(IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

"No, of course not."

"This flight's taking a while. I hope we land soon. This gear gets heavy after a while."

Emerald 'smoothly' dodges that topic.

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Venedrict was elated, he was finally almost here! Beacon! Beacon Academy! The Beacon Academy!

Deciding not to stretch that thought any further, Ven moved back to the present, simply staring out the window at the academy. He practically jumped up and down on the spot, and the vines of his armour reflexively grew, sprouting small, colourful flowers along their lengths before he could get them back under control. He let a few flowers stay, but the vines retreated back to beneath his clothing where they had sprouted from.

The other prospective students were barely present to Ven, as he was lost in the majesty of Vale and Beacon, and his own little world inside his brain.
      Excitement flooded trough Mercy's veins, filling her body with energy like a drug. She couldn't stop smiling, she was finally going to become a huntress. Her eyes were wide and if it was possible would be filled with stars as she looked down out the window Sinetly identifying stores and restaurants she had been to when she travled here a couple times with the circus. She then did a little twirl, examining her outfit that the circus stylist Julia had made personally for her. She bumped into a few people who glared at her wail she just giggled and said a cheery "sorry". She then skipped humming a random tune she heard somewhere as she happily looked for someone to talk to. As she was walking some "Faunus Haters" tripped her, laughing as they expected her to fall on her face. Ya....No. Before she could fall on her face, Mercy did a handspring landing gracefully on her feet and stuck her tongue out at the bullies before continuing. She bit her lip and scanned the room, her eyes stopped at a boy with green hair and seemed to have a couple flowers growing (?) on his wood like armor. Mercy's smile some how brightened even more as she skipped over to the boy.

"Hello! My name Is Mercy! Nice to meet you!" she said happily to the boy as she sat down next to him, sitting on her knees hands rested on her thighs as she excitedly waited for him to respond.

@The J
"If your equipment is ti heavy, why not wait to wear it?" This was Ysira attempt to put the last conversation behind her. "I mean there is no need to be that protected from simply riding an airship is there?"

She shifted in her seat. "But yes, I hope we do land soon."

@The Fabulous Emerald
"Except its heavy no matter how you carry it, and wearing it seems to make you..um." Ysira stopped herself from saying it, assuming he already knew that heavy metal armor in the middle of the day, even though they were on an airship that was most likely temperature controlled, was most likely equal to sitting in an oven. She didn't envy him in the slightest for roasting himself like a goose, but the thought of a friend bird did make her slightly hungry now.

"I suppose carrying it in a luggage case would be more difficult, makes me glad I don't wear armor."

@The Fabulous Emerald
"I suppose. Maybe I am not use to being prepared for a fight all the time." Perhaps she should be was Ysira's thought as she moved her sling slight to readjust her comfortably. The sound of music being played by two others in the airship constantly made her look back in curiosity.

@The Fabulous Emerald
  Chen smiled, feeling relieved at the shark Faunus's words. This girl seemed like a decently nice person, so she happily went with it. Her own little quirk; if people were nice, she was nice back. And to her, Nerin was very nice. She was about to make a comment on that, when someone else came along, cutting between them. 

  L-Lovely?! Why was he saying this to her?! Chen gave the boy a very confused glance, looking to Nerin for help. Okay. How was she supposed to answer this? With a compliment? A smile? Punch him where it hurts? Wait. What was that last one? Instead, her face went red due to the confusion, her nose twitching slightly. Much like a bunny rabbit. Finally, she accepted the handshake. 

  "U-Ummm......I.........uh.......thanks?" she squeaked. Her ears had now risen fully in alert and due to the awkwardness of the situation. "Chen Hua-Ling......pleased to meet you...." Chen added, just like the people at the bookshop she had once worked for taught her to do. That had taken a month of effort just to get shy little Chen to talk to others without freaking out. And now she was getting approached by a stranger, and complimented. This was 100% new. She had to stay on the alert, though. To make sure the situation was safe. Then she would act accordingly. 

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

Itching her nose as Chen visibly relaxed at her words, Nerin thought for a moment that she might have said too much. Usually, she didn't like long-winded speeches and such, and yet she had just given one -- to someone she just met, no less... 'Must be th' altitude' she concluded, just as someone approached Chen from the side.

