(IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

@Happy Red Mage @Ensig

  Chen giggled when Ninjas of Love was brought up; that book was a popular one. She wouldn't deny it, it was perfect trash but it was such an addictive series. However, soon, the airship landed; the Faunus, who'd never been on an airship before, completely freaked, letting out a loud yelp and covering her ears. Only to realize that it was because they'd arrived at Beacon. Her nose twitched in anticipation, then she quickly picked up her bags and her weapon. She'd wait for Nerin and Steel, mainly because they seemed like friendly people (in other words, they'd made it past her easily triggered trust radar). A couple people walked past her; once again, Chen let out a squeak of shock. Was she really ready for this?

  Shit, what if she failed?! What if she did something wrong? What if she was kicked out?! What if....what if.....?

  ".....I-I can do this...." the girl said aloud, more to herself than anyone else, clutching her weapon closer to her. Shitshitshit—
Rook watched with mild amusement as Neil was thrown off his feet and onto the Airship floor. The turbulence shook with, but he was not thrown from his feet or sent stumbling like a few other initiates had been. Once they had landed, Rook waited with crossed arms as the mass of students poured out from the vehicle, a few of them even trampling the pink-haired boy underfoot as they ran. With a shake of his head, he made his way over to the downed kid, he looked down at him in what would have been an expression of annoyance and disappointment were it not for the impassive and cold face of the mask he wore.

He stared down at Neil for a moment, as if silently judging him before extending his arm and dragging the boy to his feet by the collar of his shirt. "Get up, I won't be late because you decided to take a nap on the floor." Rook motioned for him to follow as he strolled out the Airship's exit at a brisk pace, "Now if you insist on tagging along I suggest you walk quickly."

As Rook exited the Airship he got his first real glimpse at Beacon Academy and could honestly say...he expected the tower to be bigger.

@~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai (written at 3am when im half asleep so it's probably terrible. i might edit it tomorrow if im not lazy)

 (also open for interaction with anyone else)
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Venedrict continued to stare out the window, his face locked in an expression somewhere between wonderment and excitement. This was until a faunus girl came up to him, speaking apparently to Ven himself. It wasn't often that one would see someone quite this chipper and cheerful, especially given the treatment that she must get for who she was around here.

After taking a moment to shake himself out of his stupor, He replied in kind, smiling at Mercy in kind.

"Hi Mercy!" He said, grinning widely, "I'm Venedrict. Call me Ven though, otherwise it's a bit of a mouthful."

This last part was punctuated with a slightly silly face, to demonstrate how he felt about the name.

After a quick moment, Ven noticed that the airship had landed. Oh MY GOD WE'RE HEEEEERE! He thought, starting to move before he remembered Mercy.

"Quick, let's go! Beacon awaits!" he exclaimed, walking backwards towards the doors as he waited for her to catch up.
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Neil twitched on the floor as everyone left the airships. He silently weeped, asking the mighty Oum (In his mund of course) why he was punishing the pink-lover. He could only groan as he felt someone grab him by his shirt before he was hefted up to his feet, causing him to turn to see it was Rook. At his words, Neil could only smile, stilling wobbling, before following him out. "S-See? Told ya you wanted company. He he he-it hurts to laugh." Neil commented as he made his way out the exit. Well, at least he was kinda making progress with Rook!

Standing next to the bird-man, he stared up at Beacon with Rook, shoes marks all over his clothes and his hair slightly disheveled, and tilted his head. Huh. So this was Beacon? "Man, its so big!" Neil marveled, yet squinted his eyes and scratched his chin in thought. "I mean, it could use some pink here and there, though. It's all black and-" Neil shuddered and gagged. "Gray. And trust me Rook, nothing is more disgusting than gray." Neil then sighed with a shrug. "So, where to now?"


[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

With her tail shifting about to correct her balance, Nerin remained in place as the Airship descended to the front of Beacon. Looking around, she found other students holding onto the walls, chairs, rails, and even their fellow initiates for balance, making her thank her lucky stars she had a good sense of balance.

Silently offering her condolences to people like a certain pink-haired boy who had a run in with the wall due to the turbulence, Nerin then turned her attention to Steel and Chen. She wasn't sure whether their senses of balance were on par with her own, but it wouldn't hurt to prepare herself in case they started falling over*. Thankfully, it seemed Chen's balance was better than anticipated, and she managed to pick up her bags and weapon without much trouble... Well, at least not any physical trouble.

"..... I-I can do this...."

