Cancen High [Inactive]


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Framelilac submitted a new role play:

Cancen High - The high school for all supernaturals.

Welcome to Cancen High! The top-secret government schooling system for all teenage supernaturals! We accept anyone, as long as they are "different".
Cancen High provides classes for all skills that you will need to know for either fighting evil or living an ordinary life as a "normal" human! We provide fighting, technology, disguise, ordinary human lifestyle, supernatural studies, and normal human classes.


Pink Dream Dorm

Minty Green Dorm

Blazing Fire Dorm

Cozy Princess Dorm

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Everything in this room was... Grey. Dan looked about, fascinated. Why was all this grey, instead of some other color? Not that he minded. He liked the neutrality it seemed to radiate. He looked at the bunk bed next to him. He could see nothing about this bed. It was fresh and new. As far as Dan could tell, he was the only person to have stayed in this room. He looked to the door. What might he find behind this?

Dan pushed open the door and found more grey beyond. He could see that someone else had been here! A person! And recently! Dan followed the trail. It lead him up to the female's rooms. Specifically room 113. As he reached the room, he noticed that the trail was gone. So was any history that he could see before. This happened often enough, but it still made his exploration less interesting. He figured that whomever he had been following was in the room, and that maybe they could answer a few questions. Dan reached up and knocked softly.
It was dark. Acceptionally dark in the room she occupied. Nitro wasn't one to actually communicate with others and due to an unexpected conflict with another student within the school. . . well. . that was a whole different matter. She lay upon her bed and shifted her position every so often, the sounds of rattling chains joining the commotion. Whether there was anyone in the room or not, she honestly didn't care, or simply did not notice. Nitro was a mischivous girl and anything concerning her backround story was well unknown.

She fidgeted with the metal clasps around her forearms and smiled dimly to herself, as if she were watching something that perked her curiosity. Her dark thoughts raced through her mind as she laid in silence and kept everything to herself. It wasn't until she heard a faint knock that reality was driven back to her. Facinating. . . more people. . she thought, turning her body so she would be able to face the door. Was it really someone knocking upon this door? Or was it the room nextdoor? Not really caring, she pushed herself from her spot then approached the dark door, seen faintly by the light rays of sunlight seeping through the crack of the entrance. Carefully, she reached towards the doorknob and turned it, opening the door enough so that she would be able to see anyone or thing around. What came into view didn't startle her as much. Now who's this...? she thought as she peered towards the boy with a questionative look. Course, she was looking off to her left, where much different rooms were located and precisely where the boy awaited for someone to open up their door.
Cylia grunted,got up off the bed from a short nap and kicked her bags to the other side of the room out from her way.A sound disturbed her, and it was a sincere knocking noie that came from her door. "Visitors already? Seriously?" Quickly, she hid the chip that stored important gigabytes filled with information to release a holographic version of her headphones. Priced to 50,000. She put the chip in her back pocked of her skinny jeans that was topped with a blue and white flow shirt. She looked through the eyepiece, and opened it. "Can I help you?" She muttered, her eyes dilating into a series of alien patterns. She was getting a load of his bloodtype, and it seemed that something about him was very odd.
Dan couldn't help but look past her into the room. It seemed a bit like his. To tell the truth, he was beginning to be bored by it. But now he had another person. Dan looked at her, general excitement bright in his eyes.

“I noticed someone else was here. But no one has ever been in the room I was just in. So I was going to find out what was going on." Dan frowned. "And where I am." He looked around, not entirely sure of what to think now. As he thought about it more, he realized that he was in a strange place with no idea of how he got here. And his sight wasn't working. He couldn't see as he so loved to. In fact, he had grown rather fond of seeing histories. But then when he found a bad or especially horrific one he would pull away from people for months at a time. Dan shook his head to clear his thoughts and smiled again.

"So, yeah. Do you know where we are? I am a bit lost, I think."
Tialo looked at the beautiful forest landscape from the car that was taking her to an unknown location. She was surprised when she learned that the scientists weren't going to test on her for the rest of her life, but instead send her to a boarding school. Tialo soon fell asleep with thoughts if the past four days soared through her mind. She woke up to the driver shaking her and saying that they were here. Tialo looked at the window to see a beautiful mansion. She gathered her supplies and slowly walked through the gates.
Cylia chuckled. "Well, we're in the Hard Grey Dorm." She replied, a smug look on her face. She closed the door to the point which he couldn't look inside. 'If he comes in here I'm gonna have to do some uneccessary things...' She though, crossing her arms and awaiting a rather intelligent reply from a smart boy like him. She fiddled with the chip in her hand without drawing attention. She wanted to make some modifications. Add a holographic equalizer and tune the speakers to the sharpest sound you could get. Without a doubt, her eyes had shown it all.
Nitro took in the fact that the two were pulled into their own conversation and sighed with a bit of releif. Knowing that she wouldn't have to say anything, she stepped back within her room and shut the door in silence. As the girl turned to glimpse around the room, it seemed to be a bit more tranquil here. Since no one else was within the room, it made not talking to others much better for her. Carefully, she made her way down the room and towards a windowsill that's been shut for quite some time.