'Thar be people like 'tis everywhere, huh...' Nerin thought to herself as the boy used one of the oldest pick-up lines in the book. Even if she had been on the sea most of her life, Nerin did have experiences dealing with men -- and sometimes women -- speaking such words. Some of those tales ended with her punching the drunken fools through walls after they made a pass at her. Even if she was a bit tall and her figure was quite muscular, Nerin's size also extended to certain parts, after all...

For a moment, Nerin turned her eyes from the young man to see if Chen was alright -- which she imagined she wouldn't be, timid as she had proven to be thus far -- and, sure enough, she found Chen looking back at her, the words 'what do I do?' written clearly on her face. 

'... Should I punch 'im?' Nerin pondered, looking back at the boy as she mulled over whether he was worth the effort. On one hand, he had made Nerin's first acquaintance in Vale uncomfortable, but on the other hand, he hadn't done anything particularly unsavory. Pick-up lines were a bit... Awkward to be addressed with as an ice-breaker, but it's not like they warranted physical violence... Not this line, anyways.

With her eyes sharpening, Nerin seemed to glare at the man (although she didn't intend to do so) as she continued to think about how to handle the situation before... He burst out laughing, introducing himself in the process. In response, Chen gave a slightly professional-like greeting -- one that was nothing like the one she gave to Nerin. She was... Definitely uncomfortable with this situation. Anyone with eyes (and perhaps even someone without eyes) could see that.

Perhaps she was a similar mind of Nerin, wondering just how she should react given the fact the boy -- Steel Smith he had said -- hadn't done anything wrong but had come off as a bit odd? 'Well, th' best way to find out what fish someone's fishin' fer be to ask them directly, right?' Nerin concluded after a short pause, her thoughts roughly translating to 'If you want to find out what his intentions are, just ask'. And so, she planned to start off with a question that would mean the difference between a fist-shaped mark on his mug during the entrance ceremony, or a proper conversation.

"Are ye a pickup artist?" she asked, her face completely serious as she locked eyes with Steel.

Interactions: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Happy Red Mage

Mentions: @Sensei Fox

"Nah not really. It's just a greeting...trust me, less said about my etiquette the better." He responded, meeting the white haired girl's eyes."Although I can see that I'm making her uncomfortable, so no more compliment greetings...and really think about it, we're going to a school where we learn that violence is the answer to our problems, you think I want to mess with any girl here? Any girl going to Beacon is at least capable of self defense, some dumbass getting punched where it hurts is going to be common occurrence..." Steel explained. "Plus pick-up lines only work on people with no dignity and standards. Or cheesy couples. Trust me, the line blurs where I'm from." 

"Aaaaaaanyways, it's just a greeting my pa taught me, try not to think too much of it. So, again. Steel Smith, nice to meet you Ms. Chen Hua-Ling and...uhm...stranger." He switched topics quickly. "So Beacon eh? Think you're ready for it? Most people train most their lives, some don't start training till some years ago and-excuse me one moment." He interrupted himself and walked off to the side where he was unseen by the two. Muffled yelling soon started and quieted down a few moments later. Steel came back with an already healing cut in his chin. "Sorry about that, had to break up a whirlwind of romance made by two crazy kids who think they know how love works...or some guy has been dodging me and owes me money...where was I? Hmm...I lost my train of thought....Oh well~" He gave a shrug.

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

'Would have preferred a more direct answer, but... He looks t' be harmless enough.' Nerin thought as Steel explained himself. The fact he was able to meet her eyes without flinching meant he was either a con artist, brave to a fault, or simply had nothing to hide, so... While she couldn't say he was completely harmless, she doubted he would make trouble in the middle of a crowd. And, because of that, a small grin came to her lips. So long as he wasn't causing trouble, she would welcome the chance to speak with a fellow Beacon Initiate.

When he repeated his greeting, Nerin nodded along. "Me name be Nerin Ols, of Menagerie's North-Easter Seas," she said, although she hardly had time to before the hyperactive young man moved onto the next subject... Only to disengage from the conversation. During that time, Nerin looked over at Chen with a raised eyebrow as if to ask 'Do you have any idea what he's up to?', before returning her gaze to Steel moments later, now with a fresh wound on his chin.

"Ye're... An interestin' one, Smith," the shark Faunus said with a raised eyebrow on her face and a wry smile on her lips. Her tail swayed side to side as she felt a tinge of joy for meeting someone so different from the seafarers she was used to.

