[Evolution] Resistance & Government: Operation Boom-Boom

((Please be sure to label the top of your post with your character name and which side you are with Resistance or Government.))

Sector Ten

Sector Ten’s Forward Operations Base - Texas​

Normally, Sector Ten’s FOBs were dormant, maintained by a crew of one or two. There many of them, scattered across the United States. Each consisted of the bare necessaries: bathrooms, medic room, boarding, cafeterias, rec/lounge and an operations room. They were designed, on average, to be able to hold thirty people when being used as an FOB. Today, the Texas FOB was housing forty.

Sector Ten had been flying under the radar recently. There had been scouting reports, intelligence gathering, the occasional minor operation, but as a whole it had been quiet. Most of Sector Ten had been scattered across the country working their various duties or assignments. However, a little over a week ago, the call came into every agent: Order 54.

Order 54 was codename within Sector Ten to grab your bags and head home. Any and all available agents were to make immediate haste to their closet FOB and report into Sector Ten Headquarters for new orders. Activating Order 54 was big among Sector Ten. It meant that shit was about to hit the fan. Many still remembered the last Order 54, issued December 27th, 2033, a week before Sector Ten had launched Operation Homewrecker.

In total, forty agents had reported into Sector Ten Headquarters. Every agent that reported in was told the same message: Get your ass to Texas. And so, like clockwork, agents began trickling into Texas’ FOB. Within four days, all agents who had reported into Sector HQ had arrived.

Once there, agents were told to simply relax and wait. Agents were familiar to this phrase. It meant there was an operation incoming, but that the specifics could not be shared at the time nor was operation ready to begin. So, they relaxed. They played cards, slept, used the rec room, watched TV, and talked a lot. It gave many agents an opportunity to see others who they hadn’t seen in some time due to locations. It was almost like a big Sector Ten family reunion.

A few days had gone by since then. The day was now the 4th of July. It was 16:00 hours when the announcement came over the PA system: Attention: All agents report to cafeteria for immediate assignment. Attention: All agents report to cafeteria for immediate assignment.

In the cafeteria, all the tables had been removed, placed in another part of the facility. In it’s place, two columns of five chairs with four rows each had appeared. To the front of the cafeteria, where the chairs faced, was a raised platform. It rose to about a foot of the ground, and on top was a wooden podium with a microphone at the top. To the side of the platform sat two chairs.

Behind the platform rests a large screen with a rear projector which is currently projecting a map of the area surrounding Dallas, Texas.

Agents begin to enter and find their seats, eagerly awaiting to hear why they have been summoned to Texas. It’s an exciting time for Sector Ten, particularly the new recruits who are experiencing the entire thing for the first time. Never before had so many agents been gathered. At Operation Homewrecker they had topped out at twenty-six. Now, they were at forty.

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The Resistance

Resistance Headquarters - Dallas, TX

Umph. Grunt. Urgh.
Tank's fists found purchase in Nadia's forearms. Desperate to avoid more punishment she skipped to the side, light on her feet. God the man lived up to his name. He had to be going, what? Maybe 60%? Still he rattled her down to her bones. She but down on her mouth guard hard, gritting her teeth against the plastic, trying to block out the pain..

Breathe... She told herself, knowing her greatest weakness in a fight was giving in to panic and forgetting to play it smart. He advanced again. This time she was ready. Slip the jab. Block the cross. Roll, angle off, fire back with a cross hook. Leg kick. Cover up. He came in again. Her little blows had only angered the beast.

"Keep your hands up!" Someone yelled. Around them their unofficial family had gathered. Hushed murmurs echoed in the belly of the warehouse. The big loading dock had been cleared of vehicles to set up the training rings. Old wrestling mats they'd 'borrowed' from a nearby high school softened their inevitable collision with the floor. They had big circles on them where lighthearted, competitive teens had once played. Now, they were being used by a dying race, fighting to survive. Nadia's blood had already fallen from when Tank had opened up her lip, adding to the sweat that already streaked the mats.

The deep thudding beat of rock music blared from a radio. Earlier Jeremy had tried to switch it to some bullshit nerd music but that was quickly shot down. Now it was set to some head-banging rock music that was fit for a Vin Diesel movie. It kept the adrenaline pulsing in the veins and provided the perfect backdrop to the events this evening.

Guhh. Unngh. Air escaped her lungs as she absorbed the impact of Tank's fury in a guttural, primal sound. She rolled off his punches to try to lessen the impact but it did little. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t made a headshot once. The shock from his blows on her arms as she blocked was enough to rattle her brain and make her wish it would stop.

Knowing he was winning though made Tank cocky. He rushed in and she hammered another leg kick, like she was trying to chop down his tree trunk-like thighs. Then she landed a quick body shot and he crumpled. It wasn’t much, just a subtle slump, but it was enough to bring his hulking size closer to her meager 5’4”. She seized his neck in a thai clinch and shot knees right down the center. The wind rushed from his lungs.

The crowd was yelling things at the both of them. Some people were cheering her on and others were shouting advice to Tank. They were all on the same side, wanting to bring the most out of both fighters. Tank pushed his hips forward and disengaged. Nadia smiled, looking wicked with blood dripping from her cut lip. Her teeth were edged in blood.

He smiled. She smiled back, making eye contact. Acknowledging what he was telling her with that one look. He was proud of her for getting the best of him. He’d taught her most of what she was using against him and he couldn’t be happier about it. She should have known he’d use their moment as a distraction.

Boom! She hit the mat with an inelegant crash, her feet swept out from under her. When she looked up Tank was grinning down at her. Damn it, Tank. She thought to herself, already over her defeat and laughing as he held out his hand to help her up. He gave her a pat on the back and helped her out of the center circle as the next pair stepped up to take their place. They merged into the crowd, met by the handshakes, back slaps, hoots and hollering of their friends. Someone handed the both of them a beer and they took them gratefully.

