your gem [Inactive]

Kira went downstairs to take a shower then went outside to go on a walk. "I wonder where I shall live," Kira thought to herself. She was so used to moving constantly and has never really thought about a permenate residency. "Kinda small, cozy, and well built were some of the features she wanted to have in the house. She couldn't recall any houses in the town that were like this, so Kira thought that mabey she could buy a plot of land and build it herself. She was training in highschool to become an architect, and she was strong, and had wings. She would need some supplies, but she was right by a forest so she might be able to save money. She went around town to look for a plot that was just right.
As he walked into town, Zeix rubbed the amulet hidden underneath his shirt. He just knew that there was something special about this amulet, but he didn't yet know what.

Turning a corner, he found an inn and walked inside.
Shadow was between existence and oblivion. He was still mad about what hapenned. He transformed into the wolf-like creature again and howled.

~Entering Seth, I'll make his CS after~

Seth was walking randomly in the streets. He have been looking for Leon's little sister for days. When he got to her home... It was burned to ashes. He tought about using his gem to find her.
Kira found a plot if land that was just right and started building her new home. She only got the foundations done, but it was a good start.
Seth took his gem on his hand and teleported himself around. "Man I like this damn thing!" he said.

Aryhann was sitting on a rooftop, as always. She was thinking.
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Once Leroy left to find the Heavenly Gems, Eliza wandered around the restaurant for hours. In pain from her wound, she tried desperately not to make the wound re-open, slowly she cleaned the blood from before, along with the second floor room. It took longer than usual and decided to go see the others. She put on fresh clothing, brushed her hair down and headed to see the others.
Para woke up in the middle of nowhere.

What the hell happened? Para knew he was woken up by a song.

"Rhythm Guide," Para said quietly while getting up.

Para started to yell out. "Hello? Lucas? Eliza? Jackson? Are any of you here?"

Nope. Guess not.

Para walked around, trying to find the motel.
Para hummed the music and then a guidebook fell to the ground. "Hm?" Para then realized what was going on. "Ohhhhh, Rhythm GUIDE."

Morce probably did something magic to that song.
Para told Lucas about the song.

"By the way, if you're ever lost or anything, try humming this tune. A guidebook that got me here fell near me when I hummed."

Para played the part of the song he hummed.

(0:28 to 0:45 of the video i posted)
She made her way to Leroy's house, hoping he is safe looking for the gems. Her arm was across her chest where she gently had her hand placed upon. Seeing Lucas and Para, she headed towards them. "Hey guys..." she said with a tint of pain her her voice.

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