• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Tremor


Bacterial Arsonist

Character sheets


Please read the rules before posting a Character Sheet

(I'll leave you guys to decide how you want to set out your character sheets! Here's the information you'll need!)

Please take one


"The Basics"




[Let's keep the kids out of this - 15+ Please!]


Sexual Orientation:



"Let's dig a little deeper"

[Please check Overview > Let's Get More Details > Alignment]






"I just need you to answer a few simple questions!"

'Breaker, Powerless, or Citizen'

For Breakers:
[To see more about Breakers check Overview > Let's Get More Details > Breakers]

Have you discovered your powers?

How familiar are you with them?

Are you interested in helping to fix the Tremors?

Would you like to learn more?

For Powerless:
[To see more about Powerless please check Overview > Let's Get More Details > Powerless]

Do you know what a Breaker is?

How much does the end of the world bother you?

Do you intend to help find the Breakers and fix the Tremors?

Would you like to know more about your predicament?

For Citizens:

Are you aware of the Tremors being breaks in time?

Do you wish to help out?

[Add whatever else you would like! Tell us more!]

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  • Name: Wilder Chase

    Nicknames: Wild, Chase

    Alias: N/A

    Age: 24

    Gender: M

    Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: 174 lbs

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Raelynn Chang


The Basics

Name: Raelynn Chang

Nickname: Rae

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Questioning

Ethnicity: Chinese-American


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 113 lbs.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Ruby Red

General Appearance: Rae emits the aura of a mature, older woman. That doesn't necessarily mean she is one, though. With ruby eyes that are captivating yet dull at the same time and long, silky hair, Rae is considered beautiful by many. She has a pretty curvy body, though it's often covered in baggy clothing. She doesn't really care about clothes and sports a casual look most of the time.

Digging Deeper

Alignment: True Neutral

Personality: Raelynn is the epitome of laziness. If she doesn't feel like or want to do something, she won't. If you want her to do stuff she doesn't want to, you'll probably have to use force. Rae also sleeps a lot. She's known for falling asleep in the most random of places. She's a deep sleeper, so good luck waking her up. She considers having to wake up early a crime.

If Rae doesn't like you, you'll definitely know it. If Rae likes you, you may have a hard time telling. Due to her nonchalant personality, you can't really tell what she's thinking most of the time. She doesn't care how others see her, so she acts however she wants to most of the time. Rae is quite unpredictable sometimes.

History: Raelynn's life story isn't really an interesting one. Born to two Chinese immigrants who had just recently moved to the states, her life growing up was somewhat rough. Her parents didn't know a word of English and she knew very little because she only stuck around them. When she was pushed into school, she was usually ignored by the other kids because she couldn't speak their language. Raelynn observed others instead of interacting, which led to her picking up on English a bit more. By the time she was 7, her English was almost perfect and she was good enough to teach her parents.

Despite now knowing the language, Raelynn still wasn't doing too good when it came to making friends. But that didn't mean she cared. She much preferred to stick to herself. If someone else talked to her, her conversations were usually dull so they backed away eventually. And that's basically it for the story of Raelynn. She's been this way her whole life, basically. Not too fun or crazy, right?

Answering Questions


Do you know what a Breaker is?

"Um, no. Should I care?"

How much does the end of the world bother you?

"I mean, I guess it's sort of bad. But it also means I get to sleep for eternity."

Do you intend to help find the breakers and fix the tremors?

"Not really, don't care either."

Would you like to know more about your predicament?

"It doesn't matter, does it? Just let me sleep, geez..."


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Name;; Silvia Merle

Nicknames;; Silver, Lia

Age;; 22

Gender;; Female

Sexual Orientation;; Bisexual

Height;; 5'7" (170 cm)

Weight;; 137 lbs

A few answers
Do you know what a Breaker is?

In a vague sense. She's heard of them but has never met one

How much does the end of the world bother you?

A lot. She's pretty invested in keeping the world spinning on

Do you intend to help find the Breakers and fix the Tremors?

Yes; of course

Would you like to know more about your predicament?

