Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

To Amilar

"Oh! Good morning, sir, will you have something to eat? We have a fine rasher of crisp bacon ready and honeyed rolls." The innkeep looks up from the table she's wiping down with a smile.
Amilar Blefuscu

Blefuscu grins back. "Why yes, thank you. And a mug of ale, if it's available."
To Amilar

"Oh, certainly!" For a homely woman past her prime, she still has spring in her step. She'll be back in under two minutes with a plate of bacon, rolls, and ale. Damn that smells good.
Amilar Blefuscu

Amilar began eating greatfully. He didn't suspect the Society would poison his food, because at this point he was sure they'd have an order to put him down by the knife. Too much of a thorn in their side to risk poisoning.

"The lady here suggested we tag along with one of the caravans to make better time." "I'm sure we have services we can offer for passage, or they may just be the generous type and let us ride along for free, though I doubt it"

Leaning with just a shoulder against the rear of the wagon, Kaya waved casually to Adair before jerking her thumb towards the interior. "As you can see, I am clearly outside and not getting into any sort of trouble." She returned the Eclipse's smile. "But perhaps if you stand nearby it will speed up the process of us actually finding trouble."

Chuckling, the lithe Dawn poked her head inside the dim interior of the wagon. "Anju, I hope our food supplies didn't slink away in the night." She heard the girl rattling around inside. "Did you find that venison you were so intent on?"

…and that made all of them! Anju carefully covered the rabbit bodies back up and put them away. She wasn’t the sneakiest, but maybe if she put them back just the way they were, no one would know. Except everyone she told, and everyone they told. Oops. It wasn’t like she couldn’t tell Kaya after tripping into her tent.

“I didn’t come for the venison.†Anju glanced over at where that was being stored before coming out of the gloom, “I had to count how many rabbit bodies were there.â€

“They couldn’t slink, but maybe they wriggled,†Anju wiggled in spot, “or slithered away. They don’t have legs connected any more. Or heads. Hi, Adair! Are you colorful yet?"
To Anju

"I doubt they'll be crawling away, Anju." Jonas says, laughing, yawning, dumping a bucket of creek water over his head behind a nearby wagon. "I cut them up just fine."

Finishing breakfast, I'll stand and turn to Blef, "wanderlust is getting the best of me, when you're ready we should get going." Turning then to the barmaid, "do you have a scrap of parchment and a bit of ink?, I'd like to scribe a bit of our route down for referance."
To Garda

"Oh, indeed." She'll call for one of the boys out of the kitchen to fetch paper and a bit of ink from the storeroom. She'll grab an extra quill from the desk up front.

After making a quick sketch (honeslty nothing complex enough to make a roll)

"Blef are you up for a run?" shooting a broad smile. and at that he'll take off at a brisk jog, toward the north.

Nodding a greeting to Jonas, Kaya turned her attention back to Anju. She placed a hand on the other girl's shoulder, bringing her face down to her level to look carefully into her eyes, searching. "I was jesting about the food slinking away. I have to wonder what makes it necessary to check for rabbit bodies upon awakening though." The expression on her face is a familiar one for Anju. She would be there in case the young Lunar wanted to talk about it, the same thing she always plainly offered after one of her nightmares.

"Now that we've determined that all the rabbits are safely in pieces though, I'm going to wash up and get some breakfast." With a waggle of her eyebrows, Kaya aimed towards the wagon Jonas stood by, but not before zipping past Adair. "Count your bruises, Falcon. Make sure there are less next time we spar." She left him with a firm punch to his shoulder and the sound of her raucous laughter.

“I had zombie dreams,†Anju stated, answering one question and explaining herself to Jonas at once.

She scratched one cheek, “It shouldn’t be important. I was expecting nightmares.â€

The last was reassurance. Anju could never be completely certain, but the nightmare hadn’t felt important. It certainly wasn’t a memory, and it didn’t hold the taste of the future. Symbolism for a dead rabbit coming back would be simple enough- but the bloated tree feeding on the dead?
To Amilar

Garda's off like a light, heading north through the square on toward Benton Crossroads, most like.
Amilar Blefuscu

Shrugging, Amilar conentrated for a moment, allowing essence to suffuse him. Breezes from nowhere started whipping around him, and he leapt after the fleeing Solar, easily cresting the rooftops with each bound. Not going to be beaten by any "Anathema"....

5m personal to activate the Air Aspect anima power. leaping distances are tripled, no damage taken from falls, and adding Essence directly to DVs against physical ranged attacks.
To Garda

Oho! You'll see a whirlwind of motion on the rooftops, Amilar's on the move! The race is on!

Dexterity + Athletics, please.

To Amilar

You as well.
Amilar Blefuscu

Blefuscu lightly lands on a rooftop, kicks off to the next one, runs a couple of paces, leaps across the square to the next one, always heading north...

Results for 7 dice: 6 successes [ 3 0 0 9 9 4 2 ] (TN: 7)

The eclipse answered Anju ecstatically "I have! You should see my torso, its like a blind man went to town on it with finger paint." There was a certain pride in his voice, almost as if he was speaking about something that was earned through serious effort- though, in a way, they were.

To Kaya, he offered a mock salute. "Yes sifu. I assure you next time, there will be less bruises. I'm hoping for at least a 20% decrease." Dropping his mock posture, he smiled. "In all seriousness, I think I'll join you for breakfast."

"You coming Anju? I won't have you skipping meals, you're already thin enough!"
Lyrik Evensong

The voices from outside his tent rouse Lyrik, but not without a fight. He tosses, pulls his pillow over his head, mutters incoherently, turns again, tries in vain to block out the voices drifting in from camp, and then, finally, with an air of finality, he throws the blankets off his body, sighing with the theatrics of a born showman. It was only belatedly that Evensong realizes there is no audience.

Grinning ruefully, the showman rises, dresses, dons his gear and heads out of his tent, carrying his prayer mat. Setting it on the ground, he kneels, facing the Sun, and begins to pray. His prayers are a combination of spoken word, repeated mantras, and songs praising the wisdom and glory of Sol Invictus.
Impetuous Grin

"Heard it? Yes, barely. I'm not spooked by it, however. Simply was irritating to fall asleep to. However, I'm well rested for the day ahead of us. Let's get this caravan moving!"
To Grin

"Yessir," both reply.

Without much pomp or ceremony, the men will get the porters and wagon drivers into high gear. Another hour later, you shall be off! The sun is further up and light shines down on all of the plain in a soft yellow glow.

My smile will widen, "Hahahaha, if thats the way you want to play it."

(Activate lightning tread technique. adds MA to move and dash distancees for the scene)

(dex+athletics=8 dice)= 1,8,5,9,7,0,6,0 = 7 successes

On my next available action im going to activate Flashing passage, which only lasts an action, but it quadruples my total dash distance and turns me invisible until my next action. Essentially I wish to appear as if I teleported next to him. ;P
To Anju

Jonas nods, "Not every dream is prophecy, usually. Though with you, I dunno. Saeka may have more to say on that if she is awake."

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