated his name was: Aaron Angelou (MisterComedy)

Personal Code: 773247

Date of Birth: 29/11/3190

Address Code: 37:CYA:5

Strata Code: 12

Retina Prints: a small metal plate sits beside the title.

The card stated his name was: Mark Lakefield (Cyl)

Personal Code: 773248

Date of Birth: 29/11/3190

Address Code: 37:CYB:5

Strata Code: 12

Retina Prints: a small metal plate sits beside the title.

The card stated his name was: Jessica Gardinia (Arynne)

Personal Code: 773249

Date of Birth: 29/11/3190

Address Code: 37:CYD:5

Strata Code: 12

Retina Prints: a small metal plate sits beside the title.

Also in the collection were a pen, two keys and a penlight torch.

It was about this time that their stomachs started to rumble, the vision of the old man eating creeps back into their mind. They had quickly put there meagre possessions back into their pockets and rushed out of their small rooms, down the stairs and across the road and they sit down in an empty table.

The main thing that plays on their collective minds is that despite the name on the identity card they hadn’t a single clue as to who they were………………

As they wait for the young woman to come across to them, they catch sight of two others sitting down at other tables. The really strange thing was they were absolutely positive that they knew the other two people, especially when their eyes meet. It was more than know them, but know them well, and some how completely trust them.


Ok a little explaination, a bit of a collective intro to the game. The other two people you all recognise are the other two players, i.e. Arynne, sees two bearded men. Cyl and MisterComedy see a bearded man and a long haired young woman.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

A man sits at the table, tall, well muscled, white skin, ice blue eyes and short (almost shaved) black hair, handsome but somehow appearing sinister and strict, a feeling only reinforced by the dark clothes he is wearing.

He frowns putting both elbows on the table, and placing both hands crossed below his chin and speaks with a low and confident voice, almost threatening, scrutinizing everyone at the table:

"My... name appears to be Mark.

I have an unshakable feeling that I already know you, and well enough to know I can trust you, but... I can't even remember who I am... therefore I am partially doubtful about this impression... who are you, where am I, and how did I get here ?"

Almost instinctively he releases his hands and places them both under the table, looking for the pen, clicking its top to make the point appears and holds it close to its thigh, ready to use it at the first sign of threat. His eyes appear to be focused on the people at the table, but he uses his periphereal vision to locate possible exits.

What... am I doing..., he thinks when he finally realizes his hand his holding the pen.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

The first impression left by the woman sitting at the nearby table is loveliness. Her eyes and hair are of the same rich hazel color, and her cheeks are flushed with the exquisite bloom of the brunette, the dainty pink at the heart of the wild rose.

Admiration is the first impression -- the second, however, is criticism. There is something subtly wrong with her face, some coarseness of expression, some hardness, perhaps, of eye, some looseness of lip, which keeps it from true beauty.

Now she glares at "Mark", eyes narrowing.

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." Contrasting with her blooming face, her voice is chilly and somewhat nasal.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"I'm sure you haven't told me your name when I asked it" he quickly replies.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"It's..." her voice trails off, as an expression of fear and helpless anger flashes across her face. Then it is gone, and her face is shuttered closed again.

"...none of your business."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"Now what cun I get you?"

The waitress has walked up as you both have talked. She has a pen behind her ear and a holds a small pad in her left hand while her right rests on her hip.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day


"Something strong and tasty, with lots of spices in it... plus the name of the drink and its preparation so I can order it again later wherever I go if it actually fits my tastes. Thank you." he replies with a monocord voice.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"We got Chai that's hot and spicey. That two?"

She looks over at Jessica waiting for an answer for a moment before pulling the pen from behind her ear and scribbling on the pad.

"Anything else, food? I got breakfast cooking if I can tempt you?"


btw.. both Mark and Aaron have a least a months growth of beard and Jessica's hair is very long almost halfway down her back..
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"I'd definitely take the breakfast." he replies "how much for the drink and the food ?"

Then he feels his beard and hair... "Also, where can I find the closest barber shop ?... and what's the name of this place again, I only got here last night after a long trip... and I feel kinda mazed."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Taking a seat beside his fellows is a man tall and bright eyed adorned with a grin that belied the seriousness of the situation in which they found themselves.

"You two must forgive my general rudeness as I found the most fascinating book on astrological phenomena in the room." The words flow quickly as if rushing to escape. "But my name seems to be Aaron. Aaron Angelou. And it is my very great honor to make your aquaintance. That is if we have not already done so before."

Leaning back in his chair he turns his gaze upon the waitress he smiles gently to blunt the somewhat eccentric nature of his entrance before giving his order.

"I need something to get the day started properly. High in energy. I fear that today is going to be a long one."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"Who are all these crazy people?" the young woman snaps, before turning to the waitress.