They moved away from the sparring, out the bay door. The smell of food met them, making Nadia’s mouth water. She groaned with the sudden undeniable urge to sink her teeth into the juiciest burger she could find. As if knowing her thoughts exactly, Tank’s gait widened and he moved with purpose in the direction of the grill. All around people had set up picnic tables and were chowing down. A few people were dancing in time to the beat of the radio from inside. Children from families of the Resistance ran around wild, weaving between people’s legs in an unruly game of tag.

Everyone was having a great time for the first time since the mission and the vibe was infectious, even more so for Nadia. It was like none of the sadness in this dreary world could touch her. She was home. This was family. A misfit, mismatched, complicated family... but a family nonetheless. She smiled, exhausted, filling up her plate high with goodies; her reward for a match well fought.

If only she knew it was the calm before the storm.
Sector Ten

Rori Hutchins

It was the fourth of July, birthday of America and for the very first time in her life, she felt like it mattered. Rori was ecstatic and had been taking the holiday to the extreme around the Texas sector ten base. Her room even had bunting draped over the hall entrance and around the inside of the room she currently was inhabiting courtesy of sector ten. The most glorious thing currently though was the insanely soft pillow atop her firm yet supportive mattress.

The glory came mostly in the form of providing relief to her slightly fading hangover. The last week or so had been a bit of a vacation from the relentless training, most of it spent in a lawn chair out on the runway. Her hair was up again in the trademark twin mohawks, the tips red, the middle white and the base of her head all blue. A small collection of beer, wine coolers, and whiskey bottles beside her and a seemingly limitless supply of bottle rockets accompanied her lawn chair as she soaked up the Texas sun.

There were quite a few other things to annoy her fellow agents, the nonstop blaring of patriotic anthems and marches. The noise level was astounding to anyone not accustomed to her yet, like a band stepping past their doors the sound was rich and the tone perfect. Her training really cementing a control not seen in every class 5 metahuman.

Now as Rori rolled over and the klaxon started going off, her head began thump. Annoyed, she blasted out the alarm with her own white noise before rolling out of her bed and suiting up.

Arriving shortly at the cafeteria, now wearing her completely normal clothing of a plain white tee and jean shorts, Rori lays her head back on the seat beside her. Being on base, she was the first one in and gave Donovan a little copy of the klaxon that woke her up. Before long, others joined her and her annexed seat had to be given up. The group was silent except for her, still unable to sit still she played an uptempo classical piece she thought matched the speaker behind the podium.

The Resistance

Darren DeLuca

The afternoon sun beat down on the lawn just outside of the warehouse. There was quite the gathering about in celebration, their thoughts blurring in with their voices in conversation. Darren sat inside in his typical seclusion as he twirled a can of soda in his fingers and tried his best to calm his nerves. There was something particular he wished to do tonight, and he didn't want Nadia to know. He had to get his emotions together. He had feigned a story about needing a smoke and catching up with her later, to which he did grab a smoke...and then another. Time had slipped away from him and he no longer knew just how much time had actually passed. His nervousness made it all blur together like the thoughts and voices.

"DJ for tonight?" Judi asked as she passed by. Darren looked up at her with confusion momentarily until he realized he had taken a seat right next to the radio.

"Oh!" Darren said. "No, I uh-"

"What are you doing in here?"

"That's kind of a stupid question."

The two stared at each other for a moment in silence. Nothing had really changed between them since he left the Resistance housing outside of the university. Judi never liked his bluntness, and Darren never liked the fact that such an intelligent mind wouldn't think for the most simplest things. Usually, she would roll her eyes and walk away with a shrug, but this time she smiled widely at him and held out her hand.

"Come dance with me," she said. A sigh escaped his lungs, but he couldn't help but smile in return. It was a bit relieving to finally see some acceptance from a peer he had known since he became part of the Resistance. Darren took her hand and stood, placing his can of soda next to the radio before being guided outside. He could barely hear the music over what was in his head, but it was lively and catchy enough to where he could feel it. Secretly, he was a good dancer, and witnessing such a display made Judi laugh.

"Shut up," Darren said. His nervousness washed away, and he was silently thankful for Judi's invitation. He could very well build up enough courage at this rate. Nadia appeared out of the building from another exit, her golden hair immediately catching his attention. The flash of red on her lips caused him to stop. He knew she was going to spar with Tank, but he had no idea just how far they would take it. She looked fine, even happy despite the injury. It was no cause to be concerned.

"It was nice dancing with you," Judi said as she continued on with the beat. She knew him well, and he waved to her as he left to meet up with Nadia. It wasn't until he walked up next to her that his heart began to flutter. He took in a deep breath and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"Want me to get you anything?" he asked while he tried to sound as casual as possible while calming himself. Darren tried not to look at her lips, and instead looked over at the grill. Maybe she wanted a burger. Or a soda.
The Resistance

Aya Ananta

Aya was outside watching everyone. They all seemed so happy and looked like they were having a good time. The food smelled delicious as well, but Aya currently had to much on her mind to eat. Ever since that day, things have been hopping that she never told anyone. Aya was laying in the ground soaking up some sun. This feels so nice. I wish it was enough to take away the pain though. Ever since she passed out cold she couldnt really remember what happen to her. Everything was a blur. There was a another thing....her body felt like it was always on fire. Aya constantly felt like she was being burned alive. It is really hard pretending to not be in pain. I am going to have to eventually tell someone. Aya tried to create a flame in her hand. The blue flame burned weakly. She moaned and then let it go out. Every time she tried do use her fire the pain got so much worse. What is happening to me? Aya slowly stood up and almost fell. Hopefully no one saw that. She slowly worked her way towards the food. Not even hungry, but I should eat anyways. She walked over there pretending to be as happy as she could. I don't want to ruin the mood.

The Resistance

Holland Davenport

Holland sat comfortably near the training rings, observing the sparring rather than partaking. She chose the hang back for once, watching the others and taking mental notes to decipher later. She tapped her foot as she watched, a can of soda casually laying at her feet, which she drank from every couple minutes or so. It was hot near the big loading dock, though Holly welcomed the heat and the peace that came along with it. Like other E-Gens and their families, she was enjoying the festivities. The aftermath of the Oklahoma mission was slowly fading, one she had not attended to check on things around the Warehouse instead.

