Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

Impetuous Grin

"Judging from your weaponry, your guardsmanship will be payment enough." He nodded to the two of them, then turned to Ox.

" Ox, it seems we've gotten some skilled warriors, as you were asking for last night. Fate does smile on us today. Break them into the routine of the caravan, and show them their duties.
To Garda and Amilar

Ox essentially needs you atop the middle two wagons to keep sharp eyes out and pace about and look important. He doesn't expect much trouble, but there is news that further north, hobs and Fae are on the prowl. So best to be watchful. He says you have free roam, the little leap between each wagon is negligible. This is a sort of train caravan pulled by a number of oxen. Ox will get you both settled in very shortly.

You'll be post with three other men atop the caravan: Golm, Tito, and Dom. 'Lively' bunch; old mercenaries hired on, all in their mid-thirties or older. Rather placid really.

To Garda, Amilar and Grin

Soon enough, the crossroads will be in sight, with the wide well-tamped and flagged Stone Road heading northward into the hills in the distance. And sure enough, you'll see another, smaller caravan coming to the same crossroads. Both may need to stop to avoid a rather messy traffic jam.

Smiling, she replied to Anju. "As you wish. I'll be up front if you change your mind." Wheeling the stallion around, horse and rider trotted off towards the front of their little caravan. She sat easily in the simple saddle, matching her movements to that of Athar's. Kaya always rode point, looking out for any sort of trouble. It was the same, really as her old job as Beriam's archon. Stay on guard, be watchful, things she did best.

I'll hop onto the wagon and up onto the roof. Pulling the All Discerning Eye out of my pack and adjusting the lens over my left eye. (it will take the day to reattune)
Amilar Blefuscu

Blefuscu sits crosslegged toward the edge of the roof of the caravan, watching the other caravans approach. Still slightly agitated at meeting someone from Nexus, when he doesn't concentrate little arcs of static earth between his fingers, and a couple of the men start muttering as their hair slowly stands up on end. Blefuscu pays this no mind. He watches.
To Kaya

Crossroads ahead after an hour or two of travel. You're not really sure how long it's been, you've head eyes alert the whole time. But you're coming to the crossroad and you'll finally see what was making that rather large dust trail from earlier. Another caravan heading for the crossroads, hopefully...they're not heading north. Or maybe you'll be allowed in front of them, it looks like a long and painfully slow group compared to your own. Maybe it's best to tell Jonas or Saeka.

Anju waved as Kaya went to her traditional spot, and crossed her arms behind her head as she continued walking. Maybe she should bother Jonas for a language lesson? After learning how to read, it was one of the girl’s goals to learn as many languages as she could. No story or knowledge could be kept from her then!
Impetuous Grin

"Odd, another caravan..."

As his caravan came to a stop, he walked to the front to take a good look at the other caravan.

"Stop the oxen, we don't want this taking all day. They seem rather...disorganized. Let's give them they right of way, they probably need the extra momentum to stay in motion anyways, judging from their wagons..."

The dust cleared, revealing the other caravan. Wonderful, they're as slow as a horse in the desert dying of heat, or nearly that in her estimation. If Saeka wanted to hurry along, it would be best really to try to get ahead of the other caravan. She muttered a few choice words in Firetongue. Clicking her tongue, she brought Athar around, trotting down the line until she found...ah good, Jonas. She'd rather talk to him than the old woman anyway. Bringing Athar up next to him, she slowed to an easy walk, filling Jonas in her brusque manner. "Another Caravan at the crossroads. A lot slower than ours. You should probably get up there, just in case." She smiled fiercely, her hand easing the wrap around her face to cover everything but her eyes. It wasn't a veil, but it would do.
To Kaya

Jonas nods curtly, barely touching the flank of his horse to get it trotting along. He'll be ahead of the gypsies in moments. "Come along then, let's see if we can get ahead before that slug gets moving. Kinos, watch the rear!"

To Grin

A dusty and leather-clad gentlemen comes trotting forward with their lead horseman you saw a moment ago. His hair tied back in a ponytail making his cheekbones look like sharp blades. He'll cup his hands and bellow in a rich voice, "Ahoy! Mind if we go ahead?!"
To Grin

"My thanks! Blessed is the rich who thinks kindly on the poor. Shival! Teak! Let's get it moving!" The man will rear up his horse and give a good swat to the lead oxen on their first wagon, getting their people moving. He'll turn back, smiling, "Your name, kind sir! I am Jonas of Whitewall!"
Impetuous Grin

With an elegant bow, "Impetuous Grin, of Nexus".

