(IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

Huh. When you get past the fact multiple people stepped on this floor, the cold metal, and the slight feeling of a hammer massaging your back, the floor was actually quite comfortable. Neil hummed in delight, swishing the lollipop around in his mouth while his eyes were still closed. Man. He could actually fall asleep right now...but it was kinda hard to when there was somebody screaming for mercy. Eyes snapping open a few moments after that, he quickly sat up and looked around, about to reach behind his back and pull out his weapon...only to notice there was no danger to be seen. Confused, Neil took the lollipop out his mouth. "I'm not going crazy, am I? ...Nah. After all, crazy people do weird stuff like burn down buildings and talk to themselves. And I don't think I've ever purposefully burned down something before, and I know for a fact that I don't talk to my-" Neil stopped and blinked when he finally realized he actually was talking to himself. "...Whelp, guess that's my cue to go find someone to talk to!"

Standing up, he put the lollipop back into his mouth and looked around. Let's see. Who to talk to, Who to talk to? He looked at the big shark lady and the shaking bunny girl. He thought this over for a second, but then shook his head. Nah. They seemed to already be talking to each other. He looked around some more and briefly looked at the guy with the guitar, the cat girl, and the armor guy before quickly looking away. Yeah, no. He could practically smell the testosterone from here. But who else could he talk to! It had to be someone approachable, someone who seemed like they could hold a conversation, someone like...

He turned to the mask-bird guy sitting by himself, sharpening a knife. And once again, in a stroke of youthful idiocy, smiled widely and walked over to him.

"Heya, stranger!" Neil said, a bit muffled as his lollipop was moved to the left side of his mouth so he could talk. "Couldn''t help but-HNNNG!" Before he jumped into the right seat, he noticed the sheathed knife already sitting there. He then quickly moved to the left side of the seat, sighing in relief at the fact that he saved his poor rump. "Couldn't help but notice you were sitting here all alone! Thought you could use some company!" Neil said with a big smile. "So, what's good in the hood?"

@Ensig @The Unamed Beast

  Chen's attention was brought back to Nerin at the question; she shook her head in response. "No....she isn't....I just think her necklace looks pretty," she blurted out, without really thinking. Of course, after saying that, she cleared her throat awkwardly. She.....probably sounded really stupid when she said that. Perhaps it was her upbringing in a lower-class environment that made her interested, but this girl seemed to have a story. Chen looked away from the cat Faunus, once again clearing her throat. "So-Sorry...I hope I wasn't being rude or anything....it's been quite a while since I've talked to somebody this casually. Life back at home was a little....crazy. I attended Shade Academy before this, but....well...."

  Come on, Chen, join the White Fang with me. 

  Chen shuddered all of a sudden, remembering how she had woken up in a strange place with a familiar face, and how she had learned the bitter truth. For a moment, that was all she could see; the girl quickly snapped out of it. Her ears were straight up and alert. ".....S-Sorry. It wasn't the school, it was just certain circumstances that made me feel that Vale will be a safer place.....I-I was living too close to danger.....so I'm moving here." It was best to keep it vague as to who and what it was, so she didn't tell the whole story. "S-So! Any specific reason why you're attending...?" Chen asked curiously.
Rook turned his masked head to great the boy who had invited himself to the chair next to him. He wasn't sure why the teen had chosen to speak to him of all people when there were many more friendly looking people around. Though, Rook had seen the same man throw himself onto the floor and pretend to die of...boredom, or something, so he wasn't sure how smart the kid could be. Rook just stared at him for a moment, his bird-like mask seeming to glare at the new arrival before he set the whetstone down on the chair and spun the newly sharpened knife in his hand in a sort of "I know how to use this weapon and can kill you with it in many painful ways" sort of gesture before sheathing it.