Definitely; if she doesn't know what's going on, how is she supposed to help?


xxSilvia Merlexxxxxxxxfemalexxxxxxxxpowerless

Alignment;; Chaotic Good

Personality;; She's very aware of what she says and how she acts. This mainly stems from having a stutter as a child and being bullied about it. Oftentimes she hesitates before speaking because she has to think of what she says before she actually says it. She's not very confrontational, preferring peaceful agreements to violence. However, should the situation require it, she has no qualms about being physical. She hates being tied down and has a general wariness toward any sort of authority. She'll help anyone who seems like they need it and is definitely interested in the world not ending.


History;; Silvia was born the first child to a fairly well off family. She was taught etiquette and politeness, not out of snobbery but because they were fairly useful skills. Her parents were lenient, not enforcing curfews or restrictions. Overall, she was content and she was free to pursue whatever career she liked, often drifting from subject to subject. She's still somewhat restless and wants to travel.

She was nearly twelve when her parents had a second child, another girl by the name of Alice. It is for her sister that Silvia wants the world to continue on. Being so much older, she's very protective of Alice and loves her dearly. Silvia and her parents parted on good terms when she went to college and she checks in with her little sister every once and a while, often sending gifts or souvenirs.


tea (pretty much all of them)

listening to music

antiques or wooden figures


cloudy days

people getting into her personal space

anything that tastes bitter

"I'm not going to let the world end. But, sometimes I wonder, what if?."

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Willow Castaronez













Bright orange/red




Tall, lean, and surprisingly muscular, Willow has quite the striking appearance. Her long, bright red hair, easily makes her stand in a crowd, and her piercing blue-green eyes seem to stare right through your soul. She enjoys wearing jeans with high boots and leather jackets with tank tops, as well as clunky jewelry. All around, Willow holds a very attention-grabbing appearance.



Chaotic Good


Stubborn and brutish, the type to laugh at your misfortune. Willow always has a sarcastic remark ready to only further aggravate you when you're already aggravated. So how exactly, if she's such an asshole, could she be considered chaotic good? Because she does help when she decides she want too - and let me tell you, Willow is a valuable player on your team if you get her to stay on your team. Though her words are harsh and she can be mean, Willow doesn't do things without good reason. While there are lots of times Willow would prefer to work herself, she's not stupid, and she knows when it's smart to suck up her pride. (which she holds a lot of.) However, there is a sentimental and caring side to her, and if you end up befriending her she will do whatever it takes to protect you.


Born in the slums, with a mother who couldn't care less about her daughter, from a very early age Willow learned to take care of herself. She was never some pretty damsel in distress. She was fighting to survive, always. Some might consider it a horrible way of living - but there were many times where Willow wished for nothing else. (Except perhaps a warm meal.) Because the freedom she had was something most could never experience. Sure, she made a couple bad life choices. She smoked and drank, but that was all part of the fun, wasn't it?

As she aged, Willow made a name for herself in the gang-filled neighborhood she resided in. She could put up a fight, a damn good one at that, and everyone knew it. She was respected, and she was exactly where she wanted to be. Up until the tremors hit, Willow was perfectly happy with her life in it's current state. The new.. abilities are certainly interesting, and the pauses in time were fun at first, but it's only been a week and Willow's getting sick of it. She wants to know why this is happening.


Sunsets, cigarettes, kickin' ass, clunky jewelry, being respected


Idiots, snobs, people who think that they're invincible, her mother


Burning to death, people thinking of her as a coward, trusting someone that will betray her.



Yes. Very recently.


Fairly new. Willow has enjoyed toying with them. So far she's managed to freeze an individual in time for about five seconds, create some sort of shield, and fire a bolt of energy. Only once for each, though. So there's lots more to discover and she needs to learn to control it better.


Yes. She was living a quite comfortable life up until the tremors and wants to return to it.


Yes. Willow despises being kept in the dark, and if there's info to recover, she'll be there.


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David Quang

  • Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: 180

Alright. This is my first time using BBcode. Lets hope I didn't screw something up.
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Hannah Dawson

Full Name: Hannah Avery Dawson

Age: 18

Birth date: July 8th 1997

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual


Height: 5'2" (155 cm)

Weight: 46 kg (102 lbs)

Eye Colour: Crystal light blue

Hair colour: Light blonde

Other: Hair extensions

Detailed Appearance Small but fierce, that's what she is. Hannah is on the short side at only 5'2". She sports a rather slim build. A distinctive feature of hers is her hair which is light blonde and even dyed white sometimes but she also use hair extensions at times resulting in her hair reaching down to the middle of her back. It is straightened most of the time but can be curled around the bottom occasionally. Another distinctive feature of Hannah is her eyes which are crystal light blue. Her complexion is pale also.





