Dragon Riders


The Hunter
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Character Name:





Special Ability:





Dragon's Name:

Element: (only one)

Character Name: Shiroi Shinu

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Kingdom: White City

Weapon: Peace and Love!


Two matching chakrams she never leaves home without

Special Ability: Gust; Shiroi has the ability to create and control the wind

Story: Shiroi lived a normal life at home. She was raised by two dragon riders who had given her a dragon as her childhood companion. They grew very close together over the years and have learned to depend upon each other heavily. Nothing of much significance has happened in her life so far

Personality: Shiroi is a private girl who loves to smile and enjoy life. She doesn't get upset easily and from time to time she can forget common sense




Dragon's Name: Fear

Element: Darkness


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Name: Thalia Twist


Gender: Female

Kingdom: Dunnath, but lived alone in the forest with her dragon

Weapon: the upgraded scabbard

She always carries her scabbard around<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c05af15d603d4369eaf48e90e5a031de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c05af15d603d4369eaf48e90e5a031de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Special Ability: Dark Storm, can summon a mini storm that expands about 20 feet around her and shocks enemies with dark lightning

Story: Was born as a normal peasant. Her mom died while giving birth and she was raised by her dad. One day her dad died in a war, Thalia was only twelve. She ran away into the woods and found a dragon. She tamed him and lived the rest of her life alone, until her home city started dying, so Thalia came to help the other Riders what was causing the problem.

Personality: Thalia is a very protective person. She guards her feelings well, and is always calm. She hates being controlled, manipulated, and unsure of what to do. She likes working, being in control, and knowing what's going on. She is very curious and observant.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.7b2583cc2efb67920488bc1939b61090.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15253" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.7b2583cc2efb67920488bc1939b61090.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dragons Name: Storm

Element: storm, mostly lightning

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.dd2b750fad908791fb15df1d06f3ee55.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.dd2b750fad908791fb15df1d06f3ee55.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name: Dirge Order

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Hammerfall

Weapon: Harbinger

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef4c1793_JS-6671.jpg.73627df09645e8ded9a893cdb45d9a9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15256" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef4c1793_JS-6671.jpg.73627df09645e8ded9a893cdb45d9a9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A unique spear that can be separated into a sword and a long pole. This allows Dirge to travel around without any hassles from the long weapon, being able to carry the two parts on his back with ease.

Special Ability: Freezer - User can create and shape ice from out of thin air

Story: Dirge was born from a royal family in the icy north kingdom of Hammerfall. Was disowned by his family and made a outcast by his kingdom when he saved a baby fire dragon from dying. He left and became a wanderer for a many years as he took care of his dragon by himself. The wanderer was then given an offer to become a official Dragon Rider by the Kingdom of White City after Chaos and Dirge saved several of the kingdom's Riders from a ambush set up by professional dragon hunters. He accepted and is now a knight serving in White City.

Personality: Dirge is an open-minded young man who believes that balance should be maintained to prevent future problems from occurring. He tends to do what he feels is right and likes to prank his friends a lot. Prefers to settle his problems by talking to the enemy first instead of attacking head-on, hoping to make peace with them without needing to fight.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef4e551a_361909-white_raven_by_nuriko_kun_d38a8jf_super1.jpg.43c7ba60d76d28c013a9ad3dd9f45af3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15266" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef4e551a_361909-white_raven_by_nuriko_kun_d38a8jf_super1.jpg.43c7ba60d76d28c013a9ad3dd9f45af3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dragon's Name: Chaos

Element: Fire


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef4c4910_cataclysm_43_021.jpg.6cd52c834b5fa89716e987de281295d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef4c4910_cataclysm_43_021.jpg.6cd52c834b5fa89716e987de281295d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name: Khajin Hitokaru

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Hammerfall

Weapon: Mani Katu and Mani Kara (two holy long daggers that can form a single double bladed staff)


Special Ability: Spirit Step (he discards his physical form for his pure soul form and teleports into the parallel spirit word making himself virtually disappear from this world. He can still see and hear everything and can make himself reappear at anytime. While this is a passive power, time moves faster in the Spirit Realm and he can teleport around in the real world like this. He can also use this power to let out spirits or to see the true form of any living being and possess it.)