With a sigh, Rook responded, the voice-changing effects of his mask adding an acoustic, echoey tone to his normal calm and deep voice. "I don't need any company," as he spoke, Rook pulled a much larger and (hopefully) much more intimidating combat knife from its sheath and began running the edge down the whetstone, making sure to angle the blade towards the kid sitting next to him, though never close enough to being in range to injure him. "And I certainly don't look like I need company." Rook doubted that would deter the teen but it would still amuse him to watch him squirm.


(Note: Seeing as Rook's color is just black which is the standard font color, I've just made his dialogue bolded black text.)
Emerald had caught Ysira's attention again, seems the display was over. Hearing his question however, reset her mood to that of a blank stare. "I'm from Menagerie."

She honestly didn't want to get into that again as many believed that it was wrong of the humans to "give" the Faunus an island to be stuffed in, others simply considered it a gift. In the end it was simply politics on the matter. After he asked the question however she didn't have much to say. Her attention however was drawn to others in the ship with them, more importantly the two other Faunus, one with a sharks tail and another with rabbit like ears, seem to be having a conversation. Part of her wanted to join in if not to escape the two men around her, the rumors alone would embarrass her too much, if not ruin her reputation at the school.

IN: @The Fabulous Emerald

Pointed out: @Ensig @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball
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Neil continued to smile as he stared into those soulless bird-mask eyes. Man, this dude was sure into plague doctor fashion, huh? As Neil watched him, he felt his eyes wander to the knife he was spinning and couldn't help but let out a small 'Oooh' at the sight of it. Talk about sharp! But more importantly, it was pretty shiny too, which was why Neil pouted for a brief second before his attention returned to the bird-guy again, who began to speak. Neil blinked at the man's response before frowning a bit. Yeah, he was already a field of sunshine and gummy bear lollipops. Eh, but whatever. Neil already kinda knew he'd meet more 'Mysterious' type of people here, so he was already prepared for these kinda response. 

"Hmmm...Okay! Ya don't need company!" Neil agreed, nodding to himself and standing up, walking away from the guy.


And then he ran and jumped back into his seat, giving the guy a massive grin. "But I know that deep down that big ol' heart of yours, you might want some company!" Neil held up a thumb and jabbed it toward himself with a wink. "And lucky for you, the good ol' Cyclamen charm has provided many with that company, so no need to worry your pretty bird head, compadre!" And with that, Neil held out his hand, tilting his head with his grin somehow widening. "Name's Neil! I love candy, pink, Atleasian soap operas-seriously, they've got some good stuff-and soda! What's your name, my good sir?"


[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

"Hmmー so that be how it is, huh?" Nerin responded as the rabbit Faunus explained herself, not minding the slightly-awkward cough she gave off at the end. Over the small pause and throat-clearing, Nerin looked over at the cat Faunus once again. Maybe the two of them could strike up conversation with her as well? As far as Nerin knew, Hunters and Huntresses didn't go Solo, so it would be best to brush up on introductions before they got their teams. Before she could offer her suggestion, Chen cleared her throat.

"So-Sorry... I hope I wasn't being rude or anything.... It's been quite a while since I've talked to somebody this casually. Life back at home was a little.... Crazy. I attended Shade Academy before this, but.... Well...." the girl trailed off. Although Nerin hadn't a clue about the past she spoke about, it was clear that it wasn't anything as peaceful as her own upbringing. At that, Nerin could only give the rabbit Faunus a serious look, as to show she was paying proper attention.  ".....S-Sorry. It wasn't the school, it was just certain circumstances that made me feel that Vale will be a safer place..... I-I was living too close to danger..... So I'm moving here. S-So! Any specific reason why you're attending...?"

For a moment, Nerin simply stared into Chen's eyes, as if peering into her very being. Those in the surroundings might have seen it as a thug looking down at an innocent girl, but rather than malice, deep within the Shark Faunus' eyes was a single emotion: compassion. Extending her arm, Nerin dropped a hand on top of Chen's head, patting her affectionately and ruffling her hair.