"Ye were askin' 'bout whether we was prepared or not fer what's to come," she said, bringing a hand to her hip while jogging the boy's memory. "An' as fer me, I be thinkin' I am. On th' great blue, Grim attack were as common as skin compasses on a Sailor's arm, an' those great waters was me home fer near 18 years!"

Crossing her arms, Nerin puffed her prodigious chest chest out, proud that her upbringing against the Grim would give her ample preparations compared to others -- or, at least she hoped they would. If not, she'd be a fish out of water in many ways.

Interactions: @Happy Red Mage @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

Mentions: --

@Happy Red Mage


(How she feels right now)

  What the holy crap? was the only thing Chen could think as this weirdo kept babbling on and on. Honestly, it was pretty hard for the poor girl to catch up to, which was obvious to tell, seeing as she had this dumbfounded look on her face half the time. First it was something about flirting, then being Huntresses, then punching people. Honestly, she was lost. Then he walked off, returning with an injury to the face. Chen's face grew into an even more confused one; her nose twitched occasionally, to prove her obvious discomfort in the awkwardness of the situation.

  Aaaaallllrighty then. So this was an interesting character, to say the least. Chen wasn't sure exactly what to say. She shrugged at the look that Nerin gave her, which expressed equal confusion as to what was going on. The girl shrugged at his question, taking note that Nerin seemed a bit more confident in her answer. 

 "U-Um.....me? I....I hope so...." she said shyly, her ears flattening on her head. "I-I mean....I've already been to a school like Beacon before......I-I-I ju-just had to...to transfer...for certain reasons....ummm.....uh.....s-so....uh....." Come on, she needed to find some way to contribute to the conversation! Uhh....thinkthinkthink.....

  "Uhh...........................................uhhhhhhhhh........................holy carrots I need to learn how to talk to people...........................h-have you..........r-read any good books lately?" Well....this was a very stereotypical question, but seeing as she had worked in a bookshop for so long, it would make sense why she chose this question.
"Neither am I, but I get we will have to get used to it."

Emerald notices the curiosity, but it's fair play so he isn't bothered. He takes his gunlance and places it against the wall next to him to help reduce weight.

@The Fabulous Emerald

It occurred to Ysira that she ran out of conversation material to have with the boy in the heavy plated armor, Emerald. Honestly this wasn't an issue for her as she wasn't one to carry a conversation for long periods of time. But more importantly she wanted the chattering to stop because of the music she was hearing was much more pleasant then anything. Her ears perked up as the two continued to play for awhile but slowly she couldn't hear them as much as she heard her own internal music. Mentally she let herself wash away to the rhythm being played and relaxed for the moment.

The sudden rock of the ship that brought her attention back to reality. Cursed turbulence, she thought as her arm started to ache from the random reaction she just had. It wasn't that she was afraid of flying but truth be told, this was the first time she actually been in an airship, at least this high. The school neared now, it was only a matter of time now that she would end up landing on Beacon Academy's door step. Resting her face now against the glass as she was forced now to sit in her spot and wait the ticking moments. It felt like eternity now.

What should I do first, she asked herself, being reminded of the fact that she would have around 30 minutes to kill before the opening ceremony. After the ceremony was also important factor, what would she do then if there was no assignments, technically class wasn't in session for first years until the day after, or so it said on the scheduled. Perhaps they would meet the instructors or even get to see other students training.

In the end she had to find something to distract herself with for the next few minutes or her mind would burst from over thinking. Getting anything out seemed like a dumb idea considering the limitation, but then again.

Ysira reached down into her bag and pulled out a small book title, "Ninjas of Love." She figured if anything she could finish the chapter she was still on.

(mentioned: @TheTipsyBard14 & @The Unamed Beast)
Emerald notices that Ysira has started reading, most likely out of sheer boredom from her and Emerald's conversation, so he decides to leave her be. If he was perfectly honest to himself, he didn't want to start a conversation about books anyway and Ysira seemed happy enough on her own. That was something Emerald couldn't relate to at all. He may be less smarter, or less refined, than other students, but he was a social butterfly. He enjoyed conversation, which is why he talked to Ysira in the first place.

