Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

Since her truck still needed fix'n, she had her mom drop her off. She griped the door handle with tightness, her knuckles turned white. With her dirty blonde almost grey hair, tucked behind her ears her mom gave her a small sweet kiss on the forehead before she opened the door and stepped out.

Clair turned back to watch her mom give her an encouraging smile before driving off. Clair sighs and takes one step on to the concrete of the sidewalk. She looked around, some girl was flirting with some guys, another girl with crazy awesome hair was talk with a guy, she had a daisy in her hand. Lucky. Clair had always loved flowers, any and every kind. Clair hoped and wished she would makes friends this year. Last year she hardly had any. The ones she did have would pick on her and talk about her behind her back, so, they weren't really friends at all. Clair puts on a big bright smile before walking up to the girl with wildly awesome hair. "Hi! I'm Clair! I love that daisy.. It's so pretty!" She says with a big smile glued to her face. "I've always loved flowers."

Mentions: @Iridescent Irony
Smiling flirtatiously, "History, and I plan on sitting next to a handsome gentleman." She leaned up against him, resting her head lightly on his shoulder. Mason readjusted her backpack strap, and then looked down at the flower in her hand, smiling. It was one out of many things that would brighten her day today. She just wished she had gotten a better look at the boy who had given it to her.
Robby pushed the bathroom door open and went inside. He tilted his head. There werent any girls in there, and he needed to go pee. He went to a stall, before stopping. does was confused. He closed the stall door before locking it. He flopped down and pulled off his pants. No time like the presence.
"Who's that from?" The playful smile remained on Logan's lips though he went into slight jealous, protective mode. He was like that, especially around a brown eyed girl like her. "And what handsome boy do you have in mind, exactly?" swept some ash blonde hair from his forehead, not removing his arm from her shoulder as his hand gently caressed her arm. Yeah, he was sort of throwing questions at her, but he also was curious. This girl was quite the catch, and she smelled like a red velvet cupcake, and seemed to be so perky and positive. He didn't want some other guys taking that from him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_lnbb1pOMDJ1qjyiar.gif.b4098c78fe09dc05b55572d3f619aeb0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16351" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_lnbb1pOMDJ1qjyiar.gif.b4098c78fe09dc05b55572d3f619aeb0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"I-I don't know. Some boy just dropped it in front of me." It was a pure, innocently white daisy, and she loved it. Staring at it's petals, she smirked and looked up at Logan. "Why, are you jealous?" He caressed her bare arm, giving her goosebumps. "Oh, I don't know..I think his name is Logan." She smiled coyly at him, biting her bottom lip tentatively. He smelled good, of pine and cologne. The good-smelling kind, though. Bringing herself back to reality, Mason looked up at Logan and hoped he hadn't said anything else.
Just as Sage reached the office door she knocked on it even though it was already open. Sage dragged in a deep breath remembering the lady she met with the other day; they didn't really get off on a good foot. Suddenly, Robby sprinted off out of sight. The lady stared at Sage with a stern look, "May I help you?"

Sage felt her cheeks hot and the words began to jumble up in her throat. Sage gulped and shaked her head "no" before walking away. She decided she'd walk to her locker them. Sage noticed a pretty girl was talking to her. 'Gah.. Sage stop leaving earth will you.' "Hi," Sage smiled and felt her heart skip a beat. "Clair, I'm Sage." She smiled and chewed on her lip; feeling a bit shy. She looked at the flower in her hand, almost forgot it was there in the first place. "Oh, yeah. It was a gift. Daisies are pretty nice right," she placed the flower into her own hair. Sage felt a bit awkward unsure what to say next; she wasn't the best at conversations.
Logan laughed, rubbing the side of her arm. "Now that you mention it.." He looked to the direction of the history class a few feet ahead, some of the girls who took too much time to do their makeup and hair shooting envious glares to Mason. Who could blame em'? Logan was usually very modest, though but even he could see why they were jealous. Speaking of which, he wasn't about to admit to being ragingly jealous, so as quickly as possible he came up with the best response. "Ehh, just curious."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_lquwlpMqZ11qmegcko2_500.gif.f066c3a8b290a2dab870c222e7164afb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_lquwlpMqZ11qmegcko2_500.gif.f066c3a8b290a2dab870c222e7164afb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Mason smiled at Logan. "Okay, just curious." She followed Logan's eyes to the girls standing at the door as they neared the door. As an impulse, just to make the girls angry, the girls who had put Mason through hell, and because she wanted to, Mason stood on her tiptoes, and planted a sweet, soft kiss on Logan's cheek. Untangling herself from his arm, she entered the classroom first, heading to an empty partner seat, waiting for Logan to enter so he could sit next to her. She didn't know many others, no scratch that. She did know them, they just didn't like her.
Bo strode into the classroom, brand new school supplies hugged to her chest, she took a seat in the front of the room. When she was comfortably seated she began to sharpen a pencil over the floor, spreading the shavings around so to make it look less visible.