Story: Being the only son from the Royal Family Hitokaru of Hammerfall he was destined to be a leader from the moment he was born. Everything he did and everything he learned was in preparation for this job. The only thing was that he was to be a spiritual leader as his family had done for the people of Hammerfall throughout history. While he showed the talent for spiritual powers from an early age he only wanted to fight and be a knight. His parents eventually relented and he was allowed squireship with the cities garrison under a famous dragon knight. Under this knight Khajin learned to fight and channel his naturally passive powers into offense. Because of the nature of his powers he was a natural at "cloak and dagger" and was sent to learn to be a spy and ranger. When he was to be bonded with his dragon as a hatchling it became very sickly with a rare disease that took away its fire breathing ability and drained all the color from it leaving it a pale gray. His parents and masters urged him to accept a new one as it would surely die but he refused to give up on his dragon and nursed him day and night. Due to his powers he formed a strong spiritual bond to his dragon and over time the disease left and his dragon grew into a strong magnificent silver dragon. While its fire breathing never returned it instead gained a new set of powers fueled by his bond to Khajin and the spirit world.

Personality: He is very calm and confident. Even in the middle of battle his training keeps him level headed. Years of hard training and lengthy meditation has left him very balanced and centered. He is a protective friend and a big flirt. Girls are his weakness.


Dragon's Name: Lunos

Element: Spirit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Screenshot_2014-03-28-11-00-22.png.7d31171feea2589350575553df7ea9e1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Screenshot_2014-03-28-11-00-22.png.7d31171feea2589350575553df7ea9e1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name: Sol

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Kingdom: (He has no home kingdom)

Weapon: Chrono Blade. A weird sword made from a unknown metal.


Special Ability: Dragon's Rage sends his dragon into a rage and rampages off destroying everything in sight.

Story: Sol was said to be born from a Dragon as a Rumor. But he actually is human. He lost his left arm at the age of 17 and was given a new arm, a Dragon's left arm as a replacement. The Dragon blood from the arm allows Sol to use a degree of Dragon strength. He lives with his dragon.

Personality: Sol is the type of person who hates annoying sounds. He is calm even under exterme pressure. He is also creepy at times.



Dragon's Name: Nidhogg

Element: Spirit/Light.

Character Name: Elfangor

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Dunnath

Weapon: Longbow

Special Ability: Telepathic Explosion-Overloads enemies' minds, stunning them

Story: Uroboros is his twin brother. During the destruction of Dunnath, Elfangor was helping to lead his family and a small group of refugees out of the forest, but the twins' parents were killed. Uroboros went crazy, and Elfangor was just barely able to calm him down and get them and the refugees out. Now they are determined to put an end to the evil that has befallen Disarae.

Personality: Calm, methodical. The opposite of his brother. Very cautious, borderline paranoid. Intelligent. His only fault is his obsession with thievery.

Appearance: Tall, thin, wiry. Black hair. Dark eyes. Looks and is fast. No where near as strong as his brother, but enough to operate his longbow with amazing speed and accuracy.


Dragon's Name: Svinnr

Element: Air

Appearance: Small, lean, quick. Black scales. No wings (like a Chinese dragon). Eyes shift between completely white or dark gray.
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Character Name: Uroboros

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Dunnath

Weapon: Warhammer


Special Ability: Berserker Charge- Grow to twice my normal size and charge my foes, destroying everything in my path.

Story: While my twin brother Elfangor and I were young we saved a nobleman from an avalanche and for reward he granted us two dragons eggs which soon hatched into our lifelong friends and companions.

Personality: Unlike my brother I am quite hotheaded and act very out of instinct. I am extremely overprotective of my twin and will do anything to protect him.

Appearance: A strong athletic boy with brown hair and green eyes. Very well built and about 7'4".

Dragon's Name: Sterkr

Element: Earth

Appearance: Slow flyer, but is extremely strong.

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*Please note bios are NOT my strong point in anyway (Especially histories)*

Name: Sinteara O'Grihm (SIN-TEAR-AH) (OH-GRIM)

Short form -Sin

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Kingdom: Dunnath

Weapon: Blood Song a black Scythe formerly Cursed with the Burden of Shakran - This weapon mirrors that of a reapers blade, and is attached to it's wielder through a long chain ending in what would appear to mimic a dragon's claws. Upon summoning the claws extend from within the earth and attach them self to the wrist of the weilder, and the rest of the weapon is soon pulls itself from the earth. The chains length adjusts itself using magic to a maximum of fifteen feet and a minimum of three.

