To Save a Kingdom


Le Savior.
Saito submitted a new role play.

Roles Currently Open:

Main Character- @Saito - Male

3rd Main Character- @Darth Pai - Male

MC Friend 3- @Archdemon - Male

MC Friend 4- @Evergreen98 - Female

2MC Friend 1- @Raggamuffinz - Female (Added into the group.)

2MC Friend 3- @King of Imagination - Male (Added into the group.)

2MC Friend 4- @animania - Female (Added into the group.)

2MC Friend 6- @Darksoul90 - Male (Added into the group.)

3MC Friend 1- @Manoneno1 - Male

3MC Friend 2- @Kawashima Thunder - Female

Sign up information:



Appearance (Anime character mandatory):


Past with the main character (If one at all):



Current Land Residency:




Other information:


And a biggy for all! You must PM me, or put in a new conversation, your character sheet first! Then I'll give you a password if it's accepted so you may then put it up on here.

Read more about this role play... 





Appearance (Anime character mandatory):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Jiang.Wei.full.502581.jpg.235ee39871fffc33fa6504c5c9377776.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Jiang.Wei.full.502581.jpg.235ee39871fffc33fa6504c5c9377776.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Main Character

Past with the main character (If one at all):

After his early years with (Will be replaced with the 2nd main character), he trained with his new father that had adopted him. His life had turned around and he lived the Noble life for most of his time. As the war came around though, he was around 13 years of age, and he entered it fearlessly without precautions of any sort. (If there were any at all then. xD ) He defeated many demons ferociously and was injured in battle. Afterwards he left the war site and traveled through the un-war ridden lands that were left. Meeting new friends, new foes, and new people and seeing new creatures and places all around. Finally though, he decides to return, after hearing about the war ending.




N/A but if I had to choose. Most likely would be a Warrior.

Current Land Residency:



After leaving the war, Kazuto had many hard felt feelings towards Pyrmarsh citizens. But I mean, who wouldn't? His emotions were usually kept locked deep inside though. Rarely will you see a smile cross this boys lips or a laugh even. His emotions and feelings will both change for the better or worst in the end though, just a small feeling.


Is practically told in his history above.


A blade crafted by one of the finest blacksmiths.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Black_katana.jpg.a21e4ebbc1a4e36e030785b02deb4c3a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Black_katana.jpg.a21e4ebbc1a4e36e030785b02deb4c3a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other information:

Has never been loved. ^_^


I'm the author sooo... 1?



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Name: Sutekina Gādian (Nickname : Sue)

Age: 19

Appearance (Anime character mandatory):

Role: Friend 1 of 2nd Main Character (Lord's Blood Son)

Past with the main character (If one at all): Sue was the daughter of one of the maids that had tended to and even had befriended the Lord of Orwald. Her mother took care of their residence and the guards that lived there. After a few years Sue and Orwald's son was born. The two naturally drifted towards each other as friends. Soon Sue found herself caring about the Lord's son so much that she joined the Lord's guard and became one of the highest ranking guards. If the Lord's son ever needed help with combat training she'd be there.

Race: Human

Class: Guardian, Guardians are the top of the guard who not only learn to protect the highly royal but to heal and fight at the same time. Damage to enemies or to themselves will cause them to heal an ideal target of their choice. Guardians are quite literally paladins.

Current Land Residency: Orwald.

Personality: Sue can come off as mean and cold but obviously cares for those she considers friends or family, this is shown with her first meeting to the son of the Lord. She'd seem bossy but would only be when they were in trouble or in a dangerous situation, all in all she is motherly and will protect those she cares about no matter the cost, even if it makes them hate her.

Biography: Sue's mother and father grew up both as the children of servants of the old Lord of Orwald and both grew up with his son. Soon enough they had Sue and in time the war came and Sue and the new Lord's son were friends. However Sue's father chose to fight in the war and never returned, all that was left was his guard's blade covered in blood and rust, which Sue keeps rather then using some kind of uncommon and wealthy guardian blade. Sue was known to be a trouble maker but to look out for all the other children she met as if she were their mother or babysitter. She cared for the Lord's son a lot, like a brother if not more.

As Sue grew up she was a smart kid but could never get around to why she couldn't help but be confused by math and advanced science which normal villagers were never taught. She however was determined and managed to pass on as smart, helping the Lord's son when he needed it.

Sue made the decision to be a guard after bandit activity grew around Orwald and she felt like she had to protect the Lord's son no matter how much she pushed herself. She had always enjoyed combat classes anyway, and becoming a guardian only helped her experience her greatest talents and her one true goal, to protect those she cares about.

Weapon: A standard guard's blade.

Other information: Sue is very confused to what sexuality she is and gets flustered easily if slightly teased, sometimes tensing up and hiding herself away from those she finds are playing around with her feelings.

Password: A4Q223IC
Name: Vivian Ryogami

Age: 18

Appearance (Anime character mandatory):


Role: MC friend 1

Past with the main character (If one at all): Kazuto and her were old childhood friends when they were younger.

Race: Human

Class: Assassin

Current Land Residency: Orwarld

Personality: Loyal, Honest, Skilled, Hardworking, Positive, Open-Minded, Get Serious when in Battle, and Hot-Tempered. She also like to sing, but only sings when know one is around her.

Biography: Vivian was the oldest in her family of 10 and only had a talent with the sword. Her parents wanted her to go into financial business so that she could take over the family company but she refused saying that they should give it to one of her younger siblings who fitted it better. They were furious with her and wanted to force the company onto her. After a few years of her family trying to force thing on her, she finally ran off, she soon found herself taking on assassin job in order to make money and put some use to her sword fighting skills.

Weapon: Katana


Other information: Hasn't seen Kazuto in years.

Password: 37a9pv4
Name: Lord Olston of Orwald

Age: 17

Appearance (I realize it's not anime, but I thought that since it was Digital Art, it would still suffice. My humble guess is that @Saito just doesn't want any celebrity pics, amirite?):

-image snipped by @Macaberz-

Role: Main character’s best friend, Current Lord of Orwald.

