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  1. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] Resistance & Government: Operation Boom-Boom

    The Resistance Aya Ananta Aya was outside watching everyone. They all seemed so happy and looked like they were having a good time. The food smelled delicious as well, but Aya currently had to much on her mind to eat. Ever since that day, things have been hopping that she never told...
  2. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] Resistance Mission I - Oklahoma Rescue

    Something touched the back of Aya's neck. Whatever it was just barely grazed her, yet it caused her ice to completely shatter. She fell to her knees and just sat there. What just happened? A imagine of the dead men flashed into her mind. She looked over to them and cringed. My head feels like...
  3. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)

    Lol character is pretty much ready to pass out.
  4. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)

    Ack!!! I think I got way into character. Just broke out into hives lol..... gosh I'm special. *face palm*
  5. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] Resistance Mission I - Oklahoma Rescue

    Aya saw a woman run over and start attending to the man's wound. Her eyes are different like mine. Is she blind....but she looks like she can see. Maybe I will get to ask her later....but for now there is something I need to do. Looking to the woman Aya says her thanks and starts to walk toward...
  6. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)

    Nothing ever goes right #FML
  7. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)

  8. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] Resistance Mission I - Oklahoma Rescue

    Aya let out a scream as the man collapsed beside her. "What the hell!" This is not, he was just helping me. He is bleeding...alot, we can't sit here anymore. "I'm sorry, please forgive me." Aya apologized to him, she had to move him and knows it will put him in pain. Aya touched the...
  9. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)

    I know the feels... I don't go outside much so I'm super white. You are better off than I was... I had to limp every where because my hip messed up painful.
  10. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] Resistance Mission I - Oklahoma Rescue

    "The name is Aya." Aya managed to open hers eyes to see the man distracted with a concerned look on his face. She sat up and pushed the man's hand away from the bullet wound. A thought had occurred to her. Usually fire can never affect her but what if she wanted her own fire to. Aya was quickly...
  11. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] Introductions: Meet the players

    Sup! My name is Holly and I am 18. Oh boy, I am not good at these at all. I generally have a hard time describing myself so there is no telling how this is going to go. Just a warning I am pretty bad at grammer sorry! I am about to start college in less than a month which is completely...
  12. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] Resistance Mission I - Oklahoma Rescue

    Aya could feel her ice creeping outward, this was slightly confusing. I thought I could only mess with fire not ice. I can't see to control it either, it is like it has a mind of its own. Why is it spreading so far out? Why is it encasing me? It's like my own abilities are trying to protect...
  13. Wolf0fArtemis

    [Evolution] Aya Ananta

    Name: Aya Ananta Age: 18 Appearance: Aya has long, black hair that is shiny and very smooth. Her body is very slender, yet she is very toned. Her skin is pale and smooth(the kind of skin every girl wants). She has red eyes and a very proportioned faced. Aya is considered very beautiful. You...
  14. Wolf0fArtemis


    I might not be able to do it until Saturday. I have to dog sit and I'm not sure if they have a computer and it is way to hard to do on my phone.Oh and can someone email me and explain what exactly is going on...I don't have time to read the post.
  15. Wolf0fArtemis

    monster high

    Name: Keiko Kitsune Age:17 Grade:10th Race: Ninetail Fox Gender: Female Skill: (Going to be more detailed) Keiko has the ability to create illusions and also has the ability to pockets in reality(fold space and time to suit her needs. Like most Ninetails she has a form of mind...
  16. Wolf0fArtemis


    Name: Aya Ananta Age: 18 Appearance: Aya has long, black hair that is shiny and very smooth. Her body is very slender, yet she is very toned. Her skin is pale and smooth(the kind of skin every girl wants). She has red eyes and a very proportioned faced. Aya is considered very beautiful. You...
  17. Wolf0fArtemis

    monster high

    Lol sooo yes or no??? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  18. Wolf0fArtemis

    monster high

    Sooo do you need more people for this??? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  19. Wolf0fArtemis

    Using Tapatalk

    Using Tapatalk