"I was wonderin' what kinda world ye'd been livin' in..." she started, imitating the action her adopted father Myerno had used on her as a child. "An' though I don't be knowin' th' whole story, seems it was a rough one. My pa 'ad an old sayin', or so I's bin told," Nern withdrew her hand from the Faunus' head, bringing it to her hip while puffing out her chest. "'We all be livin' at sea in this life, and though she be a cold mistress, callin' th' heavens 'n tossin' us 'bout at her leisure... Th' feelin' o' weatherin' the storm to see th' sun rise be worth th' hardship.'"

After reciting the line that Myerno had told her about during her Father's years with her Mother, Nerin grinned down at the Faunus in front of her. "That's also why I be here. To 'weather th' storm an' see the sun rise' as it were," she said, pausing for a moment to add something less sentimental to her speech; "Well, that 'n learnin' 'ow to punch 'oles in Grim better."

Interactions: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

Mentions: @The Unamed Beast
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Oh thank the Gods, he was actually leaving...was what Rook thought for a moment before his hopes were dashed and the pink-haired boy once again sat himself down, an annoyingly bright and happy smile on his face. Rook found himself wondering just what charm the kid seemed to be referring to, he certainly couldn't find any as the chipper boy extended his hand in greeting. Rook's glowing eye-holes stared at the offered appendage with contempt before he forcefully sheathed his knife at his hip and rose from his seat.

The masked teen was secretly happy to find that he stood at least a good foot higher than his new....aquantince (it was difficult for him to even refer to the boy as that) and he glared down at him as well as he could through his mask before extending his gloved hand to grasp his. "My name is Rook," he let an audible sigh through his mask before continuing, "and before you ask, yes, hence the attire."

Rook grabbed the sheathed knives from the chair next to him, they were arranged in four sets of three and he attached six to his belt alongside the poison and dust bombs and six to the upper part of his ribcage. "Now, is there any way I can convince you that I am perfectly fine being left alone?"

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Ben looked at Emerald with anger now. He wanted to clock him right in the face. Instead, he kept as cool as he could and spoke.

"Hey, I am many things, misogynistic ain't one of em'. My momma raised me right. Ya know what, this is stupid. Ysira, have fun with the jolly green asshole over here, hopefully I'll see you again sometime. Sorry if I bothered you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be literally anywhere else."

Ben got up and walked off, because he knew if he stayed there he'd start a fight, and that wasn't the kind of thing he wanted to get involved with right now. He wanted to at least have a few days in a free bed before he left. But Ben had a feeling that he wouldn't be staying at Beacon too long if jerks like this were around. 

Upon leave Emerald and Ysira he wondered the ship looking for anything interesting to do. The way it looked, everyone was already engaged in their own conversations. Ben was used to being alone anyway. He curled up into a corner of the ship near the window and began to play a melody on his mandolin. This was his father's favorite, and Ben would always play when he was missing home.

Interacted: @Ariesye @The Fabulous Emerald

(open to interaction from literally anybody.)
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Soon as Ben started playing his song, Ysira looked back at him with shock on her face. Eventually she looked forward a bit embarrassed to admit a curtain fact. Even so, she was glad it didn't come into conversation, but part of her wished it did. Simply because Ben and her did have one thing in common, and he just played it. Hearing something so similar to her ears was almost majestic and homely. So much so that as he strummed the strings her ears twitched to the sound and in that moment there was nothing around. She was reminded of home, and reminded of what made her who she was today. She looked back again with a smile in Ben's direction before turning back around.

You would be surprised the power of music would do, to a dancers soul.

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Steel sat neatly on one side snoozing peacefully. He had come alone and brought nothing but his clothes, a few metals, a couple of posters, and his trusty axe. He opened one eye and peeked, looking at the others who had bunched together and started to socialize. At least there weren't any whirlwinds of romance forming up. He'd have fun breaking those if he spotted one. It was literally the first time meeting strangers and you decide to court each other? He was gonna have a problem with that. Letting out a low groan, he stretched out and stood,bones cracking at the sudden switch from stationary to moving. He wouldn't be able to sleep again anyways, not with someone playing his guitar thing and disrupting his rest.