Rock music filled her ears, as she continued to watch, slowly nodding her head. Instead of head-banging like an enthusiastic person would, she sat stoically, the nodding of her head the only motion to show that she was into the music. When a few of the fights began to slow, Holly stood and made her way toward the food. Though she had not been fighting, it was quite obvious that she was becoming ravenous, the sweet aroma of food meeting her nose. Making her way toward the grill, she continued to hum to the music, piling her plate with a burger and other treats to satisfy her hunger. When she got what she wanted, the red headed girl moved toward a picnic table, sitting down near three Resistance children.

"Can you show us your gift again?" Holly heard from her right a few instants later, a small girl with blonde curls looking up at her hopefully. She beamed very slightly and glanced at the other side of the table, seeing two other little girls looking at her expectedly.

"Sure." She responded with a shrug, the mood of the festivities infecting her with their joy and making her want to do good deeds. She scooted closer to the children, glancing at the french fries on the little girl's plate. She winked at the girl and her friends, smirking lightly and closing her eyes to concentrate. After a minute's passing, Holland opened her eyes and stared at the fries once more, simpering in satisfaction when five of them levitated slowly and danced around the plate.

It was enough to amuse the children, as they smiled enthusiastically and thanked her after the fries dropped back onto the plate. Holly nodded shortly in response, chuckling more to herself when they got up and flitted away to play with other Resistance children. She found it charming really, how they could also enjoy this day together regardless of age. There were often days when Holland missed her family in Alexandria, though the pain ached less, as time went on.

Sector Ten

Roan Dodgson

Roan was never one for festivities. The time his colleagues used to play games and lounge around could have been used making preparations for whatever game Donovan wanted to play now. The Bloody Winter was a morbid event, one that disturbed even the eternally stoic Roan. The new agents who had no idea what to expect would probably be mentally and emotionally unprepared for the upcoming bloodbath.

Assuming that the current assignment is similar to Operation Homewrecker. Roan had seen his fair share of supposedly hardened Sector Ten veterans releasing their lunches at the brutality shown to their fellow Specs and even the human sympathizers.

But that wasn't important now. What was important was the blaring speakers, summoning all agents to the cafeteria for immediate assignment. Pocketing the revolver that he'd been polishing, Roan joined the throng of agents headed for the cafeteria. By the looks of it they had twice the number of people than they had for the first Operation. Still, Roan had to wonder if any of the newbies knew what they got into when they joined Sector Ten. Roan sure didn't...

After shoving the vague memories of his first kill to the back of his mind, Roan scanned the cafeteria for any notable people. The pilot, James was talking to Wemming, probably flirting judging by the annoyed look on the woman's face. Either that or the lieutenant was constipated.

Huh. He made a joke. Not something that happened everyday. He gave a polite nod at some of the older agents. They had grim looks on their faces, contrary to the apprehensive looks sported by the newbies. Donovan was also present but Roan couldn't read their leader's face. Whatever he was planning was probably something pretty heavy, if the steely glint in his eyes were any indication.

His gaze drifted to the opposite end of the cafeteria and landed on a pale, black haired girl. The most likely reason for the girl catching his eye was probably the hair. It was, well, different to say the least. She looked like one of the newbies, shifting in her seat every so often as though she had trouble keeping still. Whether due to energy or nerves, Roan didn't know.

His musings were cut short when his ears suddenly picked up music, of all things, in the silence of the cafeteria.

Dex Stalker

Three steps. A half-turn to the right. 13 steps. A quarter-turn...

Dex manuvered over the cracked asphalt and broken concrete blocks, eyes half-closed. He had been trekking for about two hours and now he was tired and hungry. There was a tin of tuna in his almost empty backpack, but something told him that it was unwise to crack it open now: possibly because it had, somehow, swelled up like a balloon. He would have thrown it away a long time ago, but it hadn't expired yet.

He stumbled over a rock.

Ow- a half step, another half step, 15 steps...

He trudged on, apparently staring at nothing. What he was actually doing was memorizing and re-tracing his own steps at the same time. He watched himself walk up to a wall, and stand still for a moment,(6 seconds) look up, and-

The world shifted. His vision blurred and darkened at the edges. His head reeled-

He blinked. There were three pieces of concrete at his feet, and to his right was a concrete wall, broken in half, exposing its rusty steel frames for all the world to see.

3. 2. 1.

He looked up. And stared.

People? Here? Now?....and rock music?

Just to make sure, he fumbled at his wristwatch. Someone had broken the glass cover, exposing the ticking hand. The hour hand was gone, rendering it completely useless as a clock. But there were other uses for it. He touched the surface with his eyes closed, carefully, identifying which number the minute hand was on. Then he looked at it. Yup. What he saw matched what he felt. He was in the present.

So many sounds, so many people... No wonder he'd been jerked back here. He could feel the future distort already. His certainity was slipping away... He shuddered and staggered back. This was a mistake. It had to be a mistake. Every sound, the rock music, the faint sounds of cheering, the laughter, the voices- they thudded and rang in his head like thousands and thousands of bronze church bells, tolling all at once. He wanted it to stop. He needed to get away.

Someone grabbed his shoulder.


Instinctively, he turned around and punched the grabber, only to hear the click of a gun, right behind him. He wasn't sure what happened next, but he was handcuffed, there was cold steel at his back, and he was being dragged towards the awful din. He tried not to scream. He was not to scream in public places. That was a Rule. And this was an extremely public place. He bit the inside of his cheek instead.

This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare.

As they dragged him away, he closed his eyes and shivered.

Sector Ten

Shaw Morrison

Any free time he could spare was spent in the recreational room either challenging his peers to any available game or playing something on his own. It didn't really matter if he was good or bad at the game, though if he were bad he'd spend hours trying to surpass the skills witnessed by others. Ping pong was among the games he was still trying to master. In the hours before the mission, he set up the table to face a wall just so he could play unhindered.

