(IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

"No problem. In terms of that, though...it's hard to explain. My semblance allows it."

He explains, not really sure how to explain how his semblance works. After a second of hesitation he speaks again.

"Yeah. Anyway, Emerald Stone. Nice to meet you."


Steel Smith

Steel suddenly turned back and swiftly drew his axe. "Wha-wha's wrong? This one giving you trouble?" He asked advancing slightly towards the group's newcomer. He surveyed the situation quickly. "Oh, well I just look silly with my axe out now don't I? Hi there, I'm Steel, Steel Smith." The axe has returned to its place on his back as he held out his hand for a handshake for the newcomer. "Right! Going to the auditorium together seems like a great idea! Better than going there like a loner or an antisocial snark or just someone with an attitude problem!" He listed off with a grin.

"Right then! Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times! To the auditorium!" He began to slowly lead the way. @Ensig @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @The Unamed Neko
"No pro-"

Ashlynn ran off before Ben could finish his sentence, but he could see she was feeling better, so he didn't bother pursuing her. Besides, he had more things to pay attention to, specifically the shining Beacon Academy.

He headed to the auditorium and awaited the message from headmaster Ozpin. He'd have to find a way to talk to the old man, maybe he would have some information on where his father was.

He walked down the main walkway, his mandolin now safely stored on his back and his hands in his pockets. 

"Damn, I could definitely get used to looking at this all day." 

He then continued to meander towards the main auditorium, ready for his first day at Beacon. 

(mentioned @The Unamed Neko)

Open to interaction from anyone
Neil shrugged at Rook's sigh with a 'What can we do?' look before he followed the masked teen to the entrance doors, looking up at them with a confused look. Man, did every private school need big doors? Seemed like a waste of building material and kinda didn't make sense. Shaking his head, he walked through them after Rook opened them and looked around. Wow. Was...Was he actually gonna be one of the first people there? Neil had never been first before! He was always either almost late or late to stuff, but this was new! Guess things really were lookin' up for ol' Neil, huh?

"Ha! Looks like it!" Neil agreed excitedly as they walked, skipping in his steps a bit. "We should get some front seats! We'd be able to hear Oz and Glyn more better, as well as...other reasons." Neil trailed off with a growing grin and giggled to himself, rubbing his hands together in a suspiciously villainous way. If he was close enough, than looking at Ozpin and Glynda for three minutes would cause his Aura to 'Register' their forms, making it so that he can mimic them whenever he wanted! Just think of the pranks he'd be able to pull! 

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"Oh. That makes sense. Everyone's got one. Guess most are different." Trinity stated, vocalizing her thoughts. She wasn't really sure what to follow up with, not really wanting to talk about her semblance too much until she was in a team. But it also seemed that her acquaintance didn't have a further explanation as evidenced by his hesitation. "Emerald Stone? Nice name. I'm Trinity Prisma, Pleased to meet you as well." She responded and firmly shook Emerald's hand. "So, do you know what we're supposed to be doing right now? I kinda fell asleep on the flight since I've had a long trip." The girl asked in a slightly sheepish tone.
Emerald looks at the crowds of people piling into the main building (presumably).

"I was just following them. They seem to know what's up."

Emerald legitimately has no clue what is meant to happen.

@The Unamed Neko @Ensig @Happy Red Mage

  Chen was unable to say much; she just kept staring at Alexa, her red eyes all sparkly while Alexa spoke to Nerin. The bunny Faunus was incredibly confused as to why and how she was blushing so hard, but here it was. She blinked when the other Faunus held her bag out towards her, saying....something. Whatever it was was kinda blocked out by the giddy music playing in Chen's head. Maybe if she tried complimenting?

  "I like your necklace,she blurted out. Why did she say that? WHY DID SHE SAY THAT?! Chen blushed ten times harder, her ears lowering in embarrassment.  "I...mean, it's a n-nice color...and stuff...." Luckily Steel came to the rescue (probably without him realizing it), suggesting they go to the auditorium. Chen nodded and followed him to the auditorium, trying to ignore the freak-out session going on in her head. 

Ashlynn looked down to her neckalce. "Oh... this..." She said as she lifted up the two dog tags and the broken mask piece. "Thanks... they are sort of reminders... where I came from and all that..." she said as she tucked her necklace back into her shirt. "Anyway... well... um... really, I am sorry for running into you earlier... Atlas sort of had me run to every place and not be late.... I don't usually take things the slow route you know?" she said with a nervous chuckle. "Dammnit... I forgot to introduce myself." She said with another cute chuckle as she sighed. "I'm even more of a dolt than I realized... My name is Ashlynn. Ashlynn Gringe." Ashlynn felt as though she needed to compliment the rabbit Faunus back. But how.... "Um... Cute ears..." She said, although she was not the best at complimenting.