He took a quick glance around and gave a quick nod to himself. He quickly approached the faunus with bunny ears and slid into place beside the group she was in. "Well hello there. I'm Steel and you must be lovely." He said with a smile before breaking into a small fit of laughter. "Sorry, that's the way my pa told me to talk to girls. Knew I couldn't say it without breaking. So, my name is Steel, Steel Smith." He held out a hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you." 

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Ensig

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

"Hmmー so that be how it is, huh?" Nerin responded as the rabbit Faunus explained herself, not minding the slightly-awkward cough she gave off at the end. Over the small pause and throat-clearing, Nerin looked over at the cat Faunus once again. Maybe the two of them could strike up conversation with her as well? As far as Nerin knew, Hunters and Huntresses didn't go Solo, so it would be best to brush up on introductions before they got their teams. Before she could offer her suggestion, Chen cleared her throat.

"So-Sorry... I hope I wasn't being rude or anything.... It's been quite a while since I've talked to somebody this casually. Life back at home was a little.... Crazy. I attended Shade Academy before this, but.... Well...." the girl trailed off. Although Nerin hadn't a clue about the past she spoke about, it was clear that it wasn't anything as peaceful as her own upbringing. At that, Nerin could only give the rabbit Faunus a serious look, as to show she was paying proper attention.  ".....S-Sorry. It wasn't the school, it was just certain circumstances that made me feel that Vale will be a safer place..... I-I was living too close to danger..... So I'm moving here. S-So! Any specific reason why you're attending...?"

For a moment, Nerin simply stared into Chen's eyes, as if peering into her very being. Those in the surroundings might have seen it as a thug looking down at an innocent girl, but rather than malice, deep within the Shark Faunus' eyes was a single emotion: compassion. Extending her arm, Nerin dropped a hand on top of Chen's head, patting her affectionately and ruffling her hair.

"I was wonderin' what kinda world ye'd been livin' in..." she started, imitating the action her adopted father Myerno had used on her as a child. "An' though I don't be knowin' th' whole story, seems it was a rough one. My pa 'ad an old sayin', or so I's bin told," Nern withdrew her hand from the Faunus' head, bringing it to her hip while puffing out her chest. "'We all be livin' at sea in this life, and though she be a cold mistress, callin' th' heavens 'n tossin' us 'bout at her leisure... Th' feelin' o' weatherin' the storm to see th' sun rise be worth th' hardship.'"

After reciting the line that Myerno had told her about during her Father's years with her Mother, Nerin grinned down at the Faunus in front of her. "That's also why I be here. To 'weather th' storm an' see the sun rise' as it were," she said, pausing for a moment to add something less sentimental to her speech; "Well, that 'n learnin' 'ow to punch 'oles in Grim better."

Interactions: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

Mentions: @The Unamed Beast

Steel sat neatly on one side snoozing peacefully. He had come alone and brought nothing but his clothes, a few metals, a couple of posters, and his trusty axe. He opened one eye and peeked, looking at the others who had bunched together and started to socialize. At least there weren't any whirlwinds of romance forming up. He'd have fun breaking those if he spotted one. It was literally the first time meeting strangers and you decide to court each other? He was gonna have a problem with that. Letting out a low groan, he stretched out and stood,bones cracking at the sudden switch from stationary to moving. He wouldn't be able to sleep again anyways, not with someone playing his guitar thing and disrupting his rest.

He took a quick glance around and gave a quick nod to himself. He quickly approached the faunus with bunny ears and slid into place beside the group she was in. "Well hello there. I'm Steel and you must be lovely." He said with a smile before breaking into a small fit of laughter. "Sorry, that's the way my pa told me to talk to girls. Knew I couldn't say it without breaking. So, my name is Steel, Steel Smith." He held out a hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you." 