His practice was eventually interrupted by the sound of the overhead announcement. He huffed, frustrated that he had to leave behind his endeavor when he was nearly ready to amp up the difficulty. The paddle fell with a loud clack on the green table, and the ball bounced off onto the floor. He didn't bother to turn back and pick it up as he left for the cafeteria.

It was painfully obvious he was not the first one to make his way to the cafeteria. Classical music blared in a muffled tone behind the double doors and blasted in his face as he entered the open space. It was rather odd to see the room in such a manner as it was, but it was not as odd as one of the new girls that constantly blared her god awful music.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" he called out to the dark-haired girl. He didn't much care if she could hear him or not, so he rolled his eyes and found a seat right behind her. He then leaned in towards her with a sweet smile upon his angular features.

"Sweetie. Hi. What's your name?" he asked her in a normal tone.
The nice thing about being able to control and manipulate pressure waves was the ease at which she could filter them through her body. The cries of 'what the fuck' were common and of no consequence really. Her hair, her attitude, her clothing. She wasn't normal. Donovan always said that so why did she have to follow normal rules?

She bobs her head, keeping the music going and ignoring the complaint. Then she felt words on her neck. The music cuts out and Rori looks back at the man smiling at her. She matches the grin, her own excitement obvious.

"Sup. Agent R00R. Rori Hutchins, Sector ten Class 5 E-gen. Nice to meet you...?" She trails off, waiting for his response.

Sector Ten

Shaw Morrison​

Shaw kept his grin on his face, his sass becoming more evident with the tone of his voice. "Well, Rori," he began, "maybe you should consider being a normal fucking human being and turn down your fucking god awful piece of shit music or I swear to fucking god I will punch you so hard you will forget your entire existence."

The threat was real. It never mattered if anyone took him seriously, Shaw knew that's all it would take. It wouldn't be the actual punch that would cause the amnesia, but his abilities within the contact. He was never any good at being concise when aggravated, but he typically did not care at that point anyway. Shaw wasn't planning on keeping Rori's memories in tact at this point.

"I'm Shaw, by the way," he added as he leaned back in his seat. He'd give her ten seconds before he'd act.
Rori Hutchins

Her smile fades and the music cuts out. Almost instantly she starts tapping her foot and frowning.

Frown still on her face, the expression slowly turning into more of a look of disgust, Rori turns in her seat to look at him. She goes up and down his body before tutting. When she does speak, her mouth remains shut, the words projected off her and not in the same voice, but in a perfect mimic of Shaw.

"Well Shaw, I didn't realize what a jerk we were going to be today. You can apologize later, you could have asked nicely."

The real shock came when she placed her hand on the chair next to her though. When contact was made, the chair just... Melted. Every molecule inside the plastic and metal vibrated at such a speed to cause an intense surge in heat.

"You touch me" she continues in his voice "And that happens to your body. I don't want to do it, I already cut the music out just don't threaten me"

To emphasize the point, Rori sits back down but her body begins to blur out. Only recently had she learned how to vibrate at the rate pace to start to phase in and out of a solid state. It was risky and she could only do it as long as she held her breath but if her was going to try and get her, now was the moment.
Sector Ten

Shaw Morrison

Shaw huffed a laugh. Rori's reaction was golden, and her retort felt empty and weak to him. His confidence never wavered even after her own display of power. He loved the way she mimicked his voice so well, and he knew that no matter what she tried to do to stop him, it would never be enough. At least, that is how he felt. He didn't have to mutilate a person to ruin their life, and one day he would put the girl in her place. Not today. The music was gone and her mood was soiled, which was prize enough for him to no longer care what she did next.

He smirked and leaned back in his seat with a haughty air. He got what he wanted. He always got what he wanted.
It was always the same whenever it comes to these gatherings.

There would always be those who tried to lord over their superiority to the others, to try and claim the position of pack alpha. It was a useless tradition that some members of Sector Ten abide to, a tradition among the resident E-Gens to show off their power and prove that they were better than their peers.

It proved nothing other than the fact that they were idiots who revealed their powers as much as possible, leaving any witnesses capable of deducing their full capabilities.

And it was often these people who burst into tears after a particularly tough mission.

Upon seeing the sideshow end, Roan turned back to Donovan.

There were more important matters to attend to.
It was time. The past few months of work was about to come to fruition. In a few moments, he would walk up to the podium and then it would all come together.

Donovan sat in his chair, observing the reactions of those who were present. Those who did will to remember the events of the Bloody Winter looked serious. They knew that something was coming, something possibly worse than the it. Then, there were the new recruits talking among themselves, feeling the energy in the air. How quickly that would be culled from them, Donovan thought. There were about to enter the crucible of combat. And, like any crucible they would not be the same when they walked through the other side.

Taking a glance down at his watch, Donovan noted the time: 16:15 hours. It was time. He rose to his feet. Turning to Kira, he gave a single nod and then proceeded to walk up the platform to the podium. As he reached the top, a silence fell upon the cafeteria.

Everyone was looking up expectantly towards him. Different eyes told different stories. Some begged him not to continue. They wanted him to step off the stage and say that nothing was going to happen. These were the men that Donovan respected. No man wanted to do what Sector Ten had to do. There was nothing satisfying about killing and slaughtering innocents. Yet, that was the age in which they lived in. There always had to be someone to do the necessary thing. Sector Ten was that someone.

Other eyes told of men hungry for violence. They wanted to kill. They demanded blood. It fueled them and drove them. It was their reason for existing. Such men disgusted Donovan. If he had been able, he would have never accepted them into Sector Ten in the first place. However, he was able to place a reasonable level of “control” over the situation. And since men who hated their work, but still carried it out efficiently were few and far between, the blood-mongers were a necessity within Sector Ten.

Donovan cleared his throat once then pulled out a cup of water from within the podium. He took a quick sip before returning to within the podium. He took one last breath and then began.

