Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

He shrugged and looked about, not sure where or who was here to meet. Many of the children were abusive and mean,and he did not like conversing with them. The others were quiet and kept to themselves. He patted Wendell's chest and nudged his forehead against it. "I got no friends..."he mumbled softly, whimpering. "All kids are mean...sept real nice guy met before you got here!" He said, looking up at him with huge green eyes.
Wendell understood. It wasn't easy being different from what was considered 'the norm'. "Yeah, that they can be. There's always a few nice people, though! You just have to look for them, or in this case, they will look for you. Where'd that guy go, anyway?" He asked Robby, curious why the guy wasn't at the table still.
"Oh, he had to go home with his daddy cause...." he looked blankely at his left over carrots, blicking oddly. "...oh! Cause he was visiting an he had to go back home~" he giggled softly, before patting his friends chest and patting his own. He looked slightly tired. And who could blame him? He wasnt used to being out for so long, usually getting schedualed naps about this time.
"Skip the next class or school today period? Whatever is your choice I'm up for it," Eli couldn't wipe the silly smile from his face, the mischief was vibrant in his eyes. "So? Got anything fun to do in mind?" His voice couldn't hide his excitement, he felt like jumping up and down and clapping the air a high five just because. He was already pumped with the idea of doing something mischievous.

Mentions: @ChloeeGracee 
Sage watched as a couple of guys winked at Clair. Clair was certainly a looker, but she didn't seem to be interested in the attention since she rolled her eyes. "You'll just give them what they want by rolling your eyes," Sage stared at Clair observing her; but it was a look that meant she was trying to be rude, she almost didn't realize staring was something that could be considered rude. "Tell me, you can be completely honest with me; do you like the attention from the opposite sex? Like doesn't it excite in the least that someone might think you're smoking hot?" Sage giggled. She hoped it was too soon to talk about this topic though. "Sure, what sort of thing do you have in plan to do?"

Mentions: @ArtisticKwittyKat234
"Ah, I see." Wendell replied. He noticed Robbies eyes were a little glazed over. He almost looked tired. "You O.K., there?" Wendell asked him, whilst checking his phone for the time. It was nice that he just got to see around the school and not have to commit to any period for that one day.

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He wobbled a bit, before his face scrunched up and he let out a soft yawned, blinking back tears that had formed in the process. He sniffed. "Mmm...tired..." he mumbled softly, his breath soft before he leaned against him more. He was feeling a bit better when he was close to someone, especially his new friend. With a heavy whine and some gently cooes, he was snuggled close and had his eyes closed tight.

Wendell simply patted Robby on the back once or twice, not sure what to do. "Uh..." Not wanting to move, in case it disturbed Robby, but also wanting to so that he didn't have a person so close to him, he looked around for help, though no one seemed to notice. Sighing, he gave in and got on his phone. It looked like he had, or would have usually on any other day, Physics as his second class. It was coming up in a little bit and he decided he wanted to go to it. Due to Robby, he was going to wait until it was actually time hoping he would wake up, or some savior of his would come to his rescue. For now he entertained himself by going back on his phone.
[QUOTE="Iridescent Irony]"Skip the next class or school today period? Whatever is your choice I'm up for it," Eli couldn't wipe the silly smile from his face, the mischief was vibrant in his eyes. "So? Got anything fun to do in mind?" His voice couldn't hide his excitement, he felt like jumping up and down and clapping the air a high five just because. He was already pumped with the idea of doing something mischievous.
Mentions: @ChloeeGracee 
Sage watched as a couple of guys winked at Clair. Clair was certainly a looker, but she didn't seem to be interested in the attention since she rolled her eyes. "You'll just give them what they want by rolling your eyes," Sage stared at Clair observing her; but it wasn't a look that meant she was trying to be rude, she almost didn't realize staring was something that could be considered rude. "Tell me, you can be completely honest with me; do you like the attention from the opposite sex? Like doesn't it excite in the least that someone might think you're smoking hot?" Sage giggled. She hoped it was too soon to talk about this topic though. "Sure, what sort of thing do you have in plan to do?"