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Ensig

  Chen smiled, feeling relieved at the shark Faunus's words. This girl seemed like a decently nice person, so she happily went with it. Her own little quirk; if people were nice, she was nice back. And to her, Nerin was very nice. She was about to make a comment on that, when someone else came along, cutting between them. 

  L-Lovely?! Why was he saying this to her?! Chen gave the boy a very confused glance, looking to Nerin for help. Okay. How was she supposed to answer this? With a compliment? A smile? Punch him where it hurts? Wait. What was that last one? Instead, her face went red due to the confusion, her nose twitching slightly. Much like a bunny rabbit. Finally, she accepted the handshake. 

  "U-Ummm......I.........uh.......thanks?" she squeaked. Her ears had now risen fully in alert and due to the awkwardness of the situation. "Chen Hua-Ling......pleased to meet you...." Chen added, just like the people at the bookshop she had once worked for taught her to do. That had taken a month of effort just to get shy little Chen to talk to others without freaking out. And now she was getting approached by a stranger, and complimented. This was 100% new. She had to stay on the alert, though. To make sure the situation was safe. Then she would act accordingly. 
Ashlynn saw a man sitting in the corner by himself playing his mandolin. "Maybe.... Maybe I should go and introduce myself to someone..." She said with a sigh as she stood up and picked her bag with her guitar up as well. She walked around a few other people before reaching him but when she did she sat her bag down on the ground and sat. "Hey..... your music sounds pretty nice..." She said with a smile. "M-mind if I play some?" she asked as she pulled her guitar out of her bag. It was a redwood stained acoustic guitar and seemed to be in good condition. It had the letters "M. M." engraved in it. 

Interactions: @TheTipsyBard14
Ben looked up from his mandolin and simply smiled. He wasn't expecting something like this to happen, but he welcomed it with open arms. Ben smiled a confident but friendly smile as he stood up and offered his hand in friendship. After the whole fiasco with Emerald a few minutes prior, he wasn't about to hit on anybody again...for now. But he was excited to play some good music. It's fun to play solo, but harmony adds a whole new layer of depth to anything. 

"Good to know someone here has good taste. The name's Benjamin Argent, pleasure to meet ya. Glad you like my music." 

That was when Ben looked down and saw her beautifully crafted acoustic guitar. This was the first time he had actually looked at it, and he realized just how nice it was.

"As for that beautiful instrument you got there, I'd almost be insulted if you didn't play something! Well then, have a seat! Let's see what you've got!" 

A little twinkle formed in Ben's eye as he spoke about music. He was excited to meet another musician, as it was much more fun to play together than alone. He was excited to hear something brand new.

Interacted: @The Unamed Beast
Ashlynn giggled a bit and actually smiled, which is something she hadn't done in months. "W-well.... I am a bit shy about this..." She said as her cats ears twitched a bit. "I havent really played in front of others before so... i am sorry if I dont sound too good..." she said as she started to play a Song she had come up with Mal almost a year back when she was going through a rough time. 

Once she finished she put her guitar down and blushed a bit in embarrassment. "I-its a song I made with a friend.... a while back..." she said as she started to put the guitar away. "w-was it good?" she asked. She was not usually like this but she was unnerved by the fact she had just realized a few students around them looked at her.

(Imagine the entire song sung by her and no guy vocals.)

Ben just sat back and listened to her play. She was very shy, and may have missed a note or two here or there. But she played with feeling, and heart, something Ben hadn't heard in a long time. Not since his dad played for him. Hearing her with her guitar struck a nerve inside of him, a good nerve. His eyes lit up with happiness and excitement. When she finished he smiled and clapped. Something about this girl made him want to be her friend. That was it. Just a friend. Despite his initial reactions when he meets a pretty girl, he could feel that she was going through something. He had learned to read people, and he saw that she was in some kind of pain. It made him want to help.