Past with the main character:

When Olston was just a boy, accompanying his father on a country-side trip across some of the villages, he met Kazuto. Almost instantly, the two bonded, complementing each other’s personality. The exciteable Olston was very impressed by some of the fighting prowess Kazuto displayed and looked up to the young warrior.

The Lord of Orwald, King Magnus, noticed the two together and inquired after Kazuto. When it turned out he had no one to really look after him, save for the local swordsmen who’d trained him, King Magnus decided to adopt the talented young man, much to Olston’s excitement. The King tried to convince the swordsman to come along as well, but he refused and disappeared the following day, leaving a befuzzled Magnus behind.

Life was good for both boys at the castle. Though the King was initially somewhat distant to Kazuto, the boy grew on him over time. Olston doted on his older brother and always followed in his footsteps. It pained him greatly then to see his brother leave for war. He even tried to follow him, but was intercepted by some of the King’s guards who, following Magnus’s orders, kept him at the castle.

Olston waited every day for his brother to return. From dawn to dusk he would pace on the walls and peer into the horizon, waiting for the that familiar figure to appear. A year passed, then another, and another…

When his father, who had returned from the war alive, became lethally ill, Olston had to grow up very fast. Being a fast learner, taking the responsibility of the nation on him was not too hard, even though it hurt him to see his father slowly die until he was but a ghostly shell, devoid of any life.

Having lost both his brother and his father, Olston’s demeanour hardened. He ruled justly and was reasonably loved among his people, but on the inside, cracks were starting to appear. Unsure how to bear the burden of loss, Olston took to wandering through his Kingdom, hoping to pick up any sign or omen that his beloved brother was still alive.

Currently, the only persons he can show flares of emotion to are his friends. He quite literally trusts Sue with his life and greatly values her as his guardian and as an advisor. However, whereas he used to be able to talk about his emotions with her, he now no longer raises such subjects. Deepening his inner turmoil, he has begun to develop feelings for his caretaker, but hides them as he fears they are unrequited. Worse still, he realizes it is improper to love someone who's older than himself, even though he is on the same level as her in maturity.

Race: Human.

Class: Sage, albeit it a young one. He’s more brains than brawl, although he can hold his own in a fight. Knowledge is power.

Residency: Orwald.

Personality: Quick-witted, excitable and adventurous, Olston used to be a very lively boy. But since the passing of his father and the supposed death of his brother, he has grown more quiet and stoic, hiding his inner turmoil behind a wall of calm, composed behavior. The optimistic, cheerful child still exists inside of him somewhere, but it is buried deep inside his soul.

Biography: Told above.

Weapon: Scythe-like curved blade, short bow, and a simple steel dagger.

Other info: Has always had many people around him, supporting him, but has never quite bonded with any of them the way he bonded with his brother.

Password: CBA4123O07
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Helgi Farge

( Nicknames: El | Helly | Elgi )

Age: 23

Role: #2 Friend of MC

Mora, the homeland of where he was first born. His parents died being murdered by one of the thieves that now he calls "family" or so he thought until they treated him like trash. He was pushed and slaved as their toy, told to do this and do that, and if he betrays or disobey, he'll get a beating of a life time to last for a week also the reasons why he has so many scars and a mechanical arm.

Those people treated him badly so when he found an opening to escape that day, he ran like there was no tomorrow never looking back at that wrecked place. Time moved fast as it was already night time for him, falling to his needs in the forest of the unknown and only to be awaken by the sound of the beasts within the depth of the forest. Luckily he had a dagger he stole from those bastards and fought off the beasts but he was given another scar on his back.

Bleeding to death in the forest, he prayed for a savior to save him as his prayers were answered, being found by a elderly couple who were just taking a stroll and noticed him on the ground almost dead. They took him in and nursed him back to health, naming him as their son.

Surprisingly, he was in the land of Orwald so he met Kazuto and became friends after a little funny encounter between family relations. The elders were quite well known in the land so he was able to befriend the people of Orwald very easily but he never told about his past. No one knows of his past except Kazuto since he was the only people he can trust out of everyone.

Race: Human

Class: Mechanic Mage ( Able to use machine with magic )

Current Land Residency: Orwald


( Cautious/Reserved | Friendly | Critical Thinker | Methodical | Carefree/Calm )

A free soul that has no care for anything unless in battle, he will snap and become a different person of showing a more serious person. When in battle or something that is important and needs thinking, he will step up and think of plans that benefit the team. He doesn't play around when he's like this so no joking around with him.

When not busy, he tends to daze off to wherever his mind pleases and sometimes when he's in this state, it's hard to bring him back down but with a few beating he'll come back in no time. He does this from time to time so try to keep him busy or he may become a wandering soul forever. He also loves to sleep when he's alone and if you're lucky, may get to hear him sleep talk about nonsense, sometimes he'll sleep talk about his past but that's a rare sight to see.

Even when he so nice and seems to be always happy, deep down, he has a heart of a child who cries for their mother to save them from the pit of hell. When he's alone he sometimes cries to himself and can have panic attacks when he is reminded of his past and the torture he went through. The pain and suffering still haunts him in his sleep and their voices echoing in his ear.

His past will never leave him and he will never be able to break free of it until that savior he longed to have comes and break him free of those chains he carries but that will come in due time.

Weapon: A gun-like weapon he created made of crystallized material by the depth of the mountains and through many dangerous journeys he undergo to make such a fine masterpiece and using his magic, he is able to shoot his enemies down with just a few shots but that's only if he doesn't mess up.

Other information: He has a love for small/ cute things and may attack it with love and he has a strange behavior when it comes to machines. He also hates to show his scars and wear a cloak from time to time to hide them. The only people to see his scars are Kazuto and his foster parents.
A tiny furball that his foster parents gave him as a gift for becoming their son named "Puffy" who he treasures dearly and is very protective of.