Mentions: @ArtisticKwittyKat234

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Robby sat still for a good five minutes, before feeling how restless his friend was. He pulled back, eyeing him. "Mmsorry...mmsleepy..." he said softly, trying to give him a reason why he had leaned on him.

Usually his papa would have held him until he woke up, but this friend wasnt papa. He probably thought the poor autistic kid was some weirdo...
April Carroll: When she got home with her family she went to her room and prayed, after she was called down to dinner, her parents were there but not Micheal as he always ate latter, they said grace then ate Chicken and Rice once April was done eating she took a shower put her Pajamas on then went to bed.

Micheal Carroll: Once he got home he went on his Xbox playing Titanfall for a couple hours will April and his Parents were eating dinner, once he was hungry he went down and ate a TV Dinner, He played his Xbox a little more then went to bed in just his jeans, Before he could fully fall asleep he wondered what Robby had done in School.
She followed Bo into class, and waved to Danielle with a freckled smile. A boy who looked like he was going to be sick brushed past her, and headed somewhere. She thought for a moment, and thought he'd go to the nurse if he looked that way. He looked pretty nervous, and she held back a sympathetic frown. Rocky was a sensitive girl, but always tended to reel back her feelings that were too soft for her pretty tough exterior. She had always thought that she'd be judged or pushed around if she was too soft. Sitting in a random seat, she slung her backpack over her chair, and listened to the lesson that Mr. Freely was about to start.
Robby, once classes were over and his father picked him up, he went with him to his small farm town home right outside of the town. He was exhausted, his teddy close to his chest. His father had to talk to him about leaving the school and how he had to go to it to learn. He felt horrible about what he had done and quickly said sorry for it. He was hugged and fed, before put in bed. He sighed, hoping the next day would be better.


Jayden Westbrook


Of all the things Jayden dreaded about his life, High School was by far the worst. His life was no walk in the park. He had issues left and right but it seemed school liked to take a person that was already down, chew him up, and spit him into the dirt like a wad of spit. He, if given the chance, would have skipped out on the who public schooling stuff but sadly it wasn't up to him. He was just tossed about by what people older than him thought was best, not that they had to go through the torturous prison called school the way he did. For Jayden it was best to blend into the background, if he didn't it was a session of swirlies and some jerk taking his lunch money. It was stupid and overly predicable but it was his glorious life. He hated it.

The only thing Jayden could do was duck his head low and run as fast as he could from class to class. Well, maybe he didn't literally run but he sure as h*** would if it meant dodging the jock-flock. Today, although the first day of school, was just like his other years in high school had been. He was either utterly ignored or so apparently pointed out that it was embarrassing. Jokes, gags, and even a few nicely times feet jutting out in his path. Somehow when it was done on him it was all to funny, the comedian's boasting about the success of bullying the nerd-kid.

One such joke landed Jayden face first into the dirt outside the math building. "Ha. Ha." He hissed, "Funny, guys. Really, very original." The jeering laughter continued as he picked himself out of the dirt, collected his stuff, and headed inside. He had safely tucked himself into the corner of the classroom before examining his hands. They were scrapped up, thin layers of skin had been removed from the rough ground and now bled slightly. It stung, enough to make him flinch when he touched it delicately with his finger. "Damn..." He mumbled.

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When Arden, Danielle, and Bo were all seated at desks all close to each other, Bo looked over her shoulder out the window to see a boy on the ground who looked like he'd just been pushed. She nudged Danielle who's face lit up when she saw the boy, but blood boiled when she saw what was happening to him. Bo could see her friend's fists clenching. She turned to Rocky, shrugging and darting her eyes over to Dan, mouthing the words. "She's crazy." As the teacher began her explanation of who she was, her personal life and all that garbage. Danielle was still staring out the window with frustration prominent on her face.
She flickered her gaze over to Danielle and Bo, and saw the obvious frustrated aura coming from them. She glazed her eyes over to the window on instinct, and saw a boy being pushed around by some jocks. Logan didn't seem to be there, but she sure as hell was pissed that the boys would do that. Her eyebrows knitted together, and placed a mental note in her mind to talk some sense into those boys later. Soon, the fighting subsided. Rocky rested her chin on her palm, bored and boggled by the fact that the teacher thought anyone had cared about her personal life.