Do You Know What A Breaker Is: "I suppose I do, I know some information on them. They just seem so interesting!"

How Much Does The End Of The World Bother You: "A tad, it's bound to happen some day anyway."

Do You Intend To Help Find The Breakers And Fix The Tremors: "Hopefully, personally I think it'd be great to meet one of them. Fixing the tremors on the other hand, I don't think I'd be very good at that."

Would You Like To Know More About Your Predicament: "Hm, I'm not quite sure if I'm honest."

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Seraphia "Sera" Farran

"The hand that stopped time"

  • maxresdefault.jpg

    "The Basics"





    Sexual Orientation:





    120 pounds

  • [/media]

Character quotes;


"Its not a question of
can or can't; there's somethings in life you just do"

Steel your mind; move on instinct"

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Nathan Coovak
4 online now75 visited


- Venice, Italy.

Fall 2014


- Albany, New York. Winter 2015

About Me

Name: "Nathan Coovak."

Alias: "Truth Seeker! I pride myself in my work. As you can tell by my blog here."

Age: "24"

Gender: "I'm a guy."

Sexual Orientation: "Well...that's personal. If you must know, I'm gay."

Height "I'm around average height" (5'8")

Weight: "I'm literally shaped like a coat hanger" (133 lbs)

More Personal Facts

Alignment: "I want to find the truth in all of this"(Chaotic Neutral)

Personality: "I'm a straight forward kinda guy. I take charge and ask the hard hitting questions. People describe this as blunt, I see it as goal oriented. Censorship is a form of oppression. A way to keep the small people doing their small job. They don't want us to look up at the all powerful dictators above who are pulling the strings. That's why I formed the truth seekers. Determination is the key to being a truth seeker. I work hard to find the answers that the people need. I don't care what time of night these things happen or where I am. These secrets must be revealed. People have the right to know everything that's going on in their homes. Honesty is the best policy. There isn't a trait that's better. I can't hang around liars. They're the problem with the world. They create havoc for the little men like me."

History: "My childhood isn't important to our mission. But I guess knowing what kind of person I am helps you, the reader, understand that I'm not crazy. I grew up in New York, specifically the big bad city. Father was a deadbeat and mother was a woman working way too hard. You can tell how this story goes. Spent a lot of time home alone while mother was at work. Became crafty...blah...blah...blah. Nothing really important happened. Father sent me letters a few times, I threw them out...Okay, maybe I read a few. Don't judge me, I was a naive child. I thought that he cared about me. When I was ten, I followed the address on the letter and found my deadbeat father with another family. Luckily I was looking through a window so he didn't see me. I ran back home. Never told my mother I did this until I was older. Too much heart ache in that story...Now let's skip ahead to the real shit. Less emotional, but just as shocking.

The two pictures above capture the event of a time tremor. (For those of you that are just tuning in, a time tremor is when time temporarily freezes). Sadly, I wasn't around anyone either time. They were both during a photo shoot I was doing for myself. It sounds ludicrous, doesn't it. Here I am, sitting here with minimal proof and pictures of myself in irrelevant places. But stay with me. During these time tremors, everything stops. No birds flying, water streams don't flow anymore, and even people freeze. It's some scary shit. This events don't last long. I can't capture the picture fast enough. By the time I get my camera out BAM, everything's in motion again. There's more to it. There's a lot more...Like too damn much. Enough to make your head explode. Trust me...You'll want to know more about this stuff, reader."


"I have a slight addiction to coffee...At least it's not drugs. Don't judge me."

+ Honesty

+ Adventure

+ Discovering

+ Netflix


"Liars! Liars! And...Also Liars!"

- Secrets

- Bullies

- Figure-heads

- Dictators

Fears: "I have one big fear...That there won't be an answer to any of it. Ya know....To life. I'm scared that I'll live a meaningless life to no avail. It's part of the reason I do all of this truth seeking. I don't want to be afraid of the big questions in life."

The Truth

"Alright...Here's where things take a crazy turn."


