Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

Shiloh sat down in the grass and Venus sat next to her. She was glad she had a aggressive dog, because then she would always be protected. Once Venus almost got taken away from her, but she got her back. She looked around and saw the school. Her first day was tomorrow and she dreaded it. She lied down in the grass and Venus stayed on guard.
Robby soon lost interest of sitting in the halls, dissregarding all school schedualing, he walked out into the feild. With a heavy sigh of loneliness, he collapsed onto the muddy hill, breath soft and gentle. He watched as an ant crawled onto his fingure and smiled. He had at least one friend now.
Shiloh sighed and got up, she decided to do something with her life. She grabbed a stick threw it far into the field, it landed close to Robby and Venus ran after the stick. Shiloh was hoping that no one would see a aggressive Rottweiler running around.
Robby looked up slowly and yelped, shooting from his position on his belly. he stared down at the animal, before looking at the stick. A smile spread across his face and he took hold of the stick. wiggling his butt, he threw it as far as he could, which wasnt far.
Venus turned around and ran after the stick, she grabbed it and ran back to Robby and wagged her docked tail. Shiloh walked over to Robby and smiled, with her thick English accent she said "Hi, Im Shiloh"
He looked up, tilting his head of blond curls oddly, before a big smile came to his face. He sat up from trying to pet the puppy, and quickly looked about for his bag of flowers. he grabbed it, a giggle coming from his sweet mouth. he pulled out his favorite, a dandilion, and handed it to her. "MmmRobby~!" he replied, his accent seeping out as well. He had a muddier version of hers, a bit more slurred and deep.
She took the Dandelion and smiled, her spider bite piercings popping out more. She grabbed onto Venus' spiked collar and petted her. "Im new here, do you mind showing me around?" She said while tilting her head
His eyes sparkled and he nodded excitedly, giggling. "Daddy won pick me up for hours! All this many!" He showed her all his fingers, counting a whole three hours. He felt himself glow with pride at how much he could count, before reaching and taking her hand in his. "Okay, you wanna see town? My daddy's the police man and he makes all bad guys go to jail!" He smiled and made sure William was safe in his backpack, before hurrying down the hill.
She laughed and almost tripped while going down the hill, Venus followed close behind and barked.
He hurried down the road, his boots clomping with him, curls bouncing up with him. He walked into the police station, about two miles from the school, and peeked into the room. His father was leaning back in his chair snoring, and his giggles made him wake up.
Clair smiles. She had never really had any good friends, that were nice to her. She sighs, dreading going to class. She closes her locker then she shoulders her bag. " Ya, I guess your right.. I really wished I didn't have to come to day. I begged my mom to not make me come.. But, she made me.." she sighs again before running her fingers through her hair. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She's never gotten nervous before because she was always so outgoing and out-spoken. "It's now or never.." She says then starts walking down to her class.

@Iridescent Irony
Some mornings Eli was up and rawdy with his friends; digging his hands into whatever little trouble he could get into before sitting 45 minutes in a boring class. But today was book day. Book days were picked at random, whenever Eli's greedily eyes caught on to a book he spontaneously wanted to read he couldn't put it down and gave anyone or anything around him little to no attention. Today Eli walked passed heaps of friends with a book to his face. They tried to get his attention but he didn't bulge. It seem as if it were the only times he was ever serious. Eli walked to his first class, book still in hand and he sat in the back to get a quiet yet comfortable place to read. Eli took a quick break to look at the time; he wanted to finish the book before class began. Yet looking up someone caught his eye; Summer. Maybe she didn't notice it but she was sitting right next to him. Eli continued reading but with the mischievous smirt still on his lips he slyly shifted in his seat and lifted his long legs onto Summer's lap. He held to book to face and peaked from the top to give Summer the "creepy look," ah Summer was such the sport, she was so awesome and she had a nice lap for a leg rest. This was perfect.
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Sage chuckled when Clair said that she 'begged' her mother not to come. "Wow, if only my mother allowed me to take sick days. Asking her to miss school would be a death wish." Sage chuckled a bit thinking about her stern yet determined mother. She then suddenly stopped at an open doorway, "think we're here," she took a deep breath and smiled a sheepish smile.

Summer arrived at history and sat all the way in the back, she hated answer questions but she was very smart. She opened her new book, If I stay, she got the book over summer break as a birthday present. As the teacher was deep in a lesson, Summer felt someone place their legs on her lap. She looked over to see who it was and it was no other the her best friend, Eli. She stared at him and he gave her the "creepy look" she laughed and pushed his legs off of her. "Go find someone else.. I cannot hold your fat legs. " She states turning back to her book. Summer and Eli have been best friends since second grade, he tended to get along with the popular group but Summer got along with the non-popular group, if that's what you wanna classify them as. But he tended to flirt with every girl know to man kind even her, but somehow they were each other missing puzzle pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.

@Iridescent Irony
Clair sighs brushing a piece of her dirty blonde hair out of her face. She takes one step and ends up inside the classroom. The class was huge. There was a lot of people in it, sitting down and talking to one another or just writing in a notebook that the teacher just passed out. He was explaining about the notebooks as Clair went and sat down in the very back so no attention was drawn to her. Oh she hated big crowds and standing in front of them. She gave a look at Sage to come sit down beside her before the teacher saw, and/or took roll.