"That was great! I really can't figure out why you're so shy, with skills like that!" 

Ben realized he was getting too excited. He didn't want to make a fool of himself, so he took a moment and calmed down. He then looked up at the girl once again.

"Ya know, I heard the song, but I still haven't learned the name that goes with that voice. I figure if we're going to school together, we might as well be friends."

Ben reached out his hand slowly once more.

Interactions: @The Unamed Beast
Shiro had tried to sleep through most of the airship ride to no avail. There seemed to always be some students talking a little to loudly or the shake of the airship itself that made him uneasy. To put it simply, he didn't enjoy flying. The feeling doubled when flying with an entire class worth of strangers. The entirety of the ship was too confined for his liking. The resonating of the cane that made up his only form of sight constantly made him feel like he was trapped inside a box. Then, the box would become even smaller with people passing by him and droning on about Spruce Willis.

As he thought about it, he never cared much for Spruce Willis. Furthermore the newest movie he was set to star in sounded just like the previous six.

Now, Shiro had found himself on the observation deck. The windows were useless to him but it seemed to be the least box-like part of the ship. Even with the windows being useless, the crowds of students gathered around them painted enough of a picture as to what was outside in their conversations. Not wanting to hang over anyone's shoulder, Shiro had taken to pacing the long viewing hallway. 

As he walked the length of the hallway, he took notice of how many different types of people had packed the viewing area. Some had taken to passing the time with music. Others seemed to try their hand at scoring a homecoming date as early as possible. There were a few others that stood out just by their presence. One in particular was a Faunus with a shark's tail. Shiro had stopped nearby this students and tapped his cane several times to make sure that this student did indeed have a shark's tail. Nevertheless, he continued.

He didn't particularly want to interject into someone's conversations. Given his current state of mind he would probably offend anyone that he did encounter, no matter how friendly everyone seemed. So Shiro kept his head down, just angled slightly so his sunglasses wouldn't slip. He hated the sunglasses in situations like this. It didn't make any sense to be wearing them indoors, but he didn't want to explain the scars over his eyes or the fact that his eyes didn't function.

Shiro knew he would have to come to terms with his affliction eventually and maybe even recruit help by sharing the story of his life, but now wasn't the time. If he did share his personal thoughts with someone then it should be someone trustworthy rather than a random passer-by.

Despite his self consciousness, Shiro continued on. His mental remarks at the students around him as well as personal notes on the world outside the airship entertained his mind. His cane tapped against the ground every few steps as he weaved his way through the crowd once again.
"Well... i come from a family of war.... not really time for music and all that...." She said with a sigh as she finally zipped her guitar case up. "So... I was always shy to show I like to do music in my free time..." she then realized she went on a bit of a ramble. "Sorry.... my name is Ashlynn... Ashlynn Sombra." She said with yet another sigh as she fidgeted with her necklace. "It is nice to meet you Argent.... I am trying to start fresh here and wanted to meet someone." she relaxed a bit.

Interactions: @TheTipsyBard14
"Ashlynn Sombra. Pretty name. I like it. Well then Ashlynn Sombra, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Ben smiled and strummed a happy chord on his mandolin. He was glad to see her finally relaxing. She was making him nervous with all the fidgeting and the stuttering. He looked to his right out the window and saw Beacon closing in. It was magnificent, more-so than anything he'd seen in Mistral. He felt good about his decision to come to Beacon, and his hope of finding his father was freshly renewed. He looked back at Ashlynn and smiled once more.

"Looks like we're gonna be at Beacon pretty soon. It's my first time in Vale, and I gotta say it's pretty cool over here. Lots of forest. I guess...I'm looking for a fresh start too. Here's hoping Beacon works out for us, eh?" 

Ben was in such a good mood, he couldn't help it. He reached into his deep coat pockets and took out yet another tiny bag of peanuts. He gobbled them up and then looked at Ashlynn a bit embarrassed. He then reached into his pocket, grabbed another bag, and offered it to her.


