[Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)


mad to live
Here's a thread where you can talk about anything! Introduce yourself, talk plots, etc.
I'm great! I think I've finally got us moving and people are slowly coming in! Super excited for this RP.

As for me, I sun burned the living hell out of my legs on the fourth... This is what happens when you wear pants all the time and your legs are super white! URGH. So I'm walking stiffly around with lobster legs. Yup, it's cute. Real cute...

I'm on my way to the lake for the day with the family to celebrate 'Murica's birthday weekend some more... but I'll be wearing sun-shielding tights. Yup. This is my life. xD
I know the feels... I don't go outside much so I'm super white. You are better off than I was... I had to limp every where because my hip messed up again...so painful.
I got sunburned while under an umbrella. #whitelife

Sorry, I use hashtags as a joke and now it's been integrated into my vernacular.
I love joking hashtags! But I don't use them that often, usually.

I also got sunburned, but at the water slides, on the only part of my body I put sunscreen, my shoulders (ok, I almost didn't put any and it was outdated since 2013, but it was the only one I had). But I don't usually get sunburned, I tan very easily. In 2-2½ days I had no more pain!
I am currently sitting here, refreshing RPN/RPZ constantly, soaking in massive amounts of aloe. I don't always burn... but when I do... it hurts like a m'effer. #whitegirlproblems Love joke hashtags. It's my guilty pleasure.
Yeah that's a weird site rule. I guess I get it? But at the same time I'm not super active on forums unless there is something of interest that I feel I must contribute.
No worries. I honestly don't get it either but... You'll make the posts soon enough. I sent you a PM in case you need anything before you get PM privileges. Pretty sure you can reply, you just can't start convos. =)
Hello! Just popping in to show my face. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm currently sitting here eating waffles, as random as that sounds. Considering that the Oklahoma Rescue is already underway, I am considering waiting until the mission is completed to participate in a large forum like such. Perhaps let's say Holly was holding the fort and doing little things around the Warehouse?
It's up to you! I doubt the Resistance would take every member on a mission. They could risk losing the whole lot!

I'm thinking of posting during my lunch break for the mission, but I can't decide what I want to happen lol.
So I just posted a dramatic post and after I wrote it I kind of just laughed a little to myself. Darren is still shirtless. I've made Darren -that- guy.

Rofl. When did Darren strip?! I swear he had a jacket when he and Naj left the house...? How did I miss this?? Lol!
LOL He took off his jacket to take off his shirt to put over Aya's wound to stop the bleeding. I was going to have him just use his hands but my brain was all like "No, that'd be so slippery." So he became shirtless...
I just realized, pretty much every male PCs are shirtless right now! #ShowOff

So, I didn't know what rofl meant, so I had to search on the magic thing called internet and I ended up on the urban dictionary and there was litteraly this example, ROFLEW: Rolling On Floor Laughing whilst Eating Waffles. Made me thing about Akeira's post and I laughed. (Ok, there isn't really a link between revo and Akeira's posts, but it still made me think about the waffles Akeira was eating =p)
The men should all gather for a shirtless party after the mission.

I honestly have never heard of ROFLEW, but now I just wanna use it for anything. Waffles are fantastic.
Waffles really are fantastic, and I'm glad that they've brought amusement to you all. LOL, perhaps all the men are secretly trying to figure out who has the best chest between them?
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effervescent said:
LOL He took off his jacket to take off his shirt to put over Aya's wound to stop the bleeding. I was going to have him just use his hands but my brain was all like "No, that'd be so slippery." So he became shirtless...
AmericanEagle said:
Obviously Donovan. He's got that old man body the ladies just swoon over.
Shoot, Darren and Thomas just lost! There's no chances they'll ever win against Donovan!

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