Password: CU46E10A
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Name: Talür Kepson

Age: 23

Appearance (Anime character mandatory):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.62ae0769014077815574aefc966bc99d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.62ae0769014077815574aefc966bc99d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Role: MC2 Friend 3

Past with the main character (If one at all): (No idea)

Race: Kadek. They are almost identical to humans, but with a much more dense muscle mass, allowing for them to lift heavier objects and move with greater speed than humans. They are very good soldiers, as they are very good at taking orders, due to their below average intelligence. They can still think rather well, just, in a different way.

Class: Weaponmaster, General

Current Land Residency: Pyrmarsh

Personality: He is very serious the vast majority of the time, his years in the army having taken a toll on his sense of fun and humor. His sense of humor is also somewhat twisted from it. He is very numb to death, having caused a good deal of it himself. However, he is also loyal to the end, putting his life down for those he deems more important than his own.

Biography: Talür was born into the army, and raised in the army. From a young age he was trained with the Kamafdü and tought how to take orders. Whe he reached 13, the legal age for a Kadek to join the army, he was thrown into the infantry. He, along with his bretheren, caused many casualties among enemies. He quickly climbed the ranks to General, yet even so would participate in battles, wielding his Kamafdü with deadly result. However, his mental health was thrown into question, and he was honorably discharged at age twenty. For the past three years he has spent all of his time mastering his Kamafdü, until recently, about two months ago, he was declared a weaponmaster.

Weapon: A staff with a war-axe head on either end known as a Kamafdü. It was invented by the Kadek and it's use it very complicated. It is a very heavy weapon, and is rarely used by any species besides the Kadek. It is often wielded by spinning it to simply cut through enemies around you, and is best used when surrounded or in open space, as it is hard to control once you get it going, and can hurt friend as foe. I can also be used like a spear in some situations, though is most effective when being spun.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.501994d742d8854a2f433637842053ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.501994d742d8854a2f433637842053ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other information: He is asexual. Similar to a sociopath, he has lost most of his emotion, other than passion in battle.




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Name: Ella Hanson

Age: 17



Role: MC2 Friend 2

Past with main character: Was one of MC1 AND MC2's good friends while growing up. They liked to talk and hang around. She knew MC1 and MC2 because she was one if the richer residents and they liked to play. She became Head Archer when MC2 became Lord. When she was 11, MC was drafted for war. Ella was torn, and she tried to comfort MC2 is any way she could, even though she was crying on the inside. Ella awaits the return of MC with MC2.

Race: Human

Class: Archer

Current Land Residence: lives in a fairly big and rich house near the castle barracks.

Personality: Ella is sweet caring brave and loving. She trains the archers hard, and is very patient.

Biography: Ella was one of the richer residents in Orwald. When she was younger she liked to play with the MC1 and MC2. They were great friends for a long time and when the War of Hell occurred, her parents were drafted and they died. Ella had to live alone. When MC2 became king, she was appointed head archer and was always training her recruits for a demon attack.

Other Information: Ella has a little crush On MC2 and Ella is a great archer.

Password: 3VA9Q22<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.bafdaca73fb02e0306cd2d04e7b8b75e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.bafdaca73fb02e0306cd2d04e7b8b75e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Reneka Marquiez

Age: 17

Appearance (Anime character mandatory):

Role: MC Friend 6

Past with the main character (If one at all):Well she never knew Kazuto. She was originally the daughter of a bandit and a normal human from a different land. As her parents were different countries , they had to hide their affair and thus, she was abandoned. She grew up on her own and was taken up at the age of 8 by a family of blacksmith. She saw Kazuto there who used to come there for his sword. She never personally knew him but only knew that he was from Orwald.


Class: Warrior.

Current Land Residency: Ald-Ruhn

Personality: Reneka was lonely and calm from the beginning. She never felt anything cause she never had anyone. But after being adopted she understood what is human kindness and whats its value. She only understands whats right and whats wrong. Apart from that feelings and emotions have always been a stranger to her. Apart from that she does smile and cheer up at times, yes at times. She is a little cocky and outspoken and people consider her rude at times but actually she doesn't realize herself that she is being rude.

Biography: Well its unknown to her. She belongs to Ald-Ruhn's one of the best blacksmith's family now. She is there from the age of 8. Before that she was just like any other orphan. She and her new family have no idea about her past yet. But one day her new family was attacked during a big war as enemies and soldier hunted her step- father so that they can get highly efficient weapons and thats when she joined the war and became an Orphan again as her step-father asked her to run away to protect herself.

Weapon: A katana


Bow and Arrow:


Other information:She though always wanted to know who her parents were so her life's ultimate aim is that.

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Appearance (Anime character mandatory):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef56146d_images(4).jpg.fc85e84531c6d147efb99907acdb7bb5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef56146d_images(4).jpg.fc85e84531c6d147efb99907acdb7bb5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Role: 2MC friend 4

Past with the main character (If one at all):she has no past with any character. Lana has been traveling all her life. She's been through the enemy kingdoms and back seeing as she doesn't care for who wins. And had alligence to no-one Since she was young no one has ever showed her kindness or mercy. As a result of that she bares many faint scars all over her body and rarely helps anyone though Lana has a soft spot for children, especially the orphaned ones on the streets


Class:thief rogue

Current Land Residency:orwald?

Personality:has a indifferent personality to people she doesn't know. She tries to hide her emotions but she has a tenancy to squeal at cute or fun things.

Biography:already explained above

Weapon:knows how to use most light weight weapons but she prefers daggers.

Other information:none so far

Password: AN318IME100



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Name: Anna Kawashima

Age: 19

Appearance (Anime character mandatory):


Role: 3MC Friend 2

Past with the main character (If one at all): Around the same time her master had died in battle, Anna had crossed paths with Roy, a powerful demon. Although she had nothing against demons, out of pride, Anna challenged him to a duel. Despite Roy having the upper hand, Anna managed to force it to a draw in order to spare herself from the clutches of death. Before her departure from Pyrmarsh, as she had traveled there to hone her skill as a Samurai, Anna befriended Roy and told him that they would one day meet again.