@Ensig @Happy Red Mage @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball
It had not dawned on her how much time had passed yet as she simply relaxed in silence. The chattering around her finally came into focus as it was simply ambient noise for the moment. After already finishing a chapter in the book she had, Ysira closed it and began packing her things to move on. Figuring enough time had passed since they had landed, with maybe a few minutes to spare, she lifted her things on to her good shoulder and started walking towards what the map said was the auditorium. She passed by many others who simply stopped to pick up on old times or merely to make new acquaintances, not bothering to stop herself as she ducked and weaved past these busy bodies.

Didn’t take long for her to reach the doors. “Good time as any.” Her voice trembled as her nerves had finally caught up to her. Instructors were obviously there to greet students as they went in, some handed out pamphlets, possibly to give a record of today’s events. In any case she took what they had and headed inside to await the speech that was to come.

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

Nerin watched as the cat-eared Faunus helped Chen pick up her bags, nudging Chen with her tail slightly to accept them. Just as she had thought, the girl seemed to be a of a decent enough sort. Although she had only met Chen a short while ago, she could tell the girl wasn't the best when it came to social interactions -- almost painfully so -- so Nerin's expression brightened when she managed to compliment the other girl. Even though her face went red and her ears seemed to wilt like flowers dried under the sun, Nerin gave a small mental thumbs-up to the girl for doing her best.

'Keep goin' wit' that attitude, 'n thar might be hope fer ye yet!' the shark Faunus thought, grinning widely while failing to notice that she had indirectly labeled Chen's current awkward-stutter-speak as hopeless. When Steel agreed to her proposition her smile only widened, and she matched his pace, walking alongside him and leaving Chen and the cat-eared girl side-by-side in the hopes of Chen becoming more used to talking face-to-face.

"Oh, that's right!" Nerin exclaimed as the newcomer -- Ashlynn Gringe -- introduced herself. She had been too distracted at the prospect of Chen improving her socialization skills to notice she had missed her own introduction to the girl. Turning around mid-walk and continuing to move backwards, Nerin jabbed a thumb towards herself, her seemingly ever-present smile beaming at the girl. "Nerin Ols be me name," she said, leaving out where she came from on account of her jovial mood; "'tis a pleasure to meet ye!"

With that, she turned her head to Steel, putting her hands behind her head while continuing to walk backwards all the while. "So, wit' them complimentin' each other, 'r we s'pposed to do th' same?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Interactions: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball, @The Unamed Neko, @Happy Red Mage

Mentions: --
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"Then I guess we follow like lambs to the slaughter." Trinity joked with her new acquaintance. She had no idea what they would be happening after the crowd dispersed, but she figured that no one would die. Not on the first day anyways. But she was unsure of how Emerald would react to her joke seeing as the two had just met. Way to go Trinity, you may have just scared the first person you meet off and he knows your name. You become the girl with morbid thoughts for the first day and have to spend weeks shaking that nickname, the rollercoaster of thoughts running through her head. Shaking her head to clear it, she rejoined the crowd and hoped Emerald would follow.

@The Fabulous Emerald

Emerald chuckles at the joke. He enjoys a bit of humour, like any normal...Valerian? Valishian? What would you call someone from Vale. Anyhoo, he enjoys the little jest, and follows Trinity. He was heading there anyway, and had nothing to do but follow tail wuut? No...

    Mercy's whitish green hair blue in the wind, her cat ears standing up straight, indicating happiness. The golden bows in her hair glimmered in the sunlight. Mercy excitedly began to look around for someone to talk to and, where she were supposed to go. Mercy decided that the big doors that everyone seemed to be entering seemed like a good choice. So she set off, skipping happily as she wove her way through the crowd managing to not bump into anyone. She heard the occasional rude whisper, but other then that it was a happy journey. As she entered the auditorium her eyes became huge and sparkled with happiness. There was people from everywhere, it was amazing. There was faunuses and humans, people with brown black, pink and blue hair, black and white skin, scars and cuts, secrets and fears. OMFG AGSIFWIUWGBWWJ! Mercy began jumping up and down excitedly as she began to think who would be on her team. Was it going to be the guy with a huge broadsword, who seemed to be serious all the time, or the girl with a monkey tail whose weapon was a crossbow! She was so exited that she tripped on her own feet when she landed from her exited jump, causing her to go tumbling back in surprise. In attempt to stop herself from face planting, Mecry reached out and grabbed the nearest thing to steady her balance. Her hand unknowingly grabbed onto a man's shoulder, she quickly steady herself.

"Few, that was close-," she stopped what she was saying as she realized she was holding onto someone's shoulder, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She said as she quickly let go of his shoulder. The man had black hair and silver eyes, and her also appeared to be carrying a  mandolin. Mercy quickly stood up straight, blushing slightly from embarrassment. She then extended her hand for him to shake.

