Who's your favourite canon Exalt?


I saw a similar thread to this and thought it was kinda interesting, so I figured I'd post it here. Do you have a favourite Exalt that you like throwing in to your games? Characters you like? I have a couple of favourites.

Solars: I'm personally a big fan of Dace. He's not the smartest, but he knows right from wrong and has the power and the will to show you. It's nice, it's straightforward, and he beautifully encapsulates the Dawn Caste.

Lunars: As my personal favourite Exalt type, I read Lunars a bit. I really like Lilith, there's this wonderful tragedy to her character. Not to mention she's one of the best hand to hand combatants living. That said, Tamuz is also awesome, whilst the Strength of Many is about as straightforward full moon as you can get, and his chapter comic illustrates Lunars wonderfully.

Sidereals: Crimson Banner Executioner is AWESOME. Though I also quite like Shepherd of the North Star.

Dragon-Blooded: It's a toss-up between Cynis Denovah Avaku and The Roseblack for me.

Abyssals: The Seven-Degreed Surgeon. Because building things out of the dead and raping your enemies with necromany is pretty fucking sweet. The Maiden with the Mirthless Smile is also awesome.
Nice. Here is my list:

Solars: the only pre-made Solar NPC that I have used is Bull of the North. And even him appeared only sightly. If I was to use some signature character, it would be either Swan or Arianna.

Lunars: I worship Lilith. I translated to Portuguese every 1e story I could find about her (there are three, one in the Core and two in the Lunars book). I have already used Ma-ha-suchi and Raksi in one game, and I'm planning a game that will greatly involve Tamuz. I would also like to use Leviathan someday.

Sidereals: Kejak often plays some part in my games (specially the ones involving the Realm), though he rarely does something that directly involves the PJs. I also once STed a story that had Ten Thousand Virtues as the main antagonist, though I never had the opportunity to actually finish it. Besides them, there are no others. I don't really use Sidereals very much. I have only had one Sid PC.

Abyssals: the only Abyssal I remember have had interest in use was that one from the north that appears in the Antagonists chapter in the Core, but I never actually used him.

DBs: DBs rarely appear in my games as significant characters.
Eh, for me, only exalted games I've run haven't pulled canon characters in, since one is my own setting, and the other was a mortal game, and I'm not a fan of sending in things that could kick the PCs asses without even trying. But let's see what I can come up with.

I've never been too fond of any of the canon Solars...though I suppose Swan and his 'Desus' issues is kind of fun. I've seen Swan in a Martial Arts tourney (though didn't personally interact with him), the Kether Rock/Tabernacle canon Solars, and the Bull of the North in games I've played in...the Bull got into an awesomely epic duel to the death with our Solar chieftan, ending in a simultaneous death-strike to both of them...the others haven't been quite as epic yet, but still interesting, I suppose.

Lunars...well...they're in general spiffy...I'm still confused as to Anja's transformation into a No Moon. I'm a Lunar fangirl though, so it's not surprising I like 'em. For actual favorites though, hmm. Lilith is indeed a tragic character, and well put together for such, Levi is such an emo-whale, Tamuz is probably the most sane of the First Agers. Most of the younger generation doesn't seem to have a great deal of information, though I've always wanted to know more about Red Jaws, and the new Casteless raptor woman (Madam Virt, right?) looks cool, though I know nothing at all about her, sadly...in games, I've met the emo-whale (and basically got shoved at the Silver Pact since I was Casteless and told to never come back or he'd eat me), and interacted a lot with Pia of the CotI book. Haven't really seen any others that I'm aware of.

Dragonbloods. Hmm. These guys can be an interesting bunch. Ledaal Kes is fun...poor guy looking twelve when he's well over a hundred, and not getting taken seriously because of it. Avaku (I think I actually remembered his name right...) seems like an interestingly conflicted character that I might like ot learn more about...the one crippled Cynis is a fellow that I could come to respect, if not necessarily like. Teh two Tepets (the Roseblack and the old man, can't remember names again >.>) are certainly enjoyable sorts...when it comes to interactions, though, this is probably the one I've seen the most of. One group actually somehow successfully killed off Deled the puppy slayer (yeah, good way to get the Wyld Hunt off your tail...sigh), I've interacted with Mnemon once IIRC, we've run into Cainan at the head of a legion, and I think were heading to meet up with the Roseblack to stage a legion revolt in another game. I've also got the one poor guy who the Immaculate order brainwashed and lied to locked up by my ninja librarian...she's planning on seeing if she can't use the poor fellow to expose the corruption of the place and possibly start reforming it. *chuckles* I can't remember his name, though. I'm sure there are others, too, but I can't recall offhand.