Class: Samurai (Ronin)

Current Land Residency: Orwald

Personality: As a Ronin, Anna is quite ruthless, cruel and sadistic. Despite this, she is not devoid of compassion. She has a soft spot for children, especially orphans. Although she takes pride in her skill as a Samurai, it is not to the point of cockiness and arrogance. Though she is conservative and quiet , Anna is a caring and gentle woman to the weak and innocent. As a Samurai, she rarely has tolerance for procrastination or excessiveness. Whenever possible she seeks to reach quick, efficient, and decisive conclusions to conflicts. Although she may seem like a passive stoic, Anna is gregarious enough to congratulate her comrades with an open smile. If Anna confesses her genuine feelings to someone dear to her, she becomes rather bashful with her sincerity.

Biography: Anna was born to a Warrior Class Family. The Kawashima Clan is widely known for its Warriors, with most of its members, male or female, being Swordsmen, Knights, Samurai and even Archers. Of course, Anna herself went down the path of a Samurai, so when she turned fourteen, her parents sent her to a renowned daimyo for training. For the first time in generations, Anna was one of the first to become a Ronin, with her master having died in battle three years into her training. The rest of her past is kept in the dark.

Weapon: Duel Katana

Other information: She secretly worries that she will not be able to live up to her Family's Prestigious Name due to the fact that she is a Ronin.

Password: 001R36WW
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Name: Rita sakura


Role MC 1 friend 4

Appearance:(clothes are black, design s are white, wears white bandages going from her shoulder to her elbows, black fingerless gloves, black cloth mask that cover her mouth and nose and white knees high socks and black combat boots. Hair is white and is tied in a pony tail with a black ribbon and eyes stay the same)

Personality: (will see in rp~)

History: doesn't have one with charecter they are going to meet for the first time after she try something.

Race: human

Resident: Mora

Class: Assassin, that can use magic

Weapons: knives (20), hands and double bladed staff which is bendable and has retractable blades

Bio: (will be revealed in the rp) how she knows magic? She stole a book from a merchant. It looked interesting so she took it.

Other info: can make poison, an excellent liar, good at disguise, very agile, can pick locks and pickpocket. She likes to sing, draw, read and fight


Andrew Halangar






Friend of Main Character

Past with the main character (If one at all):

Andrew met Kazuto when he was traveling. Andrew may or may not have tried to steal borrow some money from Kazuto. Andrew, after he had safely defused Kazuto from ripping his arms off, had a good conversation with him, mostly talking about their pasts. Andrew quite liked Kazuto. He intrigued Andrew and formed a strong bond with him. Thanks to Andrew, Kazuto was able to refresh himself in the city where they met since Andrew new how to acquire the good stuff. So when Kazuto decided to move on once again, Andrew gave him some money that he borrowed from a rich merchant. Andrew promised, as a friend not as a con man, that if Kazuto ever needed his skills, Andrew would find his way to him eventually.




No specific class. Perhaps he'd be a Thief but he doesn't particularly like the term. He likes to think of himself as a Robin Hood kind of guy. He steals cons from everyone the rich, and gives to the poor. Himself of course.

Current Land Residency:


Where else would a con man like himself be?


Andrew is a clever, outgoing young man. He's very smooth and can easily talk his way out of any situation. He finds things quite amusing all the time and despite his profession, he has a surprisingly strong optimistic view of the world. He likes his life and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

He's greedy and selfish but a softy inside. Andrew does give things away to help the less fortunate. If Andrew had been born a noble, he'd be one, if not the most, richest man in the world. Andrew was not only a con man but he knew how to acquire money. He could rub two coins together and produce a third magically.

Andrew is a bit of a coward. You really shouldn't depend on him as he'll most likely sell you to your enemy in an instant but he only does that to those who deserve it. Inside, he'll do anything for his friends. He can be serious when needed but likes to be goofy and smooth.


Andrew's birth is unknown but it's said that he's the son of a gypsy. His father's whereabouts are unknown. His mother was exactly how Andrew is. She was a smooth talker and she could dance pretty well! She knew all the tricks in the book and how to get money from pervy old guys.

She died young unfortunately. Andrew was left alone but he kept a promise. A promise he will never, ever break. His mother asked him to always keep smiling. For her. Andrew will continue to smile and enjoy every day like its his last.

Like his mother, he traveled a lot. Mainly because he was either searching for more rich people to con or he was running from some unsatisfied customers. He doesn't consider himself a gypsy but he is known to frequently talk and visit gypsy caravans. It's said that he is part of a underground organization that was formed by gypsies. It's a strong organization and no outsiders are allowed. That is, except for Andrew but perhaps it's because his mother was a gypsy. No one knows what the organization really does and Andrew never acknowledges it. It's a mystery to this day.

Andrew was around the age of 7 when his mother died. He was already conning merchants by the age of 9 and had mastered it by 10. He is perhaps, the greatest con man alive. He could tell you the sky is green and make it sound so convincing, you'd have to look at the sky again or you'd believe him.

At the moment, he is in Khuul conning his merry way through the streets. Despite being able to acquire so much gold, he mostly gives it away to less fortunate people and gypsies. He does keep some for himself but his more unsavory habits keeps him from holding money for very long.


Andrew isn't one for fighting. He prefers to run, or con his way, or blame someone else. However, he isn't completely defenseless. He does have a dagger hidden in his right sleeve. It's a simple dagger but thin and razor sharp. It's mainly for cutting open purses without the owner noticing but Andrew knows how to use it in more ways...

Other information:

He stands an average height of 5'10". Andrew is fast and his small stature helps when he's running away from guards.

Andrew is about 150-160 lbs, more or less.



Name: D'rath Va'lor aka Derek Valerian

Age: 23


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/untitled-warrior.jpg.143004bb617b7749850cc38dc50e13fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/untitled-warrior.jpg.143004bb617b7749850cc38dc50e13fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Role: 2nd MC friend 5

Past with the main character (If one at all): Met Kazuto while traveling with Andrew. A fascinating young man whom Derek was quite interested in.