@Iridescent Irony
After a reminder from Mr. Herlin, about not being late anymore of course, she gave a forced nod. The girl was a mischievous and wild, free spirit, and didn't exactly like being told what to do. Mr. Herlin pointed her to a seat, and she had to oblige. She just bore with it, and she took a sit next to some people who were talking with books in their hands. She lazily crossed a leg over the other. The air around her smelt of wind, and lots of fun and twice as much of trouble. Her brown eyes stared out blankly at Mr. Herlin who was now explaining his rules, and what he expected from the whole class. Arden, who was immensely known all over town, and school as Rocky, ran a hand through her wind-whipped brown hair. Yup, she was getting terribly bored.
April Carroll:

She got home from Church, she changed her heels into sneakers but did not change her dress, Her parents told her and Micheal that they would be talking a tour of the school today and meeting some of the kids, she went on her computer for a half-hour and then her parents told her it was time to get in the car, Michael who was already waiting in the car with a grumpy look on his face, they drove to the school and they took a tour of it meeting all of their teachers, she then went to the cafeteria to meet some of the kids...... She noticed a girl sitting at the table and walked over to talk to her


Micheal Carroll: He flipped of the two girls who were waving at him and rushed back into his house were he played on his Xbox until his parents got home, His parents told him what they told April and reminded him that they would be taking a tour of the school that day, he went into the car and waited for them, they got back and they drove to the school, he avoided April and met his teachers then they were told to go meet some kids in the cafeteria by their parents, on his way to the cafe he saw a kid in the hall who looked depressed

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He infact was very depressed, after being told to go back to school angrilly by his father, he was then yelled at by a few more teachers. He didnt want to be so bad, he only wanted friends. Tucking his tuna sandwich close to his face, he continued to sulk. He laid on the table top, head full of curls plopped on the edge. This wasnt turning out how he had planned at all. Thats when he saw the boy, staring at him. He squinted and stuck his tongue out, before giggling. 
No its kay :>
Just when Bo was beginning to think the class would never end, the bell rang and everyone grabbed their books and jogged out of the room. Bo looked around a bit and tucked a few strands of soft strawberry blonde hair behind her ear, carrying her books and supplies with one arm while her other hand was dug into her jean pocket on the left. With her head, she motioned for Rocky to come with her to the next class, which she'd noticed they had together.
Andalexanderwept said:
He infact was very depressed, after being told to go back to school angrilly by his father, he was then yelled at by a few more teachers. He didnt want to be so bad, he only wanted friends. Tucking his tuna sandwich close to his face, he continued to sulk. He laid on the table top, head full of curls plopped on the edge. This wasnt turning out how he had planned at all. Thats when he saw the boy, staring at him. He squinted and stuck his tongue out, before giggling.
Micheal Carroll: He did not noticed him squinting or sticking his tongue out,He said hi to the kid, the kid appeared to be very nervous and sad, Micheal noticed something was up, upon speaking to him Micheal came to the conclusion he was autistic. If there was one thing Micheal had sympathy for in this world it was Autism. He told the boy he felt sorry for him and told him the world was filled with judgement, he also told him he would be at school tomorrow so If anybody messed with him that the boy should tell Micheal so he could teach the bullies a lesson. He told the boy he now had a friend.
He tilted his head. A friend? He looked confused, before a huge smile came to his face and he grabbed hold of the other boys leg, tugging it. "You sit with me?" He begged, looking up with huge green eyes. Finally. Someone who might be good friends with him that wasnt a weird girl.
Andalexanderwept said:
He tilted his head. A friend? He looked confused, before a huge smile came to his face and he grabbed hold of the other boys leg, tugging it. "You sit with me?" He begged, looking up with huge green eyes. Finally. Someone who might be good friends with him that wasnt a weird girl.
Micheal Carroll: He told the boy yes, as he walked down to the cafe with the boy, he also told the boy he would be back tommrow for the entire school day as they sat down on an empty table...
As the bell rang, Rocky immediately stood to her feet, and slung her canvas bag on her shoulder. She accidentally bumped into the girl with the book, making the book fall. Her stunning doe brown eyes flickered to the girl and she gave an apologetic smile as she picked up the book and handed at her, before briefly looking at the title. She gave a more genuine smile and laughed.

"That's a good book. I've read it before." She said, and in the corner of her eye she saw Bo motioning for her to come over. She gave a playful wink. "No worries, I won't spoil it." She added as she jogged off to Bo who was about to head into the halls. Slowing her pace, she walked next to the girl.

"Haven't seen you in ages," she said, smile still upon her freckled face. "What's up?" She asked, cocking a brow. She knew Bo was popular. The popular people had all of the new buzz, which came easy to them since they all lived in such a small town. Rocky was extremely popular, but she never considered herself that. One, she didn't like labels, and two, she was just a normal girl, who just happened to be very social.
He held his bag of flowers and backpack close, the tuna sandwich half in his mouth half in his hand. He was shorter then the other boy, a bit scrawnier too. He ate quietly, before looking up and rocking softly on the hard wood of the bench. "Was your name~" he asked softly. "MmmRobby!" He quickly shook the other boys hand, giggling happily and bouncing.
"Well," Bo's voice was sing songy as she and Rocky began to walk to class. "My brother Logan and Mason may become an item sometime soon." She turned her head to look at Rocky's freckled smile. A girl could only dream of big brown eyes like Rocky's. The students in the hallway, at least the ones who were extremely absorbed in how they appeared on the outside reapplied another thick black coat of winged out liner, and Bo couldn't help but snicker at the black eye look it gave off. The funny thing was, the girls who caked on their makeup that way weren't even popular, they were just wannabes. Only one or two girls who wore a lot of makeup were popular, and Rocky and Bo weren't them, as they kept their makeup to a bare minimum. Bo remembered distinctly she'd only applied lipgloss, and masccarra, just one swipe though. What was the point if a guy only liked you for the mask on your skin?
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