Asked Ben with his mouth full.

Interacted: @The Unamed Beast
"How do you figure." Her ears twitch slightly as if to say, hey look at me. Honestly she didn't care, it was home and that's all that mattered. "How about yourself, I assume the symbol on your armor is resemblance of importance? So where are you from?"

@The Fabulous Emerald

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

Itching her nose as Chen visibly relaxed at her words, Nerin thought for a moment that she might have said too much. Usually, she didn't like long-winded speeches and such, and yet she had just given one -- to someone she just met, no less... 'Must be th' altitude' she concluded, just as someone approached Chen from the side.

'Thar be people like 'tis everywhere, huh...' Nerin thought to herself as the boy used one of the oldest pick-up lines in the book. Even if she had been on the sea most of her life, Nerin did have experiences dealing with men -- and sometimes women -- speaking such words. Some of those tales ended with her punching the drunken fools through walls after they made a pass at her. Even if she was a bit tall and her figure was quite muscular, Nerin's size also extended to certain parts, after all...

For a moment, Nerin turned her eyes from the young man to see if Chen was alright -- which she imagined she wouldn't be, timid as she had proven to be thus far -- and, sure enough, she found Chen looking back at her, the words 'what do I do?' written clearly on her face. 

'... Should I punch 'im?' Nerin pondered, looking back at the boy as she mulled over whether he was worth the effort. On one hand, he had made Nerin's first acquaintance in Vale uncomfortable, but on the other hand, he hadn't done anything particularly unsavory. Pick-up lines were a bit... Awkward to be addressed with as an ice-breaker, but it's not like they warranted physical violence... Not this line, anyways.

With her eyes sharpening, Nerin seemed to glare at the man (although she didn't intend to do so) as she continued to think about how to handle the situation before... He burst out laughing, introducing himself in the process. In response, Chen gave a slightly professional-like greeting -- one that was nothing like the one she gave to Nerin. She was... Definitely uncomfortable with this situation. Anyone with eyes (and perhaps even someone without eyes) could see that.

Perhaps she was a similar mind of Nerin, wondering just how she should react given the fact the boy -- Steel Smith he had said -- hadn't done anything wrong but had come off as a bit odd? 'Well, th' best way to find out what fish someone's fishin' fer be to ask them directly, right?' Nerin concluded after a short pause, her thoughts roughly translating to 'If you want to find out what his intentions are, just ask'. And so, she planned to start off with a question that would mean the difference between a fist-shaped mark on his mug during the entrance ceremony, or a proper conversation.

"Are ye a pickup artist?" she asked, her face completely serious as she locked eyes with Steel.

Interactions: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Happy Red Mage

Mentions: @Sensei Fox

He points to his sigil.

"This is the sigil of my family, the Stone. My dad tells me back in the day we were an important blacksmith family who made weapons and armour, but now we are just a family of mechanics in Vale. Still, we keep to our traditions."

"Blacksmiths turned mechanics. Strange trade shift, aren't blacksmiths still needed?" Ysira's ears fold back against her head as she noticed something happening past Emerald for a moment before eventually returning to normal. Seems people are getting lively on the airship. Hopefully they don't rock the boat.

@The Fabulous Emerald
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"Not really. We have factories now that forge stuff. Yes, smaller towns probably still have blacksmiths but people need mechanics these days more than blacksmiths. So, if you don't mind me asking, how did you hurt your arm?"

He notices the change in Ysira's ears, but decides not to mention it.

Ysira lifted her injured arm slightly. "Family, that's how." The look on her face gave the hint that she really didn't want to talk about it anymore, which was obviously followed by silence. Her ears drew back just thinking about it again. Eventually she rested her arm back against herself, letting the sling support the weight. "I'm sorry, its a complicated and personal matter, if you don't mind."

@The Fabulous Emerald

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