”Good afternoon.” His voice echoed across the silent room. He was not speaking loudly, but speaking with authority. It was a skill he had learned from his father. ”Tonight, we will be beginning Operation Boom-Boom. For the past several months, we’ve been tracking a small-time terrorist group located in Dallas, Texas. They call themselves the Resistance. They are E-Gens content with nothing short of murder, terrorism and complete overthrow of the Government. Up until recent months, they were largely inactive. That is until nine days ago when they struck a military convoy in Oklahoma carrying highly dangerous E-Gens such as Mark Loman. Thanks to our prior surveillance on this group we were able to detain and capture Mark Loman before he could escape, but there were many others that have been released. In response, an order has come down the chain of command. We are to show the Resistance what happens when you mess with the Government. And that is exactly what we plan to do.

“To begin, we have identified a critical substation with the Texas independent power grid. Our agents have contacted the Oklahoma base whose convoy was hit, and they were more than happy to lend us to F37s for support. These F37s will take off at 20:00 hours. At 20:45 hours, they will blow the substation sky high. This will create a ripple effect on the system, causing the entire grid to overload and fry. The entire state of Texas will lose power, including the Resistance.

“Your teams will already be on site. The Resistance is operating out a warehouse in a rubbled city block on the outskirts of the city. At 20:25 you will arrive on site and begin taking up positions. Stealth during this time is critical. We will wait to attack until darkness falls across the entire state. As soon as the power goes out, the order will be given to begin the attack. You will move into the warehouse, killing anyone you come in contact with, We will be taking no prisoners.

“Be advised that while these terrorists are relatively weak, incohesive and untrained, there are still E-Gens. Take great caution. Do not hesitate to kill them as they will waste no tears killing you.

“If you come across this girl,”
the screen behind him changed, showing a picture of Nadia inside the warehouse giving orders, you are not to kill her. She is the defacto leader of this movement and is to be considered a VIP. If she attacks you, you may knock her unconscious, but should she suffer any additional damage, whoever is responsible for the damage to her will have the same amount of damage inflicted to them.

“Now, at 21:00 hours begin falling back from the warehouse and retreating. At that time, the F37s will do a single pass over the warehouse. That is your signal to get the hell out. At 21:05 hours, the F37s start from the outskirts of the city section and work inward destroying everything in their path. This includes the warehouse. You need to be clear of the line of destruction by that time. Know that anyone caught within the blast will not be given a proper burial. There are no burials for fools.

"Evac choppers will be landing at this area,"
he said, showing a red a mile away from the warehouse. "They will be there at 21:11 and take off at 21:13. If you do not make the evac, you are to find your own transportation back here and await for further instructions.

"Now, at this time, I will open the floor to a few general questions about Operation Boom-Boom. Kira Wemming will have unit rosters and assignments after.”

The Resistance

Ina "Uisa" Ewald

For some reason or another, one that Ina could not seem to figure out, she felt the draw to head towards the warehouse that day. While she could only assume she would be welcome unless told otherwise, Ina couldn't help but wonder if she was finding herself becoming lonely, living in the large car factory of her father's outside of the city in the opposite direction. Ever since she ran into Jess again, Ina had been locking herself in her office, exercising till the wee hours of the morning before grabbing a glass and downing some of her finest wines every now and again, sitting in her chair to stare into the oblivion. What she often did, something she told no one other than Nadia and Darren, was she would 'turn off' her ability to see and sit there in the darkness, letting it consume her sight to leave her in pure silence, her mind racing through hundreds of thoughts. She would enter her 'dark stage', closing herself off from the world to think things out...if she even could.

The car was slowly pulling in to the concrete landing pad in front of the warehouse, Ina stepping out of the car before closing the door, the car starting to head back to her factory as she fixed her dress before starting to head towards the door, passing through before closing it behind her. Her eyes glanced up to see a crowd gathering around the rings before dispersing when the fight was over, noticing it was Tank and Nadia that were sparring before they started to drink their beers. Settling herself down on a chair to a table beside the doors, Ina crossed her legs, her silky skin showing before settling her cane against the wall behind her, simply watching the others.

(( OOC: This is Ina's dress http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/1170067603_3/2013-new-runway-couture-dresses-wedding-toast-dress-sexy-black-dress-stage-models-free-shipping.jpg ))
"Yea, pass me that soda?" Nadia readily accepted Darren's help as Tank slid a cheeseburger onto a bun she'd just opened. She smiled at her housemate. Reading his aura was a natural part of looking at him and she noticed a tinge of lust. Her brow furrowed in confusion for a half a second, but then she looked over his shoulder in the direction he'd come. Judi was there, writhing to the beat. Now that she thought about it, she'd seen her dancing with someone on her way to the table but was too distracted by the thought of food to register who.

Huh, didn't know... Judi and Darren? Who would have called that?" She thought, not knowing Darren could likely read it from her. What he couldn't read was the pit of jealousy that settled in her stomach. She dismissed it as just being a territorial friend. But deep down, in a part of her mind she refused to acknowledge, she knew it was more than that... She was just used to continual denial. When she first met Darren he was barely surviving and she'd been thrown into his personal hell. There had been no time to think about romance. In fact she hated him quite thoroughly. Even after a while, when they became close, she just didn't think about it as an option.

"Where have you been hiding?" Nadia asked, Judi forgotten.

"Yeah man, you missed this little thing kickin' my ass!" Tank said, slapping Darren on the shoulder in greeting. "Burger?" He held out a patty on the spatula, a smile lighting up his face as he looked admiringly at Nadia.

----- In another area of the Warehouse, on another floor, away from the party -----

Eric didn't like this. Nope, not one bit. One of the patrols on the perimeter had come across this kid. To say he was weird would be an understatement. The wore goggles for fucks sake! They'd put him in one of the 'offices' which functioned for all intensive purposes as an interrogation room. He sat in a chair with a table in front of him, fists cuffed. His wrists were small and childlike. Eric almost felt a twinge of pity. A bottle of water had been set before him and he took solace in that at least they weren't barbarians. They treated their captives with decency.

He turned to the patrolman who'd brought him in. "Get Nadia. She needs to know about this."

Then he turned the knob and entered the room. There was an empty chair across from the kid and he sat, his posture confident and assured. He wasn't sure how he was going to play this. It all depended on how he read people. Something told him this kid was scared. He slouched his posture slightly and placed his forearms on the table, interweaving his fingers.

