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  1. Negative Thac0

    Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

    Adair "Oof!" Adair stumbled a bit from Kaya's push, but he managed to correct himself before doing anything too embarrassing. He too often forgot how strong Kaya was, it was probably a good thing she reminded him so often. "Sounds like a plan. Besides, the walking will make us work up an...
  2. Negative Thac0

    Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

    Adair Adair's eyes lit up with joy, and he thanked Jonas profusely. He wasted no time, turning to Kaya. His face was lit up by boyish glee as opposed to a caste symbol or golden essence. "You want to come with me Kaya? A new town means plenty of new things to see, right?" He grinned. "I'll...
  3. Negative Thac0

    Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

    Adair The young Exalt's interest seems to be piqued at the mention of the Fae- but it seems to pass quickly. Shaking his head, as if to free it from dust, he looked to the others. "Hey you think you'll be needing our help today, or...?" He smiled, hoping to be set free to...
  4. Negative Thac0

    Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

    Adair Adair walked alongside Kaya and Atha- looking carefree and idle once more. He tucked his hands behind his head to look at the sky as they moved forward, looking up to the sun and winking. May he always live in interesting times...
  5. Negative Thac0

    Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

    Adair Adair, who had been daydreaming about his inevitable fame and fortune during the exchange had his attention grabbed by Kaya and Garda's significant, if simple exchange of gestures. Who was this guy? Who the heck did he think he was anyway, leaping around like that? He had to learn how...
  6. Negative Thac0

    OOC and such. [Interstice]

    It gives me time to catch up, too. xD
  7. Negative Thac0

    Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

    Adair The eclipse answered Anju ecstatically "I have! You should see my torso, its like a blind man went to town on it with finger paint." There was a certain pride in his voice, almost as if he was speaking about something that was earned through serious effort- though, in a way, they...
  8. Negative Thac0

    Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

    Adair Adair had refused the light's greeting twice that morning, but Anju's yelp finally wrestled him from slumber. His hand went to his sword, but he only sighed, shaking his head. "Poor thing." He thought, pulling himself up into a standing position. He was still dressing himself when he...
  9. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair Adair turned to shoot Kaya a grin. "It is really quite nice, I think. This is perhaps my finest skill." "Not resting per se- but the ability to simply appreciate the area around me." He stared back up at the sky. "Its all so open out here. I loved it back home, but it was so crowded...
  10. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair The Eclipse was about to push the subject, but looking Kaya over caused him to reconsider. "She is who she is." he thought to himself. Adair shrugged and took a seat nearby, placing his hands behind his head and laying back on the soft ground. "Alright Kaya, I understand. Its not in my...
  11. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair "Never danced...?" He blinked for a moment, and then chuckled. Leaning close, he whispered. "Well, I'm not much good at it either, really. But how hard can it be? Its not all that different from a fight, right?" "'ll never know if you don't try it. We can learn this...
  12. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair "Of course you didn't hit me here." He quipped back. "You obviously have too much respect for my good looks." With the strange feeling passed, Adair wasted no time in recovery. Stretching a bit with a yawn, he let his hand strain a little closer to Kaya's. "You know, there may still be...
  13. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair "I felt it, and I heard something..." He nursed his temples as if he was trying to shake something loose. "...A whisper, I think, but I could be going crazy." Adair looked up at Kaya, and forced a grin. Credit where credit is due, The Eclipse was not one to fret or panic. "Well, I'm...
  14. Negative Thac0

    OOC and such. [Interstice]

    Eh-heh...misread your post. I fixed it, but I'm probably going to need you to roll for me, I can't really get it to work right from my blackberry...
  15. Negative Thac0

    OOC and such. [Interstice]

    Sorry everyone, work sucked up nearly all my time today. :(
  16. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair Having spent much of the evening being quiet, Adair looked up at Kaya with a smirk. "Waiting to be asked to dance, eh? Well, come to think of it, would-" His offer was waylaid at her sudden reaction to...something. Adair placed his hand on her shoulder, looking worried. "Hey...
  17. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair The eclipse's satisfied smile at Kaya's words turned into a slightly jealous scowl at Lyrik's approach. Damn it all, he could not win today could he. Sighing inwardly at his song, he quickly fixed his expression to be amiable again. No point in appearing envious, especially if he...
  18. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair Adair's face was in mid-wince as he had fully expected to take a merciless blow to the head only seconds before. Much to his surprise, he had managed to parry that last one. While his triumph was somewhat muted by the fact that he now could expect several bruises all along his body, it...
  19. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair Adair blinked, and laughed, Kaya's playful blow only seriously injuring his pride. He had waited for this opportunity for a long time now. "You're amazing Adair!" She would cry. "Truly, I've not met a finer warrior in all my life!" He planted his feet, taking up his standard...
  20. Negative Thac0

    The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]

    Adair The Eclipse gulped when he watched Kaya's panther like movements. Good gods, she was fast. "It would have to be swords." He admitted with a blush. "I actually don't know how to fight bare handed at all." He pulled his sword off his back- while it was only slightly longer then Kaya's...