Nerin wasn't a master at reading people but... With the way the girl gripped her weapon, and the way her puffy ears seemed to tremble with the movement of the students around her, even she could tell that the girl was panicking. And so:


"Ye've already made it 'tis far, lass. Just put yer best foot ahead an' take th' rest one step at a time."

With a firm pat on the shoulder, Nerin smiled down at Chen. Confidence seemed to ooze from her tanned skin as she did so, her position firm and unmoving like an Anchor in turbulent seas. After making sure the first girl she had talked to on the road to beacon had (hopefully) settled down, she turned to the windows and chair behind her, reaching down and grabbing a heavy suitcase -- one that held her weapons and nothing else -- and a smaller, standard-issue one carrying the necessities. Thankfully, she didn't have to worry about mixing up her bags, given the fish-bone accessories that hung from their handles, custom made by Nerin herself.

"Let's be on our way then, aye? Wouldn't want to be th' last ones wit' our feet off th' deck."

// I'll edit the '*' section if Steel loses his balance.

Interactions: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball, @Happy Red Mage

Mentions: @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai
"Hello Venedric! I'm going to call you Ven! Easier to say and remember!" Mercy said with a happy smile, almost falling over at the turbulence. She let out a giggle at this before she realized that they had reached beacon. She let out a quiet squeal as she jumped up and fist pumped the air. I've finally made it!! She then Blushed and giggled at the weird stares she was getting from people. She let out a cough before seeing that Ven was waiting for her to catch up. She awkwardly straightened up her skirt and dusted of invisible dirt from her skirt before running and catching up with him. She then let out a groan.

"Your too slow come on!" she the excitably grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her as she ran. She pushed passed a couple people and made it through the crowd and gazed up at the huge school in front of them. She let out a squeal of excitement.

"Ven were here!" She said happily as she turned and faced him. She already felt like she had made her first friend at Beacon and this made her happy. She then jumped up and down basically bouncing off the walls as she faced him.

"Where to now?" She asked as she held onto his shoulder looking at him, still jumping on the balls of her feet as she waited for him to answer.

@The J
As the airship jostled and shuddered, a student that had been sleeping in her seat fell over when the docking began and landed on the ground with a loud thud. 

"Fuck... I was having such a wonderful rest too..." Trinity groaned as she pushed herself up to a sitting position. She slowly opened her eyes to adjust to the bright light of the interior airship. Observing her surroundings, most of the students on the ship were preparing to exit. "Well, guess I'm finally here. Take that Dad. Who needs Atlas?" She quietly thought out loud as she gathered her belongings and followed the other students towards the nearest exit. Most of the students were already engrossed in their own little conversations, and Trinity was itching for someone to chat with and a cigarette. After a brief moment of debate, she decided that smoking was the more pressing issue, sticking a stog in her mouth and pushed through two faunus (Nerin and Chen) to reach outside with a hurried "Sorry!"

Almost immediately upon reaching solid ground, she flicked her thumb open and ignited the cigarette with the flame. Taking a long drag, Trinity exhaled with a sigh of relief as the cloud of smoke filled and exited her lungs. "That was a very much needed hit." She muttered and continued to inhale, burning through the stick rather quickly.
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Steel Smith

Steel stood his ground as the airship descended from the heavens above and into  their future home for the next few years. "Hang on, I'll be right back." He said as he disappeared into the crowd once more. Moments later he returned with his axe on his back and his bag slung over one shoulder. "Alright! I'm ready!" He declared with an enthusiastic fist pump. His eyes glanced over to the girls he was with. Nerin looked like she could handle things by herself but Chen looked like she could break down at any moment. "Hey, no need to be nervous, you made it, we made, and I got your back!" He declared giving Chen a friendly shoulder pat. "Now c'mon! Last one down is a spicy boiled egg!" He rushed out the airship, knocking over several people who were moving way too slow. @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Ensig 
Emerald decides to take a break at the side of the path, to take some of the load from the long flight off. He also decides to take off his leather gloves to reveal a Lycra-esque undersuit, black in colour, with small grips on it. He also takes off his greaves and boots to reveal the same undersuit.

Anyway, as he waits for the Beacon doors to open he takes off his gunlance and puts it down next to him as he lies back to relax. It's not the most comfortable of positions to lie down in plate armour, but it's better than what it was on the ship. He sighs deeply as he thinks about what there might be to come.