Using the time he had left, Emerald decided to do a once over on the firing mechanism of the gunlance. He crouches down next the large thing, that even when it is folded in half is still massive, and carefully, as if to not disturb anyone, opens the chamber (it would still make some noise, but not enough to be considered loud) with a careful and surprisingly gentle hand. One the chamber is open, he tips out it's contents into his hand. Out of the barrel rolls six marble sized glass balls, filled with fire dust, and a golf ball sized ball, filled with a mixture of fire and lightning dust. He holds them against the light to see if they are cracked or leaking, although if they were cracked it wouldn't matter too much due to how the gunlance works. Once satisfied, he replaces the ammo into its container and closes the barrel.

(welp, gtg to college. ill be back on later (probably). i also haven't tagged anyone, since he isn't in a direct conversation or interaction with anyone in particular.)

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

'Would have preferred a more direct answer, but... He looks t' be harmless enough.' Nerin thought as Steel explained himself. The fact he was able to meet her eyes without flinching meant he was either a con artist, brave to a fault, or simply had nothing to hide, so... While she couldn't say he was completely harmless, she doubted he would make trouble in the middle of a crowd. And, because of that, a small grin came to her lips. So long as he wasn't causing trouble, she would welcome the chance to speak with a fellow Beacon Initiate.

When he repeated his greeting, Nerin nodded along. "Me name be Nerin Ols, of Menagerie's North-Easter Seas," she said, although she hardly had time to before the hyperactive young man moved onto the next subject... Only to disengage from the conversation. During that time, Nerin looked over at Chen with a raised eyebrow as if to ask 'Do you have any idea what he's up to?', before returning her gaze to Steel moments later, now with a fresh wound on his chin.

"Ye're... An interestin' one, Smith," the shark Faunus said with a raised eyebrow on her face and a wry smile on her lips. Her tail swayed side to side as she felt a tinge of joy for meeting someone so different from the seafarers she was used to.

"Ye were askin' 'bout whether we was prepared or not fer what's to come," she said, bringing a hand to her hip while jogging the boy's memory. "An' as fer me, I be thinkin' I am. On th' great blue, Grim attack were as common as skin compasses on a Sailor's arm, an' those great waters was me home fer near 18 years!"

Crossing her arms, Nerin puffed her prodigious chest out, proud that her upbringing against the Grim would give her ample preparations compared to others -- or, at least she hoped they would. If not, she'd be a fish out of water in many ways.

Interactions: @Happy Red Mage @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

Mentions: --


@Happy Red Mage


(How she feels right now)

  What the holy crap? was the only thing Chen could think as this weirdo kept babbling on and on. Honestly, it was pretty hard for the poor girl to catch up to, which was obvious to tell, seeing as she had this dumbfounded look on her face half the time. First it was something about flirting, then being Huntresses, then punching people. Honestly, she was lost. Then he walked off, returning with an injury to the face. Chen's face grew into an even more confused one; her nose twitched occasionally, to prove her obvious discomfort in the awkwardness of the situation.

  Aaaaallllrighty then. So this was an interesting character, to say the least. Chen wasn't sure exactly what to say. She shrugged at the look that Nerin gave her, which expressed equal confusion as to what was going on. The girl shrugged at his question, taking note that Nerin seemed a bit more confident in her answer. 

 "U-Um.....me? I....I hope so...." she said shyly, her ears flattening on her head. "I-I mean....I've already been to a school like Beacon before......I-I-I ju-just had to...to transfer...for certain reasons....ummm.....uh.....s-so....uh....." Come on, she needed to find some way to contribute to the conversation! Uhh....thinkthinkthink.....

  "Uhh...........................................uhhhhhhhhh........................holy carrots I need to learn how to talk to people...........................h-have you..........r-read any good books lately?" Well....this was a very stereotypical question, but seeing as she had worked in a bookshop for so long, it would make sense why she chose this question.

"Ah so that's where I was, thanks for the reminder. Could you imagine if someone with no combat experience got it? It'd be a disaster!" Steel said with a nod. "Oh? Life in the waters? That sounds like fun. I heard that some sailor's stomachs don't agree the first time they raid something like a Bullhead, is that true?" He asked, curious about the lifestyle of seafaring folk. He turned to Chen. "Ah, transferring eh? Well I'm sure you'll grow to like new places sometime...but at least you got some prior experience right?"  He commented.