Logan's cheeks went hot, he could feel it, and knew they had looked red, too. Red as Mason's long curly red hair. Like a fly to a light, he followed her lead, falling into the desk beside her clumsily, making his cheeks go even redder. How was that even possible? Was he..blushing? The things this girl unintentionally made him do, Logan had to admit she was something special. When the teacher, a tall man in glasses started talking, writing his name out: Mr. Herlin in purple chalk on the blackboard, Logan was hardly paying attention, he was still staring like an idiot at Mason.
Note: The Carroll's moved in 3 days ago and will be starting school tommrow

April Carroll:

She woke up at 7:00 am, she would be going to her new Church in a couple hours with her parents, she wanted to wake up her brother Micheal to try to convince him to go with them but every time she did that it didn't end well so she decided against it. So she changed into her Green dress and white Heels, she practiced her art carefully, not to get any paint on her dress for the next couple hours when it was time to go to church, she went into her dads car with her parents and they drove to Church, during the sermon she noticed a couple girls testing on their phones who were probably forced togo and wearing jeans, she was disgusted with them but did not say anything.......

Micheal Carroll:

Michael woke up late, he changed into his usual clothes a black t-shirt with the name of a metal band on it and blue shorts, he went down to his garage to practice some of his music because neither his parents or April were home, he liked what he heard and after a couple hours he drove his car to a fast-food place and ordered a Cheeseburger,some Onion Rings,and a Soda. He ate them in his car and drove home, when he got back he noticed two girls in dresses waving to him it was neither his mom or sister............
Robby got from the seat, once done, and went through the empty halls, eyes big and wide in fear. He moved through them slowly, holding the bag of flowers close. He looke fearful, trembling, shaking. Thats when he slammed into a wall and yelped. He rubbed his forehead, whimpering and looking for help. "Hello??" He called out, his voice traveling. "WHERE EVERYONE GO?!!" He started breathing sharply, nonono. This wasnt right. Everyone was gone. They had to come back now.
No one was outside of the courtyard. Damn, she was so late. She sprinted in her worn black combat boots that she wore with her clothes that she just threw on. Her canvas backpack slapped against her back as she ran. The slight wind whipped itself through her brown hair and rang itself in her pierced ears. The pavement crunched under her feet, and the doors came into view. She neared them quickly, and her breath quickened. The wild, fast-footed girl braced for the impact that her hands would make.

She checked herself into the with a slam, bursting through the comfortably air-conditioned school. She quickly grabbed her schedule and read it with haste. She quickly flickered her doe brown eyes back up into the halls, and she ran fast. Very fast. Her humane speed sent a rush of air where she went, and she didn't pay attention to anyone who lingered in the bare halls. She pushed the door open quickly to class, the impact making a noise. She stood in the doorway, her chest heaving for breath.

Her hair was wind-whipped but charming. Her clothes her modest and her makeup wasn't even showing. She barely had any on, just some powder. Her hands were red, and slightly scratched. They stung. She tipped up her eyebrows slightly and gave a sheepish smile to the class, and the questioning face of the teacher who looked like he ached for an explanation. Everyone there knew who she was. Other than a few new people, but must've heard about her through town. The wild Arden, who was also known as Rocky.

She drew a deep breath, freckled face reddening from the irregular breathing pattern. "Sorry I'm late, did I miss anything?" She asked, cocking a brow as she glanced over to the teacher. In the corner of her eye she could see the teacher's name on the board in neat, purple chalk. What a whimsical color, she would've expected white chalk. Averting her attention from the slight sidetrack, she looked back at the teacher, Mr. Herlin.
Hearing a familiar charming voice, Bo's head jerked up from her absent minded sharpening, a wide grin spreading on her face as she lifted her hand to wave joyfully at the freckled girl, Arden. Or, her nickname, Rockie. In a way, Rockie reminded Bo of herself. They both had freckles, long hair, and could run like hell.

Meanwhile, Logan half glanced at the slightly flustered girl who'd looked like she'd just ran a marathon, yet still appeared presentable. Hopefully Mr. Herlin would be easy on her, but he was particularly a very nice teacher. Logan's favorite in fact, so he doubted highly that he'd be hard on Arden. Ahh yes, Arden was her name, Logan remembered her from last year.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Lucas-Till-Hannah-Montana-Movie.jpg.3e9306a1a0548d0f6695dfdd4206dde8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16358" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Lucas-Till-Hannah-Montana-Movie.jpg.3e9306a1a0548d0f6695dfdd4206dde8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Clair gave sage a smile "Totally.. I love flowers.. It's looks good on you." She smiles bigger at her before shuffling awkwardly. She took out the paper from the back pocket of her jeans. She looked it quickly before smiling. "My locker is right next to yours!" She exclaims walking over to it and putting the combination in and unlocking it. She could tell the girl really wasn't the type to talk. She hoped she was one of those people who, once you got to know them then they would open up and be more outgoing, Clair wasn't like that. she was outgoing all the time.

