In the Everlasting Sky (Space Pirate RP)


Tactical Goat
The Red Ghost drifted aimlessly through the dark of space, lazily making its way to nowhere in particular. Hidden in a surprisingly calm asteroid field, it would take the most sophisticated tracking equipment to find it, luckily it would end up setting off alarms across the entire ship. So, in a relatively safe spot in space the ship slept, along with it's captain.

Kazu had been sleeping for the better part of a day before finally, and slowly, he woke up. He let out a yawn and stretched, relishing the comfort of his bed for a few moments longer before finally swinging his feet over the edge as he sat up. A few moments of cracking various joints and stretching his neck went by before he stood, making his way over to where he had his clothes put away. He got dressed and made his way towards the turbolift, listening to the low hum of the engines as they stood idling. Judging by the sound of the rest of the ship, either everyone else was being really quiet, or not many others were even awake. With another huge yawn he hit the button on the turbolift, waiting for it to reach his floor.
Isabelle waited for the turbolift the reason why she was waiting was because she was in the bridge control room bringing some of the crew members some coffee, and now she wanted to go to her office and prepare for the day.

"Isabelle." One of the crew members yelled looking over at where she was standing.

"Yes?" She replied, the crew member asked if she could bring him some pain medication because he was healing from a battle they had a while ago. Being the kind hearted person she was she agreed, "I'll be back with it as soon as I can"she said in her soft tone of voice. Soon the Turbolift reached the floor Isabelle was on, though before walking in she saw the Captain.

"Morning Captain." She said smiling as she entered the Turbolift.

Oakley on the other hand was still passed out, sound asleep in her room. Didn't seem like anything was about to wake her any time soon.
Quiet footfalls echoed through the deserted corridor, eerily echoing off the metal and synthetic walls. A young boy with messy brown hair padded casually along the metal flooring barefoot, ignorant of any goings on in the large ship past the hallway in level five.

He tinkered with a small box in his hands, twisting it this way and that, sometimes pulling a tool from somewhere on his loose pajamas, placing it back in one of the many pockets that seemed random, but had been memorized long ago.

Pressing a few more buttons, Billy Danger's face lit up with a smile as he appraised his work, still walking down the hallway. It was finally done. After a week of consistent, dedicated work, his device was perfected and ready to be put to use.

Of course, this was all before he stubbed his toe on an errant doorway, dropping his week's worth of work onto the unforgiving ground. An arc of electricity shot from the small unsuspecting box, disappearing into the wall and shutting out all the lights he could see.

There were a few moments of complete silence before Billy muttered, "Well that's not good."

The emergency lights quickly came on, and he was bathed in flashing red light, an alarm soon following. He wasn't sure how long or how far the blackout was, but he knew that if the alarms were blaring, something was incredibly wrong. He hobbled down the corridor to reach the stairs to the upper levels, blinking away tears as the pain in his toe started to throb and sting.

He was going to get into so much trouble for this.
"Mornin' Isabelle. I see you're awake as ever." he said with a grin, stepping into the lift. He hit the button for level one, stifling another yawn. "So, what are you up to today? Staying out of trouble I hope?" he asked, just before the turbolift suddenly stopped in between floors. The alarms started going off, a worried look on Kazu's face. "Dammit, what now?" he asked, cursing under his breath. He pulled out a small device that projected a holographic screen in front of him. "Computer, why're the alarms going off? And why did the turbolift stop?" he asked, and a few seconds later the computer responded. A calm, yet decidedly inhuman voice came from his com. "Sir, power surge detected on level five."

Kazu cursed under his breath again, sighing. "Computer, reroute power to turbolift one, and take me down to level five. I've got a sneaking suspicion as to what happened..." he said, sounding a bit irritated. "Sorry for the detour, Isabelle. Hope it's not too much trouble." he said, that familiar grin on his face. The turbolift whirred to life and started taking them down to level five.
"Its fine!"Isabelle smiled, "I have someone who needs to be awake right now anyways" she giggled, though this giggle wasn't a cheerful 'lets play' giggle, it was a giggle that sounded like she was about to distroy something.

Oakley woke up to he horride screetching, irritated and now in a bad mood still in her PJs she began speed walking down to Level five as quickly as she could, this was one of her departments she has to go and at least try and help out. Opening a screen from her braclete she noticed something, "Idiots." She grumbled. Taking a while Oakley was soon down on level five, just as she noticed her sister and The captain where there with her.

"Took the long way I'm guessing." Issuable said with a cold smile.

