Anime that best represent Exalted.

I liked hero..up until the point at which they are fighting on a lake and one uses his sword tip to push himself away from the water and at the same time the sword tip sinks into the water, where's the resistance coming from? if the sword went into the water, how is he using it to push himself off? *rant continues ad infinitum about that one thing*

I guess I can't suspend my disbelief that far *sigh*

yet I'll prolly still buy it when i have pennies
So your complaint is that he was not defying physics properly?
pretty much, sorry. I know too much about physics, if the sword is sinking into the water that means the water is absorbing and dispersing the energy of the sword thrust, meaning that there wouldn't be enough energy in the thrust to spring in the other direction from it..if that makes sense to anyone but me..not even sure if it makes sense to me anymore......I had a point sometime ago consarnit!
You know, lakes have layers. The second layer of colder water was actually dense enough to repel that very pointy blade!

Beware cold lake layers!
Safim said:
You know, lakes have layers. The second layer of colder water was actually dense enough to repel that very pointy blade!
Beware cold lake layers!
well sure, if you're going to use logical information that I didn't know to refute my argument I GUESS you win, technically, but I think it's cheating

Smeggedoff said:
pretty much, sorry. I know too much about physics, if the sword is sinking into the water that means the water is absorbing and dispersing the energy of the sword thrust, meaning that there wouldn't be enough energy in the thrust to spring in the other direction from it..if that makes sense to anyone but me..not even sure if it makes sense to me anymore......I had a point sometime ago consarnit!
Do your hands break surface tension to enter the water when you swim, and still provide motive force?  Tip sinks in, and then the flat of the surface then pushes against the water.  

How do your hands hit the water when you swim?  With the smallest angle of deflection, and then you apply torsion to twist to maximize their surface to push against the water.  Much like good rowing technique--oars certainly can break surface tension and still apply motive force. Surface area, and vector of the force applied.

Taken to recockulous anime levels that is...
Smeggedoff said:
pretty much' date=' sorry. I know too much about physics, if the sword is sinking into the water that means the water is absorbing and dispersing the energy of the sword thrust, meaning that there wouldn't be enough energy in the thrust to spring in the other direction from it..if that makes sense to anyone but me..not even sure if it makes sense to me anymore......I had a point sometime ago consarnit![/quote']
Do your hands break surface tension to enter the water when you swim, and still provide motive force?  Tip sinks in, and then the flat of the surface then pushes against the water.  

How do your hands hit the water when you swim?  With the smallest angle of deflection, and then you apply torsion to twist to maximize their surface to push against the water.  Much like good rowing technique--oars certainly can break surface tension and still apply motive force. Surface area, and vector of the force applied.

Taken to recockulous anime levels that is...
I've already admitted defeat! stop pummeling me with logic! please?
Smeggedoff said:
I liked hero..up until the point at which they are fighting on a lake and one uses his sword tip to push himself away from the water and at the same time the sword tip sinks into the water, where's the resistance coming from? if the sword went into the water, how is he using it to push himself off? *rant continues ad infinitum about that one thing*
I guess I can't suspend my disbelief that far *sigh*

yet I'll prolly still buy it when i have pennies
You see, it is not supposed to be realistic (or even internally coherent), it's supposed to be a metaphor to the sadness caused by snow's death.
Chaka said:
Oddly enough, a friend and I spontaneously started raving a each other about writing a PotC style Scion game after we last watched At World's End, but then she moved out of our house and we never really got back to it. Ah well.
I've used a Tia Dalma type character as a Scion of Legba for a short game I ran. She rather disturbed the Scion of Horus who went to her shop for information.
Well, if I may add to this list, I have a few titles that might be of interest.

"Five Star Stories:" this anime OVA/manga series while set in a space fairing society, has tons of of Exalted like references. The Motarheadd mecha are very cool examples of warstriders, especially the Knight of Gold and the Black Knight. The fatimas (artificially-created biological control interfaces for the Motarheadds that are made in human female form) are lifeforms easily made by a Twilight Caste artificer. The primary weapons of the Motarheadds, the "buster-launchers" remind me of the massive essence cannon of the Five-metal Shrike.

Then, there's the political intrigue...if you want to know more, check this site (

"Hades Project Zeorymer:" more cool-azz warstrider combat with amazing mega-powered essence and elemental weaponry.

"Bio-booster Armor Guyver:" this biologically-based suit of armor easily rivals the most advanced suits of armor in the game, with the advantage that even a mortal can utilize the suit. As for the Zoanoids, they look pretty wyld-touched to me, eh? What if the guyver and zoanoids were not alien in origin, but relics of an earlier, unknown age of man?
I have to agree about Zeorymer, that show would work pretty well for Exalted inspirations, especially since most of the enemies were elementally-themed. Also, the main character had a serious case of the old flaw Throwback.