Mentions: @Iridescent Irony
Robby shoved the door open and walked into the classroom, eyeing everyone silently. He puffed up his chest and looked red faced in the direction of the teacher. "i. is. lost." he declared, puffing his cheeks. "where office??"
In the corner of her eyes she saw a violent, rather excited wave come from someone. Her brow raised and she turned her head to see who the person was. A wide, charming smile spread onto her face when she recognized it as someone who was achingly familiar. Her smile was straight, and white and if you were close, you could small the mint in her breath. She gave a wave back to the girl and mouthed, 'Hi Bo!'.

She sent another smile to the rest of the class. The smile was so endearing that it would make people want to come up close to her and socialize, or have them develop a jealousy for how happy and carefree and wild she seemed. But in reality, she was just a girl. She wasn't gorgeous, but she wasn't hideous. She had always thought she was in between, but never really cared for her appearance though she kept herself cleaned up well.

She still stood in the doorway, waiting for his reply. She didn't notice the person behind her.
he whined and pushed softly at her, bopping his curly head against her back. "Mmmooove!!" he whined loudly, upset. he pushed through, chest still heaving. "Wheres office?? Take flower!!" he grabbed a flower from his plastic bag and handed it to her, whimpering. man did his head ache.
A forceful whine was shrieked behind her and she was caught off guard. A head was slammed into her spine, and she was aggressively pushed. Her smile faltered. She was still a bit lightheaded and her legs felt like jelly from running such a far distance at such a speedy pace. She quickly caught herself with her feet, full of grace. With the way she just picked herself up, she could easily be a cheerleader, or part of some other sport. A flower was shoved into her hand. She smiled. "Thanks," she said, appreciative. "If you go down to the bathroom, and go straight, to your right will be the office." She said simply.
he still looked upset, but hurried as quickly as he could down the hall to the office. He was slightly afraid. What if he was in trouble with the teachers, what if his father found out and was angry with him?? He peeked into the office, looking around. "...hhello?" he asked softly, looking as a woman sat at the deesk. he trembled. he was in trouble, he knew it.
Summer's black converse slapped across the pavement as she got out of her truck and walked to the entrance of the school. She had always hated school and that's why she rarely ever comes to it, and when she was actually forced to come to school today. She sighed and heaved open the door. The cool air condition air bit at her bare arms and nose, Summer opened her purse and retrieved her schedule, first she had History, she sucked in her breath and walked to her first period class.

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Sage's smile grew, "thanks." Lakewood was a lot different from New York. Sage wasn't used to people coming up to her and talking to her. In New York everyone minded their own business, they went about their own ways. They generally weren't friendly and Sage was quite accustomed to these ways. She didn't want to seem rude. But she'd have to get used it here.

"A love for daisies and lockers neighboring eachother; I guess the universe is pushing us together," Sage let out a chuckle. "So you're new too? What class are you heading to?"
Clair chuckles. She swings open her locker door and puts a few note books and pencils inside. "Yay!" She say kind of loudly. She blushes a little bit before wrapping her arms around Sage, hugging her then letting go. "Ya, new here.. Moved her from another state, it was country like this one.. So nothing really new to me.. But, my family does own this huge wealthy farm." She smiles before continuing " Um.. I'm not sure.. I hope we have the same class. So I won't be alone.. I've never really had many friends before.. That is if we are friends." She takes out the paper again and reads it. " I was have creative writing, then art, Yay!" She says excitedly, "What about you?" she asks sweetly.

Mentions @Iridescent Irony
Robby went to classes after being scorned, soon finding his way to being yelled at by a few teachers for not listening and being incompatent. He walked down the halls with his head low, no smile left on his face. His bag of flowers had been beat up by a few mean boys in a class, and he hadnt seen a friendly face since the morning. he stood sadly in front of his locker, dropping both bags and flopping onto the ground. he didnt care if the people laughed and pointed, or teachers told him to stand. he was too tired to listen.
Shiloh walked out of her new house, she hated living here. She used to live in England, which she thought was the best place ever. She had a very thick English accent and she liked it. She decided to look around and took a walk with her Rottweiler, Venus.
Sage felt her cheeks warm from the hug. The only person who ever really hugs her is her father. It was new to her but nice. Sage leaned against her locker while her foot tapped against the floor, she chewed on her lip while Clair dealt with the things in her locker. "Oh cool. I'm from out of state too; New York. Unlike you, this is all very new to me," Sage let out a nervous laugh, "If it makes you feel better I don't exactly have friends either, you would be the closest to a friend so far.

"Hm, oh dang; I think I have Physics," Sage reached into her pocket to pull out her schedule but upon looking at it her eyes lit up with relief, "Oh no, wow! Creative writing like you... then physics. By the way, we should be on our way... we're kinda late." Sage began walking towards the direction of their class. "I guess we can make an excuse; we're new; we got lost." Sage lift her hands into the air and gave a sheepish smile.


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