(IC) Volume 1, Chapter 1: Welcome Home

Sensei Fox

Eater of Goldfish Crackers



[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]"-we at Vale News Network would like to join Beacon in welcoming its new and returning students and wish them luck as they work to become future Huntsmen and Huntresses of Remnant."[/COLOR] Lisa Lavender finished her report for the moment as a commercial for the newest Spruce Willis movie began to play on the holographic display that she had previously resided in. Several more of these screens could be seen down the expansive viewing area of the airship, provided one could see over the students that had filled the area. Some students had gathered around the holographic screens to take in the newest rendition of their favorite action hero. However most had their eyes set on gazing out the hemispheric viewing windows, and with good reason.

From the windows, one could see two other airships of a similar design to either side. Each of the other two were filled with students as well who were no doubt crowding their own viewing area. Wisps of clouds beginning to form passed lazily between and around the airships as the massive metal paddle seem to crawl their was through the clouds. The long flipper-like paddles were only a steering mechanism, contrary to some rumors. The real propulsion for the metal beasts came from the engines at their rear which spouted a warm yellow glow against the clouds.

Down below, the city of Vale was beginning to come into view. Tall buildings, industrial areas, and massive sprawling downtown areas with winding streets all could be seen. Even the area outside the walls that protected the city lookrd beautiful from the sky. The green rolling hills joining into mountains as well and forests and fields painted a wonderful landscape. If one were to forget that Grimm roamed the area, it would have seemed like a perfect place to live peacefully. Just past all of that was the destination for these airships: Beacon. Each student had been given instructions on where to go once the ships docked.

From the docks they were to head to the auditorium no later than 3:45 to receive Headmaster Ozpin's annual address to incoming students. It was 2:50 now and the airship would begin its docking in roughly 20 minutes, or so the captain had informed everyone over a loudspeaker. That left some 30 minutes to explore the campus a bit before heading to the auditorium. Some students were already making use of this information.

Groups of students had huddled together in different groups as they met and greeted eachother. Some groups had formed due to being previous acquaintances. For whatever reason these huddles and groups had formed, they created a sea of bodies across the observation area. The windows seemed to be the most crowded spots with students flashing cameras or truly taking in what all the world had to offer outside.

@Happy Red Mage @Qro @The Unamed Beast @Fluffykitty9000 @rooke @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Wolfcoon @TheTipsyBard14 @The J @Quiet @Ensig @Ariesye @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai @The Fabulous Emerald
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    Ysira watched the presentation as the news anchor made her announcement until it moved to a preview of a movie that made her think in the back of her mind, Another one really? Her attention turned to focus on the view over Vale, which to her was more important. As she approached she placed her spare hand on the window it self peering below to see city, the people looked small and insignificant from her height. Her other arm was stuck in a sling still from a recent incident, but even so she managed to get the attention she needed to get into Beacon Academy, though many would question how she even made it. The chattering finally got to her as she looked back to see a couple of people adoring their favorite actor. Again, she simply scoffed mentally at the new movie and the actor who was doing the scene and possibly at the idea of movies in general.


    Turning her attention back to the window she looked out to see an airships carrying her fellow classmates, possibly a year above her, or two. Even so, the view itself was amazing to see as they flew by clouds and the rest of the city below. The airships design was something she figured was a sign of great prestige, an academy that can chaperon their own students in what appeared to be a military styled vessel. Her eyes crawled along the metal body, fascinated by its design simply because it was foreign to her. At best she had seen smaller airships that transported cargo on the docks, similar to the ones she saw earlier that day.


    Eventually a voice came over to announce their arrival, expected time to meet at the gathering hall, and other instructions. Only 30 minutes, I suppose I can explore later, she thought looking around at her fellow arriving students. It was an amazing sight to behold, seeing Humans and Faunus together on the airship and not a worry of politics. Her attention was grabbed when several of the students looked back out the window and gasped as Beacon Academy came into view. The lust forest and massive cliffside view was the first thing that stood out to her, noting that the advertisement did little justice to explain or preview the view of such a place.


