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  1. The Roller of 1s

    I Am Chat

    I actually took this awhile ago to try and make it my siggy but I still can't figure out how to do this. You'll just have to take my word when I say got the Tactician. I can take it again if you need the description. Also, I'll be making my character tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it!
  2. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Withdrawn Salvation

    Nathaniel heard strange sounds coming from a distance. Against his better judgment, he ran off to see the commotion. Who knows? Perhaps everyone was playing a friendly game of volleyball.
  3. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Withdrawn Salvation

    Nathaniel sat. He wasn't sure why he was sitting, just that he sat. After classes, he got to his home, for he lived fairly close to his college, he went into his room and sat down on his bed, looking out the window until the moon rose. That was all he knew. Even then, the moon was red. He wasn't...
  4. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Withdrawn Salvation (Between Casual and Detailed)

    I am. I edited the CS a few hours ago. I forgot to tell you about it. Sorry!
  5. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Tremor

    He most likely will... They always do... Unless all they do is crack jokes. They'll always stay the same...
  6. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Tremor

    David Quang Age: 25 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Straight Height: 5'9" Weight: 180 Alignment: Tempered Neutral Personality: Very pessimistic; Honestly couldn't care less 99% of the time. Has an absurd belief about humanity having a lack of destination; Also believes...
  7. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Withdrawn Salvation (Between Casual and Detailed)

    Still kinda new to this site, so I can't PM quite yet, but here's a CS! Name: Nathaniel Rivers Appearance: Nathaniel has short brown hair, and dull brown eyes. His skin is pretty fair, and his height stands at 5'8" and he weighs 175 ib. His face lacks any distinction whatsoever; it's not...
  8. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Codename: Avicii

    Sounds nifty!
  9. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Withdrawn Salvation (Between Casual and Detailed)

    Sounds fun! I'd like to give it a shot if possible!
  10. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy I Am...

    Sounds nice!
  11. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Fantasy World Summation

    Sounds pretty nifty
  12. The Roller of 1s

    Fantasy Tremor

    May I reserve a powerless spot?
  13. The Roller of 1s

    Why, hello there!

    So, hello! I'm a new arrival... Not really sure what to say, or even do for that matter, for an intro thread. I guess I look forward to roleplaying with ya'll? ... Hi.