Race: Human

Class: Mercenary, Warrior, Trader

Current Land Residency: Nowhere. He's just travelling around with Andrew.

Personality: A quiet and watchful person, Derat is the model of efficiency, from fighting style, money spending to throughout looting everywhere he goes. In fact, if you turn your back for one moment, when you look around, everything that aren't actually nailed down would be gone. He has a very hightened sense of survival, and being near death a couple of time made him more paranoid than a rabbit in a fox's cave. He's good at blending in, but no suprise there as he's a superb thief.

Biography: Born and raised in Mora, the toughest element in the land, Derek had to adapt to its nature as fast as he could in order to survive. it didn't help that his mother was dead and his father was a drunk, earning barely enough money to feed himself, so Derek was out of the question. He did the only thing that he could, start stealing. He's stubborn and tougher than what people give him credit for, and after countless beatings from his father, he learned to be quick on his feet, and soon, dodging his father's blows was easier than breathing. Derek's father died when he was 15, which has only significant that he was rid of a bloody burden. He changed his speciality and joined a group of mercenary, setting out across the land ever since. He recently discovered that his father had once been nobility, but lost everything due to a foolish bet.

He met Andrew a few years back when the young man tried to steal his money. Turns out, their situation wasn't so different, so he decided to tag along. Together, they managed to steal more than they could ever had before. He doesn't really like how Andrew just give away money, but it doesn't bother him that much.

Weapon: That sword in the picture.

Other information: His look is pretty decent, and he used that to fool plenty of people.

Password: AK199IH1022ITO



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Name: originally Beanpole Domulus, after name change Bertolt Domulus

Age: unknown, as people of Mora weren't too eager to record born days.

Appearance (Anime character mandatory):
Even ashamed of his past name, his dad knew what he was doing: he's almost 210 cm long and behind well-tailored suit hides sturdy but good-shaped body. Also his quantity of olive-green highlights depends on his mood: more stress or any other negative feelings, more highlights.

Role: Friend 2 for 3MC

Past with the main character (If one at all): none yet

Race: half-elf (human)

Class: mage? I'm not sure. Between mage and thief

Current Land Residency: Riverlake

Personality: it's a real Russian roulette at meeting this man: he has a heart of gold if he's on his hypomaniac or maniac episode, poor creature when on his depression of depressive episode.

His reaction to other people varies much: he tries too hard to be extroversial when on depressive mood and tries too hard to be introvertial when on his absolutely flawless mood. In his head he thinks he have found the golden mean, but in real life you would get rather worried after a while.

Usually you can consider him as a person who can offended easily. Once again depending on his mood, he starts to scrutinize the comment by someone in a fraction of second. Fortunately, he can calm down the notorious offended mood by rationalizing and explaining the meaning of the comment to him.

He have deserved the embodiment of distinguished personal guard with a simple but strong trait: cold, rationalizing calmness. There haven't been a day when he would have lost his temper and pride: he uses to bypass every mean argument with a cold-blooded attitude, even he likes to show if he's offended by something.

Biography: by the result of forced love making, Bertolt wasn't a welcomed guest. His mother fleed as soon as possible away from the Hell as known as Mora and he naively grew up with the group of bandits. Due his manic depression, he was a perfect subject for stealing small stuff and making few mischief tricks.

It didn't take long from him to understand that everything was wrong with his concept. But as he was a wise child, he educated himself.. Well.. As fairly as you can in that shithole.

After a few days of graduation, he ran away from Mora and headed to the academy which was his goal, applying in at the first try.

Weapon: mind: he is an ace at telepathy and hypnotizing. However, many things depends on the side effect of usage: how Bertolt is feeling and how much he harms his victim. He also has an old katar which he found on his way to academy.

Other information:

  • Observes a lot of people he meet and makes conclusions about them.
  • His voice:

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Name: Ren Sevik

Age: 19

Appearance (Anime character mandatory): Wyvern:

Role: MC friend 3

Past with the main character (If one at all): During a Scouting mission, Ren met a person named Kazuto who saved his life by protecting Ren from an ambush of wolves. Ren acted like a jerk to Kazuto saying "I could've taken those things down without your help." But when his father banished him he had no choice but to seek out kazuto.

Race: Human

Class: Wyvern knight, Prince

Description of class:

The Wyvern Rider (known as Dragon Knight in the Japanese versions and Dracoknight in the English version of Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon), is a Class of soldiers mounted on Wyverns, and hence are analogous to Pegasus Knights. Wyvern Riders typically have more HP, Strength, and Defense than Pegasus Knights, while the latter has more Skill, Speed, and Resistance. Flying classes like the Wyvern Rider are weak against Bows and Wind Anima Magic (although for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn this is changed to Thunder magic and they are no longer weak to bows). In most titles, Wyvern Riders are weak against dragon-slaying weapons, such as the Wyrmslayer.

Current Land Residency: Khuul

Personality: Ren is a stuck up prince who only cares for himself and his Wyvern Archdemon. He's basically a stereotype prince thats a jerk. When he gets pissed, he can be the most terrifying thing people will ever see.

Biography: One of the sons and daughters of the ruler of Khuul, Lord Sevik, was a very spoiled child. He was trained as a Wyvern knight. When Ren was born both his eyes were a different color which was strange and he was treated differently by everyone. now his heart grew cold and cares for no one else but himself and his Wyvern, Archdemon. Ren failed an important mission because his sibling sabotaged it and his father banished the prince and was never to return.

Weapon: One of the family treasures that Ren was given

Lance Landor

Other information: he has never been in love.

Password: ARR566CH211Y
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Third Main Character

Past w/ Main Character:

What was that man's name again? Roy never found out. But, he will always remember the face of the monster who spared his life. Was is a crime to be a demon? Was it wrong to be born from the burning flames of the Earth? For centuries, Pyrmarsh battled against the odds, fighting against the rest of the country.