(open to interaction)
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@Happy Red Mage @Ensig @rooke (brief interaction)

  Chen felt a hand touch her shoulder, looking up at Nerin. She had some relatively comforting words, along with Steel. Was this....what friendship was? The girl had almost forgotten, but now it was like some fairy had walked up to her screaming "KABLAMO!", and suddenly...people talking to her normally. She nearly fell over as someone bolted past, but managed to regain her balance relatively quickly, quick enough to be prepared for Silver's challenge of a race. Chen couldn't help but smile. "Th-Thank you," she said again to Nerin, then bolted after Silver. A couple people got pushed aside, followed by a flurry of apologies, so while running down the ramp it sounded something like this;

  "OMIGOSH SORRY—crap, he's winning—SORRY! I-I promise I'll get you a new skirt—SORRY! Excuse me! Whoops! Sorry! AAAAHHH SCARY GUY—Sorry, I'm sure you're a very lovely person! Sorry—aha! Made it!" The Faunus reached the bottom shortly after Silver did. In other words she was a rotten spicy egg. Oh well....at least she tried. 

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

'That's the way,' Nerin thought to herself as Chen became visibly calmer -- even after another student brushed past her. Like a mother watching her child run off to Kindergarten Nerin crossed her arms and gave a wide grin as she bolted off to her new life at school...

"Wait, I'm gonna be last at 'tis rate!"

Only to shout over the noise the other students were making as the motherly atmosphere about her shattered into millions of pieces. She quickly broke into a run, but a woman of Nerin's size couldn't possibly catch up with a Rabbi Faunus, and found herself only being able to watch as her companion's long ears weaved through the crowds.

"Comin' through! -- Huh? Th' hell happened to yer skirt to get it like... No, it don't matter! Make way! I've got a race t' -- huh? What in Remnant's blue seas be ye doin' on th' ground? Ye'll get stepped on! -- I don't want yer excuses, jus' take me hand alread-- HEY who be the one fondlin' my tail?! --"

After a couple of minutes of helping people up off the ground, parting the sea of people, and smacking someone who was a bit too interested in her tail, Nerin arrived in front of the Airship, her breath only remaining a bit heavier than usual for a moment or two before stabilizing.

"There ye are... Almost lost ya both in that mess," Nerin said as she approached Steel and Chen. "Guess that makes me th'... 'Spicy boiled egg' ye'd said? What in Remnant is that, anyways?"

Interactions: @Happy Red Mage, @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

Mentions: --
Rook rolled his eyes (he seemed to be doing that a lot whenever Neil spoke) at the kid, wondering for a moment what his strange obsession with the color pink was but then quickly deciding that he really didn't care all that much. He frowned as the boy kept speaking, he wasn't sure what was wrong with gray and black, it was a great color combo. "Right..." was all the masked teen responded with as he looked around the courtyard littered with students. He made sure to take note of their weaponry, most if not all of their weapons were ridiculously complicated transforming weapon combos, which was a style he had never really understood. It seemed stupid to him that they specialize so specifically in certain weapons and he wondered if any of them knew how to fight with anything else. That was what Rook considered his biggest advantage -he had a variety of weaponry to suit whatever he needed to accomplish and was reasonably skilled with all of it, though his pride was, of course, his knife skills.

His gaze drifted back over to Neil, to whom he felt he had waited long enough to respond to, "am going to the auditorium, perhaps there is a training room I can use while we wait for Headmaster Ozpin to arrive."

 @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai (finally responded, and it only took me way longer than it should have)

(also open for interaction with anyone else)
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Steel Smith

Steel chuckled to himself as he reached the end and decided to watch how the other two would dive into the crowd. Crowd diving had been a long learned skill of his, it was useful to be able to slip into and part large groups of people. "See, now wasn't that fun? Oh, spicy boiled egg is just a boiled egg boiled in the spiciest of hot sauces, old family recipe. It's a good thing to eat during the winter times but any other time? You'd be in a lot of pain," He looked distant as if he was remembering things before shuddering. "A whole lot of pain...right...I'm heading to the auditorium, I hope they got food there cuz talking about food has made me hungry..."

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Ensig
After around five minutes or so of lying down Emerald decides to get up, get his gloves and boots back on, and head to the front gate. Even though it was open, he decided to wait awhile. He felt like it was going to be long and boring, and wanted some more time to breathe in the fresh air.

