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  1. TheTipsyBard14

    Multiple Settings Looking for Long Term Partner

    let's bump this ish rn
  2. TheTipsyBard14

    Multiple Settings Looking for Long Term Partner

    So here's the deal, yo. I'm looking for a roleplay partner (or possibly a small group of 3-4 people) because school has me stressed enough as it is and I really enjoy writing, so win-win. I'd like to keep the replies going at least one every day, but if there's some kind of conflict we can...
  3. TheTipsyBard14

    It's hard to be the bard

    It's hard to be the bard
  4. TheTipsyBard14

    Out Of Character this still happening? 
  5. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    Ben could see that Mercy was completely oblivious to his advance and decided to be friendly. His mom always told him it was better to have more friends than enemies. Even if it meant striking out with all these pretty girls. She asked about his weapon and he gladly took it out. The stained...
  6. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    Ben stopped when the girl grabbed onto his shoulder, and almost lost his balance.  Then he noticed her cat ears. She was, like, the third cat like faunus he'd seen since he got here. He didn’t have a problem with that though, a pretty girl was a pretty girl no matter what type of faunus she...
  7. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    "No pro-" Ashlynn ran off before Ben could finish his sentence, but he could see she was feeling better, so he didn't bother pursuing her. Besides, he had more things to pay attention to, specifically the shining Beacon Academy. He headed to the auditorium and awaited the message from...
  8. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    "Ashlynn Sombra. Pretty name. I like it. Well then Ashlynn Sombra, it's a pleasure to meet you." Ben smiled and strummed a happy chord on his mandolin. He was glad to see her finally relaxing. She was making him nervous with all the fidgeting and the stuttering. He looked to his right out the...
  9. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    Ben just sat back and listened to her play. She was very shy, and may have missed a note or two here or there. But she played with feeling, and heart, something Ben hadn't heard in a long time. Not since his dad played for him. Hearing her with her guitar struck a nerve inside of him, a good...
  10. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    Ben looked up from his mandolin and simply smiled. He wasn't expecting something like this to happen, but he welcomed it with open arms. Ben smiled a confident but friendly smile as he stood up and offered his hand in friendship. After the whole fiasco with Emerald a few minutes prior, he wasn't...
  11. TheTipsyBard14

    Out Of Character

    Emerald is having an awkward conversation with Ysira Nerin is engaging in conversation with Steel and Chen Rook is trying to get Neil to leave him alone Ashlynn is about to engage Ben in some sort of conversation, as he is currently in the corner playing his mandolin. And that should...
  12. TheTipsyBard14

    Out Of Character

    Well, Ben is technically playing the mandolin, which is kinda like if a ukulele and a guitar had a baby. So that's something to take note of. But totally if you start something in the main thread I'll take it and we can go from there. It'll be fun. @The Unamed Beast
  13. TheTipsyBard14

    Out Of Character

    I have no idea, you know your character better than me, but Ben is currently playing guitar so if you either wanted to inquire about that or strike up some kind of interaction between the two, that would be cool. If not that's also fine. 
  14. TheTipsyBard14

    Out Of Character

    @Ariesye Yeah but I didn't think a smile was enough to make a post about. I'll let it be for now I think it'll lead to some cool things later.
  15. TheTipsyBard14

    Out Of Character

    Wanna maybe possibly collab? 
  16. TheTipsyBard14

    Out Of Character

    I am loving this rp more and more every minute.
  17. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    Ben looked at Emerald with anger now. He wanted to clock him right in the face. Instead, he kept as cool as he could and spoke. "Hey, I am many things, misogynistic ain't one of em'. My momma raised me right. Ya know what, this is stupid. Ysira, have fun with the jolly green asshole over...
  18. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    Ben picked up on the insult and decided to take it in stride. He wasn't trying to start any fights just yet. But this guy did piss him off, acting all high and mighty in his fancy armor and throwing around his giant weapon everywhere. Ben looked at him calmly and spoke. "I'm sorry, is there a...
  19. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    Ben sort of zoned out while Emerald spoke, mostly because he was focused on Ysira who sat beside him. He mostly wished the big guy would go away so he could try and win over Ysira. If it came to blows, Ben had a feeling he wouldn't last very long against someone so huge. When he realized...
  20. TheTipsyBard14

    (IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

    Benjamin pulled out his mandolin once again and played a simple melody. He then looked at Ysira and stummed a very dramatic melody on his mandolin.  "This is my life. It's my weapon, my semblance, everything I am is in this instrument." said Ben. His expression turning slightly serious. He...