"As for me...well, I grew up on the south of Mistral with a simple family. We made weapons, in fact we're still making weapons to this day. Best in the region I'd say." He looked proud of his family business. "We handled Grimm on our own but what we really do in our free time is throwing out the Fang..." Steel scratched his chin in thought. "Well, not much of a book person but I do read from time to time. Honestly some books I know I haven't read yet barring the title. Like that book...uhh...Ninjas something something. Haven't read it but I've seen the people who do and they look like they're enjoying it." He said. Steel was of course, unaware of why they were enjoying the book aside from it being a good book.
Neil still didn't exactly know that the guy was trying to intimidate him into going away, for he was too busy inwardly cheering in victory when the guy grabbed his hand and introduced him. Ha! The Cyclamen charm always worked, no matter how grumpy they were. Neil had quickly opened his mouth at Rook's name, a cheeky response up and ready, but otherwise pouted when he was interrupted. Watching the bird-man put away his weapons, Neil blinked at his question and rolled his eyes, waving his hand dismissively. Man. This guy REALLY needed a friend, huh?

"Nope! But come on, Rook! Look on the bright side!" Neil said, standing up and nudging Rook with his elbow. "You've got your first buddy to talk to at Beacon! That's better than just staring at your knives all day, right?" Neil snickered and rocked on the balls of his feet, looking up at his fellow initiate. "So, what's your plans here at Beacon, besides plauge doctor cosplay and knife sharpening?" Neil asked curiously.

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Rook sighed, glancing up at one of the digital clocks mounted to the wall and wondering when Beacon would arrive to save him from this torture. He snorted at Neil's mocking of his outfit, Rook wasn't sure he wanted to take fashion advice from a guy wearing more pink than he had ever seen on one person. The simple question Neil had asked him, " what's your plans here at Beacon" had thrown him off somewhat, the kid had asked the question quite casually, but to Rook, it was a pretty personal and somewhat 'deep' question that he wasn't really in the mood to answer in much detail.

With a shrug, Rook turned, putting his back to Neil as he grabbed his last remaining weapons from the chair - two simple revolvers - and made sure they were loaded before holstering them at his hips. He had already known the weapons were loaded of course and was really only buying time while he figured out how to best answer the kid's question.

"I am a soldier," he began, shifting to face his pink-haired acquaintance as he spoke. "All I know is how to fight and I know it well. This seemed like the perfect place to learn how to do it better. And if I am able to keep the world safe while I do it, then that is just another success."

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Neil smiled as he waited for Rook to respond, yet he couldn't help but shift his eyes a bit enervously when Rook didn't seem to answer right away. Weird. Usually after a sigh, the guy would always respond to him while complaining that he didn't like responding to him. Neil put his hands in his pocket as he watched Rook holster his guns, a little impressed at how this guy had so many weapons at his dispossal. 'I guess not everyone has weird two-weapon combinations to fight with...DANG IT! I keep talking to myself!' Neil cursed in his mind, jumping when Rook finally responded. Neil listened carefully, and when Rook was done, Neil closed his eyes and thought his response over.

"...Huh. Good on ya, friend!" Neil complimented, a genuine smile on his face as he opened his eyes and gave Rook a thumbs-up. He scratched his head and looked out the window. "I'm not one of those soldier-type guys, but our reasons are kinda the same ya know?" Neil commented, turning back to Rook. "I'm not gonna say that all I know is how to fight, but its one of the few things I'm not only good at, but that actually feels like it makes me...me.  He shrugged. "And I came here to learn and get better at it. And helping other people is a nice bonus!" Neil nodded and stretched, giving Rook a wider smile.

"Aaaaaanyways, whatcha think is gonna happen once we hit the good ol' B.A.?" Neil asked, putting his hands behind his head. "Think they're gonna make us do something rrazy like fight to the death in order to get in? Or capture a big Grimm like a nevermore or Ursa?" Neil gasped and gave Brook a serious look. "Make us do a crazy card game tournament for our souls?!"

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[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

"'Tis pretty 'ard to make a Sailor go green, so I'd imagine that be a myth." Nerin said, shrugging at Steel's question about riding Bullhead-type Airships. She had never ridden one herself, so she couldn't offer much insight on the subject... For this airship, it didn't seem to be all that different from being on a boat -- in fact, it was easier to get used to given the lack of waves -- so she simply imagined other Sailors wouldn't have a problem.

With her turn over, Nerin turned to Chen and...

'... She won't faint or anythin', right?'