(open for interaction)
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Ashlynn ran around the campus, looking for the area she had to be in. "Ugh... where is this place.... this campus is so huge!" She said as she turned another corner... and ran straight into a rabbit faunus. Ashlynn Slammed full force into Chen as she fell ontop of her on the ground. It took Ashlynn a moment to realize what the heck had just happened but once she did she stood back up. "Uh... I-I'm sorry..." She said, blushing a bit out of embarrassment. "I am so lost and I don't even know where I am going..." She said in a nervous tone.

Neil, once again, began to wait for Rook's response. He was starting to think this might start becoming a little thing now, but that's what he signed himself up for, he guessed. Neil looked around with Rook, looking at all the other students with a slowly increasing grin. The people here were WAY interesting! They had awesome weapon combos that made his scythe look like a stick with a knife, the buildings were big and good to look at, and there was no greedy business man breathing down his neck!  He breathed in before sighing in contempt and scratching his hair. Man, it was times like these he was really happy he was abandoned!

...God, he needed therapy, didn't he?

Neil perked up as he heard Rook's answer and immediately whirled around. "I'll come with! Auditoriums can get pretty crowded if ya don't get there early!" Neil said before shrugging. "Although I don't know about the training room though. Knowing these guys, they'd probably have some dumb reason why we can't go in, which sucks, because it might actually be fun to spar with you!" Neil said with a pout. Man. If only he could meet Ozpin and/or Goodwitch!  He could do such a funny impression of them right now. Oh, well.

@Ensig @Happy Red Mage @The Unamed Neko

  Chen stared interestedly at Steel as he spoke about what a spicy boiled egg was, taking note that it was in fact Nerin who had lost the race. She was about to comment about it, when suddenly she felt herself getting knocked over. 

  Someone was. On. Top. Of. Her. The rabbit Faunus squeaked in embarrassment, upon realizing it was that cat Faunus with the pretty necklace, which briefly grazed her cheek before the girl quickly stood up. 

  At least she explained herself. Chen remained on the ground, blushing furiously, before looking at the girl. Cue happy music and a wide-eyed Chen. She stared at this person while the happy music kept playing inside her head, and it kind of warped what she heard. 

  "Hello, beautiful~."

  "GYAAAAAAAAA!!! UMMM....UHHH...." The blushing Faunus immediately scooched back behind Nerin. Okay, okay. She needed to calm down. It wasn't like that, right? Right. Okay. She peeked out for a second. The happy music blasted louder and more sparkles surrounded this cat Faunus (it was all inside her head). Chen's face grew redder and redder. 
Ashlynn looked confused as she looked at the other two around them. "Is... um... Is she okay?" she asked a bit cautious. She wasn't sure what was going on. "D-did I hit her too hard? I didn't mean to." She said with a sigh as she picked her bags up off the floor. "A-anyway... c-can anyone of you tell me how to get to the auditorium please? I don't have a map." She said as she put her guitar back on her back. Luckily it had not taken too much of a beating after falling onto the ground. It was precious to her.

@Ensig @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Happy Red Mage
Rook nodded in agreement, he doubted they would allow training of any kind before their initiation. And even if they did, he didn't think it would be a good idea to tire himself out before whatever trials they would no doubt have to face. With a sigh directed at the pink-haired kid, he marched onwards toward the large entrance doors of Beacon, with a heave he through them open and found the halls to be rather empty, Rook assumed most students were outside wasting time with idle chatter.

The large hallways seemed eerily quiet as the duo made their way towards the auditorium, the patter of feet you would expect from such a large building was absent. 

"It seems we will have no trouble finding good seats."

After some time looking at his surroundings Emerald decides that it would be best to go inside to get a seat. While he believed he was in peak condition, he was still nervous about the initiation - what if he failed? What if he failed his future partner? What if he failed himself?

Then Emerald realised - so what if I fail? As long as I do my best, no one can fault me. Besides, I could always take up the family trade.

As he ponders this, he heads inside to see what happens. He passes a few students, some of which he recognised from the flight, but has no reason to speak to them.

(like usual, open to interaction. i also edited my previous post to better suit the situation)

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

"Hmm, so that be how it is, huh?" Nerin remarked at Steel's explanation of what a Spicy Boiled Egg is. As she lived on and by the sea, Nerin's experience with animals other than sea-dwellers didn't amount to much. That being the case, she naturally didn't have a lot of knowledge regarding food made from such beings, either.

-- Although, that's not to say she hadn't learned about common animals. She had learned about Dogs, Cats, and all manner common critters from deeper inland... But the fact of the matter was that she learned about such animals to recognize their their Faunus counterparts rather than the creatures themselves, so it could be said her knowledge was a bit skewed.

