Smalltown Kids [Inactive]


Jayden Westbrook


Arden looked a bit worse for wear, her body clearly ruffled from the scuffle. Still despite that she looked a bit cooler in Jayden's eyes. Spotting a part of her hair that was sticking out at an odd angle he reached out, patting it down with an amused look on his face. He wasn't sure why but the thought of Arden Parker getting in a fight for him was quite comical. So funny even that he couldn't help but letting out a soft laugh, his hand coming up to rub under his nose as a grin flickered momentarily across his face.

"You were pretty cool." He said nudging her with his shoulder, "But next time I'll take my punches. It gives me more motivation to seek revenge." He hesitated when he realized who he was talking to, clearing his throat and looking away as his normal meek look fell back onto his face. He was getting to confident, joking with someone popular like Arden Parker would only get his hopes up. It wasn't like she would ever talk to him after today. She had only stepped in because of her strong sense of justice and nothing else.

"Ah... anyways, thanks again." He muttered, allowing the conversation to drift off awkwardly.

She felt his gaze longer over her for a few seconds too long when she continued to look forward, trying to brush off the antsy feeling she'd get when people would stare at her. She turned her head at the wrong moment at the wrong time. Her patted a brown lock of hair down on her head. Her freckled face burnt but it wasn't noticeable since her face was already red from the previous altercation. He drew his hand back and there was a grin spread onto his lips. Nudging her shoulder, he told her she was pretty cool.

"Pssht. Nah." She said defensively, and rubbed the back of her neck as her eyes travelled somewhere else so she wouldn't lock with his eyes awkwardly. He told her something about him taking his own punches and she cringed at the thought of him getting beat up again. "I saw what has happened outside. You can take your own punches if you'd like, but if any of that happens again, then don't expect me to not step in." She added turning her head forward. There was a brief silence. She nudged his shoulder also with a smile to lighten the mood.

"You were pretty cool, too. You tried saving me." She said, smiling wider to show him that she was thankful.


Jayden Westbrook


Jayden shook his head, "I think I broke my hand." He gave a little sigh, not believing how lame he was. Not only was he being defended by some girl he had never talked to before but when he had tried to finally step up he ended up breaking something. He looked down at his hand still clutched over his chest, eyeing the strange purple color that was forming along his knuckles. Wonderful, just simply wonderful. He wouldn't be able to move his fingers for weeks, maybe even get a cast on. His heart dropped a bit. Could his family even afford a cast? He shook his head, refusing to think about it as he decided he'd hid the bruises from his mom as long as possible. Thoughts of his dad appeared in his head suddenly, a smirking face that told him he was an idiot for trying to punch someone like that.

I taught you how to hit someone. If you are going to hit 'em, then HIT 'EM! If you hesitant even a second you are the one that ends up hurt. Jayden shook his head, trying to get his dad's lecturing voice from his mind. They were almost at the office now, the principal directing them to a collection of chairs by his door so that they would wait until their parents were called. "My mom is going to kill me." He mumbled under his breathe sinking into a chair.

She smiled and fiddle with her ring "I don't know, I just wanna get out of here.." She replied, biting her lip and bwalking towards to exit door and walking out. "Ooh! Take me out on your motorcycle!!" She said, hitting Eli on the back repeatedly. "Then we can go to the diner into town." Summer added and started skipping out in the parking lot. Summer watched as three boys, gave her whistles and kept eyeing her. She just flipped them off and kept walking. "Look at summer over there, how come she us always around Eli?" The girls said eyeing summer, giving her death glares. Summer sighed and whipped her head back towards them, "Because, Eli is my best friend.. For over 14 years. That is why I hang out with him all the time.. So go take you fake a** some where else and leave me alone" they were speechless, the scurried away like a mouse running away from a cat. She clenched her fist and walked away. "Don't need another fight on my record.." She stifled a laugh and walked towards his motorcycle.

@Iridescent Irony
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Clair sighs. " I mean, I guess it's alright.. It's just I've never met a guy who didn't wanna get into my pants.. " Clair readjusts her bag strap before whispering in Sage's ear. " I'm gonna tell you a secret! You can't tell anyone.." She pause and gulps before replying, " I'm still a virgin and, I've never had my first kiss.." She sighs, she's never told anyone that before. But, she felt like she could trust Sage. "So, Anyways.. Let's go get something to eat? Or just walk around or! We could go to the park or back to my house?" 
@Iridescent Irony
Micheal Carroll: He woke up to his alarm clock, He struggled to get out of bed because he was still tired because he stays up late often, He grabbed he went downstairs were his family was eating, he ate a sausage and egg sandwich on a English muffin with a hash-brown, He got ready then went on his bus sitting in the back to avoid April, He arrived at school and saw a couple "gangsta" kids smoking he sighed as he thought they were a failure to humanity as he went into the school for his first day.