"No shit." Oakley grumbled "Now the one day I want to sleep in, is the one day everyone Screws up around here." Following both the captain and her sister Oakley began to look even more pissed off.
The captain was always a little unsettled by that particular giggle. Isabelle was really the only person that could make Kazu seem squeamish with just an innocent little laugh. He chuckled and scratched his head, making his way down the hall. "Hey, I didn't screw up. At least, not this time. I just woke up." he said in his defense, smirking. It didn't take long before Kazu saw what he thought the problem was... A small box laying in the middle of the hallway. He tilted his head slightly, then got on the communication channel. "Hey, Billy? Just wondering... You wouldn't know anything about this box on level five, would you?" he asked, his normally cheery voice carrying a slightly icy edge to it. 
((Gonna have to leave in a few. Feel free to continue without me. :D ))
Isabelle continued to smile, ready to be mama bear at any moment. Oakley on the other hand was ready to strangle Billy, "I know captain." Oakley said sharply "I just had a rude awakening my self" she said grabbing the box, which then electrocuted her slightly. "Billy disallarm this before I rearrange your limbs" Oakley snarled.

Isabelle stud infront of Oakley "Now isn't that a little harsh?" She said with a glare.

"nope." Oakley stated.
"Thought it was Billy's..." he mused, chuckling. "Well, I'm sure you girls can handle this from here. I've got captain-y stuff to do." he said, heading back towards the turbolift. "I'll be on level 1 if you need anything." With that, he got on the lift with a small wave and a smile, and headed up to the top deck.

((Be back later, if anyone's still on. :P ))
"Uhm, it wasn't me?" Billy tried to say through the intercom, speaking into the small communicator he carried on himself. He knew that the lie wouldn't hold for long, but he could just avoid punishment as long as he wasn't directly blamed. Heck, what proof did they have anyways? A small box on the ground? Could be anybody's . . couldn't it have?

Finally emerging on the sixth level of the ship, breathing heavily as he took the last step of the metal stairway, Billy started to jog towards his room at the end of the corridor, hoping he could get there before anyone saw him trying to escape punishment or blame.

"Ya, I don't know what's goin' on, Oak. I was just minding my own business when all the lights went out. Did you jump in the bath and short circuit the whole place?"

That's it, keep it natural, he told himself, remembering how he always joked with one of the only other teenagers on board, Oakley St.Laurence. He knew that she was at least in part mechanical, though he wasn't sure which part and that she didn't like talking about it, so if he could shift her anger towards something else, he could possibly make them all forget about the whole alarm/lights-out situation.

"Sorry, Captain. Perhaps she should unplug her cord before jumping into liquids, it really is hazardous."

He was really driving the knife in now, and he knew he was going to pay for it. But already even he was starting to forget what the whole situation was about.
Oakley had enpugh of the noise, first he tries to cheese it off with a lame excuse, now he's blaming her? Nope, Nuh-uh, Oakly was not about to be to pleased with this. Oakley opened up a planle that was in the wall, she began to press buttons and write in codes to turn the alarm off and turn the lights back on. "There. Problem solved." Oakley snarled, " Now Billy you better be in hiding today" Holding the box closer to her face she noticed a marking of someone's initials, and guess who Initials they were. "Hey, Billy. Who's initials start with B.D?"

Isebelle chuckled " I won't stop you here, I have to go give medication to a crew member on levels 3 and 1. I'll find you later." Isabelle stated going into the turbo lift heading to her level, the medical department.
Malcolm rose from his bunk and put on his trench coat. He pressed the familiar gray button by his door, provoking it to slide open. He walked out into the hallway and pressed another button to call a turbo lift. The door opened and he ran into Isabelle. Malcolm tipped his hat.

"Morning," he mumbled, and pressed the button for Level 3.

"What was all the mess about with Billy?" he asked, eyes still sleepy.
Kazu shook his head and chuckled to himself, opening the bulkhead doors to the bridge. "Quite the dysfunctional family we have here." he said to himself. He made his way to the captain's chair and sat, pulling up a holographic screen that showed the layout of the ship at the bottom, and a view of the surrounding area. "Computer, run a diagnostic on the ship's condition, and notify me of any changes." he said, the computer giving off a small, affirmative tone in response.

Leaning back, he pulled up a separate screen that showed the ship's CCTV feeds, cycling through to see what the rest of the crew was up to.
Isabelle finally got to her medical station, humming a little tune she gathered some pain pill in a small container, for one of the crew members. Though before she went to see the pirate that needed the pain pills, she sat down and looked at some of the paper work she needed to do.

"Oh? This one is interesting." She mumbled to herself, picking up the paper she walked over to one of the patients rooms. Room 34. Also known as a crew member that fell into a deep coma, a well known member too. Looking down at the papers Isabelle noticed that the patients heart rate was starting to speed up, not severely but started to return to a 'normal' passe more than the slow beating it's been doing for the past 6 months.

"What do you think you're doing?" Isabelle mumbled looking into the patients room through a peep hole. Isabelle decided to brush it off, to check on it later. Grabbing the pills Isabelle was now off to level one, to give a crew member medication, entering the Turbo-lift she was off to the first level one of her favorite levels.