"I packed away some dried Seaweed if y' wanted some o'--?"


Halfway through her offer of food to Steel, Nerin watched as a stranger ran straight into Chen, causing her to blink in surprise. Just what was going on with the students at Beacon, with all their shoving, pushing, and bumping...?

'Some kind o' inlander tradition...?' thought Nerin as she took a look of concern at the now-grounded Chen. Even after the offender separated herself from the Rabbit Faunus, apologizing, Chen remained there, staring up at her. '... Did the lass hit 'er head too hard?' Nerin wondered, raising a hand to wave it in front of Chen's face just before--


-- she stood up and dashed behind Nerin, using her as some sort of wall between her and the stranger. Momentarily, Nerin raised an eyebrow and looked back at the girl, as to assure herself of the Rabbit Faunus' lack of head-damage... But rather than damage, she found her blushing.

'What in th' seven hells be goin' on in 'tis lass' head...?' Nerin wondered, her confusion surfacing in plain sight. Maybe she hit her head hard as expected, and blood was rushing to the wound?

"Is... um... Is she okay?" the offender asked, causing Nerin to direct her attention towards her. "D-did I hit her too hard? I didn't mean to," the girl asked, concern evident on her face. It certainly didn't seem like she meant to run into Nerin's new companion, so without any annoyance or anger surfacing, Nerin responded.

"Ahh. She's a wee bit... Jumpy. Probably on account 'o 'tis bein' th' first day an' all." she said, a wry smile on her face as Chen continued to peek her head out from behind her. "As fer directions..." Nerin turned her head to Steel; "Y'said ye were goin' to th' same place, aye? Maybe we could all 'ead thar together?"

Nerin had planned to go straight to the Auditorium to begin with, on account of her not being confident in her ability to backtrack to the right spot if she started wandering around the campus. And so, as long as Steel didn't mind the company and Chen didn't mind sticking around with the stranger who just ran into her, heading there together would be ideal in the Shark Faunus' eyes.

Interactions: @Happy Red Mage, @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball, @The Unamed Neko

Mentions: --
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Finally finishing her cigarette, Trinity ground it out under her food and started following the herd of students towards the school. "Holy shit..." she mused as the full scale of Beacon stood before her, stopping dead in her tracks. Unfortunately for her, the group of students didn't stop and she was quickly engulfed and surrounded by bodies. She wasn't quite ready to enter the school mentally, and started to try and fight her way against the flow of students with no success. Sighing as she realized it was useless she followed the current towards the auditorium.

As she moved she tried to take in all of her surroundings, noticing the differences between how Beacon and Atlas looked just on the building's styles. Due to her distraction, she accidentally walked straight into the back of another student, knocking herself down. "What the hell?!" she exclaimed as she looked up to see the large figure of Emerald before her. "Oh."

@The Fabulous Emerald
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Emerald was walking to a seat in the main building when he hears, and sort of feels but not really, a clang from the gunlance on his back. Due to his semblance which (for all intents and purposes) anchors him to the ground, his body doesn't respond at all to Trinity knocking into him. He looks around, a bit confused, when he sees a girl on the floor beneath him.


He offers a leather gloved hand, with metal plates on it, to pull Trinity up. He has a friendly smile on his face, and doesn't seem annoyed or angry or whatever.

"Um, hey. I'm so sorry about that." Trinity replied as she stared at the student in front of her. Accepting his outstretched hand for help up, she used him to assist her to her feet. "Are you okay? And how did you not even move?" she asked, accidentally saying the latter part out loud. Embarrassed she quickly covered her mouth as if she was trying to put the words back into it. "I mean, you just didn't seem to really even notice what happened or move at all. And you aren't too much taller than me, maybe a good amount heavier, but I didn't think that it would be enough to know me to the ground." she added in a flustered attempt to explain herself. "Thank you for helping me up." she finished, thoroughly embarrassed.

@The Fabulous Emerald
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Ashlynn sighed a sigh of Relif. "Sure. I would like that. I am so desperately lost." She laughed as she picked up Chens bag as well. "Hey um... you dropped this." She said as she held the bag out. "Don't wanna be forgetting things before you even start, right?" She said as she chuckled nervously. There was something about the rabbit Faunus that she did not know why, but Ashlynn seemed happy that she had run into her. Of course, she wished she did not do it literally.

@Ensig @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Happy Red Mage

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