The young were taught from the moment that they were born that humans were merciless creatures who only thought of themselves. The children believed what their parents and elders told them. They heard of many stories where the humans slaughtered all who were in their way. They wanted to drive the demons out of their land, but who was to say it was their land? Pyrmarsh was a "harsh" and "unlivable" environment for humans, but it was the same for demons. We fought everyday to survive, to provide food for our families.

Roy lived in a quiet town deep in the pits of Pyrmarsh. There were plenty of lava rivers and a few miles to the east was an active volcano. They were a tight community, helping one another out and gathering together for the evening meal. There was a very small chance of the town ever being attacked. However, no matter what the percentage, there's always a risk.

Horrifying screams and shrieks filled the night sky as a human troop came rampaging in, destroying everything and everyone in site. Roy, having been orphaned by the war, hide inside the closet of his friend's house. He held his breath when the human soldiers rushed into the room. Through the crack in the closet, Roy could see the blood stained on their swords. Instantly filled with grief, Roy had to keep himself from bursting out of the closet and slaughtering every one of the soldiers there. He curled up into a ball, wishing to disappear.

The soldiers began to leave and the room quieted down. Roy waited a few seconds before peeking through the crack. There he was. A human soldier. Staring straight at him. Roy knew that he had been found and prepared himself for the the battle for his life. Roy jumped out of the closet and charged at the soldier. He was pushed aside easily. Staring up in fear at the human, Roy felt tears welling up in his eyes, but he refused to let himself cry.

The soldier stared down at the little demon, his eyes seemed to hold a mixture of emotions. The human placed his hand on his sword and Roy flinched back, waiting for his death, but continued to stare into the eyes of the human. What the soldier did next shocked Roy, made him rethink his whole view on humans. He walked away. Leaving the demon alone, but alive.

For four years, Roy spent travelling the land of Pyrmarsh, training in his battle skills and promising himself that one day. One day he'll find that human soldier again. And that day, is today.




He could fit in all classes because Roy has yet to focus on one specific area.

The demon's a mixture between a Fire Mage and Warrior.

Current Land Residency:



Roy holds many traits of the stereotypical demon; hot tempered, ambitious, and hard headed. He sees the world as something to conquer, wanting to prove to everyone that he is not some worthless orphan boy. Roy lacked a proper parental figure for most of his life and had to grow up quickly because of the war. He believes in equality and strives to see the day that man, elf, and demon can live in harmony.


He was four years old when his father was killed in the war. Roy can still remember the expression his mother had on her face when she received the letter. They were offered money in compensation for the demon's death, but no amount of money could ever replace a fatherly figure. A year later after his father's death, Roy's mother was drafted in. At five years old, Roy called his mother a superhero, going off to fight the bad guys and protecting the innocent. While he waved goodbye to his mother, Roy barely realized the tears of lava dripped down his face.

She never came back. Roy received the package with the money and the letter stating that Pridea Wrathina was dead. Unlike Roy`s father, they found the body and sent it home to be burned. During the funeral, Roy did not cry. He kept the money and joined the many street children who had been orphaned by the war. Every seventh night of the third month, Roy would sit by the river and stare into the lava. But, he would not cry.

Then the humans attacked his village, one spared his life. But, he still did not cry. No matter how hard it was for him to keep it in, Roy did it. He told himself that he'll find that human soldier and liberate all demons. He would create the world that his parents died fighting for.


Twin Knives

Roy kind of just found them and said, "Finders, keepers! Losers, weepers!"

Other information:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Flip_Top_Hellhound_by_nachtwulf.jpg.4dee0e68a0c9172e56ed64915636d47f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15290" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Flip_Top_Hellhound_by_nachtwulf.jpg.4dee0e68a0c9172e56ed64915636d47f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

? He has a pet Hellhound named Stanley.

? His flesh is made out of molten lava and rock.





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Name: Jiro Van Mitsoyu

Age: 20



I will explain why his left arm looks that way in the demon's sheet. When he is not using his demon's left arm for a power source or when he is not being controlled by the demon, his left arm will look normal.

Role: 2MC friend 6.

Past with the main character: At such a young age, Jiro sold his loyalty to king Orwald, just like what his father; who was one of the king's finest knights, had done. Although he was only three years older than the king of Orwald's son, Olston, and even though they weren't really part of the same blood, Jiro always acted as an older brother figure to Olston. Jiro was living a very happy life with his father, Olston and all of their other friends. Even after Kazuto came along, he was still very fond of having a new friend around at the castle. As Jiro grew older and older though, he focused more with honing his swordsmanship skills so that he may further grow into Knight-manship. And because of that, he drifted apart from the others little by little. It was upsetting that he did not have time to hang around with the others anymore due to his training, but he was glad that Kazuto was around to fill in that gap. Eventually, he would take part in battles as a mere spectator until he was old enough to take up arms in the king of Orwald's army.

It came to a time when he was finally old enough to fight for his king when he needed men the most, during the time the war against the accursed demons of Pyrmarsh ignited it's infamous spark of chaos and mass genocide. He joined Kazuto to fight against the demons, and was given a strict order from the king to protect him with his life. Jiro agreed, and fought alongside Kazuto for nearly three years.

Near the climax of the war however, Jiro separated from Kazuto to scout ahead from their cam in the demons' mainland. After hours of searching for any potential threats, Jiro decided to finally return back to camp. Once he arrived, though, he found the camp in flames and in ruin. He desperately searched and searched for the young lord, but Jiro could never find his body. Upon realizing what has happened, he was ambushed by a group of demons, presumably the ones that had plundered the camp to the ground. But, as soon as he knew very well that his life was going to end at that moment, he was saved. The demons who had attacked were overwhelmed by an even greater force, and left the dying man among the remains of his fellow knights, whom were torn up into shreds. The figure that had loomed over him had asked him to form a pact with it in return for his life to be saved, and Jiro silently agreed.

And that, was when he had met the one creature that saved his life.

Race: Human

Class: Knight

Current Land Residency: Orwald

Personality: Before the event of his near death experience, he was a happy go lucky man. He was such an optimist, and he enjoyed the company of his friends. He was a kind and lovable man. He was a good listener, and cared more for his friends and those who were closer to him than himself. Justice was key to him, and he looked down at evil scumbags as if they were mere ants.

