OOC and such. [Interstice]

Not when I leave him in charge of all of Shale...which, of course, he will help me conquer. He'll be a regent in my stead, :)
Yes, because that'll go so well. :P

And feel free to go to Siren, as soon as you cross into it, I throw the gloves out the window :P
Zing! Okay, once I re-establish communication with Tommy and Stu gears out whatever concepts he has, we may start soon. :D
So there's only five of us so far? Not that I'm complaining, mind. Five is a great number. But I thought there were more, for some reason....
Well, when you say "I hope no one notices," then you're assuring that they will.

And you're going performance. So I guess I'm going to have to change my character now.
No, you're not. Because my character is using performance as a combat/stealth ability, not for social combat.

Dragon-Blooded work very differently to Solars.
Good, good, all we're waiting on is Van to brush up his backstory.

Okay, question time before we start. How many of you know each other? I know Tommy and Ronan are talking about their characters, anyone else?
It don't make me no never mind. My character has done a lot of wandering, so knowing other people is certainly within the realm of possibility. If anyone has any reason to know a wandering, itinerant performer, let me know. I'm more than happy to work it in to my backstory.
Let me finish my character, work on his back story, and then I can read theirs to see if we can work something in.

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