"Sorry about the cuffs. Procedure." He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the metal from his wrists. This kid was no threat by physical human standards and if he was going to whip out some man-killing power he would have done so by now. "I'm Eric. What's your name?"

(OOC: Tag -
@Effervescent @TheGentlemanlyOwl )

Darren DeLuca

Resistance Headquarters - Dallas, TX

In a quick motion, Darren grabbed the soda Nadia referred to and handed it over with a smile. The smile faded quickly as he heard Nadia's thought through the others. His mouth opened, and he took in a breath to begin his explanation into how Judi and he were not a thing. Nadia's question cut him off, and he smiled once again.

"I've just been thinking," Darren responded just before nearly falling over from Tank's hearty slap on the shoulder. He put out a foot quickly to catch himself from the impact, an involuntary grunt escaping his throat. Had he had anything on his paper plate, he would have lost it all. Once he gained his footing, he picked up a bun and accepted the offered burger.

"Thanks, Tank," Darren said quickly before turning back to Nadia. "As for the whole Judi thing. There is no Judi thing. We're just friends."
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Dex sat in the empty room, staring at nothing, feeling blood ooze gently from the inside of his cheek, tinny and salty- he'd chewed it raw. He squeezed his eyes shut. They'd tried to take away his goggles. His goggles. One of them had managed to knock it away from his face, and the world had poured into his eyes like sledgehammers against glass...

And then he'd passed out, sort of, and now he was here. With his goggles. Without his backpack. Where was he? Why had he come here in the first place? Why was he here? Fear and confusion showed up on his face like ink on clean white sheets, more so because of how he looked. He was designed to be the sort of man who wears crease-less business suits with smooth, slicked-back hair; who wears expensive ties complete with equally expensive tie pins; and who looks at people down his pencil-sharp noxe. By all means he should have, at the very least, been able to spout complicated lawyerly babble at the drop of a pin.

What he was, however, was a confused, scared, and beaten man who dressed like an extremely clean hobo down on his luck, who needed something to hide behind just to be functional, and incidently, whose something was gone.

His cube! They'd taken away his cube! And he was still handcuffed! He let out a groan and closed his eyes, trying to block out the world as it whirled and spun, unanchored, uncertain, a toy boat lost in a hurricane. It was no use. He slouched over and shivered as the nausea tried to take over, breathing in, breathing out...

Dex was dimly aware that someone had entered the room, but did not actually take notice until his hands were uncuffed. He stared at them for a moment- he'd dug his nails into the back of his hands. The other man's voice filtered into his ears, muffled and distant, as if he was miles away. He took a breath. Concentrate.

My name is...

"Dex Stalker." The words had come out in a dry rasp, so he tried again. "My name... is Dex Stalker."

He stared at the table helplessly, eyes lingering in every knothole, trying to piece together the words he needed to say.

"Please... can you give me back my cube?"

Nadia popped the lid on her soda can and took a long swig. God, it tasted good. The cold liquid sent a shiver down her still warm body. Darren mentioned Judi and Nadia's eyes widened.

"Darren... stop it. No mind raping!" She complained, giving him a playful smack on the arm. She knew he couldn't help it, that he tried hard to give her privacy, but she wouldn't miss the opportunity to rag on him about it. She waved at him dismissively. "It's fine. None of my business!" She replied nervously, smiling as she moved away from him to find a table. She'd never really talked to Darren about romantic interests before and honestly... it was uncomfortable for her. She skipped away and plunked down on a picnic table next to Holland.

"Hey Holland!" She greeted her. Her mind focused on the girl, taking her thoughts away from Darren.

Tank came up to stand beside Darren and sighed, watching her greet the other Resistance members at the table. You know, eventually she's going to find someone... and once that happens... that puppy dog thing Darren's got going isn't going to work anymore. Tank thought. The man wasn't stupid. The three of them had been on numerous missions together. He saw the way Darren looked at her, protected her... the way she was the only one in the room to him. I can't believe Nadia is so oblivious to it. She wouldn't know a guy was into he was ripping her clothes off. That triggered a bunch of images of Nadia naked which he quickly pushed aside. She was like a little sister to him. Plus, he was way, way too old for her. But... he was still male after all. He glanced sideways at Darren. If this kid ends up with her he'll be a lucky son of a bitch. He better treat her right.

--- ERIC

"Sure Dex, we can talk about getting your cube back." Eric replied, his voice soft and reassuring, like he was comforting a frightened animal. They'd inventoried the kids backpack when they'd put him in this room. He thought his guy had mentioned a bunch of odds and ends and a strange rubic cube. The young man's breathing was labored and his eyes seemed unfocused, like he was half in a trance the majority of the time.

"Hey, Dex. Focus on me." Was he a spec? Was he doing something they wouldn't know about until it was too late? Maybe he was a Trojan horse, sent to infiltrate their defenses because of his seemingly harmless nature... God, where was his man with Nadia? The muscles of his legs tensed, a reflex lest he need to spring into action.

"We have it stored nice and safe for you. But first, I need to know why you're here. People don't just come here... Dex. This is a shitty, ruined part of town. Why come?"
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"...Ruined?" He remembered walking through rubble, not a single person in sight. The crumbling walls, steel frames laid bare. The cracked asphalt. There had been nothing to scavenge. "Oh..."

As for the other question... How to answer? How to even explain? That he had been following his future self- That he remembered what he was about to do, and therefore it had already happened, and will happen no matter what? That it had guaranteed his safety, and that it was how he'd managed to survive alone- or at least, until now?

"I was.. it's..." He struggled to find the words and failed miserably. "Please, just give me back my cube and I can explain." He slammed his fist on the table in his frustration, then slowly crumpled over, burying his face in his hands.

