OOC and such. [Interstice]

A gypsy band is more than happy to accept a wandering performer! Or know them, whatever. It's not like they don't do their own circuit of performances. XP

I'm up for knowing/not knowing people.
So we actually managed to make a full circle, and we have a Lunar No Moon and and Air Aspect for added awesome flavor.
Chapter One will begin shortly after Thac0 and Van can post some more in their prelude chapter and I'll post for Thorn in a little bit. I should, with due luck, be able to post the opening to chapter one tonight!
Eh-heh...misread your post.

I fixed it, but I'm probably going to need you to roll for me, I can't really get it to work right from my blackberry...
Oh, a heads up:

Wednesday I leave to go eat lots of food with my relatives, yay, relatives. Downside, there is practically no internet, and the farm is within a cell phone dead zone. Return date is sketched in for very late Saturday, but might get moved to Sunday.

So, expect no posts from me within that time frame.
And yarr, I NPC'd Adair a bit last night to move things along. I may not have been 100 percent on the character's reactions, but I had to do something :P

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