[Evolution] Introductions: Meet the players


mad to live

Hey guys! I thought it would be nice to have a little intro thread for people to post in after they've been accepted. We're all in this crazy collaborative writing venture together. We might as well be buds! So come on in and tell us about yourself. Here, let me... make like a polar bear and break the ice... *ba dum tsh*


Hey guys. I'm the creator of Evolution. I've been play by post role-playing since I was twelve and I'm currently twenty-five. I'm a generally busy person as I'm in my second year of law school.

You may notice this means I can only post a few times a week sometimes. So trust me when I say I understand "real life happens..." Unfortunately we get no pause button.

I'm really into writing and character development. I love reading and the best part of books for me is relationship development. I like to see how people interact and grow and adapt based on their environment and people they come in contact with. I'd like to write a book but lack the attention span and the time.

I currently play Nadia, a empathic spec. She's always open for plotting! So please visit her plot page and check her out. =)

Anyways, enough talking shop. As for my personal life ...I train JiuJitsu and Muay Thai (martial arts), I've been riding horses since I was five, and I enjoy running. Nice to "meet" you all! If you need anything at all my PM has an open door policy! =) Cheers!

About Effervescent

Hey there! I'm currently a freelance artist with a focus in concept illustrations. I have written a book, which is currently free to read on a website called Wattpad, but I do have plans to eventually find a publisher since it has been well received by those who have read it. I have aspirations to write movie scripts either for original works or a particular remake of the movie The Last Starfighter where the protagonist is actually a female and the plot is more character driven. But that's a very distant aspiration.

Click this for an example of my artwork.

Click this to read my book.

I actually tried to make a roleplay that would be a prequel to my book, but it didn't take off.

I play Darren the telepath in the Evolution roleplay. He's probably one of my favorite characters I've ever thought up, and because of that I'm seriously debating on writing a novel with him as the protagonist. As a writer, even if I only write just for the enjoyment of doing so, I had always wanted to have specifically women as the main character because I have always felt growing up I never got enough of that.

Currently, I'm putting together a kickstarter campaign to gain funding for my first ever film which will discuss the validity of online friendships.
Hi! I'm Antoine, but you can call me antou. Fun fact, I didn't understand that when they asked your name (in the sing-up form), it meant username, so I don't have my usual username, feels weird.

I'm freshly 20 and I'm a student (well, not this year, I'm on a year break because I'm switching programs, thinking about going in optometry, but I'm not sure yet). I absolutely love TV series, I watch so much of them, too much. I'm not an experienced RPer, but I'm doing the best I can!

I live in Québec (you know, the french province in Canada), so my first language is indeed french. I'm familiar with most english grammar rules, but when I'm not, I usually use the french rule instead, which I think leads me to make "frenchicism", if this is a word. So if a sentence seems weird, it's probably because "frenhicised" it (I think I mostly do it with commas, but tell me if I'm wrong). Sorry if that happens. But usually, I think I can do good sentences. If I do a mistake too often, tell me (if you want to), I can only get better, right?

As for my character, I play Thomas, the always-good-looking-rich-boy, making me think outside of myself, as he is the opposite of myself on many levels. (In french, the "on many levels" part would be concidered an anglicism (I never use it anyway), but since I'm writing in english, it's not. Right now I'm so overjoyed that I can write things that I can't in french, my favorite being "makes sense".

And you'll find out that when I'm writing late, I have a tendency of writing pretty much everything that's on my mind, sorry.
Sup! My name is Holly and I am 18. Oh boy, I am not good at these at all. I generally have a hard time describing myself so there is no telling how this is going to go. Just a warning I am pretty bad at grammer sorry!

I am about to start college in less than a month which is completely terrifying. Change is something I don't handle well, major life changes that is. The plan though is to major in International Studies and minor in Japanese. You have no idea just how much I love Japan. I watch alot of anime and am a complete nerd. That is how I tend to pass the time and by playing video games and drawling. Actually my username on here is my Xbox gamer tag.

Personality wise I can be pretty nice until you piss me off. Unfortunately it isn't that hard to make me mad, I have alot of built up anger. It isn't as bad as it was though. I get stressed out easily too now that I think about it. I tend to over think things to much; blessing and a curse. Also I'm a sympathetic and empathetic person which is very useful.

I play Aya, not much to really say about her. I wrote her personality a little different than I am having her actually act.(oops) This is my first rp so I am just going with the flow with her.
Hello all! My name is Keira, and I am 18-years-old. Hmm, I believe my introduction will be a bit stream of conscious, so I would appreciate it if you bear with me on this one!

Like Holly who posted right above me, I will be starting college in a month, and I am beyond excited. I have been looking forward to attending university for a long time, and I cannot believe that this time has finally come. My plan is to studying environmental engineering, perhaps with a minor here or there. I'm interested in publications and government as well, so there's a chance I will take on a minor there. Unfortunately, adding on another major in a different school at my university would be far too much to handle considering my primary major!

One of my other passions is writing and story-telling, which is why I signed up for RPNation and RPZ in the first place. I regret not taking creative writing in high school, though I love tapping into my creative mind and seeing what I can come up with. I find it a good way to spend my time and collaborate with others who share the same passion.

My character's name in the role-play is Holly, a telekinetic! Hmm, at the moment, she does not have a plotter, but I am in the process of creating one soon. I can probably say that she is a bit cross at times, though her personality often makes her fun-loving. She is dedicated and not afraid to stand up for her beliefs, though she can be pretty impetuous and unruly at times.

I'll be trying my best to jump into the role-play soon! I'm sorry if my replies aren't as often, given I will be starting university soon, and my family and I are buying many materials at rapid speed. I look forward to getting to know all of you more, and see you in the role-play!
Greetings. I'm Noah. I recently finished with college and am now working full time in the IT field. It can be pretty busy during the week at times so please understand if I don't respond until a few days.