"There are others who aren't frozen during these events. Most are like me, powerless...Just sitting there. Some have powers. These are called breakers. I don't know much about them, but I bet they're the cause of this mess. Nothing else seems to make sense. I saw a lady create a barrier in front of herself from nothing. Literally, impassable. She didn't notice me, luckily. But I noticed her...She was looking for something. Sadly, the tremor ended pretty quickly and everything resumed. I couldn't keep up after that. The crowd was too dense."

The End?

"I don't know how true it is that the world will end. But these tremors can't be healthy. Does the whole universe stop or only our planet? Maybe only a section? I'm not sure, but depending on what actually freezes, there may be dire consequences. Who or whatever is behind this needs to be stopped. Human beings can't end like this!"

How to stop it

"It seems breakers are the key. I'm not too sure what role they'll play exactly, but I know its serious. I think breakers should come clean and speak to the people about this mess instead of hiding themselves. The people deserve to know. I'll make it my personal mission to find these breakers and figure out what must be done."

Unanswered Questions

"I need more answers...These theories aren't enough. I could be wrong for all I know. I don't understand why some of us aren't frozen. The breakers know the reason. They're just too afraid to speak."

My Folder

Here are photos of time stuck during a tremor:


- Austin, Texas Summer 2014


- Manhattan, New York Fall 2015


- Madrid, Spain Spring 2016

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A Problematic Good

Kou Aplin || Eighteen || Cis-female || Panromantic Asexual


Denim Sky, unbuttoned down the middle


The Basics


152 cm (Roughly 5'0)


38.5 kg (Roughly 85 lbs)

[Written description]

Kou is a petite individual, with relatively short honey blonde hair and dark olive green eyes. The young lady happens to be rather underweight, purely because she finds eating an uninteresting task. Coming from both English and Japanese descent, Kou has proficiency in both languages and features from both ethnicities. Regarding her habits, she ordinarily keeps her arms and hands close to her body, and very rarely looks other people in the eye.




Teddy bears

Apple juice



Her disorder


The dark

Seeing herself in the mirror



The dark

Goats (their eyes are creepy)

People much larger than herself

Paranormal things

Spilling out, little by little


Digging deeper




Upon introduction with Kou, most people will conclude that she's a rather...
interesting individual. While this is quite factual, these people don't necessarily mean interesting in the good, true sense of the word-- to be perfectly honest, 'weird' would be a more fitting adjective to describe the young female. Kou is predominately shy and soft-spoken, which isn't necessarily a rare trait. However, once acquainted with her paranoid and creepy side, the red flags will start popping up.

She lacks common sense almost entirely, and somehow always has an injury of some sort, whether it be as trivial as a paper cut, or as serious as a broken leg. The reason for this certain behavior has to do with a medical disorder Kou suffers from, in which the victim's sensory nervous system, (a bodily system which controls activities related to the senses, such as taste and the perception of pain, heat, cold, etc.) is disturbed and cannot process things in a normal way. In short, Kou has difficulty in feeling pain, heat, cold, and as an added bonus, vibrations in most parts of her body. This disorder also affects bodily growth, the ability to cry, and even one's taste buds. In retrospect, this is the catalyst to Kou's lack of common sense and general quirkiness, for she doesn't experience things as most other people do.

Regarding her strange habits of collecting bugs and lizards-- well, that's purely just a part of Kou's personality. When she musters up enough courage to ask a question, it's usually either something that's none of her business, or something completely unnecessary. While most people don't have the patience to stand Kou's almost childlike behavior, there have been a few who look past the irritating chatter to see her refreshing innocence.


I could most definitely say that Kou lived a standard, everyday life in spite of her disability; however, that would make me a liar.

At birth, Kou was diagnosed with Familial dysautonomia, which is also referred to as hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy, type III. This disorder affects the sensory nervous system, in which the victim cannot feel certain occurrences, such as pain, heat, cold, and certain vibrations. While this is a problem unto itself, The disorder also affects bodily growth, which has put Kou at a disadvantage in that aspect as well.

Growing up, she was always sickly and underweight, her injuries being more frequent and dangerous since she didn't even have a concept on what an injury really was. She'd bitten her tongue almost completely off a multitude of times, and suffered from fractured ribs, wrists, fingers, and toes. To add to the list of disadvantages, Kou also lacks being able to taste things almost entirely, rendering eating more of a chore for her than anything else.

