your gem [Inactive]

"Alright." Eliza headed to the 3rd floor and hid the box once more. She fell asleep instantly.

(Going to bed too. Long field trip day tired me out."

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He led her to a seat and sat her down. "Where the hell do they supply a medical kit around here?" He wondered, walking around the place he wasn't familiar with.
"I'll get it," she said taking the medical kit and getting out the medical tape. "It's not you that I'm nervous around if your wondering, I'm just uncomfortable about anyone touching me." Kira taped her wounds closed and took some pain relief medicine.
Kira stood up and went to the fridge. She took out a bottle of water. "Pretty much my whole life I've been on the run. It was weird to talk to these people when I first met them, but I've gotten kinda used to it. Yet I still feel like the awkward one, and physical contact still reminds me of..." Kira stopped. She wondered if she should tell him. "My tough past." Kira sat down on the couch and yawned. "Goodnight." Kira said. 
Kira laid down and closed her eyes, but she couldn't sleep. She kept on thinking about that one day. (Ok this is the dark secret) Kira remembered the day where she went to bed and woke up over a dead man who was her dad. Her hands were covered in blood and she had a knife in her hand. She didn't remember what happened. Kira then saw a dark bird, a raven, swoop down and drop the dark gem in her hands. Kira remembered being an outlaw and on the run. She also remembered desperately trying to get rid of the gem, but always failing. She remembered controlling the dark thoughts that the gem gave her, and the painful transformation when it gave her wings. Kira knew she would one day have to tell the others, but not now. Kira soon fell asleep. Her nightmares were full of death and destruction.
(Am I the only one to wonder what hapenned to Shadow? Anyways, there it goes)

Shadow was on a rooftop when he felt something burning in his coat pocket. He took out his gem and saw that it was glowing.

"What now," he got the time to ask before being teleported between existence and oblivion. "What is going on?" he asked as a old man camed to him.

"Shadow!" "That thing is dangerous," the man said, pointing his gem.

"Why am I there then?" Shadow asked.

"You need to control it," the man replied. "Let us begin," as he said that, he sat on the ground and meditated.

Shadow did the same thing. After 30 minutes he felt like something was going to take over his body and kill him. He tried to stop the beast from awakening but... He hardly failed. Shadow suddently took the form of a wolf-like beast but in really taller and he lost conciousness. He had no control on the beast.

When he finally recover his conciousness, he was bleeding and laying on the ground. "Huh... What hapenned?" he asked, not feeling right.

"It is too late," the man said. "The beast is already in you Shadow," he mumbled.

"What?" Shadow asked. "Which beast are you talking about?"

He was send back to the real world. "That was a strange dream..." he said. "What is going on?" he asked to himself. He looked at his gem. The color changed a little. "Huh?" he asked.

His gem was now red, dark gray and black. As he looked at it, he returned into a beast. This time, he could control it a little. He was having very sharp claws that could kill his ennemies in one slash. 'Great,' he tought. 'That thing might be usefull finally,' he tought again.
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Eliza only had 1-2 hours of sleep. Due to a voice whispering 'where are the gems...' She activated her gem and told the person to leave protecting the gems with her life.

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Eliza heard someone walk into the third floor bedroom that morning. She moaned and curled into a ball. Blood pooled around her.

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Her chest was in pain as she got up and screamed at the sight of all the blood. Nobody stood in front of her as the blood slowly flowed out, and gathering in the ground. If she doesn't get help now, in about an hour, she would be dead.

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At the sound of the scream, Leroy leaped up and dashed to the source of the scream. Sure enough, there was Eliza...but...bleeding. "Eliza!!!" He screamed, mortified as he grabbed her. "Wh-what the hell happened!? Kira!? Jackson!? Anybody!!!!" Calm down Leroy pull yourself together! But he couldn't convince himself as he stared at the blood seeping from her chest.
"Medical kit...right..." He dashed over to where Kira had showed him where it was earlier, grabbed it and dashed over to her side. "Got it...sit down or something.." he said, fumbling in anxiety.
"I'm okay. I ca do it myself. Please look away okay." She lifted her tank up to see the wound and opened the med kit. She applied the alcohol mixture slowly as she screamed.

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