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  1. Fabilous

    Other The best/most-Interesting Group RP you have ever been in?

    While I don't rp much, I'd have to say the very first one I joined, right when I was just beginning to get into rp. It was called Caged. The plot is basically: a buncha teens and young adults wake up in a forest, enclosed by a dome so that nobody can escape. To make things stranger, they are...
  2. Fabilous

    RpNation - Member Pictures - Put a Face to the Name

    Are you afraid? Or just confused?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/WIN_20160117_21_11_27_Pro.jpg.f323654a9005177b69a255b9dcf8d686.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110948"...
  3. Fabilous

    Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

    Because my surname is Fabi, I go by Fabi sometimes online, and an overused pun in my family is Fabilous(fabulous)
  4. Fabilous

    Quick! Mash two animals together and see what happens!

    I dunno if this should go in the general discussion or personal thread but since I've no clue how this would count as general discussion, I'll just post it here. Did you ever do something so strange you both hated and loved it at the same time? Half a year ago, I did exactly that. I'm not an...
  5. Fabilous

    Whats your favorite style of RP? :)

    My preferred post length is 3-5 sentences per post. I don't have the adequate attention span that is required in writing detailed posts and one-liners are fine but irk me for some reason. I don't mind any rps as long as they catch my attention and look fun. Anything from fandom I tend to stay...
  6. Fabilous

    Character Personality Type

    My character=ISFP-T Me=ENFP-T
  7. Fabilous

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    Because I was really into Homestuck once upon a time I happened onto MSPARP... I really didn't like it there because of how often the people would just auto-DC... then there was the fanmade Pesterchum... I still go on there, main handle is constantlyConfused just in case anyone wanted to know...
  8. Fabilous

    TV & Film Cartoons you can't stand

    I only got Cartoon Network here, sadly. Still, I can't stand a few of these... Oggy and the Cockroaches. I don't like this at all. Uncle Grandpa It's a 50/50. Teen Titans Go! is pretty good... then it has its less-than-stellar moments... I don't watch TV that much anymore... the...
  9. Fabilous

    Introductions? Aight, let's do this

    Heh, thanks a lot guys!
  10. Fabilous

    Introductions? Aight, let's do this

    I read just about anything I can get my hands on.
  11. Fabilous

    Realistic or Modern Runaway Children Rp

    Name: Wikimak Lussier Age: 15 Gender: Female Sexuality: Who knows, really Personality: Usually laconic, slow to engage with others. Intelligent, but not wise. May come off as uncaring. Has a strong sense of self-preservation and will gladly do anything to live. Alone or With a group...
  12. Fabilous

    Introductions? Aight, let's do this

    So I'm Fabilous(obviously) but my real name is, well... just call me Fabi. It's my surname. I also go by Eana(rarely) or Eli(before I found a guy also called Eli and started going by Fabi instead). I've been 15 since last month and live on this warm, sunny place also known as the Philippines...