your gem [Inactive]

Lucas went to wait at Eliza's restaurant for them to get back and saw they were there. "Hey? What's going on?"
"Yea... That's why I'm so tired... Propel been wanted them. That's why it's been so quiet around here these past few days."

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"I'm not leaving just yet. Geez...I still want to help you you know." 
"Nothing." he said in frustration before walking out of the room.
"Eliza....I'm going to get you all you want. So if you have any requests..just ask me." Leroy says, frustrated as he sits down on the floor wearily and sighs. 
"Ey stop blaming it on me will ya?" he snaps.
Kira woke up in a bush by the road. She was starving. "How long have I been out," Kura thought thinking about the goblin attack. Kira shakily stood up, Hungrily she went to Eliza's home. "She'll know how to help my cuts," she thought. Kira limped, every step made her side burn.
Leroy stood up as he watched an injured girl walk up to them. "hey, you know that girl?" he pointed towards Kira.
"Listen, I'm really tired. Is it okay if I go to sleep..." She heard the door downstairs open. "Hold on." And went down. "Hey Kira."

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Leroy grabs the girl by her arm and turns to Eliza. "Sleep, I got this!" He looks back at Kira. "Glad I'm famous around here...follow me miss...if you can walk that is. Or I can carry you, either way is fine." He gives Eliza a reassuring smile. "It's ok. Rest."

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