Soon, her keen hearing caught some shuffling. Her stunning doe brown eyes caught the gaze of a boy who had just walked in. She shot him a small, but charming smile at him, and gave a friendly wave. She then turned her attention forward to something else so she didn't seem to be watching him. She'd just talk to him after class, since she had noticed that he had turned and went to sit in the corner of the class. Doodling random shapes, and drawing bubble words on her paper in boredom, she waited for the dreaded class to end.
"Now, some of your siblings may have told you already that I am Mrs. Lacker." Another tired boring voiced teacher alright, she was. Black hair pulled up into a ridiculously large and tight bun. She wore a black turtleneck which made the girls in the room cringe, and beige slacks with a coffee stain on the knee. Most likely from the teacher's lounge.


Jayden Westbrook


Math, he hated math. He hated math almost as much as he hated High school. It didn't help that he had Mrs. Lacker again, for the second time. She was dreadful but just like the rest of the stuff he couldn't control he had be thrown into her class without a second thought by whomever decided the classes. He just hoped she wouldn't do the annoying self introductions like she had last time he had her for a teacher. If he was lucky she'd stick with the drone of self information all period and not care less about whether or not her students knew each other's names.

"Well, why do some introduction?" She said suddenly causing Jayden's stomach to drop. He had been foolish, how could he think luck was on his side? If anything he had jinxed himself just thinking about it. "Right, lets start in the back. Hm? Name and age; lets start in the back corner." If Jayden had thought his stomach had fallen before it had now clearly dropped out of his body all together. Eyes where turning toward him as they expectantly waited for him to talk. He hated talking in front of people, especially when they snickered and pointed at him like he was some sort of circus freak. Swallowing hard he pushed up from his chair a bit to roughly causing it to knock backward to the delight of the rest of the class who all erupted in laughter.

"Freak!" A voice shouted from an unknown place in the room as he tried his best to get ahold of himself. "Go home, nerd." He felt it now, the familiar sinking of his heart and pain in his stomach. So he was in yet another year of high school, he could almost puke from the thought but held out as he stumbled over introducing himself and awkwardly sat back into his chair. The room was still in a bit of an uproar, whispers that people thought he couldn't hear filled his ears. He wanted to disappear enough that he ducked his head into his arms and squeezed his eyes closed., willing himself to vanish.

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Really all Bo and Danielle had was anger and empathy in their heads, it was nothing even closely related to Mrs. Lackers dumb lesson she barely even knew well herself. Bo, being the loud, unafraid and outspoken girl she was called out to the jerks in the room as Danielle played with a dark curl. "Oh shut up!" she rolled her milky blue eyes at the ceiling fan, clenching her pencil and nearly breaking it. That was enough to make the guys in the room stop messing the hell around with this Jayden boy, as the jackasses bit their tongues and pretended to listen and participate in Mrs. Lacker's lesson. As if anyone other than Danielle even did that in this school.
Her eyebrows knitted together in a scary expression, and she yelled in unison with Bo, their different phrases jumbling together. She ignored it. Standing to her feet, her fists clenched so her her knuckles cracked. Her doe brown eyes flared up in a burning rage. She swallowed a hard lump in her throat that fell into her stomach harder than a cinder block. Her neck tensed.

"Shut. Up." Rocky stated firmly through gritted teeth. "If you try to raise some hell toward anyone else, you report to me, and I'll take their beatings personally. Got it?" She confirmed, eyes flickering around the room sternly, and the jocks and followers nodded with their eyes as wide as saucers. She forced her face into neutral, though her anger was still burning in her eyes.

"Since I'm up, you can call me Rocky," she added. "I'm seventeen." She blatantly put out, and sat in her chair, pushing herself in with a squeak. The room fell silent, and she waited for the boy from earlier to introduce himself. Her eyes burnt glowers to the others, daring them to speak up. Her fists were clenched on top of her desk.