Ty "Hunter" Jones

The heat of the road rose from the asphalt in a haze as Hunter gunned it down the highway at a hundred and ten miles per hour. It was the one thing he'd ever enjoy about the entire damned state of Texas the straightaways on the old state highways that would go on for miles and miles... that and the barbecue chicken. "Jesus Saul why Dallas, shitty fuckin city" Hunter thought as he pressed down on the gas pedal of the old Dodge Challenger, pushing the modified engine into fourth gear sending the speedometer past the 115 MPH mark. The stereos of the car played some old classic rap, the 1990s was the golden era of hip hop and Hunter was happy to be trapped in that decade of music, the song was an old west coast vibe out song by Ice Cube, long dead of a heart attack in 2028.

Hunter's thoughts were disturbed by a ringing from his pocket, he reached into the fabric fold of his Levi jeans and withdrew a disposable, pre paid cell phone. The name on the screen said contact #14 "Fucks sake Saul this better be good" he thought before flipping open the plastic device. "Whatsup" said Hunter annoyed. "What are you fucking lost you have a gps" responded the old man over the phone. "No?" said Hunter, half answering and half asking. "You need to haul ass I'm getting calls from my contact he's telling me he didn't pay good money for a late fucking arrival" said Saul over the phone, his voice becoming more exasperated with ever word. "Saul I hear you, but fuck off, you know I can't fly commercial anymore" said Hunter defensively. "Fair enough but if you represent me poorly with one of my largest customers I'm cutting you off Hunter I'm telling you right now don-". "Saul, who are you going to use for the big jobs" Hunter said cutting off Saul. "You're seriously threatening me right now?" asked Hunter amused. "No I'm just say-". "Look Saul, I got a lot of offers, you might think you're the best paying guy out there, but you're not, I owe you a favor that's all, you know I don't like working with these crazy revolutionary fucks" said Hunter, cutting off Saul once more. "Look, I'm sorry, but you got to speed up this fucking process, hit the gas harder and piss in some bottles for Christ's sake" said Saul defeated. "I'm gunning it at a hundred and seventeen right now Saul, I'm hauling ass but New York to Texas by car in a day and a half is fucking ridiculous" Hunter said dryly. "Call me when you get there" said Saul before abruptly ending the phone call. "Fucking prick" thought Hunter, putting his phone into the cup holder to his right.

From a plastic bag on the passenger seat Hunter grabbed a beer, it was a good brand, some unpronounceable German brew. It was a dark beer and it went down smoothly as Hunter tipped back the bottle chugging half of the drink quickly. As he tipped his head back to accommodate the bottle he noticed a pair of flashing lights in his rear view mirror, a state trooper was gunning it a quarter mile behind him trying to catch up to him. "Son of a bitch" said Hunter to himself as he hit the brakes lightly to slow the car down safely, pulling aside on the slim shoulder of the state highway, and simultaneously killing the rest of his beer to avoid a potential problem.

The cop took his sweet time to get out of the car and after a couple minutes of waiting a tall slim state trooper emerged from the brown and yellow cop car. The police officer approached the window and tapped on it lightly with his knuckles, and Hunter obliged scrolling down the window with the automatic button on this left.

"Are you aware of how fast you were traveling sir?" asked the state trooper in a southern drawl. "No sir, I usually try and stay around the speed limit" said Hunter dryly. "The speed limit is sixty five miles an hour down this here stretch of road and I have you clocked at one ten on my radar gun, care to tell me where you were headed to so fast?" asked the trooper in the slow lingo of someone born and raised in the south. "A business meeting, I'm late to it already" said Hunter calmly. "Business, why not take a flight, I see your plates ain't from around here" responded the cop. "I'm afraid of flying, I try to drive whenever possible" said Hunter. "Let me see your licence and an identification papers" asked the cop, changing the subject. "Hunter withdrew his wallet and produced a fake licence and a fake set of papers, both labeled "Johnathan Beliscio - Non Mutant". "I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the vehicle sir" said the cop. "Why's that" asked Hunter. "We get a lot of drug traffickers down here, I'm going to search your vehicle, please step out of the vehicle and put your hands on the hood of the car" said the cop. Hunter opened the door as the cop stood back to give him room and hopped out of his ride. He eyeballed the cop for a moment, and then placed his hands on the hood, playing the role of a dutiful civilian. "See officer there is a little bit of a problem" said Hunter. "And what might that be?" asked the cop annoyance creeping into his tone. "If I let you search my car, you'll find all my guns and ammunition I purchased illegally, and I'll go to prison" said Hunter, a smile creeping onto his features. "What?" asked the police officer stunned. "You heard me" said Hunter taking his hands off of the hood and turning to face the police officer.

The cop drew first, Hunter drew last, but Hunter was faster on the draw by over a second.

The cop stood in place for a moment or two, his arms hanging to his sides, as if nothing had happened and then he slowly crumpled forward onto the ground his gun sliding across the pavement in the process. Blood was leaking heavily from four spots on his upper torso where the bullets had entered his body and blood was beginning to pool at the corners of his lips as his body fought desperately to clear his now punctured lungs. It was a fatal set of wounds and Hunter knew it.

"It's a shame it had to go this way" said Hunter nonchalantly. The cop rolled slowly and with a grimace onto his back and looked up at Hunter with a mixture of confusion, hatred and denial as he tried to piece together what had happened. "Ah, I've seen that look before, I'm not like you my friend, that trick you saw me pull with the draw, it's part of the mutation" Hunter said kneeling down next to the police officer, removing the pair of aviators that hung from his face at an off angle. "Shhhhhh, accept it, calm down and accept it, it comes for all of us eventually" Hunter said quietly to the cop as the man's breathing came in shorter and more ragged bursts. "Who the f-f-fuck are you" asked the cop with great difficulty. "Does it matter" said Hunter coolly. The life slowly slipped from the eyes of the trooper and he was dead. His head bobbed once to the side, the tension in his muscles now completely released, his eyes now staring into nothingness. Hunter raised himself up from the body and pressed the safety on his handgun, tucking the old .45 caliber pistol back into his jeans underneath his baggy flannel shirt and looked down at the dead cop once more "What a waste" he thought to himself as he made his way to the squad car, the lights still flashing. He opened the door of the cop car and entered the drivers seat, looking for the dash cam and it's connected hard drive.