Hearing that the landing time would be soon, she went to sit down as she had expected turbulence to be disorienting. After finding her spot, with her things, she looked up to observe everyone talking to one another, aside from a few here and there like herself. They were lucky in her eyes, to have such friends already to share an experience like this. Shaking her head helped remove the thought from her mind as she leaned against the window to stare out of. Her arm readjusted in the sleeve that carried it.

(Open for interaction)
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"HOLY CHEESEBALLS AND GRAVY!" Neil practically screamed as he held his head in his hands, staring at the hologram. He couldn't believe it! This couldn't be happening! This really couldn't be happening! "A NEW SPRUCE WILLIS MOVIE IS COMING OUT?!" Neil exclaimed excitedly, whooping before doing a jig of happiness and fist-pumping. He thought nothing interesting would come out of this airship ride, and he was almost right, but this was awesome! "I'm so happy I could hug this hologram right now!" He cried in joy, and in a moment of youthful stupidity, actually tried to, only to fall to the ground. Silent for a few seconds, Neil groaned and pushed himself up, stumbling a bit before finding his balance. Shaking his head, he looked out the window and gasped louder. Whoa! So, this was Vale, huh?! He had to say, it looked pretty snazzy. And he heard the Vale was, like, the most chill out of the four kingdoms. Not as military controlled as Atlas, Not as criminally over-run as Vacuo, and not as filled with people of over-bearing expectations like Mistral. Nope. Just chill people just chilling out and the kingdom of chill! Neil sighed in contempt. Man. Could this day get any better?

Hearing the announcement over the intercoms, he gasped once again. Finally! They were almost here. "Twenty minutes, Neil! Just twenty more minutes!" Neil told himself as he put his fists to his hips. "I mean, I can wait twenty more minutes, right?" He asked to no one.

A few seconds later

"Wh-Whelp. I had a good run." He croaked out as he was sprawled out on the airship floor, more people looking down at him in confusion. "But today...boredom finally got to me." He wheezed, laughing before coughing violently, as if he'd just been shot in the stomach. Fingers twitching in fake pain, he took one last look at the Airship ceiling before closing his eyes, tongue lolled out his mouth as he pretended to be dead. After a couple moments, he quietly reached into his pocket and took out a lollipop, skillfully unwrapping it with his eyes closed before putting it into his mouth and resuming his over-dramatic coping mechanism of waiting.
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  On the airship, in an area less crowded with people, a rabbit Faunus with blue hair sat alone, avoiding any looks. She tensed up whenever someone walked by. There were so many strangers here, and at any minute...

  No, she couldn't think of it, no matter how much it would probably happen. She had to think positive. This was a chance at a new life, a chance to break away from her dad's connection with the White Fang and write her own story. Forge her own path. Stuff like that. She flinched as yet another person passed, her ears flattening, then, rather hesitantly, she walked to a place where she could get a better view out the window. There was an obnoxious pink-haired boy who was shouting....

  .....Pink hair....like her dad....

  Come on, Chen. Join the White Fang with me. 

  Noooooope. Chen scooched away from this overly energetic kid, focusing on the view below her. Who knew this aircraft carrier would be so crowded? It made poor Chen shrink in fear; sighing, she moved away from the people once more...only to run into someone else. 

  "AAAAHHHHHH DON'T HURT ME!!!" was the first thing she said, resulting in a ton of stares from some of the shadow people before they continued what they were doing. The Faunus went red in embarrassment, her ears flattening. "S-Sorry....nerves...." she explained lamely. 

(Open for interaction.)
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[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

Among the many people standing in front of the Airship's window, Nerin was arguably the closest to the window, her face practically pressed against the glass with a wide grin plastered on her face. It wasn't due to the sheer amount of people that she was so close, however. With her shark tail swinging wildly with *WHOOM-WHOOM* noises behind her, she actually had quite a bit of room to spare... Instead, her pressing against the glass was due to her mystification of the view presented to her.