April Carroll: She woke up early, She had pancakes for breakfast then she took a shower, then She changed into a white blouse and blue skirt as she got her backpack,put her Bible in it,waited for her bus, her bus arrived and she got on with Micheal but Micheal sat in the back while April sat in the front, she then saw two mean boys who threw her backpack against the wall, she felt helpless.
"Sounds good to me!" Eli stopped by his locker to grab his helmet and keys before they headed out to the parking lot. They passed a couple of guys. Eli knew them so he expected they start to whistle at Summer to get under his skin. He and Summer heard a few girls ask why Summer always hangs with Eli; which he simply planned on ignoring. After the girls scurried off Eli's body rumbling and rocked with laughter. "No Summer you're wrong," he said once he got a hold of himself. "It isn't because you've known me for 14 years. It's because you're bat shit crazy and because I love you," he shook his head and continued to get the rest of his laughter out.

"Take my helmet since you never listen to me. I told you to get a helmet; if I die I will personally blame you and hunt you as a ghost to rub the guilt in your face," Eli placed his keys in the ignition and slapped the seat behind him mentioning for Summer to 'hop on'.

Mentions: @ChloeeGrace

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Summers heart flutter red at the phrase 'I love you'. She laughed and smiled "I love you to and I love being bar shit crazy." Her body rocked with laughed and watched as he held put his helmet and listened to his rant about if he died that he would hunt her down and haunt her as a ghost and drub the guilt in her face, she giggled and toke then helmet "Why I wouldn't mind getting haunted, but I would cry my eyes out and let the guilt eat away at my brain then become crazy and probably kill myself" she sighed stepping on her tippy toes and climbing on. Summer was short, she was about 5'2 and Eli was way taller. She put her arms around Eli's waist. "Okay. Let's go" she smiled and toke out her phone, taking a picture of Eli. "And I'm not deleting it" she laughed.

@Iridescent Irony
She gave him a reassuring smile and clapped him on the back lightly. Rocky's smile turned genuine and she let out a laugh when he sighed. She was thankful for his initiative he took to try and save her, though she was sure she'd be fine, despite the blows taken. Her hand slid off of his shoulder gently, falling to her side. She looked at his hands, and then back at him. Rocky held out her hand for him to take so she could take a look at it. She could tell if the bone was broken if she had just checked. It's be quick, so it wouldn't be awkward.

"May I?" She asked, her hand still outstretched for him. A small blush crawled up her freckled cheeks. "You know, so I can check if they're broken." She added quickly, the slight embarrassment obvious.

They sat in front of the principal's office as the man disappeared inside to the office to call their parents. Her mother would be furious, but it'd all be worth it because she'd hear her side of the story. Turning in her chair, she held out her hands again for him. She looked up at him with hopeful doe brown eyes that were kind and passionate. Clearing her throat, she shifted in her seat, slightly uncomfortable on the hard plastic of the chair. She gave a smile of assurance.

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Bo and Danielle had watched the events in shock. What had become of their precious Lakewood? The girls looked at each other, frowning for a split second before returning their attention to the fight. It made Bo's blood boil, and Danielle covered her eyes. Why had Rocky done that? It had started a fight and now she was hurt, quite terribly in fact. But more importantly, why had that jocky jerk dared to punch an innocent girl, just standing up for someone? It was all a sickening sight, really. But Bo was the most sickened of all. It showed on her face, bleached blue eyes darkened to almost a light navy shade. Even Mrs. Lacker looked at her as if she were some kind of bomb to explode within mere seconds if not attended to. The two had left for the office, soon to see the principle. They were in luck, as he was a very understanding man. At least for Bo and Danielle.

After sending the jock, Jayden, and Arden to the principle's office, she seated herself in an almost uncomfortable way, although her chair was cushioned with feathery softness. With black eyes she looked around at her students emotionlessly. "Well," She rose her eyebrows as everyone stared blankly at the door where the three had left, some chatting with their neighbors with widened eyes and nods of shock. "I hope that doesn't distract you all from your project I am assigning."