(Would my influence rating make me recognizable?)

Unwilling to miss anything, Kaya lingered by Jonas, keeping watch as she usually did. Her eyes were pinned on the lordling who was conversing with him.
To Grin

For a gypsy, not at all.

Jonas nods, "Well met! My band and I are on the way to Shalebridge!" He looks over your caravan for a moment, moving his horse aside for the first wagon as it begins to roll along. "I assume you are as well?" He'll trot on over, motioning for Kaya to come with.

The Asp leisurely whispers in your ear, "Carefree fellow, no?"

To All

The gypsy caravan will roll along at a decent pace, the first three wagons out of the way in only twenty minutes with the others rolling along or the cattledrivers hemming and hawwing with moody livestock. So good. It may take another fifteen to twenty minutes to move it all along. Ahead lies the Stone Road, a flagstoned stretch built years back by Shale's Internal Rejuvenation. It stretches from the center of Shalebridge and wends its way all the way into the southern reaches of Shale, toward the Boglands.

It'll be easier on the wagons, for sure. The hills up ahead some miles out look lovely, almost inviting, even if the road cuts through them and not over. Patches of wood covered the grasses here, looking more and more like the wild fields of the Scavenger Lands than displaced grasslands.

When Anju first joined the gypsies, systems for non-conflict between caravans interested her. Living in a stone house all her life made them novel, but now after a year of travel, it was old hat. Sure, her eyes flicked over the other caravan as much as was polite –or as much as the people nearest to her- but worried or overly interested? No, she could review lessons or talk to Dela and Eirn.

Besides, Jonas and Kaya were over talking to the leader of the other caravan. Anju trusted her teacher completely and Kaya was the nicest and most capable sword-person she ever met. There was no need to worry.

I will stand and hop leisurely from wagon to wagon approaching the front of the caravan, trying to get a better look at our fellow travelers.

Sensing that there wouldn't be a fight after all, Kaya followed Jonas, slightly put out that there wouldn't be a bit of fun. She twitched her wrap aside, revealing her face. In a low voice, she said to Jonas. "Part of me was hoping the lordling would put up a fuss."
To Kaya

Oho, a man from Harborhead, you'll see him leap atop the lead wagon before you where the man Grin was sitting. He'll gaze down for a look it seems.

A movement at the edges of her vision causes her to turn. It was a man, leaping with ease from wagon to wagon. She admired how easy he made it seem. From his look, she pegged him as a Southerner, from Harborhead likely. Many in Kirighast looked like him. She tried to repress a shudder at the thought. Kaya inclined her head slightly. After all, it was unusual to see another Southerner this far East.

Seeing her reveal her face, he'll flash her a winning smile (appearance 4), and upon seeing the blades on her back his smile will melt away as buried memories of his mate begin to resurface...

...standing back to back outnumbered 4 to 1, a wicked grin on their faces, they roared as each of their blades met flesh, they reveled in it. Many would flee rather than face their wrath, but they would be hunted...

"Now is not the time to dig up such thoughts" he'll mutter to himself.

He'll give the woman a stern and respectful nod, acknowledging her place among warriors, continuing to watch on as the rest of the caravan takes the lead.

Adair, who had been daydreaming about his inevitable fame and fortune during the exchange had his attention grabbed by Kaya and Garda's significant, if simple exchange of gestures. Who was this guy? Who the heck did he think he was anyway, leaping around like that?

He had to learn how to do that.

"Show off..." He sighed, fully realizing the irony.

Something about this other group got his hackles up. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but he might as well keep his eye out anyway. He decide not to think too hard of it- the Eclipse was a better thinker on his feet anyway.

"To be honest, I'm surprised they didn't, Kaya." He spoke softly to her and Jonas. "Their boss looks confident and carefree enough to try anything."

This time, Adair did not realize the irony in his statement.
Amilar Blefuscu

Below, the others see a lithe figure, all swathed in sensible dark clothes and with a scarf around his face and brow rise to his feet. Crimson eyes look out from the wrappings, and a few strands of white hair blow around despite the lack of a breeze.

Blufuscu stands up beside Garda. "She's a fine one, isn't she?"

"She does have a look about it her, her bearing is one of confidence."

"You have a go at her, I have oaths to consider, but I don't believe she would be an easy catch."
Amilar Blefuscu

For a moment, Blefuscu considers. Then he shakes his head. "No. I'd probably have to kill her later."

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