Standing in the Crow's Nest got her to a good elevation, sure... But being able to look down onto a city? Even if Nerin loved the sea with all her heart, the view of the homes, businesses, and lives below gave her a feeling on an entirely different level than looking down to her adopted father. With this being Nerin's first time being at such a high altitude as her first time being in an Airship, that feeling only intensified with every second.

'E'en if this is 's far as I go, this voyage was worth th' trouble.' Nerin thought to herself, reminiscing over the many nights she had spent staring at the stars during her departure from the North-Western island off the coast of Menagerie. Every Grim she had slain to survive, every ship she had sailed with along her voyage, and every train she had boarded across the vast lands that were still unfamiliar to her... All of it had been worth it, and the sight before her was just the cherry on top of the cake. That's why she concluded that even if her adventure to Beacon was for naught, she wouldn't regret it.

-- But that's not to say Nerin would be content with just arriving at her destination. Myerno, her adopted father, had vouched for Nerin to make her application to Beacon go smoothly, she she'd fight tooth-and-nail to avoid spitting on his good will.

"I'll be damned if I don't become th' best Huntress ye've ever seen, Myerno. Just wait!" she muttered against the window, her tail swishing with renewed fervor. Despite the fighting spirit she was giving off, however...




Nerin turned her line of sight from the magnificent view to the source of the bump (which was more like a soft nudge than anything), her tail slowing down as she watched a blue-haired Rabbit Faunus turn red at the surrounding gazes. "S-Sorry.... Nerves....." the girl muttered, her ears falling to the sides of her head as her face took a redder coloration. Instinctively, Nerin wanted to reach out and pat her ears to test whether they were as soft as they looked, but... Imagining someone feeling her tail to see if it was smooth or rough, she managed to hold herself back.

Trying her best to look as non-intimidating as possible (which was quite difficult, given her tall, rough appearance) Nerin smiled at the blushing girl. "'Tis alright. With th' way some o' these lads be shiftin' about, ye're not the only one 'ose 'ead isn't about them" she said, motioning to a particularly out-of-it fellow -- one that was lying on the ground with a candy of some sort in his mouth. Poor fellow must have fainted or something...

While thinking so, Nerin extended a hand slowly, offering it to the girl. "Nerin Ols, of Menagerie's North-Western Seas" she stated, introducing herself as Myerno had told her to do while inland.

Interactions: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball
Mentions: @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai
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Ashlynn sat against the window looking out. She had her bag on the ground and her guitar sticking out from it. She sighed as she looked down at Vale. "Mal would have liked this..." She said as she messed with the Dog tags around her neck and the piece of mask on the same necklace. Ashlynn did not realize she had said this out loud and just sighed. She had lost her best friend only a few months prior to this ride so she was still trying to get things back to normal. "Maybe I shouldn't do this... but I have to... I promised her we would do it... together..." Ashlynn sighed as she looked forward and down at her bag. She chuckled a bit. "And I absolutely hate lying.." She continued with her mumbling.

She had seen others going to Beacon, and some of them she hoped were not on her team. "Calm down kid.... it is still school..." She said as she looked out. "One that will teach us to kill in defense...." She trailed off thinking back to the white fang, unknowingly fidgeting with the mask piece around her neck.

The trip from Atlas was a bit Tiring, but she took it regardless. No one knew who she was, where she came from, or who her family was. "A fresh start.... whatever you say dad..." She said with yet another sigh as she stood up. She placed her pack on her back and awaited the landing. Her training in various military performances readied her for turbulence and it barely effected her except in some occasions. "Hopefully this isn't an exception... I would hate to be call 'Barf Girl' first day...." she chuckled at the thought.

Nearby: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball, @Ensig, @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai
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Emerald raises his head from his activity as he hears mention of a new film. Normally he would totally be standing with the crowd watching the trailer, but he had first impressions to think of. He would be representing the Stone name, after all! He may not come from a rich or important family, but he does come from a proud one.

Instead, he gets back at the task in hand - his gunlance. With a whetstone in one hand, and the massive weapon in the other, he starts scraping it along the two arm-length blades his weapon holds. After spending a couple minutes on that, the muscled, chiseled man retracts the blades into the large mechanism and stands back up off of the floor.