She could only give a wry smile at Chen's chopped up response. At one point, Nerin almost reached out and grabbed her shoulders to say 'Ye're alright. Deep breaths.', but she managed to hold herself back long enough for the rabbit Faunus to properly(?) explain herself. Nerin assumed she was talking about Primary Combat School when she mentioned a 'school like beacon', so she simply gave a light "Ohh?" in response -- that was really all she could do, given the fact her knowledge of such establishments was pretty small.

Then, turning her attention to Steel once again, she listened to his heritage with a smile on her face. Smithies were everywhere on Remnant, but it was especially so for Port Cities like the one Nerin grew up by. They were tasked with repairing weapons to fend off the constant threat of Grim at sea, and even repaired ships in their spare time, so it wasn't a stretch to say people who lived at sea could only do so thanks to smiths, and thus thought highly of them; naturally, Nerin was no exception.

"I don't read much meself. Rain tended to turn all manner o' books to mush after a time on the waters, so..." Nerin gave an apologetic smile to Chen. She had tried her best to come up with a subject, but Nerin couldn't participate in it... But she could find someone else who did. With a sharp eye, Nerin looked around the airship's hall, scanning the surroundings and coming across a girl who seemed to be reading... "Ninjas of Love?" she said out loud, an eyebrow raised. Noticing she had spoken rather than thought, Nerin looked to her conversation partners and pointed over to the cat-girl a short distance away, as if saying 'She's reading it over there'.

Interactions: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Happy Red Mage

Mentions: @Ariesye
Rook nodded at the kid's explanation of his own ideals, he could honestly say he was surprised and somewhat pleased that the pink-haired boy respected Rook's own beliefs and even had a somewhat similar creed, though to a lesser extent he was sure. Judging by Neil's outward demeanor, Rook very much doubted the kid would continue to respect him ethics if he understood the full extent (or lack thereof ) of them. After all, Rook had interacted with many students of Beacon and in his experience they were very idealistic in their views, thinking that they could save the world and somehow avoid the same early and painful death of their predecessors. It was an ideal that he had scoffed at at the time and he still did so now even thinking of it. "That is respectable." was his only response, and though some would be underwhelmed by the compliment, Rook did give them rarely and it was usually more meaningful coming from him than most.

As Neil continued his rambling Rook merely rolled his eyes under his mask though he did listen to what the kid had to say. He raised an eyebrow at Neil once he had finished (though the pink-haired boy wouldn't be able to see it), wondering if he was as serious as he looked at the prospect of securing their position at Beacon by playing cards. "No," he spoke up, a rarely amused tone in his otherwise impassive and emotionless voice, "I do not suspect we will be accepted into the Academy by our skill at Go-Fish alone. Most likely it will be a fight against the Grimm or each other. If it is the latter, I do apologize for the beating I will have to give you." He didn't sound very sorry at all.

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The airship shuddered is it started to shed its speed on approach to Beacon. Nearing the cliffside docks, the wind that usually blew in from the mountains took greater effect on the aerodynamics of the airship. Along with the shuddering of the engines, the turbulence of the airship jostled its contents lightly. Any of the more clumsy students could easily lose their footing on the now changing center of gravity.

The holoscreens changed from their commercial programming to a map of the ship's interior. A strobing red line through the ship showed a path to the offloading ramp that would open as soon as the ship landed.

Outside the airship, Beacon was in full view in all its glory. The waters below shimmered the docks painted waves of light across the rocks that led up to the Main Avenue of Beacon. Flags and trees decorated the pathway along with the impressive white architecture around it. At the end of the avenue, sat the large doorway that led into Beacon's auditorium where Ozpin would be waiting to greet his newest class.

The ship shook once again as its advanced docking systems took over and say the ship in its proper place. The off-ramp doors opened and the ramp extended, connecting seamlessly with the main avenue. An array of lights paralleled the walkway, signifying that it was now safe to leave the vessel.

To the perceptive eye, a black rose with smoldering petals sat in a green patch of grass to the right of the airship as if it had grown there.

