Locating an Artifact (Or Hearthstone)


Primordial of Abstract Logic
Is there an Artifact or Hearthstone that allows someone to litterally alter their appearance to whatever they want, be it male or female. If not, what level of Artifact would this be?

If it has to be created, bear in mind that the Appearance trait will not be allowed to positively change from it's original value.
That's not a very powerful effect. I think that it could be an Artifact 3 with low commitment and/or some other feature.

Just as a reminder, there are effects (like Eye of the Unconquered Sun) that bypass actual metamorphosis too.
this is a non official Hearthstone from the freedom stone forums written by BrilliantRain and modified by Claw 1980

Stone of Proteus (level 5, Water or Lunar Aspect)

This constantly shifting stone extends the protean powers of the ocean and moon to the attuned user. This lets them very easily change what they look

like, giving them 4 additional successes on any Larceny-roll involving disguise. This transformation takes (6-permanent Essence, minimum 1) long ticks to

complete. Additionally, they require no props (as their clothing changes too) and they suffer no difficulty increases for trying to look like a radically

different person (if they decide to appear as the other gender, their sex organs are functional. I.e. they can engage in sex and can procreate.).

Two things should be noted. While the resulting disguise is physically perfect (to the extent of the successes on the larceny-roll to disguise), it can

still be seen through (if your acting isn't good enough, or you (very unlikely) messed up the disguise ). People will probably just assume that you either

lost your memory, are an impostor who happens to look like the person you are impersonating, or an evil shapeshifting Anathema.

Also, the disguise only lasts while you are attuned to the stone and carrying it on your person. Most users of this item invest in skin mount amulets as

a result.
After confering with Vanman (and, to a lesser extent, EM), the score is as follows:

After comparison, a Hearthstone is equal in power to an Artifact of one level lower.

The Hearthstone of Gender Transformation is a level three, hence a similar Artifact would be level two.

To make it able to alter appearance as well as gender, it's upped to a level 3 Artifact.

To cover all skin tones and everything in the human race (not including beastmen) as well as variations for Large and Small beings, it raises to a level 4 with the roll of Wits+Larceny as a disguise roll, giving you the base difficulty to be recognised (with alterations as the ST sees fit).

Oh, and you can rearange your physical dots to better fit the design of the new appearance (Mutations are not alterable). Moderate commitment as a level 4 Artifact, I'd say 8 motes to attune, 2 mote per use.

I'll add the changing speed to match the 'stone above: This transformation takes (6-permanent Essence, minimum 1) long ticks to complete if you aren't changing your Attributes around. Changing the attributes around adds an extra (10- permanent Essence, minimum 4) minutes to the shifting time required per dot moved.

Similar in power to the 'stone above and following the pattern of Hearthstone-1= Artifact, it fits nicely.
There is also the Stone of Gender Transformation, used by the Green Lady to change his/her sex.
For those less prone to being disgusted at the gruesome destruction of their own body, the Abyssal Medicine charm "Ivory Whirlwind Restoration" can provide a complete rebuild of an Exalt's body and fits into the Artifact 3 definition. It's a restricted application (since it wouldn't provide the capacity to "heal" thyself with dead material, meaning that lost limbs would have to be maintained), but adding the capacity to modify gender should even out, roughly.

Artifact 3 can also emulate Essence 4 charms, so I don't see this as too powerful. If you want to make it more costly (in a vaguely thematic way), this could add Limit or require the sacrifice of one or more lhl or ahl for non-Abyssals to make use of.
I must admit to not knowing much beyond Solars, Magitech, Artifacts, and Terrestrial Martial Arts. The fact that I once looked up Abyssal Medicine charms is entirely out of some self-destructive impulse. The whole "I'm so Goth I shit bats" part of the Abyssals is so trite and juvenile. I'd rather play nonheroic mortals.

Actually, I'd rather play nonheroic mortals than any Exalt. Creation is an interesting enough place for me without the need for Epic dicksize competitions.

After reading up on the Abyssal Larceny charms; they're not what the thread starter desired. They desire a permanent physical change to their appearance, Abyssal Larceny only provides an illusion.

Little is more permanent than shredding your physical body and reforming it to fit your mental image.

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