Kou never attended standardized schools as a child, and instead stayed in the hospital, her mother occasionally attempting to teach her something useful when she could. Nevertheless, Kou's education suffered. By the time she was eleven, the young girl barely had a concept of basic multiplication and division, which wouldn't have been so bad if her parent's money wasn't depleting like it was. Hospital bills became expensive, so it was time to finally take the young lady home.

As she grew older, Kou began to obtain a proper grasp on motor control and how to check herself for injuries, but hurting herself was still a daily event. Nevertheless, she was getting by okay.

At around the time the tremors began to occur, Kou had no idea they were even happening; the range of vibration that they brought was just above Kou's sensory capacity. Kou now lives on her own, working as an illustrator for children's books. She is still completely unaware to the time-defying phenomena.


"I just need you to answer a few simple questions!"

[Are you aware of the Tremors being breaks in time?]

"I, um... tremors?"

[Do you wish to help out?]

"I-- I think so... what am I doing here, again?"


Kou is a problematic good, meaning her intentions are in fact kind and genuine. However, she might cause problems along the way. Scratch that. She'll
definitely cause problems along the way.

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Adrian Lucas Kaiser


Adrey (pet name), Kai

| AGE |









165 lb



Adrian was born into a middle-class family with a loving mother. His biological father, however, was never in the picture, as his parents were never married and his father left his mother when he found out that she was pregnant. However, this was never a big issue, as Adrian and his mother fared quite well on their own, but he has always harbored a deep-seated hatred towards the father who abandoned his mother. His mother worked very hard to put food on the table and a roof over their heads, working as an optometrist.

When Adrian was still a child, his mother began dating a coworker, and the couple was head over heels for each other. He was a kind, gentle, hardworking man, the complete opposite of his biological father. A few years later, when Adrian was 6, they were happily married. His mother's new husband was a loving yet stern father, always helping him with his homework, playing soccer with him, and surprising him with presents. He indeed treated and loved Adrian like his very own son.

Six happy years had passed when Adrian's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. This caused a huge emotional strain on the family, as they were often spending most of their days at the hospital. After two hard-fought years, when he was 14, his mother passed away in the hospital bed. Adrian and his stepfather changed immediately following his mother's death- they became more sullen and the atmosphere in the house lacked any kind of energy. However, his stepfather tried his best to help them both move past this event, delving himself into his work in order to financially sustain both of them. Adrian, a rebellious teenager at the time, indulged himself in drinking, partying, hooking up, and smoking in order to move on. Although these methods worked temporarily, only time and the support of his stepfather and close friends succeeded in helping his emotional turmoils subside. He proceeded to play varsity soccer in college and graduated with a Bachelor's degree.


Q & A

Do you know what a Breaker is?

"I've heard vague rumors about them, but I don't know much. Only that they have powers and can somehow save the world. To be honest, I'm kind of jealous. Their powers sound awesome and it's unfair that only they have them."

How much does the end of the world bother you?

"Very much. I would prefer to keep on living, thank you very much."

Do you intend to help find the Breakers and fix the Tremors?

"Yeah dude, they sound like badasses. Maybe they can teach me how to get their powers. As for the Tremors, yes. Again, I prefer to keep on living."

Would you like to know more about your predicament?

"Definitely. I don't know what it is, but this whole situation gives me a certain kind of adrenaline rush..."


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? ? ?
? ? ?



Some might call him inappropriate, others say he's just forward. Either way, Leo seems like an extremely social individual. He comes off as blunt, yet still approachable. Many say he's an excellent leader character. While they'd be right, they'd also be tragically wrong.

In truth, Leo hates social situations. All he wants from them is their approval and attention, especially from his own family. Failure is not an option to Leo, and when he does make a mistake, it hits him
hard. He's a perfectionist by nature. He'd rather give up than face failure or rejection again. Committed to a facade of perfection and impenetrability, he can no longer truthfully express his emotions. Pressure, misery and anxiety have become his best friends and don't plan to go away anytime soon.


????? BY N-BUNA FT. ??