Special Ability: Blood Awakening- The ability to summon blade or dragon through the offering of blood.


Story/History: Sinteara's past is a closely guarded secret however the origin of the Blood Song, and its charge is not a complete mystery; after encountering a traveller speaking of dark ruins were the light does not shine -and cursed beings roam. She was quick to find the rumors source, and upon entering the desolate area she investigated the area until she located a vast clearing surrounded by ancient stone pillars. A misplaced step was her misfortune as in doing so she pricked her finger -crimson blood falling to the earth - a harmless act that altered her fate as the ground beneath her liquefied into a dark matter calling the shadows into it's depths.

Out from within the swirling mass a large being rose like a phoenix from the ashes it's body shrouded in darkness... Sinteara's blood had granted the creature it's freedom after decades of imprisonment.

The being was Shakran a Dragon that had once terrorized all who crossed her path until she met her undoing, and her body was sealed, and forever separated from the rage that was than taken and hidden in the form of a reapers blade.

The dragon no longer affected by it's hatred had changed in ways that left it unrecognizable... a new being...

The world had changed... the dragon new that and understood the complications of trying to survive without adequate knowledge so-for the time being made the decision to "allow" the girl to accompany her for the time being as she searched the vessel of her rage.

In the years to come the pair did indeed find the vessel however Shakran was wary of returning to her former self and thus embodied the power of her rage to her companion.

*During battles Shakran can access her powers through her bond with Sinteara*

Dragon: Shakran an ancient being that once terrorized all who crossed her paths.

Element: Rage; akin to darkness it turns hatred/rage into a source of power


Character Name: fenrir malchrion

Age: 16

Gender: male

Kingdom: north men, hammer fell. but born in the white city

Weapon: "fenrir's maw" a massive 7 foot fanged lucerne hammer with the spike as the body of the wolf and the spear going through the wold body

Special Ability: ungodly strength...

Story: born in the white city fenrir's family is from the north and as a child he was lost in the mountains where he was hunted by a dragon injuring each other multiple times eventual the ended up growing an uneasy friendship. after which they went in search of fenrir's family. who had disowned him and had announced a new heir.

Personality: quiet. not the smartest but long in the tooth so to speak.

Appearance: grizzled young man who stand shorter than most of his family. but chiseled out of slabs of muscle.

P.S. due to vajra's larg sholders and bulk fenrir mus ride him in a sadle that has bindings to hold only his feet. (in effect he is standing on the dragon) although he has a bit of a meditating stool coming out of the saddle and he usually sits crouched. this is also due to vajras hard spikes.


Dragon's Name: vajra

Element: lighting


also has a nail like mace on his tail kinda like the one from dragon heart with a bit of this.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/alternate-colors-fantasy-27105.jpg.7e63af748ea2cb7589c8f3f95e0cdeb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/alternate-colors-fantasy-27105.jpg.7e63af748ea2cb7589c8f3f95e0cdeb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name: Teryna (fairly high noble in her home country, similar to duchess) Eliza VII of the House Kingsley

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Kingdom: Breonne

this is her family's heraldry in a staff, this is an entirely ceremonial weapon.

this is the weapon she uses in combat situations

Special Ability: The Blood of My Ancestors- After her family was killed, she was the last of her line. This need to survive, and leave the battlefield still able to bear children, means that when she is near death, she can summon her ancestors to fight for her and infuse the remnants of their spirits into her, giving her a second wind. However, this means total death for her ancestors, who are otherwise preserved by a spell cast on their entire lineage millenniums ago.

Story: Eliza was born into the highest nobility short of the throne, and was raised as such. Given private tutors, personal seamstresses, celebratory galas at every birthday and whole herd of the finest steeds available for purchase. She lived the glory life, foreign princes throwing themselves at her and enough servants to populate a small town, the belle of every ball and the prize of every political meeting.

Until the Ysmir came. The Ysmir raided her palace, killed the men and had their way with the women. The servants that were left deserted, her mother hung herself, her sister ran off to become an assassin and was killed by a mark, and her aunt, the last member of the family beside Eliza, vowed revenge and was killed in her failed retaliation. Between her sister, mother and revenge driven aunt, her family was left disgraced, and Eliza was left with a hollow name and no one to protect her. At 16, she ventured away, with a promise to find her path, regain her honor, and rebuild her house. She met her dragon at 18, and has been working to reclaim her honor through that ever since.

