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  1. Fomoria

    Locating an Artifact (Or Hearthstone)

    I must admit to not knowing much beyond Solars, Magitech, Artifacts, and Terrestrial Martial Arts. The fact that I once looked up Abyssal Medicine charms is entirely out of some self-destructive impulse. The whole "I'm so Goth I shit bats" part of the Abyssals is so trite and juvenile. I'd...
  2. Fomoria

    Locating an Artifact (Or Hearthstone)

    For those less prone to being disgusted at the gruesome destruction of their own body, the Abyssal Medicine charm "Ivory Whirlwind Restoration" can provide a complete rebuild of an Exalt's body and fits into the Artifact 3 definition. It's a restricted application (since it wouldn't provide the...
  3. Fomoria

    Smashfists and Melee?

    I was going to do an answer-in-detail approach (most modern armies agree that attacking individual elements is the more effective option), and make a joke about extending abstract notions to ridiculous lengths. I decided not to, however. I am no longer going to bother with the whole parrying...
  4. Fomoria

    Smashfists and Melee?

    You still don't seem to understand the difference between Parry DV and the act of parrying. They're different things; Parry DV is an abstraction that can cover all kinds of things, like blocks and catching the blade between your hands. The act of parrying is where you swing your weapon into the...
  5. Fomoria

    Smashfists and Melee?

  6. Fomoria

    Combat cinematics

    I have to admit that those references were actually coincidental. A stronger version of your first point is, actually, somewhat true. I would have to exhaustively prove every possible monologue trite and corny, or else demonstrate some facet of the mere act of monologuing during combat to be...
  7. Fomoria

    Smashfists and Melee?

    I would put it down to the different defensive styles implied by the melee and martial arts abilities. Martial artists cannot employ parries because their training fundamentally assumes a lack of armaments which one can safely parry with. Smashfists can be employed to parry weapons and therefore...
  8. Fomoria

    Favored Fighting Ability

    I can't see many takers of an artillery-focussed martial art. Generally people just get as much of it into the area as possible and let Lanchester's square law do their work.
  9. Fomoria

    Combat cinematics

    Okay, we are using different meanings of the term. "Anime-inspired" can indicate a game that has draws somewhat on anime sources for some elements. It can also refer to a game that is heavily based on themes and story elements in Japanese media. The first quote of mine that you included refers...
  10. Fomoria

    Favored Fighting Ability

    I'm pretty sure you have to be able to hold the weapon to use it with a Martial Art. I'm talking about guns, not small arms.
  11. Fomoria

    Combat cinematics

  12. Fomoria

    Combat cinematics

    Nope. Next question. Okay, I'll give a longer answer. Exalted merges a bunch of different things, not least of which are heroic epics of the Classical era and other mythologies. The different kinds of Exalted are based on the heroes of different cultures throughout the real worlds history...
  13. Fomoria

    Favored Fighting Ability

    Archery, it's what you use to fire all the cool arcanatech and magitech artillery. Beautiful things, those guns are.
  14. Fomoria

    Who's your favourite canon Exalt?

    Nagezzar. I can appreciate the amount of skill and effort he has put into getting where he is. His efforts are not unappreciated. He makes the right choices.
  15. Fomoria

    Anime that best represent Exalted.

    Mushishi Mortals trying to get by in a world like creation, dealing (albeit only occasionally) with naturally occuring essence-manipulating creatures. I need not point out how this is relevant to Exalted. Although it's only broadly related to Exalted it helps establish understanding of the...