Exalted fanfics?

cyl said:
No way they mixed it, Crow was a girl with one of the coolest art and description in the 1e.
Yeeeah, but Crow was a girl that made herself look like a boy. Also, in the ability description section of the core, there is a pic of Crow the Boy evading pursurers. Then later on in the book, Avaku and his goons catch up to him/her aaaaaaaaaand...recycle shard! :lol: Also, on what is most likely a totally unrelated point, Crow the Boy seems to die more often than people should. I've seen a couple of pics of his/her demise. Once at the hands of the Roseblack drawn by Melissa Uran, and I can't recall ATM what the other was, but it was drawn by another Exalted artist. So, like I said, most likely unrelated... :wink:
cyl said:
... and Prince of Shadows died at the end, and resurrected...
IIRC, the tomb collapsed on top of him and we have one of those "No one could have survived that." obscure death rules event. I'm sure he's totally and completely dead...and that he didn't open a portal to the Labryinth or anything to escape at the last second...or perfect defense his way out and use stealth charms to slink away in the darkness...:wink:
Yeah, those novels were all over the place. Especially the Ratcatcher bit. An Abyssal that was killed; came back as a nemmisary, made a completely pointless pursuit which resulted in his demise...again. Aaaaaand his Neverborn masters restore him back to life, abyssal shard and all cause, well you know, them being all deathy makes 'em all about bringing people back to life... :shock: :lol:
yeah...they sucked, I hated all the characters in them...all of them. didn't like a single one. dace got his butt handed to him by badger moles or something like it. totally unepic. in fact if Yushuv was doing it it was totally above awsome, and if anyone else tried anything they sucked it up like noobs. what the hell man...what the hell.
Re: Re:

Galen said:
The boy in Nexus that Avaku killed was an Eclipse.
Wyld Hunt in Nexus? Wouldn't the Council go after them?
I imagine they would if it was a Wyld Hunt that went after him, and it was all flashy and out in the open. But it was just Avaku and a couple of mortal goons from his House protecting their drug interest in Nexus. And "Yushuv" was keeping it from hitting the streets of the neighborhood that he was protecting. So, in a way, "Yushuv" was obstructing trade. OTOH, Avaku and two goons might be classified by the Council as an army if the Council felt like it. He is an Exalt after all. Seems to me that the Council's edicts are vague enough that they could interpret the situation however they like, and dispense punishment if they felt so inclined.

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