I'm looking forward to plot development and writing the most. There is something unique about being able to build a sandbox and then actually tell stories in that sandbox. It's a feeling quite unlike anything else.

For this roleplay, I've chosen a deep, complex character named Donovan Terell. After reading through all the role-plays, I noticed a lot of people have chosen to side with the Resistance. However, I've always found it to be much more enjoyable when your enemies or opponents are other player characters too. It makes more a much more engaging and exciting story which is why I chose Donovan. While on the surface and reading Donovan's CS you would get the picture that he is a big baddie come to blow your house over, what really drives him and motivates him goes much deeper than that. He's also interesting, to me, in that he can portray many different sides of himself. He might give a child he sees in the streets a lollipop and the next minute be torturing the child's father for information.

That being said, there's very little action on the Government side so I will be working with Revo to make it more alive and in-depth. Please reach out to me if you have any plot ideas or really any other idea about the roleplay.
So, I'm about as awkward as I'll get out, but hey, you won't hold it against me, will you? I'm a semi-literate roleplayer with experience of...oh maybe two years now? I've been a writer since I was little though. It all started with Black Beauty....no I won't tell you my entire life story. That would be pretty boring since it consisted of me being on the computer constantly writing a story, and if I wasn't, I was reading another book. As you might tell, I love colors and my posts will get pretty darn beautiful looking if you let me go crazy - that or a unfortunate incident with paint. Actually, for this roleplay, I'll go pretty simple and keep the color to my header. Despite this, I'm a rather pleasant person who likes weird words, a good book, and an awesome roleplay.

Just call me
Briar, or Thorn if you wish, heck, you could even call me Rose. All of the above works. I'll be on pretty actively. I just devoted myself to reading through everything everybody has written so far, which, I just might say is absolutely lovely. You all are very talented writers.

Okay, enough about myself, more about the roleplay! Which, by the way, I'm super excited to start with after I've finished reading. I play Nova (meaning "new") Black, a rouge shapeshifter who I absolutely adore. I really would like to get in depth with her and expand my writing. Her character form explains a lot about her, but I think there's so much more coming. I just don't know what yet. ^.^ I'd love to try out different relationships with her to see how she'll react. (As you might tell, I'm a very "go-with-the-flow" author. I don't plan anything.) But, that, I think, wraps everything up.

Thanks for reading!
Hi all, glad to have joined up with everyone!

I'm not really sure what all everyone wants to know about me so I'll go with the basics of what everyone else wrote in the intros! Firstly, My name's Tori. I'm a sophomore attending a community college in California, though I'm hoping to transfer by the end of this school year to a 4-year university. I'll be turning 20 in December, the 9th to be exact but that's not very important.

In September I will have been on RPN for a year, though I did RP on other sites prior to joining this beautiful community. I guess you could call me experienced because of that, though I know I still have tons to learn so don't be afraid to point out my flaws. I know I have them so it's no big deal, plus I can't fix them if you don't point them out. Right?

Anyways, I'm aspiring to be an author. Only problem is that I don't know what I want to write. I love writing, and reading, all genres. Fantasy seems to be my main theme though, historical/romance being the close second and third. I kind of thought my writing-infatuation was pretty rare until I found sites like Wattpad and here... now I'm just one of many. Kind of a depressing but it makes me all the more determined to write something that will revolutionize what people read!

I shall be playing Esmeralda (Emmy) and Alfred (Alfie) Dyson, siblings that inherited their E-gens from their parents (Who were human but had the flaw in their genes). Esmeralda has enhanced awareness, aka. heightened senses and the ability to see auras. Alfred is an 'identity thief' being able to mimic a persons looks by looking at them. I have jack-squat planned out for them at the moment, but will be posting a plotpage soon so everyone should come and mingle! If not I'll go to you, eventually.

RIGHT-O! I'll see you all around the threads, don't be afraid to talk to me! I don't bite... hard ^.^
Whatsup guys I'm Bryce, I'm going into my sophomore year of college and to you guys going into your first year don't be nervous college is a great experience (aside from mid terms and finals lol). I started writing about a year ago and I'm currently in the middle of a couple projects right now and I thought this would be a great way to practice my writing skills while having a good time building a world with other people involved.

I've never done this before so bear with me there will definitely be a learning curve but I'm a decent writer so once I get the hang of it, it won't be too much of a problem for me.

My character is Hunter, I like to think of him as a reflection of the world our characters live in. While he can be an asshole for lack of better words he is a product of the situation he was born into (Kind of like Eko from Lost if you've seen the show). He isn't a naturally evil man but he has been turned into an amoral gun for hire by the path that his life has taken and his path to redemption, if he ever chooses to take one, won't be an easy one. His power is enhanced speed an reflexes although the side effects of his powers have lead to self medication, something that will definitely come up at some point in our story.

Unlike my character I'm not a dick most of the time, feel free to PM me with any story ideas or just to say whatsup.
Hey, guys!

I was never good at introductions but let's see what I can do:

My name is Matias and I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm 28 years old and I'm a forensic doctor irl (Think CSI but without the ability to be in the lab and then in the crime scene in the blink of an eye)

I've been roleplaying since I was 17 or so but I had never done forum RP until now so it's definitely an experience I'm looking forward to, plus since English isn't my first language it'll be great practice to RP and learn new words while I remember others.

I'll be playing Brandon "Bran" Olds, the mercenary that can teleport and drinks a lot. I'm always open to ideas, plots and all you can think that is RP related so just hit me up and we'll make it happen. I'm also available if you want to talk about life and such.

Looking forward to RPing with all of you, guys!

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