After the event however, he began to develop a cold nature. His view of the world and of people changed drastically, and he killed his enemies in cold blood. But, his old self still lies within him, beneath the blackness of his heart.

Biography: N/A, all that there is to know of him was already placed onto the section above.

Weapon: A katana with a blade made with the finest black carbon steel Orwald can offer.

Other information: He loves to meditate in his free time, and still holds onto a gothic styled rosary he was given by a friend before the war who told him that it would protect him. He believes that this is somewhat true.

Demon Character Sheet

Name: Daichi Achimu

Age: He is presumed to be about two hundred years old.




Role: Jiro's demon.

Past with the main character: N/A

Race: Demon

Class: Warrior/Spell Caster

Current Land Residency: Pyrmarsh, before he formed a pact with Jiro.

Personality: Daichi Achimu is a ruthless creature. He basks in laughter at the sight of his enemy's blood, and enjoys every bit of killing those who oppose him. He lived his life with an iron fist, and was very wise for a demon of his time. He was surprisingly respectful and reasonable, a trait that you normally would not find in demons.

When he met Jiro, though, he began to grow a "soft spot" for him as if the human was a family member of his. Whenever Jiro faced someone who could be a potential threat, Daichi did not hesitate but to retaliate against any foe. The more the two went through with their lives as friends, the more they have bonded. As of now, Jiro is the only human Daichi has ever trusted.

Biography: Daichi Achimu, living on the planet of Xeto for such a long time, has grown a certain amount of wisdom towards the species that reside in the planet. He was a defiant demon of his time; although he enjoyed the glorious adrenaline rush that you would feel during a fight, he believed that war was not the answer to all of the demons' problems. He was able to keep his brethren at bay for a certain amount of time, trying to convince his father, the ruler of Pyrmarsh, that they had better things to do than fight.

Sadly, it was not enough. It was only a matter of time when his father, Sethos Achimu, declared all out war against the humans of Orwald. Eventually, they lost the war, aside from all of the casualties that both sides received. Near the climax of the war, Daichi tried to search for any demons that have survived the gruesome war. While out on his search, he found a human knight scouting around for any demons. Daichi hid from the man and watched, wondering why the humans were so deep within his territory since the war was nearly over. He followed the man back to his camp to find it having gone through an ambush by a group of demons. The man helplessly tried to search for someone within all of the rubble, but seemed defeated when he did not find what he was looking for.

Then suddenly, the same demons attacked again, and nearly beat the man to a pulp. That was when Daichi decided to intervene. He jumped in and battled against them all just to save the man's life. The other demons, overwhelmed by Daichi's strength, withdrawed from their fight.

Within the man's final moments with his life, Daichi hovered over him and examined the man. He felt a strange sensation with this man's soul, almost as if it was desperately trying to beg Daichi for his help. Daichi, feeling sorry for the man, knew one and only way that he could help. He asked the man that if he formed an internal pact with Daichi, then his wounds will heal, allowing him a second chance in life for just this one time. The dying man, now known as Jiro Van Mitsoyu, in need of help no matter from where the help came from, accepted the demon's deal.

And so, after the pact was sealed, Daichi's spiritual form bonded with Jiro's spirit and formed into one entity. And with a demon inside of Jiro, the man casted away his knight title, and formed a new one. The Acursed one. He liked it, considering that he was holding onto humanities' greatest enemy within him. And, because he failed his duty to protect one of the sons of the king of Orwald. The truth saddened him, and darkened his heart. He knew that he could never go back to his home with this burden hanging over his very head. And because of that, although he began to form a bond with Daichi as they traveled throughout the continent, he hated the demon race with a passion. Daichi knows this, and always tries to prove that not all are corrupted.

And so, they spent a while traveling across the continent, taking down what ever evil stood before them. During the start of the role play, they have just recently returned to Orwald, since Jiro finally realized that the time of running away was over.

Weapon: Daichi weilds a variety of weapons due to a skill of his called "Blade Resonance." What this allows him to do is that he is able to conjure up about three weapons that he was able to acquire from honing this skill while traveling with Jiro. These weapons include the blade seen in Jiro's appearance, a demonic scythe, and a blood red lance.

Other information: Because Daichi formed a new pact with Jiro, all of his powers and all of the knowledge he had of those powers were reduced to nothing. Because of this pact, he is starting anew.

When Jiro decides to use Daichi as a source of power, his left arm forms into a dragon arm, as seen in Jiro's appearance. When Daichi is being used as a source of power, Jiro is able to use the "Boost" skill as mentioned above. But this power can only be used once during a fight, and only lasts for about five minutes. So he must use this power wisely. The only ability he has that does not require energy or that is not limited to time is the "Blade Resonance" skill. Using Daichi's arm will render Jiro to feeling fatigue after he is done. Although, it only fatigues him if he uses the demonic dragon arm during a fight. He can walk around with the demonic dragon arm without feeling any backfires.

Jiro can unleash Daichi to be free of his spiritual chains and take form into the physical world, allowing him to have an extra ally during a fight. Daichi can choose to use either his human form or his true demonic form. If he uses either of them, Jiro is not able to use any of his demon's abilities since he will not be able to use Daichi's left arm while he is in physical form.

There is a cost to that of course. Using his human form, Daichi will be able to use all of his current abilities as he so pleases, except for the boost ability. If he uses the human form, Jiro will faint after the fight and will stay in deep sleep for a good week or two. Depending on whether he is wounded will also determine how long he will stay asleep until he recovers. The demon is allowed to roam free around Jiro's area, but can not engage in battle.

If Daichi uses his true form however, his strength and abilities, along with his effectiveness against attacks boost up drastically. He will truly be a force to reckon with. Sadly, if he uses this form, Jiro will die afterwards. So that is a last resort for the two if the time comes.