@Happy Red Mage[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Qro[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@The Unamed Beast[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Fluffykitty9000[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@rooke[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Wolfcoon[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@TheTipsyBard14[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@The J[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Quiet[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Ensig[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Ariesye[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@The Fabulous Emerald
As Emerald is putting in the last of his ammunition into the massive barrel of his gunlance, he feels a shudder come over his body as the airship shakes. Though one may suspect his sheer weight to be a problem when it comes to balance his semblance and his crouched stance (since he is working on his gunlance) keep him almost perfectly stable. So much so he barely even notices it as he stands up during the landing sequence, puts the large gunlance back onto his back and makes his way to the exit, to make sure he is one of the first ones off. Presuming nothing stops him when the door opens, his metal boots clang off of the ramp as he walks down.

As he does walk down the ramp, he takes in his surroundings.

"Looks nice, I guess."

Emerald isn't one to appreciate the finer points of art and architecture. He isn't also particularly perceptive. He walks down the main pathway, not wanting to stray far from where he needs to be.

(and with that, i shall leave.)
Neil sighed in relief. That was good! Neil always did suck at Go-Fish, no matter who he played against! Ms.Baker, a couple kids, that one elderly guy, himself-he could never really win! He shook his head from his rant and listened to Rook, scratching his chin in thought. Huh. Well, there was that time he took on three beo-wolves and an Ursa! So, he could probably take the Grimm! As for the people...

Neil grinned at Rook's comment and winked. "Heh. You'd probably win, but not without a fight, my possible feathered friend!" Neil said, putting his hand to his hips and pointing to himself. "I may not look like it, but I've been trained by the best. It's gonna take more than a bit of force to take this lean pink machine do-HOLY SHIT!" Neil suddenly screamed as he lost his balanced from the sudden turbulence, the jostling causing him to roll in a wall head-first. All Neil could see were stars, and as the ship hovered in place, he slowly stood up, stumbling as he did so.

"Don't worry! I'll be fi-" He was interrupted as he was pushed down by the crowd of students exiting the airship, multiple stepping on his small form as they left.

@Qro (Sorry its not pink. Phone being wonky)
Ship had finally landed, but Ysira had to wait a little longer as the man sitting next to her had to move out of the way before she could even move, which gave her time to listen to instructions once more and put away her book. After Emerald had left she was now free to move about from her seat, grabbing her bag and making sure everything was in order. She re adjusted the sling on her arm as it had shifted from being sat still for what seemed like an eternity, and with a popping sound she already felt better. Turning around she saw most of the students who had made conversation with strangers depart together. Already made friends it seems, she thought as she joined them in leaving the cramped airship. She made a mental note as she left, to never fly again unless absolutely needing to, to boring and gets way cramped to fast.

Stepping off the ramp was almost blissful to her as her feet touched the stone pavement of Beacon Academy. While other students were verbally expressing their personal excitement to be at such a prestigious school, Ysira simply stared at the marvelous structure with what a passerby would assume was a blank and unimpressed look. However, internally she was excited but thought it pointless to express that outward like so many around her. The sound of someone puking took her out of the moment quickly as she looked over to see a poor kid bent over a trash can vomiting his guts out, she counted herself lucky not to be suffering from motion sickness herself, or at least easily prone to it. However, this distraction allowed her to focus on moving ahead. As she walked she looked over to see other students ho arrived on other airships walk along side, then intertwine with her fellow, well at this point they were all students now. The only thing separating them was year of attendance, hers obviously at zero.

For some reason her attention went to the thought of instrument players from earlier. She hated to admit the fact that Ben, the guy from earlier, had left some what of an impression on her. While his flirty nature was easily foreseeable for her, it was his ability with his instrument that caught her attention. Now being off the airship she already missed the sound Ben and the other Faunus made. Further as she walked she remembered, there was still 30 minuets of free time left. While many were probably heading to the main building, she decided to detour and go rest under a nearby tree. The grass was nice enough that she wanted to go bare foot for awhile, but decided against it as time was still a factor. Eventually she sat her things down and rested herself against the tree itself, letting a nice exhale and then inhale of clean air.

(mentioned: @TheTipsyBard14 & @The Unamed Beast)

(open to interaction)
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Ashlynn stepped off the Airship with Ben, her guitar on her back. "Hey, Ben... thanks for letting me play that... haven't had that much fun in a while..." She said happily and then sighed. "Well... I better go on and find wherever I am supposed to go. Catch you around!" Ashlynn said somewhat happy as she ran off before Ben could say anything. She looked around the Campus of Beacon Academy, amazed about everything she was seeing. "This is so different than Atlas... so scary.." She said with a small giggle to herself as she walked.

(Mentioned: @TheTipsyBard14

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