In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)

He's stuck in a comma right now~ x) If you'd like I can tell you my Idea through PM if you want~ :) I don't mind, just remember it may be long :P
You know what? Surprise me. :D So long as it's not some huge, storyline-changing contingency I'm fine with it.
Haha okay! And I don't think it is haha xD Basically everything is still the same! ^_^ But You'll probably figure it out after a while :) I just thought I would be an easy way to keep things interesting :)
Name: Kain Jun

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Fighter: Elephant class Heavy hitter, Slightly customized



Heavy Weapons specialist/ heavy fighter pilot on the red ghost

Personality: Despite his big smile Kain is a very serious guy. He enjoys wearing a very old fashioned style of clothing as a sort of joke between him and himself, he also finds it very comfortable. He became a heavy weapons specialist and a pirate after his experience working at a themed bar in one of the richer neighborhoods of town. He worked at a themed ancient pirate bar which is where he got the costume he always wears until one day drunken soldiers entered and began demanding the pirate whenches do unspeakable things with them. The manager of the bar tried to reason with one of them but they pulled out a heavy pulse cannon and turned him to mush. Not only did the moment traumatize Kain but it gave him a strong hatred for soldiers who abused their power to be better than everybody else. Being that the man was drunk and easy to wrestle with a younger Kain stole the cannon and killed the soldier. His reason for becoming a heavy weapons specialist is purely the amount of power he felt holding that weapon. 
(Also if I ever get accepted could I get quick summary of anything you deem important)
Is this still open? I really like the idea. Been looking for an RP that i can post in casually without others RELAYING on me so much. Kind of up my alley with SCIFI as well? Can i still join? 
Also is it strictly space or do we planet raid/scavenge as well?
Name: Bobby Brewster (but to friends he's Mr.Superstar)

Age: 38





Ocupation: Cook

Personality: Go lucky and cheerful Bobby was once a member of a Galactic Naval ship and he likes to tell tales but stretches the truth for the love of the story. He's nice to everyone until you try to tell him what to do in a kitchen and for good reason he damn good cook but tends to ramble.
This sounds fun. I have a question though. Since the captain doesn't kill others does that mean that the crew must refrain from semis meaningless slaughter? I ask because in your bio you said that the captain has never broken the killing rule, nothing about the crew. I am rather fond of a bit of dark and morbid gore (I enjoy the dark imagery of it...and I am a bit twisted), but I can refrain if need be. 
Also, would you mind if my character joined the crew upon my initial post? It would make more sense for my characters personal.
I hate to burst your bubble noremac but I don't think this roleplay is alive anymore, if the crew ever does return then I can't wait to get aboard but, it's been a long time since anybody posted.

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