Jayden Westbrook


Jayden was relieved when the voices stopped, the room quieting enough for him to work up enough courage for him to peek out from his arms. The introductions, which had been so lively before, had become an almost awkwardly stiff affair as the others stood one by one to call out their names and age. By the time everyone had stood the room had turned back to normal. Well if you didn't count the hateful looks that a few of the back-row jocks shot him. He did his best to ignore them, figuring he'd get a good beating later on if he wasn't careful enough. He could deal with that though, it was a normal occurrence for the nerd kid. What wasn't a normal thing was having someone stand up for him. In this case two girls sitting not far in front of him. Since he didn't have to worry about them catching him staring unless they turned around he took the time to study each.

He knew them, not personally but it was hard not to know them when they were generally rather popular girls at the school. The first was Bo, Bo Ellis if he remembered correctly. She and her brother lived on the largest ranch in town, it was enough to say that she was rich by just looking at the state of their farm. He rode past on his bike each morning when he delivered the newspapers during his morning route. He wasn't very good with big animals like Bo and her brother were, or at least he had never really attempted to be. He lived in town, not on a ranch. The second was Rocky, whose real name was actually Arden Parker. She was the wild country girl, the kind that was outgoing and adventurous. He'd never even spoke to her but he could still tell she was a nice, if you looked past the sassy behavior that is.

Of course the only reason he knew any of this was because he had gone to school with them since kindergarten. They, on the other hand, probably had no idea who he was. That was normal though, he was the kid that blended in after all. He had made it that way, he liked it that way. Or at least that's what he told himself. He'd have to work up the courage to thank them later, when no one was around. Until then he'd have to work hard to blend in with the nameless crowd that the popular bunch didn't know. "Just a bit longer." He mumbled to himself, "A few more hours."

Her gaze flickered around the room. It trailed to the back, and she caught the gaze of a few boys glaring. She knitted her brows together in a deadly expression. One of those expressions you'd see when she was bull riding, and knew she was going to fall. Speaking of her bull riding, she had broken her ribs four times before when she was younger since she wasn't careful. Now, back to the boys.

"Watch where your placin' your eyes," she warned, voice venomous. "Like I said, place all the hardships on me. Just in case that didn't get through your thick skulls earlier. Don't get any ideas with him over there." She added, voice even more senile.

One boy stood to his feet. He looked pretty scrawny for a jock, and was pretty much a follower. He was one of those boys who would do anything to fit in. Even if it meant laying his hands on a girl in a less than pleasing way. He raised a fist, and she didn't flinch. Her eyes had fight in them. They dared him to swing.
Come on, go on, hit me, go on, come on, you coward, they said with burning flames.

He swung. His fist was weak, but was knobby and hard. A white light flashed in her face as a hand connected to her jaw with a small crack. The teacher gasped. The more immature jocks whooped. Tears stung in her eyes for a brief moment but quickly disappeared. She didn't falter or break as he grabbed a fistful of her hair, and hit her again.

She let out a chuckle and spit some blood into his face sharply. Her teeth were stained red. She smirked.

"Coward." Rocky antagonized, as if this whole fight was entertaining to her. She spit again.

(If this is too dramatic, I can edit!)


Jayden Westbrook


Jayden had learned a long time ago to expect certain things from high school, that things happened in high school that didn't normally happen in the outside community. He figured it had to do with how schools were like tiny worlds, the jocks and their followers felt so safe within it that it didn't matter what they did. They were a kings and people like Jayden were the peasants, slaves to their superior's strength and influence. Still no matter how much of a sheltered kingdom a high school was he still didn't expect some things. When the tawny wannabie stood and crossed the room toward Arden Parker he would never have expected the fool to take a swing at her. It was like teasing a lioness, not even Jayden was stupid enough to do something like that. Then again jocks weren't known for their brains, it seemed this one was living up to his expectations far better than necessary.

He had to applaud her though, despite the fist to the face she remained unmoving and taunting. It was a sight that made Jayden flinch away from while his eyes seemed to be locked on the to large brown eyes egging the bastard on. There's a point though were things just go to far, and that guy was reaching it when he grabbed hold of her sleek brown hair as leverage to drag her across the floor. Jayden's eyes flashed toward Mrs. Lacker, seeing the teacher's eyes glue to the fight in astonishment. So she hadn't been expecting it either, still there was no excuse. A teacher should have a cool head and be ready to solve sh** like this. Mrs. Lacker would clearly be no help though, and neither would the rest of the class.

