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  1. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    Sage popped her eyes wide open and pursed her lips after hearing Clair's secret. To be honest she thought it was going to be something more bazaar, yet still she tried to fake a surprised face. Eventually she just smiled a cheesy grin, "that's no big deal. Virgin or not; it doesn't matter. In...
  2. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    "Sounds good to me!" Eli stopped by his locker to grab his helmet and keys before they headed out to the parking lot. They passed a couple of guys. Eli knew them so he expected they start to whistle at Summer to get under his skin. He and Summer heard a few girls ask why Summer always hangs with...
  3. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  4. Iridescent Irony

    The feeling of being new...

  5. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    "Skip the next class or school today period? Whatever is your choice I'm up for it," Eli couldn't wipe the silly smile from his face, the mischief was vibrant in his eyes. "So? Got anything fun to do in mind?" His voice couldn't hide his excitement, he felt like jumping up and down and clapping...
  6. Iridescent Irony

    My thurk hoat - I'm hungry!

    My thurk hoat - I'm hungry!
  7. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    After Clair walked into the class room, Sage followed suit. She slyly tip-toed between the desks, multiple students’ eyes on her, to get safely to the back of class with out the teacher noticing. Almost there… and then, “Rowan, Sage?” “Yes?” Sage said apprehensively, chewing on her lip. The...
  8. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    A low rumble of a chuckle formed beneath Eli's chest. With an amused smile playing on his lips, he shrugged his shoulders, "whatever Mer, it's your lost that you turned down such a good offer; a leg rester for 'fat' legs? Where else would I --" Eli stopped his whispering when he noticed the...
  9. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids

    Yup! Nothing's happened much really though. People are going to classes or are in classes already.
  10. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids

    Eli just used Summer as a leg rest. ^_^
  11. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids

    It's understandable. By all means if I seem to be holding you up feel free to do something else. I left the rp for a bit, I was busy between doing that and other things.
  12. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    Sage chuckled when Clair said that she 'begged' her mother not to come. "Wow, if only my mother allowed me to take sick days. Asking her to miss school would be a death wish." Sage chuckled a bit thinking about her stern yet determined mother. She then suddenly stopped at an open doorway, "think...
  13. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    Some mornings Eli was up and rawdy with his friends; digging his hands into whatever little trouble he could get into before sitting 45 minutes in a boring class. But today was book day. Book days were picked at random, whenever Eli's greedily eyes caught on to a book he spontaneously wanted to...
  14. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids

    Oh noe! I enjoyed reading your posts! Your character seemed to run from mine though haha. I'll try to interact with your charrie when I can. But I would suggest leading your character towards another character to engage with them I'm sure then it won't feel so much like he's being ignored.
  15. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    Sage felt her cheeks warm from the hug. The only person who ever really hugs her is her father. It was new to her but nice. Sage leaned against her locker while her foot tapped against the floor, she chewed on her lip while Clair dealt with the things in her locker. "Oh cool. I'm from out of...
  16. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids

    Name: Eli Hamilton Age: Eighteen Personality: Eli is the type of person who you can rarely get to be serious. Joke after joke is the majority of content comes from his mouth. Eli is quite the optimist and it's difficult for things to get to him or bother him. He can be quite the flirt and...
  17. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    Sage's smile grew, "thanks." Lakewood was a lot different from New York. Sage wasn't used to people coming up to her and talking to her. In New York everyone minded their own business, they went about their own ways. They generally weren't friendly and Sage was quite accustomed to these ways...
  18. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    Just as Sage reached the office door she knocked on it even though it was already open. Sage dragged in a deep breath remembering the lady she met with the other day; they didn't really get off on a good foot. Suddenly, Robby sprinted off out of sight. The lady stared at Sage with a stern look...
  19. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    "Oh. Yes lets go then," Sage said simultaniously as Robby began pulling at her arm. "I'm pretty new myself.. Well, n-not new-new, like you; but new still.... Anyways; I can show you the office." Sage remembered the way to the office because she wasn't there too long ago. Sage bit her nails as a...
  20. Iridescent Irony

    Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

    Sage giggled at his excitement. She smiled but deep inside her stomach was in a knot. She knew this could be the very moments that might shape her year. The moment she looked in hos eyes she knew he was... different. He looked like a sweet, harmless guy but still; humans (especially teenagers...