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  • Users: Gtroc
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  1. G

    Gauntlets of Uncompromising Might

    Gtroc submitted a new resource: Gauntlets of Uncompromising Might (version 1.0) - A pair of artifact gloves for the weaker Exalt Level 3 Artifact These gauntlets appear to be made of leather with Orichalcum laced around the fingers and the back of the hand in a spiderweb pattern. There is...
  2. G

    God Blooded Lethal Soak

    that's pretty much what I have come up with as well(that it is just assumed that they use stamina to soak), but that really weakens the dragon kings. thanks for the input, it what we decided to use at the table as well. seeing as its a whole group of godbloods the balances is not affected by...
  3. G

    God Blooded Lethal Soak

    ok so I posted this on a couple other forums: how do you calculate god blooded lethal soak? is it like dragon kings and mortals in that they have no stamina based lethal soak, in other words it is all from armor(whether worn or natural), or is it like exalts in that they get half their stamina...
  4. G

    fighting underwater

    where are those rules? I am having trouble finding them then.
  5. G

    fighting underwater

    I am going to have an NPC in a game that fights from underwater. I am considering using water as 90% cover. though I could see it as an armor add instead. what have you all used in your games for underwater fights.
  6. G

    The last scene from MoEP:Sidereals

    Weird side thought: Why are the Yozis and there minions outside of fate? I mean they lost and were forced, by the collected forces of the exalts and the gods, into imprisonment. wouldn't there have been a few of those guys who would have asked for the concessions to include inclusion in fate? as...
  7. G

    Porting aspects to Exalted

    you may want to take a look at "Adventure!", more specifically the dramatic editing rules. I am not saying that you should use them, but they might help you refine your process a bit. I too have been working on porting Aspects into my game, the real trick is doing so without drastically altering...
  8. G

    Striking Cobra Technique and stacking

    sweet! thanks, that helps a lot! :D
  9. G

    Striking Cobra Technique and stacking

    With striking cobra technique you add your martial arts as automatic successes to your join battle action roll. would this stack with the awareness excellency? also would this allow you to step past the limitations on dice pools and such? this has recently come up and I was unable to discern the...
  10. G

    Glorious Solar Saber and Fire Dragon Style

    I agree, and I like your arguments against better than mine...consider them yoinked! :D
  11. G

    Glorious Solar Saber and Fire Dragon Style

    generally speaking I house rule this. the house rule is once you get to Zero, you can no longer buy successes. my main reason for this is not due to game breakage, but time management. if you get a stunt happy guy doing this he ends up describing the attacks for about six or seven times longer...
  12. G

    Glorious Solar Saber and Fire Dragon Style

    why is that? altering glorious solar saber due to one theoretical break(and to be honest it isn't all that broken when dealing with essence users), seems a bit extreme. as for incorporating the style bonus into a charm, I could see a solar coming up with a scene long charm that does something...
  13. G

    Glorious Solar Saber and Fire Dragon Style

    thank you all, that was the direction I was leaning toward as well. the only thing that concerns me about it is the infinite rate. with a high enough martial arts pool, and the special ability given by fire dragon style, one could get a ridiculous number of attacks per flurry. also what is the...
  14. G

    Glorious Solar Saber and Fire Dragon Style

    Hi all, it has been a while since I posted last(been playing other games). I am moving back into running a game of exalted for some friends of mine and a question has come up that I need some outside input on. if you use Glorious Solar Saber to create the two weapons, would they(could they)...
  15. G

    Exalted fanfics?

    yeah...they sucked, I hated all the characters in them...all of them. didn't like a single one. dace got his butt handed to him by badger moles or something like it. totally unepic. in fact if Yushuv was doing it it was totally above awsome, and if anyone else tried anything they sucked it up...
  16. G

    Excessively Righteous Blossom stats

    just as a side note that occured to me just now. technically he is a weird robo-extracelestial. :D this has no relevence, I just had to say it, I appologize.
  17. G

    Combat cinematics

    that and fun, it is a game, and it is all about fun. the story is great, but don't let it get in the way either. every one shows up for different reasons, but the core concept is fun, distraction, diversion, that sort of thing. I am not disagreeing with what Jakk says, merely adding what I think...
  18. G

    Artifact five ideas I need help with

    to restate, as aparently I was still not entirely clear, the 1 HL per tick is for MORTALS only. the exalts do not bleed out during combat. they have the medicine roll instead of the resistance roll AFTER combat. much like a normal mortal has to do. I agree that the way you are looking at it...
  19. G

    Artifact five ideas I need help with

    I am working on the story and description, right now it is the mechanics that I am a bit uncertain of. once I get those the rest of the description will fall into place. thank you for the advice though, and I like the description, even if I do not use it here, consider it yoinked.
  20. G

    Artifact five ideas I need help with

    I have examined the wonders of the lost age many times, and that is what makes me wonder what it is about that power that strikes you as over powered. I am not being snarky, I amm merely trying to understand your stand point on that power. I appreciate the feed back that has been given, I am...