"Hello! My name is Mercy! Sorry again about before, I tripped and I fell so I tried to gain my balance, and you were there so I reached out to steady myself and-," Mercy then realized she was blabbering and quickly stopped, again blushing more from embarrassment, "Anyway sorry again. But I guess things turned out good to right, I mean we got to meet each other and that's good! I mean, now we can be friends!" Mercy said happily as she smiled happily at the man as she waited for an interdiction.

Ben stopped when the girl grabbed onto his shoulder, and almost lost his balance. 

Then he noticed her cat ears. She was, like, the third cat like faunus he'd seen since he got here. He didn’t have a problem with that though, a pretty girl was a pretty girl no matter what type of faunus she was. Ben smiled and responded, as cool and confident as he could be.

"Hey, I usually have to use a cheap pick up line to get pretty girls to talk to me, so this is refreshing. Name's Ben Argent, a pleasure."

Ben smiled and kissed the back of her hand, as polite as he could be.

"Don't worry Ben, you always will have a friend here at Beacon! We can be friends and we can hang out all the time and hopefully we will be on the same team and- well that's only if you want to be friends, but who wouldn't want to be friends with me!"(#Friend zoned
) Mercy was smiling from ear to ear as she was beaming with excitement, she finally had a friend at Beacon! Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she was oblivious to his flirting and just thought her was being nice. She was basically bouncing off the walls as she thought of having her first friend. She then put her finger on her chin as she thought deeply about what Ben's weapon was. Was it his mandolin, or was that just an instrument he plays? If it is just an instrument, then what is his weapon? Was it some awesome weapon that he hides in his pockets like my fans that hang at the side of my skirt or does he have improved strength and he just uses his fist? As she thought of possibilities she became more exited and was practically shaking with happiness. She then decided to ask him, "Hey Ben, Is that mandolin your weapon, or is it just an instrument you play? If it is juts an Instrument, then what is your real weapon?" She asked with wide eyes as she looked up at the man with her hands pressed to her face, squishing her cheeks as her eyes were filled with anticipation.


Steel Smith

"Alright alright settle down you two." Steel suddenly said as he whirled around and gently slid between Chen and Ashlynn "Alright you two, let me lay down some ground rules. This is the first day of school so I'm intervening for your own good." His arms held the two in place by draping over their shoulders. He gave a shark-like grin as his temperature started to rise, making those near him start to sweat profusely. "There will be no whirlwind of romance here. This is life, not a book. At least wait until the next week, are we clear?" With that said he shifted back to his chipper persona. "Alright! Let's go to the auditorium! And oh god no Nerin, I mean you look nice and all but we literally just met. Please don't act all lovey dovey." @The Unamed Neko @Ensig @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball
Ben could see that Mercy was completely oblivious to his advance and decided to be friendly. His mom always told him it was better to have more friends than enemies. Even if it meant striking out with all these pretty girls. She asked about his weapon and he gladly took it out.

The stained wood shone in the light and the initials S.M. Were carved into the bottom. 

"Yep, this thing's gotten me through a lot of tight spots. Don't be deceived by the wood, it'll take a lot to break this thing. Along with being my favorite instrument, it also a gun. But c'mon what isn't also a gun nowadays?" 

Ben found himself ranting and quickly stopped talking. He was careful and as he showed Mercy his weapon he covered the initials S.M., that were carved into the bottom near the base of the strings, with his hand, so as to hide it from view. It was an innocent and inconspicuous move, as Ben didn't want anyone to ask about it. Anything relating to his father could bring up some questions he didn't feel like answering. 

"Anyway, I'm headed to the auditorium now, why don't you come with me? After all, we're friends now, aren't we?" 

Mentioned: @Fluffykitty9000
    Mercy's eyes widened in excitement as she admired the mandolin. It's so pretty!!! She then almost burst with happiness when he mentioned they were friends. YES!!!! First friend at beacon!!! Mercy's orange eyes were filled with happiness as her wide smile, somehow widened. She then slapped her forehead as she remembered what Ben asked.

"Sure why not, let's go!!!!" She then grabbed his hand that wasn't holding the mandolin and started running in the direction of the auditorium, excited to start her training to become a huntress.

   Mercy wove them through the crowd with ease, having grown up in a circus, she was was used to moving through the crowds without running into anyone. Back there, mostly people on a higher class visited the circus, meaning that they thought of circus folks as animals (Most of them were faunuses to begin with), and the thought of being touched by "animals" disgusted them. Lets just say, if you were to run into one back there, you would receive a yelling from the customer and someone complaining for a refund because we were all vile creatures. So she easily maneuvered them through the crowd, careful of people's feet and if they moved. Mercy then stopped abruptly as they reached their destination.