After putting the gunlance back onto his back, Emerald looks out of the window at the view. He didn't get why everyone was so excited about it. It was just Vale, and it was nothing special about it.

After some time, Emerald spots a...erm...girl whose looks were irrelevant to him. He decides to shuffle up next to her.

"Nice dagger. May I ask who made it?"

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The young man's voice managed to snap Ysira out of whatever reality she had retreated to in her mind. Upon first inspection she wasn't all to impressed with the figure inching his way closer to her. Even so, her expression didn't reflect her thoughts as she looked him over. Before she had a moment to answer the man's question, another walked over and presented himself. I was unaware how accepting people are of Faunus, she thought now looking at this man who looked like he was attempting to woo anything with two legs. Her attention went back to the first one to answer, she wasn't rude after all.

"They were a gift, I don't know who made them," she said, now shifting her gaze toward the other, "I can't tell if you are being friendly or trying to win my affection. If it is the latter then I suggest you try harder, but if its the former, well. My name is Ysira Moon, its a pleasure. I would shake hands but all things considering."

With her free hand she pointed down to the sling that was obvious from the start of the conversation if not from across the room.

Interacting: @The Fabulous Emerald @TheTipsyBard14

Nearby: Everyone else.
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Emerald looks at her sling, since it is probably on the opposite side to him.

"Well, I'm Emerald Stone. Nice to meet you."

He doesn't bring up the sling, since it could be a touchy subject.

As the airship floated into Beacon airspace, the one thing Benjamin Argent felt was bored. He had been on this nightmare of an airship for what felt like hours, and even after stealing his sixth bag of peanuts he was still starving. He hoped they had good food at this school for whatever. It didn't really matter, as he had no plans to stay for very long anyway. The minute he had a lead on his father, he would be out of here, and leave everything behind as he always did. Over the years he had learned not to get too attached to anything. It only makes things worse when you have to leave. That aside, Ben had high hopes for this adventure. Beacon was home to a lot of interesting people and intelligent people, hopefully one or two of them would know something about his dad.   

He pulled his scarf close to him for warmth, and whipped out his mandolin to strum a few simple chords. Nothing made him feel quite at ease as his music. He closed his eyes for a moment and lost himself in his music. The notes danced in his head and he was finally getting relaxed.

That's when the annoying lady popped up on the TV screen. They'd be landing in about twenty minutes, meaning he would soon be off of this flying deathtrap. However, since he was so distracted, he couldn't keep on playing. He looked around for something that could catch his interest.

Or more specifically, someone. Soon his eyes gazed upon a pretty girl with white cat-like ears, her arm in a sling. If anything, she wouldn't be able to slap him when she called him a pig, depending on which hand was her dominant one. Ben smiled and shrugged to himself.

"Hey, what do I got to lose?" He sauntered over to the girl and sat beside her. She was talking with some other guy who looked rather muscular and intimidating, armed to the teeth with a giant lance. Ben hoped he would get the hint and leave him be, but something told him that wasn't going to happen.

"Hey there. Couldn't help but notice you, and well, I just couldn't let a pretty girl like you sit all alone like this. The name's Ben Argent, best musician in Mistral, soon to be the best in all of Remnant. Do you have a name to go with such a beautiful face?" 

"I can't tell if you are being friendly or trying to win my affection. If it is the latter then I suggest you try harder, but if its the former, well. My name is Ysira Moon, its a pleasure. I would shake hands but all things considering."

"Ysira, I knew someone as beautiful as you had to have an equally beautiful name." Ben smiled and nodded at her. He brought out his mandolin and strummed a quick few chords, then placed the instrument/weapon back onto the holster on his back. 

Interacted @Ariesye @The Fabulous Emerald

Nearby: Everyone else

(Sorry for the confusion, this basically happens at the same time as @The Fabulous Emerald's post. Sorry:?)
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Benjamin pulled out his mandolin once again and played a simple melody. He then looked at Ysira and stummed a very dramatic melody on his mandolin. 