Jayden Westbrook


Jayden wasn't sure what she wanted at first, glancing down at her hand with a skeptical look. Did she want to hold his hand? He seriously didn't think Arden thought of him that way but still it was a tempting offer. She seemed nice, perhaps she wanted to comfort him for how stupid he had looked in the classroom. He had to fight off the urge to slap himself in the face when she spoke, saying she wanted to check his hand. With a small glance at the principal's office door he reached his hand across the small space and rested it gingerly in hers'.

"What do you think, doc?" He questioned softly. "I... uh... I mean." He looked away, gritting his teeth at the weird way he had stated the question. This was why he didn't have friends, because he was clumsy and nerdy and just a bit to much of a freak. When she was done checking it he quickly withdrew it, cradling it in front of him as he stared at a strange looking photo hanging on the opposite wall.

She saw how hesitant he was when placing his hand in hers. Her small hands moved his fingers around, and gently touched and prodded at them to check if any bones were broken. A few fingers wouldn't move correctly, but the bones weren't out of place to her. She turned his hand around, running a dainty thumb over his palm to check if he broke any vital areas. She didn't seem flustered, but her face was a slight tinge of red. She was one of those people who would do romantic actions without meaning them, but get flustered when she did figure out that it was caring in a way.

Her touches were light, and smooth, and the way she touched him sent pleasuring tickles on his hand. The kind of touches that would drive someone crazy and make them want to hold their hand back, or just hug them or do something all sappy and romantic. She soon finished checking his hand, and she unclasped hhis hand from hers, the loose, gentle grip leaving. The warmth and gentle touch of her small hands left, but set gentle tickles and tingles onto his skin after her hands left.


Jayden Westbrook


Jayden couldn't quite get control of himself as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. His hand was tingling now from the place that Arden had touched, her soft skin running over his in a seemingly suggestive way. Still the serious gaze in her brown eyes had held no significant emotions at all. It was almost like doing something like that was a normal occurrence for her. Which it might have been for all Jayden knew. Arden was wild after all, though he didn't think she was easy to get into bed it would be strange if she wasn't at least a little experience. The thought made him choke on a bit of spit, sending him into a sputtering fit of coughs.

"I-I'm okay..." He wheezed, eyes watering from the pain in his throat as one of the secretaries hurried over with a bit of water for him. She gave him a pitying smile, looking down at his hand and offering to bring him some bandages. "No... that's alright. I'll be fine." She gave him a small pat on his head, one that was almost like he was a small child, and headed back to her desk to finish whatever she had been doing before he had nearly choked on his own body fluids.



I am late.

Eunice never thought the first words she would be very familiar to were words that associates with the word 'late' in it. She swore she had her alarm set an hour and quarter minutes--enough time to take a shower, pick her outfit (forget breakfast), and do her hair--but she guessed picking out an outfit (the right outfit) too longer than expected.

"Jagbyeol ajumma! (Goodbye Auntie!)" she yelled as she exited her aunts small farm home and ran as fast as she could towards the bus stop. As she draws near she spotted that bus already starting its ignition and was ready to leave. In her desperation of not wanting to be late on her first day, she flap her arms up and down in hopes that the driver could be able to take notice.

"Wait! Wait! I am here! Here!" Eunice kept yelling but to her dismay the busy driver never took noticed and left her to eat the dust behind.

"Great. Great!" Eunice grumbled, she took out her mobile phone and decided to just get her aunt to drive her to school herself. So much for her plans in making friends during the bus ride to school.

The way he choked a bit too loudly made her flinch and look upward, brown eyes full of concern since she thought it was something serious. She then realized he was just nervous and her eyes turned from concerned to playful, and she patted his back with her small, dainty, soft hand so he wouldn't be wheezing way too much. Her hand slid off of him, soft touch lingering, and her hand went back to her side. She gave him a smile and reverberated a charming laugh.

"Hey, at least you're hand isn't broken. It's just sprained," she said, and chuckled. "Plus, battle scars always look cool, so no worries." She added, punching him playfully on the shoulder. Though they had just started to talk to each other, his slight dorkiness and her heavy wild personality complimented each other in a way that couldn't be explained or described. It just... Clicked. Yeah, clicked, you could say that.


Jayden Westbrook


"Y-yeah..." He mumbled nervously. He wasn't used to talking to girls, his mind just couldn't get around the fact that he was talking with someone of the opposite sex. He talked to girl, just not outside of school related topics and only just long enough for them to get him to do their essays. He was just talking to someone casually for once. It wasn't just any girl though; it was the big-eyed, brown haired Arden Parker. He had once, during his first year of high school, imagined talking to someone and maybe having things progress past friends but never did he picture himself with a girl like her. He had always gone with the safe ones, the girls that didn't draw much attention either. He was clearly overreaching even his fantasies now. It was strange that he had to thank his bullies for this too. Without them he'd have probably never even glanced at her in fear of getting the wrath of some demented god spiting him more then usual.

