The Wolf and the Wail. (Lyrik, Anju, Kayadin, Adair) [Interstice]


Eyeing Adair's comfortable pose on the ground, she grinned down at him, the slight awkward moment passing quickly. "No, I suppose you don't care much if you seem unseemly at all." Laughter followed. She copied his actions, her arms folding back to pillow her head, her legs crossing at the ankles. "But you know, this I can handle with no trouble at all."

Adair turned to shoot Kaya a grin. "It is really quite nice, I think. This is perhaps my finest skill."

"Not resting per se- but the ability to simply appreciate the area around me." He stared back up at the sky. "Its all so open out here. I loved it back home, but it was so crowded. You could never just lay down anywhere without the risk of getting trampled."

"Come to think of it, I could probably stick around in this very spot forever if fate permitted." His grin morphed into a sly smile. "Though, I doubt it will. More then likely, something shall wrest me from my position all too soon."
To Anju

Saeka nods. "I have no doubt they did as well. But Adair and Kaya are now bickering, so it must not trouble them as much. For that, I know not what to think. Though Lyrik seems a bit distant suddenly. He was playing so happily a little time ago when it hit me and, presumably, them as well."

Jonas will continue cleaning the kills and disposing of that which is not needed.

"Go, Anju, enjoy yourself for now, listen to the music, dance. Jonas and I have much to discuss."

That was a dismissal if Anju’d ever heard one, so off she went and did as she was told. If Anju needed to know –or they felt like making a lesson out of it- Saeka and Jonas would tell her. If not, oh well. As long as the invasive feeling didn’t return it couldn’t be a problem.

After burning what energy she had left in exuberant dance, Anju climbed into her tent and went to sleep.
And thus the night ended, the music fading and the lanterns put out one-by-one, the camp fell to sleep. The new land shaking only a few who cried out in their sleep; dreams of a bizarre, alien wail. Save Madam Saeka, all slept, and the old Lunar stared up at the moon's path, waiting for dawn.

Prelude complete! Everyone take four experience!

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