??? 170 CM | 5'7"

??? 58 KG | 128 LBS









no slide
no slide

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. . C A S I M I R || M A R A I S . . no slide


| Neutral Evil - somewhat ironic for such a (usually) sweet guy. Perhaps depending on your own judgement of him and his lifestyle.








| Late nights | Rain | Big dogs | Candy | Clean sheets | Bubble tea


Bugs and insects
| Dust | Hangovers | Personal questions | Seafood | Regrets


| Being forced to badly harm or kill another


Do you know what a Breaker is?

He doesn't know of their existence, let alone anything about them.

How much does the end of the world bother you?

More than he would ever let on. He never wanted to die a criminal, never planned to end up like he is now - the knowledge of this sudden finality scares him. His sudden guilt scares him. The desperation scares him.

Do you intend to help find the Breakers and fix the Tremors?

Casimir just..
Doesn't know. He can't make up his mind. Half of him, driven perhaps more by fear than the love of humanity, wants to help. And the other half, well... He'll just burn with the rest of them. And part of him doesn't really mind.

Would you like to know more about your predicament?

He has his inhibitions about it - perhaps he's worried that the truth will be as bad as he fears, if not worse. But Casimir has always been curious, and there in't much that can stop him once he's set his mind to it.



Many ties throughout the more illegal market, although he makes a relatively big point of staying away from the hard drugs, human trafficking, etc., holding them and their associates in high disdain. Perhaps he can be hypocritical at times, but he still has his morals.

Often found in his apartment, fawning over soft dogs or 'frolicking' in bars across the city.


Dr. Selena Ada Derwent


My age is... Twenty five

I am... Female; Heterosexual

My height is... Five foot nine

My weight is... Around one hundred and thirty five pounds, that's sixty one kilograms, or there around, I've rounded it so it's easier for you to understand.

So you want to know more about me?

"I would say I fight for what is right! But don't waste my time with your petty issues." (Tempered Good)

Selena is a focused individual who always looks to the future, at first she can come across as quite forwards and a little cold, but the more you get to know her the less she seems like that. She's an individual who is very involved with her work, and she takes it very seriously, and so when people get in her way of completing her goal or any work towards it she can get quite annoyed. However, she likes to share her findings to try and persuade others into joining her in whatever she is doing, she likes to work with a team as she knows when you have more people working beside you the job gets done a lot quicker.

Selena studies individuals when she meets them, once she's had a conversation with you she has most likely come to a conclusion on what you're like and whether you'd be someone she would get along with, whilst she'll have her judgement she likes to at least try and keep somewhat of an open mind, she's been wrong before and she could be wrong again, after all, people aren't always just what you see.

Whilst this woman has a large brain filled with statistics and theories about everything, she also has a big heart. She wants to help others, she hates to see people in pain, upset, or hurt in some way, she hates watching people suffer and will happily stand up against anyone who tries to put anyone else down. Selena doesn't like watching people crush the dreams of others, and whilst she is honest, she is still considerate and has never once put someone down for what they love.

Selena's life was not a very interesting one. She lived with her father and mother who had both always been very devoted to their work, they were both scientists, and Selena enjoyed listening to them as they discussed particle acceleration, black holes, atoms and their structures, and so much more. She found their conversations to be fascinating, and whilst she didn't always completely understand them, she felt like she learned something ever time she listened to them talk.

Her parents were very busy with their work and so often Selena was left home alone, or with her babysitter, she found that, just like her parents, she has a love for science and how the world worked. She wanted to know more about how they'd gotten here, what the universe was expanding into, and how, what people were made up of, how different materials were changed to make things that looked and felt nothing like them, she wanted to many answers to the questions that she had, and science seemed to give her those answers.

She'd always loved to come up with theories, and Selena left school with amazing grades that got her into an amazing university. That's where she found her love of time and understand it, it was the one thing she'd never had an answer to, how does time work? Is it really possible to go back in time? In her free time she could often be found researching and theorising about such things.

Soon after she graduated she went to work for a company Mono, she'd found out about it through a friend and it seemed that the people there has the same passions as she did. Finding like minded people had always been difficult for Selena, so she knew that this was her one chance to finally make something of herself, she knew that once they got going they'd be able to create something amazing.





Creating strategies



Irrational people


People who ask stupid questions

People who don't listen properly


Failing herself

Failing to achieve her goals

Letting others down

I'll answer questions as I see fit


Do you know what a Breaker is?

