Anime that best represent Exalted.


Mortals trying to get by in a world like creation, dealing (albeit only occasionally) with naturally occuring essence-manipulating creatures. I need not point out how this is relevant to Exalted. Although it's only broadly related to Exalted it helps establish understanding of the plight of the (relatively powerless) mortals in the setting.
I don't know if anyone's mentioned this, but I'd recommend Yotoden: Wrath of the Ninja in either it's three-volume or feature-length form. Demon lords, bickering clans, war, politics, enchanted swords... all of this fairly shouts Lookshy or the Dynasty.
DugCoffin said:
Not anime, but Kung Fu Panda really represents Exalted's high martial arts action.
Three Die Stunt
IMO, Kung Fu Panda was an awesome example of Lunars in warform, expecially Tia Lung! The escape scene was incredible, as was the fight on the bridge.

Forbidden Kingdom, while definitely corny at times, was also a great example of Exalted in many ways. Not only were the fights very exalted, but they had immortals, gods, and even the wine and peaches of the gods. I couldn't help but think of exalted during this movie.

I'm picking up both of these movies as soon as they are released on Blu-Ray!

I've made tons of notes from this thread. I don't think I have enough time to watch, read, play all the suggestions in this thread...even if I had the life span of an exalted!
A good book series that shows how a mortal interacts with the supernatural is the Garret, PI novels by Glen Cook. There are tons of bizarre creatures and magic in it.
As long as things like books are being mentioned The Children of Odin is a cheap and fast read. It's a retelling of various Norse myths, starting at the beginning and ending at Ragnarock. The stories as they appear in the book were essentially meant to be like bedtime stories for children, so it's an incredibly easy read.

Also in the Norse vein are the Icelandic Sagas and The Saga of the Voslungs

Contrary to what one might immediately think about the setting information in these books, I don't think they're all that wonderful for creation based games. Likewise, Norse gods do not behave like the exalted gods, nor is their home anything like Yushan.

They do, however, behave a lot like Fair Folk, and you can easily imagine the Fae weaving stories for themselves along the same lines as Norse myth (while sucking in the player characters, as well).
Tengen Toppa Gurrel Lagann.

[sblock=Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb]

And that exemplar of epic-ness would be from...?
That would be Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann, which is the pure, distilled essence of the giant robot genre.
If you like anime at all -- even if you hate the giant robot genre -- and are male, and Gurren-Lagann doesn't make you cry tears made of pure testosterone by the end of every episode while shouting and shaking a fist at the sky, then turn in your gender to someone who can make better use of it.

Yeah. It's pretty over the top.
It has been described as being the perfect anime for Exalted fans.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
And that exemplar of epic-ness would be from...?
Valdrax said:
That would be Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann, which is the pure, distilled essence of the giant robot genre.
If you like anime at all -- even if you hate the giant robot genre -- and are male, and Gurren-Lagann doesn't make you cry tears made of pure testosterone by the end of every episode while shouting and shaking a fist at the sky, then turn in your gender to someone who can make better use of it.

Yeah. It's pretty over the top.
It has been described as being the perfect anime for Exalted fans.
I agree.
I always thought the Principia Mathematica was a good analog to the section in the exalted core that describes mass combat. Both in its accessibility to the lay-man and in it's usefulness.
This just hit me while posting in the Wyld; Gantz is a great example of Exalted (IMO).

Power, flying through the air, beating he crap out of regular mortals (badly and they deserved it in the series), and even they still had the (somewhat) frailty that they could be killed easily if they were too careless (or unlcuky). They did have to put on the suit to be epic, but it still shows how "Exalted" the suit makes them which makes that an excellent example for what Exalted characters can do.

If you haven't watched it then I would recommended checking it out; and don't watch it with kids around, as I stated in the post mentioned above there's blood, violence, characters being slowly dissolved by acid or chopped in half by swords or lasers and just the all around rampant death.
Casshern Sins

- It's... I think a good anime of a world that is dying, not slowly or gently.

- Has a protagonist who apparantly caused the ruin by killing the saviour of the world.

- Has no memories, but everyone is out gunning for him.

- Will KILL everyone dead if they start fighting him. Berserk instincts = fun

It seems like an Alchemical game where Autochton has died.
Nah... they're still mortal, they're just wearing power armour... and stunting like no one's business?
Curse of the Golden Flower - A great example of social combat (especially as a representation of the politics within one of the Great Houses), and mass combat augmented by War charms. You'll probably only want to watch this film once, as it moves a little slowly, but it's worth at least one look.
I totally agree. A lot of my friends asked me about the movie and if it was as sad as Hero and House of Flying Daggers. I told them that it depends on who they root for in the movie, who they sympathize with. It's still a little sad no matter what but it's LESS sad for some.

I also say that they need to keep in mind that no matter what is going on, the Emperor is a Solar. There are other exalted there to be sure, but he's the only solar.

It's not good for the action but for the mind-screw of people's emotions and manipulation of others, I think Neon Genesis Evangelion fits. You can even make a roundabout argument about primordials and their minions if you work at it and don't mind spoilers.
If I may so join this philisophical discussion...

Hellsing: It could totally work if you view vampires as a kind of modern deathknight. Besides, if anyone can match Kamina in pure epic awesomeness, it's Alucard. He's the guy who inspired my God-Blooded Author Fighter character, Hurricane's Quill...and not just with that awesome hat.

Dragonball Z: I'm surprised hasn't matched this up yet. The ultimate expression of martial arts.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Emo-kid-use-giant-robot-to-save-the-world-plot never gets old.
Heh a reload from the boobs is indeed a great stunt... though it gets old after the 3rd time.
Whenever I try to describe stunts to somebody, I invariably end up referencing the Read or Die OVA. it provides excellent examples of charms and using your environment for stunts

This was actually referenced in one of the exalted books, but RG Veda is also deliciously exalted. It's got gods usurping heaven, bands of celestial heroes who are hunted by those who rule heaven, and even secretive sages with faith-based powers. Beautiful artwork, too. There's only two episodes of it ever produced, but they've finally started releasing the manga in English speaking countries. I have a love-hate relationship with CLAMP, but this show was what got me into anime at all.

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