Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

It's the username I've been using for a while now, with all my internet accounts.

Really, very corny it was the name of a drawing I did of my favorite RP pair xD
Mordecai said:
I was looking at all the people online and got to thinking... where did all these people come up with their username? So, I thought I'd ask!
The story behind my username is pretty lame. It's actually my surname. My father's surname used to be Bruce, but he had a large falling out with his family before I was born, so, he went back in his family history, pulled a random name out from the family tree, and changed his last name! Hah! Of course, I love my last name because I share it with my favourite video game character of all time: Mordecai from Borderlands, woohoo!

Anyways, where does your handle come from?
My story is that one day, one fateful day, many, many years ago, my mum was telling me "y'all need ta avoid usin' yer real name on the internets, or yeh might git hacked!"

So I took some random-a$$ game character name and changed it a bit. "Pheonix". Sounds a bit like "Felix". "Wright"- too common. Put "Wind" at the end of it to give the illusion of creativity.
Believe it or not, I made up this name for an MMO I played when I was 16 years old. This was BEFORE I watched Code Geass, YES REALLY!!! xD The character had green hair, cat eyes (one sky blue, one yellow), and cat ears and tail. The MMO if you're curious was Dream of Mirror Online (DoMO) originally by Aeria Games and after it was shut down SubaGames did a Kickstarter for its revival and it succeeded!!! That's my origin story xD
Onyx Energy is something from my own book, a lifelong work in progress. (Was thinking about doing a RP based on it but have yet to decide.)
It's nothing interesting. I play World of Warcraft and it's based on my main character, a mage named Ranethrial. To this day, I think it's the prettiest name I've ever come up with and it's one I'll likely continue to use.

I RP with her, though she's gone through some revamps. She started off as a half-elf, then later was rewritten into a human battle mage, and right now, what I'm hoping sticks, is her being a human-disguised dragon.

It leaves me a bit sad since I just love playing her and adore the name, but can't stick her to a concept at all.
I am a wolf (no, really). But of course, just "Wolf" is going to be taken everywhere. I needed something unique to attach to it, so I borrowed the "rawrrr" from the phrase "rawrrr I'm a dinosaur - rawrrr you're an idiot". Yes, I am aware that wolves don't really rawrrr. No, I don't care. I'm special. And my username is never taken anywhere, which allowed me to adopt it as one of my main aliases *woof*
MadKatz24 and Kaine. Kaine ive always used for some 15 plus years as a character name in rpgs, MadKatz is my online name i use for ps4 xbox and games that require a more online like name and less charactery. Lol
Gladius is the name of a character I keep wanting to use in one of my stories. Sadly I never could get the characterisation right.
I got mine a few years back, it is the name of my first OC actually, one I still use and would never give up for the world.
One of my main traits is my craziness/weirdness. So I thought, what is completely random? And you know what I came up with?


and that's how I came up with GoingtobePotatos. Minus the E for unique-ness.
Well, I'm a poet and at the time of coming up with this nickname/username (which I use everywhere and have for years) I often felt pretty empty inside. It just sort of fit together nicely and these days more people call me Hollow than by my real name. Recently I've realized it might seem like a real edgelord nickname to those who don't know me, though :')
I have a character who speaks welsh, so I decided to search up the word 'Love' in welsh, and ta da! Caru comes up. It might not have much thought into it, but I really really like it.
When I made my xbox live account it gave me that weird generic username. So I changed it. Sunshine because I love yellow and the sun. Zombies because I'm obsessed. And 7 is my lucky number.

I use it for everything online. Except snapchat. :( I was a bit tipsy when I made the account and its missing a letter and the number and is all lower case. xD hahah.
Well usually for my usernames I get really lazy... and this one is no different.

So my name just consists of two words from two different books that I think that they sound good together.

Cause in my computer room there is just a bunch of books. Which is how I got ForceManner.
mayu sounds cute, and it reminds me of mayo.

plus, if i really want to be extra about it... yuyu hakusho could be a nickname.

Tater is a nickname my cousins gave me some years ago. I'm not sure why, but okay. And, when I started interwebzing in my early teen years, Tater was what I used for names, when I could. Since then, it's just stuck (several friends that I met via the interwebz use the nickname, too), and I love Irish names and top hats. (Spoiler: not Irish. Second Spoiler: don't own a tophat.)

So. TaterMcTopHat it is! (My tumblr name, too, I think.)
My husband, actually. We were trying to come up with a login name for an old account, on a website we both frequented.

He said, let's put your nickname and two of your favorite things together:

Kay (nickname)

Duck (love me some duckies)

Vampires (...cause who doesn't like someone who can suck your life-force out, amiright?)

Wallah! KayDuckula. [x
I live in Hawaii about a 7 minute walk from the beach. I moved here from New York about two years ago. The name just seemed to work. Haha

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