Of course I do. I'm still searching for them however.

How much does the end of the world bother you?

I would rather the world didn't end, I still have a lot of tests to run.

Do you intend to help find the Breakers and fix the Tremors?

Trust me. I'll be at the centre of it. Just as soon as I've found the others.

Would you like to know more about your predicament?

It's not like I have no knowledge, but knowing the exact way to fix this issue would be nice.

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Ace Riverland
Male; Bicurious
90lbs - 40kg


Chaotic Neutral


Ace comes across as someone who is very innocent and naive, he is often found day dreaming or completely zoned out and it takes a few tries before you can get through to him, sometimes you really do just have to walk up to him and wave your hand in front of his face or something. Ace is quite childish for his age, he's clumsy and doesn't realise when things could be dangerous, which is why Selena likes him to be around her a lot of the time. He's fascinated by the smallest of things and there's a lot that can make him smile, but seemingly not that much that can make him that upset, at least, it's not often anyone actually sees him upset.

It's impossible to say that Ace isn't intelligent, he's very good at puzzles, as well as strategy games, they're the one thing he really excels at.

When Ace's attention is caught you'll know, he'll listen intently, but...whether it's because he understands what you're talking about or whether he wants to know more you can't really tell.


Not much is known about Ace's history and he doesn't exactly talk about it... Or...rather, he can't.

Selena was driving down an unfamiliar road when she found him, she was late home and wanted to find a shorter way, but it ended up bringing her onto a main road. As she was driving she noticed someone sitting on the side of the road on their own, as she got closer she realised it was a child. Confused at why there was no one around or with him, she pulled over and got out of her car.

She tried to communicate with the boy, but he didn't seem to respond to her, he didn't even look at her, just kept eating. Selena had to stay right in front of him in order for him to even look at her. There she asked him questions again, but he didn't say anything, he just looked at her in an innocent and baffled manor. So Selena decided to look around, see if she could find the boy's parents, but there was no one...

So instead she asked him to come with her, which he surprisingly complied with and easily followed after her.

Once they got to Selena's she let him look around for a bit before saying anything, the boy seemed surprised by random articles that others wouldn't even give a second glance. Once he seemed done and she had him sitting down, eating watermelon, she asked him some more questions. After that it really didn't take her long to work out he was mute, whether selectively or not she's still not sure, but she hasn't heard him speak a word since they met. Everything Selena knows about Ace is from yes or no questions and writing answers down on paper.

She didn't think that it would be fair to put him into the care system, so she didn't really tell anyone about him and instead just kept him with her and looked after him.





Puzzle games

Board games


Loud noises

Crowded places

Large machinery




"I just need to you to answer a few questions!"

. . .​

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kendall-Kylie-PacSun-Summer-2015-Collection-11.jpg.192cfebdb85e98554f74a42da6518c15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127865" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kendall-Kylie-PacSun-Summer-2015-Collection-11.jpg.192cfebdb85e98554f74a42da6518c15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


" The bad news is time flies . The good news is your the pilot ."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/giphy.gif.3ac71b654539fd3f7f643232d05684b0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/giphy.gif.3ac71b654539fd3f7f643232d05684b0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

| Name |

Kylie Van Allen Croft

| Nicknames |

x K x

x Angel x

x Flora x

| Alias |

x Malibu Barbie x

x Emerald x

x Princess x

| Age |


| Gender |


| Sexual Orientation |


| Role |



" The only real luxury is TIME . You can't get time back . "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/black-white-gif-kj-kylie-jenner-Favim.com-3065312.gif.b32dad1f57c90962ff94bc39f97e8e0f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/black-white-gif-kj-kylie-jenner-Favim.com-3065312.gif.b32dad1f57c90962ff94bc39f97e8e0f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

| Height |

5'6 or 168 cm

| Weight |

60 Kg or 132 Pounds

| Hair Color |


| Eye Color |

Dark Brown

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/40c68fb4e86f91411ad54464dc0c4f9f.jpg.83703410c93ed8956165b8add56b970d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127909" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/40c68fb4e86f91411ad54464dc0c4f9f.jpg.83703410c93ed8956165b8add56b970d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

| Desc. |

At first glance K is slim , curvy , with striking features .