"Dammit." Jayden hissed as he pushed up from his chair. He didn't mind fighting, it was the fact that he was letting some girl take the beating meant for him that had his gut twisted up. If he didn't step in now it was likely to turn even bloodier, he just hoped that he remembered to punch the way his dad had taught him. Pacing forward - and drawing eyes - Jayden grabbed the guy by his shoulder, holding him still as cheek met fist.

"F***" A staggering pain erupted through Jayden's knuckled, his eyes watered, and he stepped backward while cradling his hand. It had to be broken, he just broke his hand on some kids jaw. All he cold really do now was pray that the bastard didn't get up from the place he was sprawled across the floor.

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She was pushed backwards at the fall of the boy who had punched her twice. She stumbled to regain her balance and spit out some more blood like it was nothing. It wasn't nothing. This was realistic, her blood boiled and pain coursed through her body. The adrenaline pumped through her. Fight or flight situations played out in her head, and she had to choose to fight. The boy staggered to his feet, heading towards the big who had introduced himself as Jayden.

She sidestepped in front of Jayden, and took one blow, two blows, three, four, five, six blows in all. They all hit her stomach, and ribs. Air was knocked out of her and she couldn't breathe. Everything had happened so fast, and her chest was rising and falling rigidly as he drew his hand back for another blow. She raised a dainty fist, and slammed a hard, downward punch toward his jaw. He staggered backwards, bumping into some desks, pushing them backwards with his weight. She stumbled, but stayed in her spot near Jayden in case any other idiots decided to hit any of them.

"Damn," Rocky cursed under her breath. Pain pumped through her body. Her knees buckled and she felt as if she was going to collapse, but fight was still left in her eyes. The kind of fight that looked like she wasn't picking it, but more as telling the opponents that if they wanted some, they could get some from her gladly. She hacked, and spit out some blood. The liquid that once had ran through her was crusted at the sides of her mouth, and upon her peachy lips.
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Jayden Westbrook


He had tried, that was good enough right? He had a throbbing hand to prove it, though he seriously felt more helpless than before as he watched Arden take hits for him. He was almost crying when Mrs. Lacker - who had disappeared to get help at some point - appeared with the gym teacher and principal. Jayden had never been in a fight before, he wasn't sure what came after this but he was sure it wasn't a note of congratulation for getting in his first fight. A phone call home, maybe. Would he get suspended? It was the first day of school this was hardly how he wanted to start things out. Though a break from high school was rather welcoming, even if it had just started. All he could really think about now was that the fight was over, the gym teacher had taken the jock out of the room and not the principal was escorting him and Arden to the office.

He peeked sideways at her while they walked. "T-thanks..." He mumbled, the words catching awkwardly as he stumbled to get it out. "You should have just let him hit me though. I might feel a lot better now if he had." He then looked down at his hand, to ashamed to really look her in the eyes. He knew this wasn't the end of anything but he sure wished it was. Arden Parker wasn't going to be around to protect him forever and he wasn't really sure if he wanted her to. He hated himself for letting her take his punches, it was hardly a manly thing to do.

Her breaths were shaky, and very ragged, though they stayed silent. There was a brief pause as she looked around the room. As expected, shocked students and a disappeared teacher. Soon enough, the teacher returned back with the principal and the gym teacher. The gym teacher took the boy who had started the fight, and the principal escorted them out of class. She stumbled rigidly behind the principal, next to Jayden. Blood trickled from the corner of her lips.

He spoke up. She turned, her doe brown eyes calmed, but her hair was a bit fluffed up since it was grabbed at and whipped around. She nodded at him. Rocky shot a small, apologetic smile, just as if she thought she had done something wrong. "It's nothing," she said, voice slightly hoarse from the blows in the stomach. "I couldn't have let them just push you around like that, though." The girl added, a smile curling in her lips. For someone who just got their behind kicked, she was pretty giddy. "It was better me than you, they would have just kept hitting you."

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