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  1. Baron BatShark

    Celtic Mythology RP

    I'd be interested in this if it comes to fruition.
  2. Baron BatShark

    Lock Down - Interest Check/Plot Planning

    I'd be interested in playing one of the inmates.
  3. Baron BatShark

    The lack of replies/activity scares me. Why do I not have the power to make you respond to me?!

    The lack of replies/activity scares me. Why do I not have the power to make you respond to me?!
  4. Baron BatShark

    Roleplay wanted. Will be held in messages.

    I got an idea that's provocative and might be of some interest.
  5. Baron BatShark

    VidCon - The Youtubers.

    I like the idea. Only thing is that I personally like having an OC character, instead of playing as renown Youtubers. I would most likely play a struggling content creator trying to make way in an already packed and ambitious enterprise.
  6. Baron BatShark

    Dead Space RP?

    I love Dead Space. I'd be interested in playing a character in an expedition party, or something to that extent.
  7. Baron BatShark

    I'm Not Your Sacrifice!

    I suppose not very many people are interested in the idea. Perhaps this'll sit on the back burner for a while, then.
  8. Baron BatShark

    In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

    A smirk passed Billy's face as he heard Malcolm's response, figuring his distraction worked. "So called? Malco, three words for ya: All. Night-cycle. Long." Snickering to himself, he continued. "Yeah, I'm going now. I'm planning on installing the hidden crotch-rockets I've been talking about...
  9. Baron BatShark

    In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

    Billy heard ship life start to continue on its regular path. The intercom was blaring random orders from the captain and other shipmates, people were speaking and chatting, and all this led him to believe that the coast was clear. Scrambling from under his bunk, Billy Danger brushed himself...
  10. Baron BatShark

    So sorry on the delay of activity! Stuff's goin' on, but I'm still gonna try to reply!

    So sorry on the delay of activity! Stuff's goin' on, but I'm still gonna try to reply!
  11. Baron BatShark

    I'm Not Your Sacrifice!

    Looks pretty nice, but needs a little fleshing out. I'll PM you so we can talk a little more about it.
  12. Baron BatShark

    The Inn

    There was a stray breeze that Ian felt behind him as he unawares felt a large shield just barely missing him. He turned in time to see some different person dragging the completely inebriated Dwarf up the stairs, taking him to who knew where. At this he raised an eyebrow, wondering what kind...
  13. Baron BatShark

    In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

    Sorry, should I have said something before I just left the other night? I noticed you said farewell before heading out.
  14. Baron BatShark

    In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

    "Uhm, it wasn't me?" Billy tried to say through the intercom, speaking into the small communicator he carried on himself. He knew that the lie wouldn't hold for long, but he could just avoid punishment as long as he wasn't directly blamed. Heck, what proof did they have anyways? A small box on...
  15. Baron BatShark

    In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

    Quiet footfalls echoed through the deserted corridor, eerily echoing off the metal and synthetic walls. A young boy with messy brown hair padded casually along the metal flooring barefoot, ignorant of any goings on in the large ship past the hallway in level five. He tinkered with a small box...
  16. Baron BatShark

    In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

    Do we start of knowing each other and already in the ship, or are our characters meeting for the first time?
  17. Baron BatShark

    In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

    Looking forward to it!
  18. Baron BatShark

    The Inn

    "You are beginning to annoy me, Human," said Ian through a mouthful of stew-soaked bread, though the person he was talking to was almost out the door by the time he said it. Her voice was quickly becoming nagging to his ears, especially since he had not really done anything but close the door...
  19. Baron BatShark

    In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

    You thinking of those gigantic-sized mechs? I suppose it wouldn't be hard to just change the size of the R.E.A.P.E.R.
  20. Baron BatShark

    In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

    Lol, I'm sure he'd have a few choice words in response to that.