In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)


Tactical Goat
In the years following the third world war, humanity escaped. Leaving the grasp of their mother world, they spread out among the stars, leaving behind a dead planet.

That was nearly two thousand years ago.

The year is 835 A.E., and human kind has sowed seeds of life across thousands of worlds, extending even far beyond their own solar system. With the invention of the Gravity Drive, travel between stars that would take hundreds of years now take less than a day. It is with this technology that humans have been able to spread so far and wide, leaving their mother planet to rot away in myths and legends.

Space travel is the most common and preferred mode of transport, leaving plenty of ripe, juicy targets for those of less than satisfactory morals to take for themselves. Piracy is rampant, especially on the long treks between worlds that are too close for a G.D., yet far enough where weeks go by with no outside contact. You are currently on a ship that flies that black flag. A ship who's name is feared in any civilized system. A ship known by many names, but only known by one to it's crew. The Red Ghost.


This RP will be more along the lines of a Sci-Fi/Slice of Life story. Action, adventure, romance... A lot can happen in the unending reaches of space.


No Godmoding. Obviously.

Must be literate. If your post gives me a headache when I try to read it, you'll be hearing from me.

In character stays in character. If you have a problem with another roleplayer, take it to PMs.

Aliens and other species/droids are allowed, to an extent. I'll let you know if your alien is alright when I check out your sheet.

Have fun!

Basic ship layout:

The Red Ghost is a corvette-class ship, large enough to pack quite the punch in battle, but small enough to go unnoticed if need be.




The Red Ghost is split up into ten levels, with turbolifts allowing access to any level at any time. The interior of the ship is clean and brightly-lit, giving a feeling of security to all on board.

(Starting from the top)

Level 1: Bridge and control center. This is the brain of the ship, where the captain is normally found. All major ship functions are controlled from this level.

Level 2: Mess hall and rec center. Food, games, and other manners of diversion are here. A place for the crew to relax.

Level 3: Armory and practice range. Load up for battle here, get some practice shots in to make sure your aim doesn't get rusty.

Level 4: Medbay. Got a nasty blaster wound that won't stop bleeding? Feeling spacesick? Head here.

Level 5-8: Crew dormitories and common rooms.

Level 9-10: Fighter bays and ship maintenance. Work on your personal fighter here, add or remove systems, and deploy/dock from this level.

Character sheet:





(If your character has one)




I'll be starting up the thread as soon as I get a few sheets. Have fun, and welcome to the Everlasting Sky! 
Name: Kazuhiro Shoto, or Kazu for short.

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Fighter: Lion-class strike fighter, highly customized.



Captain of the Red Ghost

Personality: Kazu is a very light-hearted and good natured person, finding the best in even the worst situations. By the way he acts, one wouldn't expect him to be the leader of such a highly-feared pirate crew. In fact, he doesn't seem like he should be the type of person to lead anything. Easily distracted and only slightly hyperactive, it's a miracle that he has the ability to make coffee in the morning, much less run a 100+ person crew. Yet somehow he manages to do the job, and do it well. It also helps that the ship and a few of his crew members do the thinking for him on many occasions...

He sticks to a very strict code of conduct that he expects the entire crew to follow, though the rules tend to change up quite a bit. The one rule he has never broken, however, is to never kill unless absolutely necessary. For all of his oddities and flighty nature, when push comes to shove he can become quite a force to be reckoned with.
I'll make a character! :) but I'll have to wait till I get onto my computer :) so later! Just save me a spot! ^_^
((Just want to say that I like the idea. Outlaw Star was one of my favorite anime, so this is going to be fun.))

Name: Billy Danger

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Fighter: Adult-sized body armor/mech. Code-named R.E.A.P.E.R.




Mercenary, Engineer, Boy Genius.

Personality: In short, Billy is a cocky little shit. He believes that he is invincible, that no villain is too strong for him, and that he can tackle any problem he may encounter. While this may be off-putting for some, he considers these attributes as "confidence", disregarding others that may see it any other way.

Being so young in the lifestyle he chooses to live, Billy to believes that he is anything but an adult. He will fight to prove that he's much older on the inside than the outside, which leads to him making incredibly impulsive and dangerous decisions.

There are times when he has "child" moments, such as when he's cornered or getting into an intense argument, but he knows how to use it to his advantage, preying upon others' perception of his childish looks.