Daichi is also able to take control of Jiro's body, but no boosts will appear because of that. The change will be the change with Jiro's eye color, which is originally blue. Daichi's is red. And Daichi's voice is a lot deeper than Jiro's. This only occurs when they are not fighting.



Morganna 'Mori' Rueje





(Wherever she fits in at)

Past with the main character:

She was a hand for hire and at one point was hired to help the Main Character(s) in some mission or another. There'd be more specifics but Mori has been on enough missions that none of them really hold any strong impressions anymore. She's lucky if she remembers names, much less faces... more than anything she usually remembers what was defeated/what goal was achieved.




Armamentalist (Mage Knight)

(Main ability is using a specified type of weapon but has some knowledge of magic to help in minor ways)

Current Land Residency:



Mori has a fiery spirit and fierce determination to do whatever it takes to bring justice down on those who are most deserving. She is fairly harsh when it comes to any who questions doing what is absolutely right but is otherwise a fairly easy going person. Because of growing up in Ald-Ruhn she was raised to worship Aleris and does that with great loyalty, claiming all the good she has accomplished to be in Aleris' name. Mori tends to be - if not the sharpest tool in the shed - at least the most durable, being able to figure out a solution when situations seem practically hopeless. Mori is truly loyal to few but those few she would gladly give her life for if ever the moment asked for it.


Mori grew up with folks that could only truly be called durable in the land of Al-Ruhn. She had several older siblings with an age difference large enough that they had left home before she had any time to really know them... she no longer knows their names- only that many of them left to help with the war and never came back.

Her folks were pretty simple folks- her father being an assistant of a blacksmith and her mother a stay at home wife, caring for a small pen of animals as well as mending and creating clothing for her husband and children and being in charge of the children's schooling. For that reason Mori is, though not in on the absolute latest of information, at least not a complete neanderthal. She knows a good day's work and attempts to never complain, even when her muscles burn and she is ready to call it quits.

After her father was injured in an accident at the blacksmiths her family fell on hard times. Not having the muscle to take up her father's place and the rest of her older siblings having already left home Mori took up work where it came. She was a stable hand for quite awhile before being called in to help care for weaponry of knights. At some point she became curious and, after she had finished cleaning and sharpening weapons, would begin to try and mimic what she had seen sparring knights do. Caught one day the knights were actually fairly amused and took her under their wing, treating her very much like a little sister.

Among training with her 'brothers' Mori came across a strange little book full of runes that the knights claimed were unreadable but in a way they spoke to Mori. Nothing was really known about the book- it had been brought back after a raiding centuries earlier, and not much was able to be gleaned from it... just that it seemed to be written in an ancient language. Mori found that she wasn't special- she was not the only one who could read it- any woman she showed it to could. No one else she knew well enough to show the book had any real interest in finding out more, having heard enough horror stories about such items to not want to get involved. But Mori was intrigued and continued to work with it until she came across her first spell.

Knowing that money was better for knights and knowing that her brothers would never truly allow her to join their ranks, Mori left to begin hunting down odd jobs to accomplish. Having become particularly fond of a particular ax that had belonged to the knights, Mori took it on loan since no other preferred to use it... and while making sure to make enough coin to keep her family fed and warm she also set aside cash to pay off the knights. It took a few years but the ax fully belongs to her now.

Mori has won favor with many people and made enemies of others. Though her name isn't marked in any history books and neither is it sung about, it is a dependable name that people know they can trust to do what's right and always come through for those that are important to her.

Mori only lives in Orwald at the moment because it had been the best place to find work (good, dependable, justifiable work...). She had been off on a mission and had just finished up when she started hearing rumors about how Orwald was going down hill, fast. She's on her way there, now... to see just how bad things really are.


She switches between the ax she is seen with in the image and:


One weapon, the one above, was a gift after being successful in a particularly difficult mission- the blacksmith didn't have gold at the moment so he instead crafted a weapon for Mori. She's still a little clumsy with it, however, and though, in ways, it is much better than her ax she prefers to use a weapon she has more mastery over- but will take that weapon along with her to do on simpler missions so that she can learn it's capabilities further.

Other information:

Mori prefers people who aren't close to her to call her 'Morganna' since that is the proper, respectable thing to do. She prays to the Goddess, Aleris, every night- praying for the Goddesses happiness and that she may bless Mori and her family with strength to continue on to the next day. Mori adores lightning storms because that is Aleris' doing and, when not busy with business, will go outside to sit in the storm and watch it commence.



Name: Garon Meslow

Age: 468 years

Gender: male but in his tribe there's no such a thing as gender

Appearance (Anime character mandatory):

And a bit more high quality portait!

Role: newcomer for everyone

Past with the main character (If one at all):

Race: elf

Class: healer

Current Land Residency: Bellar's roads

Personality: Garon is extrovertial and helpful for everyone he meets, especially towards people. He haven't got the best relationship with ordinary elves, as the ordinary one's have a negative picture of them: he usually concern new elves with a grain of salt. He's usually really curious and can start to ask a bit too much from you.

Biography: Garon was born deaf in a small tribe called 'Terület' who were living with their horses and caravans on the roads of Bellar. However the tribe taught him to speak, and nowadays he can interact with people as long as he sees the people's mouth. After hundred years of living with the tribe, he had a ritual which every Terület elf had at the age of 100, and after that the Terület elf had to leave the tribe and start his independent life.

As years was passing by, Garon found one of the rarest animals of the whole Bellar: a Ceto (pic). Ceto's were haunted nearly to extincion due their powerful blood which can make things indestructible. He have learned to communicate with the animal by touching it, and have found out that its name is Toronja. He communicates with Toronja with touching.


Other information:

  • Is a mercenary, selling his effective healing services and things related to welfare, such as herbs
  • Has a rare disease what makes his eyes white parts orange-ish. If he drudges too much he might become blind.
  • Is really religious and pacifist. He usually tries to flee or just defense himself in tricky situations
  • If he has to call someone 'he' or 'she', he uses the word 'ani'
  • He carries Toronja's hair around his eye ring to show his close relationship with him

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