@The Unamed Neko @Ensig @Happy Red Mage

  Chen, as prompted, began her walk to the auditorium, her face still burning red. This cat Faunus....she was just so mystifying and gorgeous and....and....carrots and peas....

  Luckily, Steel was there to interrupt her dreamlike state. The bunny Faunus blinked and nodded, attempting to get rid of the embarrassment. She didn't want to have a heart attack (metaphoric) like when she first walked into Shade. She just needed. To. Stay. Calm. Chen froze when she saw the auditorium doors. I'm gonna die gonna die gonna die gonna die gonna die....

 She hesitantly grabbed the doorknob, the trembling returning. Calm. What was calm? Could she really do this? What if they laughed at her? What if she did something wrong?!


  Get ahold of yourself, Chen! Chen straightened up, an attempt at a determined look crossing her face. It instead came out as pure terror. I said get. A. Hold. Of. Your. Self. The Faunus took a deep breath and exhaled rather loudly. This isn't working. 

Join the White Fang, Chen. At that moment, Chen thought she could see her dad in the reflection of the doorknob. Chen tensed up further, her red eyes even wider than before. She stumbled backwards, her grip on Sunfire becoming significantly tighter. Then the face was gone. It was just her eyes playing a trick on her. Chen stood up again, then walked back to the door, opening it for her friends. ".....Y-You guys go first, I insist...."

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

"Lovey dovey?"

Nerin raised an eyebrow as Steel put himself between the two Faunus, her confusion only deepening when he replied to her query. Her befuddlement stemmed from two things; One: Not knowing what in the world 'Lovey Dovey' meant and Two: Wondering how complimenting someone else could possibly be something that warrants someone else stepping in. Nerin quickly concluded that 'lovey dovey' was some form of inlander lingo that she'd need to ask more about later, but...

"Complimentin' people be good, though?" Nerin half-stated, half-asked. Although she had been raised on a ship, she knew well enough that paying someone a compliment was a good way of improving relations between individuals. "I don't know what what yer speak 'o romance n such 'as t'do wit' it, but... Thar ain't a sin'le person on Remnant that 'ates gettin' a compliment, so th' more they be given th' better!"

Nerin lowered one of the hands behind her head and pointed it at Steel before continuing; "In fact, ye just complimented me yerself by sayin' I looked nice, an' that made me pretty happy ye know?" She was telling the truth, of course. Most of the compliments she received while on land were from drunkards, so receiving a compliment from a peer was a pleasant change. "An' so... I'll be givin' ye a compliment 'o me own! Yer..."

With her arms crossed in front of her bountiful chest, her figure becoming imposing as she continued to walk backwards, Nerin paused. But... Her pause wasn't for dramatic effect. Instead, she had paused because of the sudden heat-wave coming off of Steel, her thoughts grinding to a halt due to her discomfort. If the heat hadn't struck her so quickly, she would have said 'Yer muscles show yer deducation t' trainin'! Ye'll do well as a Hunter, I be sure 'o it!' but...

"Yer really hot."

Furrowing her brows in complete seriousness, Nerin wiped off a drop of sweat that had developed due to the sudden heat. As she had said, he was incredibly hot (temperature-wise), so much so that it was quite uncomfortable being so close to him. "It'd be nice if ye were a bit cooler, though..." Nerin said, a thoughtful look on her face as she considered the possibility of the temperature lowering to a nice under-the-sun-on-a-cloudless-day sort of temperature. Only a moment later, Nerin backed into one of the side-doors of the Auditorium -- one that wasn't large enough to dwarf anyone that walked through them -- muttering "Oh, we're here" as she pushed her back off of it to stop blocking the rest of the group from entering.

"..... Y-You guys go first, I insist...."

"... Are ye alright?"

Nerin had been a bit preoccupied with the whole complimenting thing, so she hadn't taken much note of Chen stepping back in a panic (again)... But now that she was holding the door and became the center of Nerin's attention, it became pretty obvious that something was wrong.

Interactions: @Happy Red Mage, @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit, @The Unamed Neko

Mentions: --

Steel Smith

"Well thanks, I do prefer criticisms over compli-oh." Steel suddenly paused in his sentence as he realized that Nerin was talking about his heat. "Whoops! Sorry, I turned my Semblance on for effect. I do this from time to time whenever I see two kids gearing up for young love at first sight." He gave an awkward chuckle before clearing his throat. "So here we are! I can't wait for things to kick into action!" He gave another pause as he heard Chen speak up and backed up to her side. "Hey, it's alright, everything is going to be fine! And if it isn't going to be..." He flexed one arm and winked. "Then I'll hit stuff hard enough that it's going to be! So come on! Let's go proudly show everyone what we're capable of!" @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @The Unamed Neko @Ensig

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