Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

My username is actually a word derived from a super ancient Grecian word meaning "well minded" or "beautiful thinking." I found it on a tumblr zodiac post and fell in love with it. To start I named my Animal Crossing town Eunoia and then I was wanting a change from my old username and got stuck between gattara (another untranslatable word that I love) and this. Eventually I chose this since my tumblr url is derived from gattara
My username is pretty symbolic, however common it may be. I wanted to look for something unique that had some flair, and for a while I settled on "The Arrival", but I was going to change it because there are about 50 other people everywhere who use it too. Then I found out that it wasn't all that popular of a name, and I could use it for, say, RPN, no troubles. Also, the more symbolic reasons is that I was and am new to being the person I am, so "The Arrival" kind of fit like that. Also, nobody really questioned if you had just registered or been on for a long time, as this name could mean either (not literally/directly), and in that point in life, I was "arriving" or settling down into a state of deep depression. Although I'm mostly out of it now (kind of), the name stuck. ALTHOUGH, that's kind of not my current one, because on osu!, someone started to call me "The Departure", which I kind of liked, and then multiple people called me it, and then it stuck to those who knew me and I'm apparently "The Departure" now. I'm probably going to change my name, just about right now.
It's an old nickname, derived from an older username I had from a Harvest Moon forum. How I got THAT one is actually because I'm a big fan of the Rune Factory series, which is basically fantasy Harvest Moon (it's in the name too actually!). The bachelorette I married, Mist, liked turnips a lot, so I just went with something turnip related when I made up my username on that forum. And that's the story of why I'm Turnip.
It's a joke from anime Gintama.

Basically, Madao is a pessimist and nothing goes right with him, kinda like with me. He also exaggerates a lot, kinda like me. People that watched the anime with me started calling me Madao after some stuff happened, and here we are.

I'm a pessimistic hobo now =P
I was listening to the song Lane Boy by Twenty One Pilots while making my account, and I decided I really like the word Lane.
Mine is named after Cocoa Hoto from Gochiusa, who is also my profile picture. She's way too cute.
In short - I'm a nerd and possibly over-obsessed.

The longer version... I'm a huge Scotland geek, and one summer I was poking around on the internet looking up lyrics to some song I had heard because I was unfamiliar with the Latin, and I came across an article mentioning that there was to be a rally in support for Scottish independence the next summer (this was early in the discussion, actually before it was decided to have the referendum) and I was ridiculously excited. So, since I was just a high school student and couldn't pack up to go be there in person (though I did make a serious attempt to earn enough money), I decided on something a little more manageable, to make myself a T-shirt to trap people into conversation about it. The front would have a saltire and the back a map of Scotland with a phrase I would pick. I had been working on studying Scottish Gaelic at the time and was debating between "Alba gu bràth" (Scotland forever) or "Saorsa airson Alba" (Freedom for Scotland). I eventually settled for the former because I was more confident of my ability to pronounce it correctly if translating, and it has sort of become my username for a lot of stuff in recent years. So yeah, I'm a geek.
Welll, I used to play Dragon Nest and was making a sorceress which I already planned on making into a Majesty (also known as Chaos Mage). I needed a name for the character. The thing is, I like names that have meaning and somehow relate to the character. So off I went to and researched for names that could mean 'void' or 'darkness' or somewhere along the lines due to the overall theme / perception I have of the majesty. Results turned up with Nyx. However, I needed a name with more than three characters so I searched for more names and came across Ione, which according to behind the name, means purple flower which I thought was just perfect since most of the majesty's skills were of purple hue and thus Nyxione was born. Ended up liking the name so much that I began using it in some sites like here on RPN.
Mine is from an old gamer tag... that tag was generated from a D&D name generator lol
Because my surname is Fabi, I go by Fabi sometimes online, and an overused pun in my family is Fabilous(fabulous)
I have a string of usernames, including this one, that come from the style of usernames from Homestuck, where everyone's handle follows the pattern of adjectivenoun, which all relate to the characters in some way. The words themselves come from the fact that I'm pretty quiet, and from a joke started by my friends. While talking about our future careers, one of them said that I could always be a doorman, since I tend to hold doors open for just about anyone.
My pen-name, my mother wanted to name me Frede, actually. When she told me about it, I immediately loved the name.
Well my fav anial is an Eagle and i usually use Eaglefudge for most things i love it cuz its super unique but for rpn i decided to use something different and picked a body part of an eagle and came up with Talon
Because of my curly hair irl, I get referred to as sheep in various ways. The name I've picked here is an allusion to the play "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" to make a big roundabout way of saying... sheep.
It's simple and easy to remember name that sounds nice and suits my personality and hobby (ballet).
Joker -> Came up with it because I view myself as a bit of a cynic.

Valentine -> I feel quite compassionate for people. Also, basketball.
I thought, what name could i have that could represent something puissant, immediately i thought on my mother language and...there you go.
Actually, mine's a bit of a Yu-Gi-Oh reference. xD 'Ka' is the Ancient Egyptian term for one of the "pieces" of the soul, and Yu-Gi-Oh used the term to refer to spirit monsters when they did the whole Millennium World arc. I picked miracle to pair with it because I think of myself as a healing/help-oriented person and how that word is often used to describe otherwise seemingly impossible feats of healing or protection from harm. Also, Kisara possessed the spirit of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, which was a miracle by way of the YGO-verse so to speak because it wasn't one of the Egyptian Gods, yet it was more than powerful enough to rival them; that, and her purity was the "miracle" that saved Seth towards the end of that arc. I dunno, it makes more sense in my head I think.
God mines lame

When I was younger I could never think of a username. my cousin wanted me to play club penguin with him and said make a name no one else would ever think of. so I bashed my face on the keyboard and got Shnuy. I added shnuy later on
The Eye of Magnus was such an interesting artifact in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Nobody knew where it came from, why it was there, who built it, so on and so forth. It was great and apparently really powerful. Unfortunately, Bethesda gave the task of writing the College of Winterhold quest line to an unpaid intern. Or a rock and two candy bracelets, I think. It's quite impossible to tell the difference. Anyway, whoever it was did an all-and-all abysmal job.

So now I just make the Eye of Magnus my username and avatar most places I go to. Because it could have been awesome, but really wasn't. Which is also an apt description of my existence.

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