"This is my life. It's my weapon, my semblance, everything I am is in this instrument." said Ben. His expression turning slightly serious. He then shook it off and the big smile returned to his face. 

"So, what brings a beautiful woman like yourself to Beacon?" He asked.

Interacted: @Ariesye
Ysira watched as the man pulled out his instrument and started playing. What a strange thing to do, she thought as he performed. Hearing his explanation cleared her initial thoughts about him, but what they were replaced with was just as confusing if not more so. Upon finishing she wanted to clap and almost tried without thinking before she realized. She then turned her attention to his question, "I came to become a huntress, like everyone else."

Pretty vague answer to be fair, but she just wasn't interested in sharing her reasons with someone she just met on her way to the academy, "What about you? Why did you come to Beacon? You seem to be quite talented with that instrument."

Her attention then looked towards Emerald, "And you? I take it you want to further your skills am I assuming correctly?"

@TheTipsyBard14 @The Fabulous Emerald
"Well, while I do enjoy my dad's craft, I enjoy a good bit of fighting something bigger than you. You can't get that rush from anywhere else, you know? So I applied here."

Emerald starts fidgeting with his armour, as he starts regretting wearing his full plate for the entire journey. His plate armour is what you would expect - plates covering the vast majority of his torso, his groin and upper legs, chainmail for the rest. His boots are also made of metal, but not as thick looking as this full plate. While he does wear leather gloves, they are plated with some metal plates, and studded to help with punching. The entire armour doesn't look decorative or special - just plates of non-descript black metal, presumably of ferrous nature. However on his left shoulder plate and his left breastplate is a sigil, presumably of the Stone family, of a circular stone shattered in the centre. However, it is green which stands out against the black metal. While his gunlance is folded away onto his back, he doesn't seem to have any other equipment par a watch-like device on his right wrist.

@TheTipsyBard14, @Ariesye
Ben sort of zoned out while Emerald spoke, mostly because he was focused on Ysira who sat beside him. He mostly wished the big guy would go away so he could try and win over Ysira. If it came to blows, Ben had a feeling he wouldn't last very long against someone so huge.

When he realized Emerald had stopped talking and went back to fidgeting with his decked out armor, Ben started to speak. He decided to keep his real intentions hidden, didn't want anyone ratting him out before he could get what he needed. So, he looked at Ysira and spoke. In his head she was already in love with him, as no one could possibly resist the sound of his mandolin.

"I know I can play the hell out of my mandolin, but I'm here for much the same reason as you. Unlike many other people here I'm a lover and a fighter." Ben smiled, happy with himself for thinking of such a clever line. He waited for her reply with excitement. 

Interaction: @Ariesye @The Fabulous Emerald
With a turn of her head in agreement, she could understand why Emerald was here, their reasons sound almost similar, almost. It wasn't that difficult to know that everyone had their own personal agenda to fulfill. As the man fiddled with his armor slightly she was, amused. Her attention however, was caught as Ben spoke up in his soft melodic tone. Between the two there was a great difference, but she had to give them credit for at least being friendly, and grateful. Without knowing she caught herself smiling slightly and tried her best to hide it as she spoke, "You know you two, I am not the only one here. Instead of focusing on me so much, maybe talking between yourselves would be nice."

Its as if she pushed what they said away for the moment so that they wouldn't focus on her so much. She hated being the center of attention.

Interacting: @The Fabulous Emerald @TheTipsyBard14
@Ensig (Nearby: @The Unamed Beast@~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai)

  Chen noticed the girl, who was a Shark Faunus (?), eying her ears, something very common that people did upon first sight. She really wasn't....that intimidating, by the looks of it; in fact, she was very friendly. Chen being Chen, she took this as a major reassurance. She did take note of the strange person on the floor. He looked more out of it than she was. 

