OOC and such. [Interstice]

Yeah the coming turkeyday and the days after will be hard for me, but im not worried because i think the GM with be with me for those days. When we arrive at my house in florida things will be back to normal.
Okay, folks. I'm off to Florida for the week. So my posts will be sporadic at best. I will try to look in, but things will pick up soon enough again. Have fun and all that jazz!
He's just being lazy. We'll have four computers between four people staying here and internet access for them all.
Well, Wakes headed off this morning so he should be back sometime later tonight. And yes, I am actually playing a sweet robot. (Pantomime was a little too creepy for this specific party, which I came to realize)
Could you please explain how this:

Virtue Flaw


Kill all the humans

...translates to a sweet robot wherein Pantomime becomes too creepy in comparison? 8)
"Sweet Robot" is really up for interpretation. I mean, he would be considered sweet by his brethren among the Brotherhood of Machines for ridding Creation of their human oppressors
Just noting for Ronan, there IS a post for you, page 7 I think. The others just sort of took off and buried it x.x
To Sol! If you're going to be bullshitting the headmaster, at least roll your Manipulation + Socialize. It's only good manners :P
Maybe I'm just insane.
...You've only bloody gone and read that copy of The King In Yellow, haven't you?

Furthermore, is the interlude over, or is this a good point for Fayd's professional paranoia to kick in?
I shall attempt to get the chapter four start tomorrow or the day after. I'm being a bit lazy because of the holidays. :D

And, of course, I really won't be on at all when Christmas Day comes and probably not on much the day after either. Just a heads up, folks. :D
Hurrah, another heads up.

I'm gunna be afk from tomorrow to probably sometime Monday.

Then I'm off to the Boston area for a little over a week starting Wednesday.

Then a friend comes to visit from NY (state), so I'll still be a bit busy.

I should be posting during the last two, but not as much as I typically do.
Well, as fun as down-time research can be, feel free to throw something (anything) my way..

Edit: Also using this time to train Efficient Secretary Technique, it'll take 2 days training time with no instruction.

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