He is young, brash, and naive, but Billy has a good heart. Time and events have worn him down to become cynical and dark, but deep down he hopes for the true kindness of the Human spiri
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Not bad. Accepted. :D Why do I see Billy being told "Don't look, you're too young." quite a bit? xD
The only thing I could think to change is his fighter. Either go with more of a ship design or a mech, whichever you prefer. I'm just thinking that an adult-sized suit wouldn't be too effective in a large battle. Other than that he's awesome.
Name: Isabelle St.Laurence

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Fighter: None. Well she has a small ship she'll drive when the fighters are in battle to try and go save the Fighters flying the planes.



One of the ships top medics.

Personality: Isabelle is just a cute little thing, she really doesn't like causing pain which is why she's a doctor. But, the scary part to her is if you're on her bad side she snaps and will go all crazy on you. Which is why she's on this ship, she's defiantly a sweet yet deadly fighter.

But maybe it's her British accent that tricks everyone, or even her soft tone of speaking? Who knows. There's one thing she believes in and will always believe in, 'A man can always be saved' whether she be really pissed off or her happy go lucky self, that is something she will say until she dies.


Oakley St.Laurence

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Human/Robot

Fighter: Just any she can get her hands on.



Keeps mechanic maintenance on the fighter jets and the ship its self. (Though she doesn't look it.)

Personality: Oakley is a cold, tempered child. Get on her bad side? and you'll definitely be visiting her sister Isabelle in the medical department. Oakley never goes down with out a fight, she loves the rush she gets during and even after the fight. Though for some reason she will never kill, no matter what happens during the fight she will always stop just as they are about to reach the gates of death(Probably the way she's raised). Other than being probably one of the more scary pirates on this ship, Oakley is one of the best at making and fixing the ship and the fighter ships. She loves building and fixing things, one of the many rare times you'll see her smiling. 
Hope they are okay!! :)
Name: Viceroy Sinn

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Fighter: FS-M13 SiNN





Personality: A brave and fearless aviator, Viceroy puts others' lives in front of his own, and never hesitates to help others in need, no matter the cost. He is extremely confident in his abilities, but understands his limits as well, and will not do anything that is completely irrational, and can be seen as cautious in most situations (thought not overly-so, as he is willing to take risks). An overall good leader, he was promoted by his higher-ups to Sergeant after showing his combat prowess and skills in the field. Viceroy will never back down, and believes honor to be before life, with a mentality similar to the samurais who came long before him.
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Not bad, the only issue is the Red Ghost isn't a starfleet. Just a single ship. :P Aside from that, welcome.
I hope it's not too late to join. :)

NAME: Malcolm Black

AGE: 27



FIGHTER: Model Ostium-127, Panther-class Ranger.



Imagine this except with grimier clothes.

OCCUPATION: Advisor and fighter

PERSONALITY: Malcolm used to travel by himself, hunting and looting people for survival. Eventually, it became to the point in which he was hated by everyone in his planet. He became very bitter due to this. He's cranky and sarcastic, but after traveling for years like he did, he's grown strangely wise. He means well, but he can't stand when someone acts idiotic. He often makes very corny jokes in good or bad situations. When you insult him, he won't insult you back or get angry. He'll smile gently and give you a look that makes you feel terrible about yourself for the rest of the day. He's a very calm fighter. He doesn't get overwhelmed or addicted to the rush of battle, he just calmly shoots whoever is in the way.
Accepted. :D

It's cool, Baron. I would like it if people let me and the other players know if they take off, but if you can't it's not a big deal. :3
Name: Oskar

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Half human, Half Vulcan (Star Trek ;3)





Second in command, also known as best mate

Personality: Oskar may of been a hard ass on the crew, but he was defiantly respected by his crew. Now I could just say, he is a great guy, blah blah blah, but truth is, Oskar WAS a great man he fraught for this ship and everyone on it. But, the fact is during a battle Oskar fell into a coma and hasn't showed any recovery so far as they know of. But Oskar was a great man, not to mention a great friend for his whole crew old and young. 
Okay! I know I already have 2 other characters but I have an idea, but! If you don't want me to go along with it then I won't! But if you want me to explain my self I can in PM or here :)  
It has to do with Oskar Btw! That's why I made him ^_^
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So long as you can handle juggling the characters, you can use him. I will say, though, it sounds like he's either dead or stuck in a coma. O.o

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