  Which was saying something, seeing as Chen was almost always out of it. She accepted the friendly handshake, a reassured smile on her face. "Er...Chen Hua-Ling...I come from Vacuo," the girl said softly, like always feeling a bit self-conscious. Nearby, she noticed another Faunus, a Cat, fidgeting with her necklace while talking to herself. It seemed there were a lot of Faunus here this school year. This was going to be interesting....

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Nerin Ols[/COLOR]

Nerin's smile became brighter as the girl, who introduced herself as Chen Hua-Ling, accepted her handshake. Nerin hadn't talked to many people her age, what with being raised in a boat and all, so... Successfully introducing herself and getting a positive response from the other party was a great achievement in her eyes. Still, this girl was a little... Timid? To Nerin, she was reminded of a guppy she had kept at sea -- one that was visibly shocked whenever food fell into its tank to feed it. Just how had she lived up until now to end up like that?

'We've all got our own tales t' tell. Rather than thinkin' 'bout that... Hm?'

Nerin watched as the Faunus' eyes turned to somewhere else. Wondering what she was looking at, Nerin turned her head to find a cat-eared Faunus sitting a small distance away, fiddling with a necklace of sorts.

"Someone ye know?" Nerin asked, turning her attention back to Chen with a small smile. As Nerin had gotten off of a ship only an hour before boarding the Airship, she didn't have any relationships with anyone around here... Maybe she should have been talking to people, rather than looking out the window...

Interactions: @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

Mentions: @The Unamed Beast
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The faint scraping sound of a knife being sharpened could be heard from Rook's seat in the middle area of the Airship. With practiced ease, he lifted the whetstone in his left hand and ran the blade of one of his many throwing knives down it, enjoying the satisfying shink noise as he did so. He paid no attention to the outside world or the scenery his fellow students were so enamored with as he brought the blade of the weapon up to the eyehole of his bird-like mask, inspecting the freshly sharpened edge. Feeling satisfied with his work, Rook sheathed the weapon, tossing it onto the (unsurprisingly) empty seat next to him - in fact, it seemed that there was at least a two-seat gap between him and any other of Beacon's soon-to-be new arrivals, he appreciated that.

He reached over and grabbed another throwing knife from the small pile of twelve, proceeding in his task to get them all sharpened on the way to Beacon, after all, equipment maintenance was important and it wasn't like he had anything better to do. As Rook glanced upwards he noticed a small group of people had gathered near him, one of them appeared to be some sort of aquatic Faunus, judging by the tail, he assumed it to be some sort of shark, which was a rather rare sighting.

With a shrug to himself, Rook looked away from the group and back down to the knife and whetstone he had been using previously. He once again began his task of sharpening the weapon, enjoying the sense of calm it brought to him.
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Ben picked up on the insult and decided to take it in stride. He wasn't trying to start any fights just yet. But this guy did piss him off, acting all high and mighty in his fancy armor and throwing around his giant weapon everywhere. Ben looked at him calmly and spoke.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem? I didn't realize having a conversation with someone was against the law or something." 

he wanted to be cool and tough in front of Ysira, but he knew he probably couldn't take on Emerald in a straight up fight.

Interacted: @Ariesye @The Fabulous Emerald
"I don't know, is there a problem? Because if you are misogynistic, then there will be one."

Emerald sizes himself up against Ben, but in a passive aggressive way. His tone isn't angry or harsh, but calm and inquisitive. However, he takes things like bullying and misogyny very seriously. Oh, and another thing about his appearance, he has a green headband type thing with a metal plate on the front, designed for heavy headbutting.

@Ariesye, @TheTipsyBard14
Ysira watched the two interact, part of her expected this to actually happen in the end. Never takes too long for two young men to show off their bravado, especially when there is a girl involved. Part of her was disappointed by this but she couldn't help to let out a small chuckle of her own. Surprising even herself was the fact she found this not just amusing, but lively. "Okay you two, no need to prove yourselves yet, we haven't even made it to Beacon."

Looking out the window she could tell that by simply talking that time had flown by much faster. It wouldn't be too long till they were on the academy grounds, starting a new chapter in their lives.

Interacting: @The Fabulous Emerald @TheTipsyBard14

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