Once he found them both he ripped them from the car and dropped them on the pavement, after smashing them both to small pieces he wiped down the interior of the cop car with a napkin, making sure to eliminate any prints, then he strolled back to his Challenger, as if nothing had happened at all and started the engine again. The V8 roared to life and Hunter cracked open another beer, he was off again, now only forty miles from Dallas he would be at the resistance HC within the hour.
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Darren DeLuca

Resistance Headquarters - Dallas, TX

A smile curved his lips as Nadia playfully smacked his arm. He flinched away and slapped her arm in return. "Bitch, you think too loud!" Darren said in return. But she was gone in a flash only moments after and sent his mind reeling. Maybe she didn't like him the way he liked her. As she sat down with Holland, he wondered if he was seeing things wrong. Maybe she was into chicks?

Tank's thoughts were as overbearing as his presence. The man exuded power as if he were the personification of strength. Darren wasn't intimidated by him, but knowing the man could easily beat him to a pulp was enough to see the benefits of remaining on his good side. Did the man ever get angry? Darren couldn't recall ever seeing Tank get mad.

Eventually she's going to find someone... The line of thought echoed in his own and was only made worse by Tank's further observation. Nadia was oblivious to Darren's feelings. Everyone saw it but her. What if she didn't want to see it?

The man's thoughts only got worse as he began to think about how Nadia wouldn't even know if a guy was into her even as he ripped off her clothes. Shit. Fuck. Don't think of her naked, you're standing, he thought to himself. He was extremely uncomfortable. The notion of anyone ripping her clothes off with her oblivious to the advances was enough to bring himself away from lustful thoughts. He thought about Shaw and how that bastard thought it was a viable option in getting his feelings across.

"Tank," Darren said. He wanted Tank to stop thinking so clearly, especially so close to him. "Do you think I have a shot with Nadia?"

Eric nodded and left the room. He found the bag Dex requested in the hall. Inside was a rubics cube with seven sides. How strange. He examined the thing and couldn't figure out a way the kid could use it as a weapon. It was made of plastic. He put it back in the bag.

He didn't feel great about the decision but he returned to the room, throwing the bag on the table. Yet before the boy could reach for it he sat and placed his hand on top of the bag, keeping him from opening it.

He leaned in close. "First, explain."

TANK ---

Tank shifted from foot to foot, uncomfortable with this conversation. Obviously Darren had heard his thoughts and caught him thinking about things he should neither think nor talk about.

"I don't know man..." He replied. Tank didn't like to talk about emotional shit. But honestly, he was better at reading people than most. "She's a tough one. She gives, gives, gives for people. She doesn't take time to consider her wants and needs. Some day a guy is going to recognize how amazing that is. How fucking strong she is. Will it be you? Maybe... But this whole pining after her routine isn't going to get you past the friend zone." He sighed. Nadia was playing with one of the kids now, chasing him around the picnic table, playing tag.

"I get it... I really do. You don't want to mess up your relationship blah blah blah... but in the end, if you don't tell her how you feel, you don't want to regret it for the rest of your life. I guess you have to figure out what's more important: the pain of losing her now because she doesn't love you back or the pain of losing her to someone else someday knowing things might have been different... that you could have had a chance at happiness in this shitty existence." He shrugged, nonchalant, as if he hadn't just given pretty in depth advice. Tank was known as the big hulking dude everyone feared. Nadia was the one person who knew he was extremely emotionally complex... and well guess Darren knew now too. Tank too a sip of a beer he'd opened.

At the edge of the crowd Jakob, one of Eric's men appeared. He was supposed to be guarding the perimeter. Tank frowned, instantly concerned as he watched the man make a beeline for Nadia.


Nadia had nabbed herself a kid! She scooped him up in her arms and placed him on her hip. She snuggled him close, letting his infectious happiness seep down into her bones. He giggled, trying to squirm away.

"Hey you, you're a fast little on--" She was saying, when she caught sight of Jakob, almost at her side with a serious look on his face. She slowly let the child down and he wriggled out of her hands, running back to the children to get back in the game.

"Jakob. Who's on duty?" She demanded in way of greeting.

"Darius, ma'am. We have a problem." He replied softly, speaking into her ear. She cringed at his formality, still not used to being in charge. Her heart beat faster and she tried to keep her face stoic. "If you'll please, come with me." She looked at the group gathered around them. Not many seemed to notice something was out of place. If Jakob was off post something was indeed wrong. He wasn't the type to get a buddy to cover for him just so he could enjoy the party. He took his job seriously. She nodded slightly and turned to follow him into the depths of the warehouse.

"Darren. Bring Tank. " She thought to him, not wanting to cause a scene. "Keep it casual." She didn't know what they were dealing with and she didn't want to raise an alarm by the bunch of them all storming out with serious faces in the middle of the party.
Darren DeLuca

Darren loved a good burger, and as Tank continued their awkward conversation, he decided to kill his nerves with the act of creating a good burger. Bacon, lettuce, tomato, nacho cheese, American cheese, onions, and... Darren sighed. The condiments were typical, and so he decided to experiment with just spicy mustard.

His lips pursed, not in disappointment of his creation, but frustration in Tank's points. Nadia was a strong girl, and it was that which made him hesitant and "pining." Darren wasn't a fan of the word, and more so he wasn't a fan that it was true. After all they'd been through and somehow they became friends. Somehow she accepted him for who he is. Who he really is. Partly, her independence came to play in his growing affections. He liked that she didn't need him, but still wanted to be around him. His thoughts began to drift into the list of all the things he liked about Nadia. Tank was right. He needed to make his move.

He noticed the quick movement of Jakob's head through the crowd. He was headed towards Nadia, but why? Darren couldn't remember if he was on duty tonight. Either way, something looked off. He looked over at Tank briefly to see how the man reacted. Something wasn't right, but what would be going on right now?

Nadia's thoughts entered his mind as she gave her command. Calmly, he attempted to catch Tank's attention with the back of his hand to the man's arm. "Hey," he said calmly. "Nadia want's us to follow." Keeping his demeanor casual, he ditched the plate and bit into his burger. It was alright. It wasn't the best he ever had.

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