Personality: Eliza is an honor bound person, but don't be fooled by stereotypes. She enjoys frivolity and mirth, but also conforms to morals she will not cross. Having grown up in a highly social family, she enjoys gatherings, and gets lonely easily. She tends to act on emotions rather than logic, and is a feeler, then a thinker, then a doer. She is extremely accepting, as her own past is shameful to her culture, so she refuses to judge others based on their pasts, preferring to judge on their present.

her during her Teyrna days


Dragon's Name: Demesne of Nascency (it means the dominion of births, yes it is English.) Also called Dem.

Element: The Dominion of Creation- this includes Life, Healing, Restoration, Purification, and the like. Essentially, positive energy.

it's hard to see, but the edges of her scales are gold
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Character Name: Deinsleft

Age: 284 (appears 20)

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Born off the coast of Hammerfall grew up in the mountains near Hammerfall until the ripe young age of 64 when he moved to Dunnath until it was destroyed.

Weapon: Trident


Special Ability: Spins his trident around smashing it into the ground causing a typhoon to swirl his enemies stunning and in some cases drowning them.

Story: Not much is known of Deinsleft other than that his parents were clearly elder giants of the sea (the oldest giants from a time that no mortals can remember) he is very old yet very able, also he was among those who escaped Dunnath and mentors the twins Elfangor and Uroboros teaching Elfangor to contain his powers and help Uroboros contain his anger.

Personality: Calm, Clear-Minded, Wise, Strong, Prefers not to fight. (Not as strong as Uroboros by far even though he is much larger.)

Appearance: 8 feet tall, strong build, large brown beard, short brown hair, intense blue eyes.


Dragon's Name:

Element: Water

Appearance: Dark Navy Blue, Long tendrils descending from chin, Large wings.

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Character Name: Nexus Arket

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Dunnath

Weapon: Dual Scythes, one is ice magic and the other fire. Maelstrom {Ice magic} Hellfire {Fire duh}

Special Ability: Able to use the scythe's magic in his attacks. Can combine the two into a large staff which combines the two's magic.

Story: Nexus was always a problem child. Always doing what he wanted, and since he was always a quick talker and manipulator he never got in trouble. When he was old enough, around 12, he got fed up with his family and left. He found a group of thugs and eventually he became the leader of a large group of thugs and brutes.

Personality: He isn't afraid to kill someone if he has too, if you get in his way be prepared to get out of it. He also is extremely greedy, hence his pricy outfit, and will lie, cheat and steal too get more money. But he does care for his gang members, so if you attack them be prepared to face the head of the group. Will try to convince you too do what he wants, if he can't he will get violent and force you.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Evil-Anime-Guy.jpg.e04c63f3c385f721ee599f294b786936.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Evil-Anime-Guy.jpg.e04c63f3c385f721ee599f294b786936.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Dragon's Name: Diablo

Element: Metal

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Dragon.full.1233360.jpg.4f813ce3da93156b67e01abd8fc5f1c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Dragon.full.1233360.jpg.4f813ce3da93156b67e01abd8fc5f1c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name: Cecilia Agenfield

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Kingdom: Breonne

Weapon: A cutlass, with small runes engraved on one side of the blade. She has tied a red ribbon to the handle.

Special Ability: Venomous bite -- When fighting in close quarters, she can sink her teeth into the enemy, injecting them with venom. This venom can have varying effects, such as dizziness and fatigue to even brief paralysis and death. The more extreme reactions typically happen to small or weak enemies.

Story: Cecilia grew up in a fairly wealthy family, being viewed by her parents as an heir more than a child. She was taught the family traditions and given a dragon at the age of 12. By the time she was 17, she left her home, a right of passage for many children in her family. For two years she was roaming the countryside, collecting money whenever she could by doing certain tasks.

Personality: Cecilia is very independent, though she often cannot do without her dragon at her side. She's fairly intelligent, though rather cruel at times. Most of what she does is for herself and herself only, often expecting rewards out of things. She's verbose and tends to put on a very sweet facade, though it'll quickly melt away if she's annoyed.