Also, one that I don't believe has been mentioned (and it's not quite an anime, but close enough) is Xenogears for the PS1. It basically has everything (SPOILERS for those who haven't played/finished the game). Incredibly powerful main characters who reincarnate (including one incarnation that stuck around as a ghost of sorts, ultimately becoming incredibly corrupt, and seeks the world's destruction, granting power to mortals in order to achieve this); warstriders, reality-altering martial arts, a world-spanning secret empire ruled from behind the scenes by an ancient master manipulator, a dead-but-not-quite god-like being that's attempting to revive itself by consuming the world, and much more. This is just off the top of my head, here, too: there's much more in common, if I gave it more thought. It's really one of my chief areas of inspiration as far as Exalted goes.
Wuxia Films

House of Flying Daggers - This movie is an AMAZING representation of Exalted martial arts. All of the use of throwing daggers in this movie is probably the best representation I've ever seen in a film of throwing charms in action. The sleeve scene with the drums is also a great representation of Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style, especially when she uses the sleeve to grab the sword and take a swing at the diplomat sitting near it.

Kung Fu Hustle - as silly as this movie is, it's a great representation of Exalted level martial arts (especially at the end of the film.) The three martial artists from the small complex are good representations of Terrestrial level martial arts, whereas the assassins with their instrument based martial art are great representations of a Celestial level martial art style. The fight at the end of the movie is what I imagine when 2 expert Celestial Martial artists go head to head.

Hero - I know it's already been mentioned, but it's hard to find a better example of Exalted martial arts across all levels than in this film. This film also showcases Dragon Blooded social monkeying at some of its best, especially in his the main character's first story about Snow and Broken Sword.

Curse of the Golden Flower - A great example of social combat (especially as a representation of the politics within one of the Great Houses), and mass combat augmented by War charms. You'll probably only want to watch this film once, as it moves a little slowly, but it's worth at least one look.


Naruto - Once again it's already been mentioned, but the Jutsu in this anime are great examples of charms, and Naruto "going Kyubi" during the fight with Haku is one of the best examples of an Anima Banner I've ever seen.

Last Exile - While the characters in this anime aren't great examples of exalted, the airships in the show are great examples of airships in exalted. The battles in this series are great inspiration for Lookshy's aerial navy.

Witch Hunter Robin - The witches in this series, and their powers, are a good representation of God Blooded characters, or minor gods.
Naruto - Once again it's already been mentioned, but the Jutsu in this anime are great examples of charms, and Naruto "going Kyubi" during the fight with Haku is one of the best examples of an Anima Banner I've ever seen.
Ha, I picked up that volume of naruto wwith that picture in the back for cheap cos it was "sun damaged" (not noticed anything)

the week after I got invited to my first exalted game and when the anima banner was described to me this pretty much immediately popped into my head
I forgot a section.

Video Games

The Dynasty Warriors Series - This whole series is a perfect representation of what happens when Exalts fight mortals. Not to mention most of the main characters in the series are elementally aspected, and very much look the part of Dragon Blooded. Check out the intro for Dynasty Warriors 5 and see what I mean.

Final Fantasy 7 - If you ask me, this game was the defining inspiration for Exalted. It has characters wielding grand daiklaves, martial artists, Behemoths, Warstriders, Airships, Hearthstones (Materia), Spirits, Sorcery, the list goes on. It's hard to look at this game and NOT see the parallels to Exalted.

Lost Odyssey - I just started playing this one, but I'm already seeing some themes that remind me a lot of Exalted. The opening sequence with the main character, Kaim, has Exalted written all over it.

Jade Empire - An amazing representation of Exalted Martial Arts in a game. This game pretty much is a bunch of Exalted martial Arts styles being pitted against each other.

Onimusha - A good example of an Exalt stuck in the Underworld, or an area that's becoming a Shadowland.

The Castlevania Series - Awesome inspiration for the Underworld and Abyssal / Deathlord material. You can't go wrong with Castlevania and some of the bosses in these games are fairly awe inspiring.

Fable - A simple game but a fun representation of Exalts and their place in the mortal world. Simultaneously feared and looked up to, it gives a good perspective on how mortal feel about the larger than life Exalts that run their world.
Books: The Chronicles of Li Kao and Number Ten Ox, by Barry Hughart. I don't think I've ever read something so closely resembling Exalted.
No mention of Forbidden Kingdom?

It does give nods to previous Wuxia films and themes and stories.
Haku said:
No mention of Forbidden Kingdom?
It does give nods to previous Wuxia films and themes and stories.
Haven't had a chance to get out to the theater and see it yet T^T

I plan on it this week.
Forbidden Kingdom is actually pretty great if only a bit TOO goofy (Well, it IS a comedy)

Also yes, it's very Exalted.
It's certainly not anime, but disney's Aladdin (the animated series) used story ideas from mythologies all over the gaff, mostly (of course) from the arabian nights. It's full of elementals, gods, bizarre ancient artifacts, strange creatures and sorcery and all sorts of other stuff that's excellent inspiration for an Exalted game.

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