Meanwhile in the engine room Oakley was trying to fix some of belts for the engines. "Damn it!" She shouted swearing a few sailor swears. Oakley snapped the belt, breaking it and cutting her in the processes. "Damn belt." Mumbling she ripped part of her shirt and wrapped it around her hand which was bleeding quite a bit, nothing to worry about though! Surely the oil covered shirt she was wearing can keep it from bleeding, right? Just as she finished fixing the belt for the engine Oakley began heading towards her next project, tuning the fighter jets but little did she know blood was dripping from her hand, leaving small drops of blood behind her as she walked.
Kazu kept scanning through the camera feeds, yawning. Nothing too interesting going on. He shrugged it off and stood, stretching. He was bored, and couldn't quite decide if he wanted to head down to the mess hall to eat or go to the shooting range and get some practice in.

Letting out a loud yawn he headed towards the turbolift, waving Isabelle over. "Hey, so what was up with B.D?" he asked, his head tilting a bit. "I heard you guys chewing him out over coms."
"Hm? Nothing to much happened" Isabelle replied walking over to one of the crew members, "Here you go" She said with a gentle smile the crew worker gave one back as a sign of gratitude. Walking back to the Captain, Isabelle looked down at him "Basically Oakley got mad, punched a few things and now is working in the Engine room, to calm herself down."

Isabelle smiled, though she wasn't to sure if she should tell the Captain or not.. Thinking and waiting for a response Isabelles' facial expressions became as if she was worried about something but she was just keeping her mouth shut about it.
Malcolm reached the shooting range and took out his revolver. Despite the fact that they did not revolve anymore, they were nonetheless called revolvers. Upon activation, the gun whirred. Malcolm pressed a green button to his right, opening one of the booths. He keyed in a password under the booth, registering himself into the booth.

He walked in and observed the range. It was a beautiful grey Titanium Oxide hallway. Titanium Oxide, the new iron. It could absorb lasers and resist bullets.

Unlike the shooting ranges of the days of old, the targets could come out of nowhere, allowing shooters to practice every angle at a moment's notice.

Five targets sprung out of the walls and floor. In a moment, they all had a burning hole in their heads. Perfect.

Malcolm deactivated the revolver and put it in his pocket. He exited the booth, where he saw Kazu talking with Isabelle. He tipped his hat.


He looked at Isabelle.

"Sounds like Oakley. But is there something you're not tellin us?"
Billy heard ship life start to continue on its regular path. The intercom was blaring random orders from the captain and other shipmates, people were speaking and chatting, and all this led him to believe that the coast was clear.

Scrambling from under his bunk, Billy Danger brushed himself off and walked into the corridor, looking both ways beforehand, and started off to engineering. It was long past due that he installed his upgrades on R.E.A.P.E.R.

But as the thought this, he suddenly heard a conversation started by Malcolm, a friend of his on the crew. Hearing the line that the conversation was going down, Billy decided to intervene and interjected through his communicator.

"She don't want you to know what we've been up to in our 'spare time', Mal. See, she may be just a little embarrassed to say it, but I'll go right ahead and say what we've 'been up to' if you want, Oak?"

There was the chance that he was going to pay for it, but Billy knew he had to cover for Oakley, seeing as he had already spilled what might not have been common knowledge among the crew. Antagonizing her really was the only way he could see out of the situation.
Malcolm sighed and pressed the intercom button again.

"I told you not to call me that, Danger. (OOC: jk I get it, please call me that) And I have no desire to hear about your so-called escapades. Where are you, are you working on your Reaper?"
A smirk passed Billy's face as he heard Malcolm's response, figuring his distraction worked.

"So called? Malco, three words for ya: All. Night-cycle. Long." Snickering to himself, he continued. "Yeah, I'm going now. I'm planning on installing the hidden crotch-rockets I've been talking about for forever now."

Billy was now talking to himself more than the other guy at this point, his imagination taking over as he expounded on his design.

"Just think about it! Oh noes, my turrets are offline and my phazer-sword's run out of juice, what'll I do?! BAM! A big load of explosion heading straight at your face, hidden conveniently in the codpiece of the Mech, delivered by a gigantic phallus-shaped rocket! It doesn't get any better than that, my friend, not at all."

Smiling, Billy continued down the corridor until he reached the turbo lift, waiting to go down to the fighter bay. It was going to be epic.
"If your phaser sword 'runs out of juice,' then your... Crotch rocket wouldn't work either, due to the lack of power. You'll need to use auxiliary engines, which means that your biggest concern will be lack of air and mobility. Second, the rocket is highly likely to backfire and end up destroying one of your legs. Third, it just screams immaturity. So, yes, in fact, it can get better than that. Also..."

Malcolm leaned into the intercom.

"Don't call me Malco either."
Viceroy stared at his now bandaged forearm. His recent firefight took a toll on his body and ship; mostly his ship, the SiNN, as he wasn't even at the moment sure if repair was possible. Even with the advances in technology, the craft was in horrible condition. "Well, I guess I shall be off to the fighter bays, doc," the young pilot waved to the doctor who had patched him up, "the ships ain't gonna fly 'emselves, y'know." Vice walked out of the clinic and headed towards the stairs to the the hangar, where his ship was being inspected by some of the best mechanics he could find, hoping their news wouldn't be horrible. Perhaps if the SiNN wouldn't take too long, he could see the Captain about any recent disturbances in the lonesomeness of space.

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