Appearance: She has light brown, nearly blonde, hair, with bright, round blue eyes. She has fairly delicate features, as well as having a slender body, She typically wears decently fancy dresses, though she'll go for a simple look when in battle, occasionally even wearing armour. She puts a lot of effort into her appearance, and it shows.


Dragon's Name: Anguis

Element: Poison

Appearance: Anguis has silver scales, her neck is long and her body light and agile. Her eyes are large and yellow, having a reflective quality to them. Her wings are large, her four feet clawed. She has two long but thin horns, almost resembling those of an angora goat.
Character Name: Calypso Underwood

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Kingdom: The white city.

Weapon: Believe it or not, the adornment in her hair turns into a full length sword. The visible part shown is actually a smaller handle for the sword, yet when needed it turns into a standard sword.

Special Ability:Clairsentience- The ability to perceive an objects history by touching it.

Story: Not much is known of Calypso except the fact that she is a dragon rider and from the White city. Of course, her dragon knows her history but that is only because of the fact that Soul has grown up with Calypso

Personality:Calypso can be rash and bold at certain times but she has a calm cool head. She can somewhat be shy but outgoing at the same time. Calypso is the kinda person that can think anything is funny and can laugh at anything. Yet even though she can seem bubbly can will, when needed, wise up and become serious.



Dragon's Name: Soul of Flame. Nicknamed Soul

Element: (only one) Air

Character Name: Rahgron Hahkun

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Born in Hammerfall but travels to other kingdoms.

Weapon: A Black Knight Great sword and a Spear bow.

Special Ability:Unrelenting shout: By shouting three words I shout a great force that has enough force to stun a dragon for a few seconds, but it really drains my stamina.

Story: Rahgron was just a small boy who saw his parents were killed by a wild dragon. Rahgron was about to see the same fate as his parents when suddenly a dragon with red scales stopped the wild dragon by breathing a burning fire breath that burned through the wild dragon's scales. The wild dragon fell to the ground, dead, the dragon that saved Rahgron turned to the him and lays right next to him. Rahgron, feeling sad that his parents died, walked up to the dragon and said, "I don't know if you understand me but I have no one left, my parents died and I'm all alone. Could you stay with me, Please?" The dragon opened his wing and brought Rahgron closer to him, he looks at the boy and nodded, yes. Rahgron gave a smile to the dragon and hugged him. Rahgron asked what his name is, the dragon looked at the ground and breathed out a little fire that burned into the earth. The ember on the ground spelled, "Durnehviir". Over the years the Rahgron grew into a man and has followed his father's footsteps in becoming the Greatest blacksmith and travel around the kingdoms selling his weapons and armors to the people. He uses his dragon to help with the carrying and the forge, Durnehviir taught Rahgron how to use the power of the dragons shouts, but he could only learn one and it took him five years to learn it and another five years to master it. Rahgron and Durnehviir have been traveling together ever since Rahgron's parents died and are still watching over each other.

Personality: Rahgron is a friendly guy who would help people when he has the time. He doesn't like it when people try to steal are scam him on his work.

Without the armor.


Dragon's Name:Durnehviir

Element: Fire

Character Name: Canaan

Age: appears to be in his mid twenties

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Awoke in a forest in Dunnath, wanders rather aimlessly.


Special Ability: Hydra Regeneration

Story: What little Canaan knows about himself is told in a Log book, detailing, to some degree,

how Canaan came to be. Of what can be gleaned from the frenzied scrawl of some crazed mad mage-scientist, Canaan is a construct, a living golem hewn from Hydra essence and flesh, a ribcage forged from some of the most indestructible metals magic can purify, and stem cells take from new born children, all in the pursuit of the construction of a Meta-Hydra, a man-made machine of nigh immortal flesh. Hydra are nefarious for their regenerative abilities, and such primal vitality is allocated Canaan as well. Unless the heart, locked away in a forged ribcage, is pierced, Canaan has the ability to regenerate any and every limb, decapitation being only an impediment to the horrific titan of flesh. All this power, however, is wielded by a simpleton.

Personality: Canaan is a gentle being, for all intents and purposes, only wielding his club when things in front of him need to go squish. Canaan also lacks self preservation skills, and can be wounded by even a novice swordsman. Don't let this fool you, however, as the unbridled strength in a blow from Canaan can crack the bones of scaled dragons and crush men to a fine paste.



Dragon's Name: Nimbus

Element: Cloud


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