On to the Sids. Black Ice Shadow has long been one I'm fascinated by. 2E has just made hime even more solidly lovable, in my book...and I also like Iron Siaka. She's such a fun Serenity... n.n The rest...eh. I've only interacted with Venerable Silk and the Battles Sid...the ones running the Tabernacle and Kether Rock...and once met Black Ice Shadow.

For Abyssals...I think it was the Poet that I found the most fascinating...from that 1E story where the Abyssal's musing about how he'd thought his concience would have long ago become unhinged, but no..it still poked in from time to time...but I'm horrible about pairing things up, so I can't say if I'm remembering the right name or not. As for interactions...I believe the only canon Abyssal we've run into ever was Princess Magnificent's singular Deathknight.

Can't make any claims on Alchie chars...since I know none of their canon characters...nor do I know any of the fae, save Laughing Boy. Haven't met any of these in games, either.
My favorite is Harmonious Jade.  The idea of a child raised as a weapon is fascinating and sad.  I've kind of wondered if I could actually roleplay a character who's instinctive solution to every problem is to kill it.

...I roleplay wrong, don't I?

Exalted 1: Night.  Dace on Jade

But as deadly as she was, she was oddly naive about the damnedest things, like she'd been raised out in the wilderness or something.
Her first answer to any problem was to find out who was behind it and then kill them.  It may sound a little odd from a lifetime soldier like me to talk about someone being too bloodthirsty, but it's the truth.
My favorite Cannon Exalts (in no particular order), are Mnemon, Raksi, Harmonious Jade (I actually used her as a cameo for the last part of one of my games), the cannon Dusk Caste Abyssal in every book (can't think of her name at the moment), and Leviathan.
Amazing, you remembered the information just as someone told it to you :)

favourite exalts though, I'm quite fond of the Roseblack.

Not suure about any solars, maybe that dawn caste righteous devil.

Anja Silverclaws for lunars, gotta love someone who keeps a teddybear in thier pocket dimension.

And the only sidereals I know about are Chopshop Carwreck and that red banner executioner guy, not fans of either really.
I think Tepet Arada is great and reasonably easy to work into games.

If deathlords count I like First and Forsaken Lion, since he's a bad guy with a weakness.

The canon solars aren't especially cool, in my opinion, but I guess Bull of the North makes a good villain.

I'm not sure about any of the Siddys or Lunars, since they tend to get downplayed in games I've been in/run.
Have I posted here? No? I didn't think so...

Hmm, my favorites... I'll leave out alot of things because I'm not familiar with all canon characters...

But, from what I know...

Solars: Arianna and Swan, I just love their weird relationship, plus I like Arianna's way of doing stuff... She's a total bitch.

Terrestrials: Cynis Denovah Avaku is truly awesome. I like him actually trying to do things right, then there's also the Roseblack being infinitely cool.
I hate most of them to the core of my soul, but I suppose I like a couple of them.

Swan: Savvy and perceptive, and can usually keep his wits about him in situations that blow other peoples' brains away. For all the crap that seems to happen to him, he endures admirably. He got a horrible pick of girls, though. Arianna, the insane bitch, and Lilith, the insane bitch who wants him dead. I do feel sorry for him.

Ahn-Aru: She's nuts. But her picture in the 2e corebook is amazingly hot. More so than any other picture in any Exalted book at all. So even though she's kind of a psychobitch (actually, a lot of a psychobitch), I like her.

Seven Devils Clever: When I saw the comic where she kills the chimera, I was blown away. She is my favorite Lunar, easily.

Ledaal Kes: I like the guy. He's smart and smug, and seems to use an immature demeanor to hide his intelligence, in a very genius way.

Icemind: Thinks of herself as female, but nobody will acknowledge it. Oh, the tragedy! It's like a modern social commentary, but with a robot. Like a bad Pixar movie!
Brickwall said:
Swan: Savvy and perceptive, and can usually keep his wits about him in situations that blow other peoples' brains away. For all the crap that seems to happen to him, he endures admirably. He got a horrible pick of girls, though. Arianna, the insane bitch, and Lilith, the insane bitch who wants him dead. I do feel sorry for him.
In defense of Lilith, I'd like to remind that Swan was the inane bitch in the first place.
Solar: I like demetheus, he is the everyman hero. way fun!

Lunar: Raksi, yes she is insane and evil and a canibal, but she is chibi!

Sidereal: hate 'em all. every last one, if I had to pick one I would go with sad ivory.

Dragonblood: Tepet arada is very much made of awsome.
Nagezzar. I can appreciate the amount of skill and effort he has put into getting where he is. His efforts are not unappreciated. He makes the right choices.

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