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  1. Framelilac

    Cancen High [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Framelilac

    Cancen High [Inactive]

    Tialo looked at the beautiful forest landscape from the car that was taking her to an unknown location. She was surprised when she learned that the scientists weren't going to test on her for the rest of her life, but instead send her to a boarding school. Tialo soon fell asleep with thoughts if...
  3. Framelilac

    Cancen High

    Name: Tialo Awnsa Age: 17 Gender: Female Dorm: Girl blazing fire dorm Power/Race- Half Demon. Powers are listed below. Telekinetic- really powerful with her telekines can't lift buildings but can lift cars Fire- Pretty intense but not the fire god Telepathy- pretty weak with it...
  4. Framelilac

    your gem [Inactive]

    Kira found a plot if land that was just right and started building her new home. She only got the foundations done, but it was a good start.
  5. Framelilac

    00 World

  6. Framelilac

    00 World

    Name: Abigal (Abi) Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.222bcbaa9c65c5c2d00f34487465fbf7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15296"...
  7. Framelilac

    your gem [Inactive]

    Kira went downstairs to take a shower then went outside to go on a walk. "I wonder where I shall live," Kira thought to herself. She was so used to moving constantly and has never really thought about a permenate residency. "Kinda small, cozy, and well built were some of the features she wanted...
  8. Framelilac

    your gem [Inactive]

    Kira wandered around the house, she looked into the library and found Eliza and Leroy. "Hey guys," she said. "Anything new?"
  9. Framelilac

    your gem [Inactive]

    Kira woke up on a couch in Eliza's house. She was nice warm and sweaty. Kira looked at the clock. She quickly got up realizing she slept 17 hours. She quickly made some breakfast and head out to find everyone.
  10. Framelilac

    To Save a Kingdom

    Name: Ella Hanson Age: 17 Appearance: Role: MC2 Friend 2 Past with main character: Was one of MC1 AND MC2's good friends while growing up. They liked to talk and hang around. She knew MC1 and MC2 because she was one if the richer residents and they liked to play. She became Head...
  11. Framelilac

    My Imagination Has Overcome Me

    Name: Ella Sciera Age: 14 Gender: Female Creature: Angel Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.50819bc19352288e991efcff1a8f2978.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15271"...
  12. Framelilac

    Fire Emblem: Rebirth.

    Name: Eleka Habbard Age: 19 Country of Orgin: Ylisse Personality: Brave Loyal Smart Kind-Hearted and Righteous are a few words to describe her. Eleka enjoys taking to others and always cherishes happy moments. She always keeps the mood up. Class: Pegasus Rider Backstory: Eleka grew up...
  13. Framelilac

    A War to Shake Humanity

    Ok, I'll change it to that she grew up normally, but when war came she was discovered that she was a halfbreed so her parents were killed because halfbreeds were considered twisted and disgusting creatures
  14. Framelilac

    A War to Shake Humanity

    Name: Julia Starnight Species: A halfbreed, half Dark Angel, Half Human, the Dark Angel part in her is Pain, but the human part in her covers it up Age: 19 Power: Is telekinetic and has power to invade mind and cause pain, hates using her second power. Skills: Has got good aim with a gun...
  15. Framelilac

    Dragon Riders

    Name: Thalia Twist Age:21 Gender: Female Kingdom: Dunnath, but lived alone in the forest with her dragon Weapon: the upgraded scabbard She always carries her scabbard around<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c05af15d603d4369eaf48e90e5a031de.jpg"...
  16. Framelilac

    your gem [Inactive]

    Kira stood up and went to the fridge. She took out a bottle of water. "Pretty much my whole life I've been on the run. It was weird to talk to these people when I first met them, but I've gotten kinda used to it. Yet I still feel like the awkward one, and physical contact still reminds me of..."...
  17. Framelilac

    your gem [Inactive]

    "I'll get it," she said taking the medical kit and getting out the medical tape. "It's not you that I'm nervous around if your wondering, I'm just uncomfortable about anyone touching me." Kira taped her wounds closed and took some pain relief medicine.
  18. Framelilac

    your gem [Inactive]

    "Eliza usually keeps one in the cupboard all the way to the left." Kira replied.
  19. Framelilac

    your gem [Inactive]

    "I can walk,"
  20. Framelilac

    your gem [Inactive]

    "Do you have some food water and pain relief medicine?"