"Though I wouldn't exactly call it cool." He grumbled, "I don't really fit the definition of cool..." He gave her a soft smile as he tried to get his throat from catching again. He had already choked once, he'd looked like an idiot if he did it again. Who was he kidding though? He looked like an idiot no matter what he did.

Sage popped her eyes wide open and pursed her lips after hearing Clair's secret. To be honest she thought it was going to be something more bazaar, yet still she tried to fake a surprised face. Eventually she just smiled a cheesy grin, "that's no big deal. Virgin or not; it doesn't matter. In fact I'm one myself. I don't see the excitement in it as many others do, plus I've never met any guy special enough. Too busy thinking about more important things like flowers and my next painting."

Sage nervously chewed on her lip. She wasn't sure if leaving the school would mean skipping a class; something she has never done on purpose. "Um.. I guess something to eat would be nice," she rubbed her stomach subconsciously.

Mentions: @ArtisticKwittyKat234
Wendell sighed, hoping he didn't make things awkward between Robby and him. It wasn't Robby's fault, he was as innocent as innocent could be. Wendell just wasn't use to much human contact, especially someone lying on him. "Oh well... I hope he'll still like me tomorrow." He muttered. People still bustled around him in the cafeteria, many of the tables still full. No one really bothered to sit or merely speak to him. Why would they? He was the new kid, after all. Well, one of the new kids, for quite a few had come that day.

With a yawn Wendell just played with his thumbs, unsure of what to do as he still had a little bit of time for his next class, which was Physics. It wasn't his best class, but he could make do and get through it with a passing grade. He needed to work on his math anyway, and that would help.
It seems as though by the time Eunice came to school first period had just ended which was really a bad start to begin her first day in a new school. Now everyone would think she was a delinquent or something. Daddy would be so proud.

Walking down the hallway, Eunice decided to stay positive. I was only just the first day anyway and it wasn't all that a big deal if she missed one or two of her class on the first day of school... right? Looking down on her schedule, Eunice wasn't quite sure which room her next class were. She asked other students if they could point out where the school recptionist and maybe request for the schools map sine if she was left to her own devices it mayne impossible for her to navigate herself around this huge school. And with the whole language difference it really would be too difficult to do as well.
Sensing how nervous he was talking to her, she gave a reassuring smile. She thought it was cute when boys were a bit shy around girls, but not to the point where they were completely uncomfortable. The thought of someone getting uncomfortable around her was only when she was angry, or just plain frustrated when they were around. But, that was a rare event. She rolled her eyes playfully at his remark.

"You don't need to be cool. I think you're alright." She said simply, and her smile widened when her gave her his own soft one.


Jayden Westbrook


"Thanks..." Jayden mumbled shyly, "You're way cooler then I expected." His eyes widened, "I-I mean... Its not like I was expecting you to be anything. J-just that you are... different from... rumors..." He mentally slapped himself. He was so stupid, not only rambling but also saying that he believed what rumors said. He knew first hand that rumors weren't true. How many were floating around about him, after all? Tons, and to say he believed them was a horrible thing to do. He was about to say more when the door of the office slammed open, causing him to jump and look up. His sister, slightly breathless, hurried over to him and proceeded to check him by flinging herself onto him.

"Are you alright?" She asked. Jayden gave a meek smile, hugging her back before pushing away to look at her. She had clearly rushed over but that wasn't the problem, it was the strikingly red of her eyes. A sense of disappointment washed over him. She had promised she'd get off drugs but it seemed like that wasn't the case. How long had she been sneaking it behind his back only to get caught like this? He couldn't complain though, not when she had come to get him.

"Yeah," He replied, "Just... injured." He held up his hand for her to see. A look of astonishment flashed across her face.

"What happened?" She demanded, "Who do I need to beat?"

"N-no one!" He stammered, "I got this from punching someone..." Her eyes widened even more.

"You punched someone?" She asked.

"Yeah..." He couldn't meet her eyes, afraid she'd be mad until she broke out laughing.

"Well I'm glad! I thought it was something more serious!" Jayden looked over at her, it was his turn to be astonished. She didn't even seemed phased that he had punched a guy.

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