I'm Not Your Sacrifice!

Baron BatShark

New Member
In a modern world, gods live and have influence over humans and their choices. Mankind lives and dies by their word, will, and favor. It's not a secret that these super-beings exist, in fact they have shaped modern society from behind and in front of the government and corporations, leading humans to the delusional idea that we have a so-called "free will" and choice. Man, for the most part, is happy and content.

But for a man to move up in the world, to become a higher class citizen, there need be sacrifices.

So in this world a business man is offered a proposition: become an executive, gain a bigger house, huge pay increase, every company benefit imaginable. But all at a price- which is his first born daughter. He is to give consent and wed her to the company CEO (which just happens to be a God! I'm not set on which one yet, it can come as the story progresses) when she comes of age. Of course he accepts, he is only a man.

The RP would be just as it seems: focusing on the lives of the characters as they come to grips with the choice that has been made and the time comes closer and closer to the daughter's engagement. The crux of story is, though, that the daughter has to decide for herself if she will go through with the choice. Does she live in the luxury she has been raised in, or will love/hatred/anger/jealousy/or any other possibility sway her to abandon all she knows?

Love can be had, drama would overflow, hearts will be broken, and I believe it sets up a nice allegory between choice and destiny.

This is around where I would like the RP to take place. I'm still developing the idea, and I'm honestly open to others' input, but I think this back-story sets up nicely for the concept.

The main characters can be the father, the daughter, the company CEO, and a love interest for the daughter. More people will be introduced if the RP actually gets that big, but mostly it would be focused on these characters.

So I was recently listening to some music when this idea jumped at me. I know a song might not seem like much to go on, but it's vividly in my mind and I think it deserves to be fleshed out.

Let me know what you guys think!

(I'd link the song I was listening to, but I can't do that yet, apparently.)
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Lol, you're a quick one!

I'm still developing the idea for the story, but I'd like to hear your ideas for the daughter.

You can go ahead and reply on here if you want.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Spazzytoaster.600.1519097.jpg.b885386fab5597caf9a1bab1ea8a0a0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Spazzytoaster.600.1519097.jpg.b885386fab5597caf9a1bab1ea8a0a0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Leah Brandton

Age: 19


|Quiet|Clumsy|Kind|Understanding|Smart|Easily Embarrassed|Childish|Humble|

Leah doesn't usually speak her opinion, and is very obedient on most things. She doesn't agree on the marriage but she keeps quiet and pretends to agree to whatever her father says that has to do. Answering to questions with answers that she believes others want to hear is her way of trying to not be a bother to others.

She never likes to trouble anyone with anything, and always feels obligated to help others in need. She carries a lot on her back, never talking to anyone about her troubles or what she wants. She enjoys books and her dream is to own a small bookstore and work as an author. She is very humble about her work and tries to hide her talented passion. She currently has five finished, but unpublished trilogies, and 4 extra novels that are each there own stories. The books are all hidden in a small box that she has underneath her bed.

Leah is good at keeping up with her studies and keeps up with good grades. The girl isn't very talented physically, but is fast when it comes to math, trivia or any sort of knowledge based test or competition.


When Leah was a child, she was very outgoing, and full of smiles and bubbly laughs. She had tons of stuffed animals and was always having fun both outside and inside. She had lots of friends in school and was always talking. She was proud of the fact that she was reading 1-inch books when her peers were still on picture books, and she was already working on fractions when they were still on basic addition.

When she was about 12, she was expected to do well, and when she got below her expectations she was either beat, or yelled at. She then started locking herself up and only doing what others wanted, and was confused on what to do when she was done with each task. Soon Leah began to do all the chores and she cooked all of the meals. Her parents grew lazy around the house since they had a daughter who'd do everything they wanted because she was so afraid of punishments.

Leah didn't hear about her being a sacrifice until just recently, but she didn't tell anyone about her shock, which was expected from a girl who shared nothing to no one. All the girl can do is hope the man will at least tell her what she had to do.



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