Placing her hand upon the smooth wood, she used her other hand and pushed the window open. It wasn't all that bright outside and a few clouds proved to make the day a bit towards her favor. The girl climbed up and out her window and simply sat upon the ledge. It was nice. A bit too nice. Every now and then, she was quite interested in seeing a conflict or two. Yes, as much as that would be amusing, she would never be able to put herself within the middle of the excitement. Sighing lightly to herself, she noticed something within the corner of her eyes. It seemed though a new student had approached the school. To her, it was prison, so she didn't expect anything new. Tilting her head, she glimpsed at the newcomer with curiosity rather than a mischivous one. interesting. she thought, smiling dimly to herself.
Dan looked at the odd girl. She had really only half answered his question, but that wasn't the question foremost in his mind at the moment.

"You look rather anxious. Am I bothering you?" He did feel a bit dizzy, due to the fact that his Sight was drifting in and out. It was to a degree that he couldn't decide on what he was seeing to figure out what it meant. He could tell that she was special, like him. Very much like him, in fact. She had a certain feel to her that was familiar...
"Not really..." She hesitated. "I'm... Unpacking....?" She scratched the back of her head hesitantly, before realizing that this boy was on the hunt. Something about him seemed like that he hated her without him knowing it. The beastly being inside was not looking for any special attachment to him of any kind. Surely he could be a friend, but anything close to a best friend in which you share the deepest of secrets is definitely prohibited. Aexon blood could be smelt since the Dilating genes and neurons in the brain gave off an extremely faint scent, but it could still be picked up by the sharpest of senses.
Rei Daitetsu watched as the normal, detailed hallways of his new school slowly form into a walk way of just.. Grey. As he recalled, his dorm was exactly the boys section of Hard Grey. If anything, grey was Rei's favorite color, along with blood red and arguable the color of his fantastic blue hair. He propped up his thick framed glasses with a tap of his index finger, a series of a electrical clear shock rolling over the royal purple of his pupils as he scanned the area. Nothing special, but he was beginning to hear voices. Rei kept walking, knowing that his dorm was in fact, in the route that intercepted with the source of the voices. Not stopping, but still walking at slow pace with bags in hand, he gazed at the two he was approaching. Male, female. Male had dark hair and interesting eyes. The girl had hair the color in the same scheme as the males, but had matching purple eyes like Rei, maybe even a few shades lighter. He's never been much of a talker, but he didn't mind trying to make allies. "Greetings." He muttered, his voice almost not heard by even himself.
Dan looked up at the other boy, his vision still swimming. Taking in the odd blur of sight, he tried to decipher what he looked like. Unfortunately, he couldn't. Choosing instead to close his eyes against the onslaught of visuals, Dan's grin faltered some. He waited until he could feel his vision returning to normal, then Dan looked back up at him, grin in full again.

"Hiya! Maybe you can actually tell me something." Dan gave a conspiring wink and nodded towards the girl. "She didn't tell me anything other than this is the 'hard grey dorms'. So where are we?"
Hakai stretched for a second or two, having let her mind fester for quite a while now. Allowing herself to get up, she stood up upon her windowsill for a moment then climbed back inside her room; dark and once again, fairly quiet. She shut her window and closed the curtains. Only then did she decide to see what other 'wonders' lie within this school. After grabbing a few things and putting it beneath her coat, she wandered towards the door, pulled it open, and shut it behind her. The bright blue color within her eyes luminated for a moment before she stepped down the hall. No one in sight as far as she was concerned.

The hall she wandered down was dark as well until, of course, she met with a whole different part of the school. Peering around, she thought about causing trouble for a moment or two before deciding to lean upon a railing that supposively prevented anyone from falling to the ground floor; which wasn't at all too far down. Closing her eyes for a moment, she devised any little troublemaking plan before glimpsing around once more. It was quiet. . a bit too quiet for her likings.
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