Sexuality , elegance and class radiate's from all over this girl , adding to her long midnight , natural hair .

Eyes as like chocolate , radiate with out any help from the suns rays , plump lips that smile in the darkest of times .

Nose pointed , and legs that has been sculpted by the gods , full breast .

" IT'S TO LATE . . . . "

" Time is your friend . Treat it with care , Enjoy it's company deeply . "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/big-lips-gif-kylie-jenner-lips-Favim.com-2716525.gif.e57091e910bf4d6bd728b40c883dc621.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/big-lips-gif-kylie-jenner-lips-Favim.com-2716525.gif.e57091e910bf4d6bd728b40c883dc621.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

| Alignment |

Lawful Neutral

| Personality |


Kylie's looks give of the impression that she is nothing but a diva , a girl who only cares for her looks . At first glance K is full of womanly charms , a dreamer always in her own little world . K is rarely jealous but she is easily hurt , for she is very emotional.

She is highly imaginative and tends to always have a happy disposition . Tolerant is a trait she carries all the time , most admire her for how well she deals with communication . K warm and gentle personality makes most people relax around her . When angered she is like most women .

K is very fragile both physical and mentally , she is highly emotional ,her feelings will be over the place , most times sending her to her doom.

K is very vulnerable , most just want to run up and protect her from harms way , Loving to be surround by people , she will most likely be laughing with people .

K is very extravagant , she is wastrel what ever she does she does not know the list herself she is very intelligent spending most of her time studying she catches peoples eye with her knowledge , very hard working. K is honest , and responsible weather in professional life or personal she will never disappoint you. Shy at times , Kylie is easily scared , yet in a matter of seconds she will talk to the stranger as if a family member .

| History |


There is not much to know about Ms. Croft , she is a lady of class , just entering the world .

Kylie Van Allen Croft , was born in February 14 , in a middle class family who at the time was struggling with financial bills .

They had just come from over seas and recently opened a Flowers shop , (Their home was connected to the flower shop )that was not doing so well . In those times of struggle Kylie was born , unfortunately Kylie was on the verge of death as no food was available , only bread it was not much , but is had helped . The couple were considering an abortion for the doctor had advised them that she will die of starvation .

On the 3rd month a man near the flower shop was being robbed , Kylie's
father marched in to help , it had turned out that the young man was

a restaurant owner . Returning the favor this man helped the couple and gave them advice on how to get costumers , not to mention the amounts of food he had given the couple until their store was able to 'operate' .


Kylie grew up to be a beautiful , kind young lady , who respected and helped all , at the age of 10 her father died of cancer

he had hid the fact , the answer still remains unknown as to why he did . Her mother had to act fast handing her daughter the will

to the store , K became soul owner , adding a few attachments to it . Making it a restaurant , Kylie got the name the sweet maker for her sweets

that seemed to be a delicacy , not to mention the food there , of course it was still a flower shop . Shortly after , at the age of 15 Kylie's mother died of grief for her dear husband,

this calamity has caused Kylie's aunt to come rushing ( from Overseas ) but left when Kylie turned 19 , Kylie now lives alone , and is happier than ever . Of course she misses her parents but they have tolled her 'Don't live in the past ' Kylie graduated at the age of 17 skipping many grades.

Her teacher were fascinated with her knowledge , get struck with shock a her being very gullible and venerable .

| Likes |

x Books x

x Flowers x

x Food x

x Fur x

x Ocean x

x Animals x

| Dislikes |

x Un-organization x

x Seeing Wilted Plants x

x Seeing Children Cry x

x Violence x

x Death x

| Fears |

x Dark x

x Thunderstorms x

"Do you know what a Breaker is ?"

" No , but I do know one thing . . . . they are the only one who

can stop the Tremors . "

"How much does the end of the world bother you ?"

" Very , life is meaningful and so is time , all those people don't know whats coming and I'm sure if they did they

would want to stop it . It bothers me that so many mothers and father are going to die the children and aunts uncles, non of us have lived our lives yet we still have schools and friends and promises to for fill . It can't end like this . . . It won't ."

"Do you intend to help find the Breakers and fix the Tremors ?"

" Yes . . .of course , no . . . I'm certain . Isn't that what were spouse to do?"

"Would you like to learn more ?"

" To stop it , yes I would . "



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