"How much for a cup of...of something strong and black?"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"Ok, full breakfast it is and the Chai."

She scribbled down on the pad before taking off the top copy and placing it down in front of Mark, the notes lists his order and a very reasonable price next to it. Though he's not quite sure why he thinks its reasonable, as this is the first meal he can remember, let alone has paid for.

"This place its the Coconut Tree Cafe." She nods to the sign above the windows of the building. "and I'm not too sure if shaving is a wise idea, you know the enforcers may not take kindly to it."

She then turns to Aaron. "High in energy, got some porridge, and a full breakfast on the side, and some coffee coming up." She scribbles again and puts another reasonable priced bill infront of Aaron.

"These crazy people? Well as long as they are guests at my Cafe I'd prefer if you or anyone else didn't call them names, the same would go for you." She scribbles as she talks. "Coffee for you it is then." She places another bill in front of Jessica before stepping away from the table. "Anything else before I get cooking?"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"What would be the matter with shaving ?" answered Mark
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"You awakes arn't supposed to."

She states as she walks off and back into the Cafe main. Inside through the glass, of the windows of the Cafe, you can her up walk up to a kitchen area and start preparing food.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"Apparently we are not the only souls to have experienced such an awakening." Aaron muses resting his chin his hand. "Which leads us the questions of how and why such a thing could or should be done. There are few good reasons I could see for such."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"What I want to know is why I lost my memory in the process... what kind of awakening is this ?"says Mark frowning.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"I think the most likely answer as to the why of our memory loss is a who." Aaron speaking softy tilting his head towards his companions. "The odds of us all suffering this malady at the same time is astronomical. That rules out any real form of accident. I would say that we lost our memories because someone wants us to forget."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"I do not think it was a disease. The people here are used to people like us, so it could be some kind of rite of passage, and not necessarily someone who erased our memory."

Mark looks again at his ID, and puts two fingers on his right temp, and frowns again, blinking repeatedly and speaking slowly.

"If the so called Enforcers, which I guess are the local peacekeeping militia, are aware of our existence as "awakes that must not shave..." I guess that our memory loss is part of a system, as well as we are now, considering we were given a room, clothes an ID and some money, and that even a simple waitress knows of our current condition and the "rules" people like us have to abide by.

Which brings me to my initial question: why ?"
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"Regardless of the origin of our current situation we have the same avenues of research ahead. We find out what that attractive young woman knows when she brings us our breakfast and then we investigate the addresses on our IDs. That would seem the most likely place to begin."

Aaron stared hard at the ID in his hand as if trying to remember the face or the name upon it.

"Yes...that is where our search for the truth can begin."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

With the slightest of nods Mark answered:

"We could always force the truth out of her, but so far she's giving us much willingly, let's maintain our current courtesy."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

Aaron's head jerks up quickly startled.

"Was force really an option here?! I simply meant we ask the girl some questions when she comes back."

He glances in the direction the waitress had taken as if half expecting her to be listening.

"We really must be careful of making such comments in public. It is not so unlikely an option that we may be monitored. Indeed, the shaving comment makes it almost a certainty that there is some degree of oversight involved. And I would not risk a confrontation yet."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

In the time that Mark, Aaron and Jessica have been waiting for their food and drinks to arrive the road that the Cafe is on has got relatively busier, though they have only seen another 10 to 20 people walk by. People seem to walk everywhere there doesn't seem to be any other mode of transportation used. A couple chatting have taken one of the empty tables. The man is wearing a dark suit and has a briefcase that he places beside his left leg as he sits. The woman is also wearing a dark suit, though skirted instead of trousered, she carries a large handbag that she places on the table.

The waitress comes back holding a large tray with one hand at shoulder height. "Be right with you." She calls to the couple as she passes them on her way to your table. She smiles and places the tray on the table edge.

"Ok so we have two full fry ups." She places a large plate of bacon, fried eggs, sausages, hash browns, black pudding, beans, fried tomatoes and fried bread in front of Aaron and Mark.

"A bowl of porridge." That she places beside Aaron's full breakfast. "A chai, " she places an aromatic mug of tea by Mark. "and two coffees." Large mugs of black coffee are placed in front of Aaron and Jessica, along with a bowl of sugar and a small jug of milk.

"Ok thats your lot, eat up you can settle up after you've eaten." She picks the now empty tray back up. "Is there anything else?" She says looking over towards the newly sat down couple and a youngish man purposely walking up to another one of the empty tables.
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

"Actually yes, you know of our current condition, and we would like to know more about it ourselves, as well as this place we are in, and some kind of directions to what's next for us... As you know our memories have disappeared."
Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day

The Waitresses eyes widen for a moment.

"Ok i'll be back when it calms down here, I still have a business to run. enjoy your food." With that she turns and walks off to the couples table and starts to take their order.

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