Other The best/most-Interesting Group RP you have ever been in?


Just curious!

What is the best or most interesting Group RP you guys have ever been in?

You can answer by giving me a (hopefully short) plot synopsis!

I will post mine later. ;)
While I don't rp much, I'd have to say the very first one I joined, right when I was just beginning to get into rp.

It was called Caged. The plot is basically: a buncha teens and young adults wake up in a forest, enclosed by a dome so that nobody can escape. To make things stranger, they are fused with animals in varying degrees, from a few patches of fur to full-blown talking animals. Hidden cameras are everywhere so that the people that did this could observe how this kind of trauma would affect them... then it died and was reincarnated, this time the setting being a town.

Too bad they both died, just when I was really into them. If I see a plot similar to Caged here though, you can bet I'd be innit as fast as possible xD
Fabilous said:
While I don't rp much, I'd have to say the very first one I joined, right when I was just beginning to get into rp.
It was called Caged. The plot is basically: a buncha teens and young adults wake up in a forest, enclosed by a dome so that nobody can escape. To make things stranger, they are fused with animals in varying degrees, from a few patches of fur to full-blown talking animals. Hidden cameras are everywhere so that the people that did this could observe how this kind of trauma would affect them... then it died and was reincarnated, this time the setting being a town.

Too bad they both died, just when I was really into them. If I see a plot similar to Caged here though, you can bet I'd be innit as fast as possible xD
Nice! That actually sounds a bit like my campaign that I'm running at the hobby shop me and my friends play at. Very cool stuff :)
(Prepare for shameless self promotion...)

Royal Brats, it's a roleplay I came up with about a month ago and have yet to actually finish the thread. It's a school set in the victorian era-ish about children of royalty or important people, people are also alowed to make "scholarship" students. It will follow the daily school lives of these children (technically young adults). It sounds pretty basic, but what made it so special is I asked for help, and I certainly got some. It became a collaboration between so many people, and we have been working on it like crazy, so in a way it's kind of unique.
Ballerina said:
(Prepare for shameless self promotion...)
Royal Brats, it's a roleplay I came up with about a month ago and have yet to actually finish the thread. It's a school set in the victorian era-ish about children of royalty or important people, people are also alowed to make "scholarship" students. It will follow the daily school lives of these children (technically young adults). It sounds pretty basic, but what made it so special is I asked for help, and I certainly got some. It became a collaboration between so many people, and we have been working on it like crazy, so in a way it's kind of unique.
Very interesting. Yeah the more hands that are able to effectively work together, the better a RolePlay can turn out.

Once my 24 hours of noobie-ness are up and done with-I would love to send you a message about it. ...or you know.

You could send me one right now, haha.
Aw thank you @Elle Joyner! I have enjoyed working with everyone on The Dragon Wardens: Exodus. It's a great group of roleplayers that help drive the plot forward in an interesting way. It is, by far, my favorite active roleplay as well.
Mine is the Tales of the Rising Phoenix, which unfortunately, had died recently. Sure there were those who left early, and those who didn't even try showing up, but a select few remained, and with them, the rp progressed in a drastic manner, its story flourished and developed the characters quite well. It was a tale about a bunch of random members of a certain guild, embarking on a quest of discovery in a truly mysterious and dangerous land.

It was really fun, the other players and I had pretty good collaborations, and discussions both regarding the rp and matters outside of its grasp. Sadly, it won't get a rerun. RIP in pieces, good tale of mine.
Elle Joyner]<3 [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11853-mordecai/ said:
@Mordecai[/URL] - thank you.
Easily one of the best group RP I've been a part of is Closed - The Dragon Wardens: Exodus - GMed by the wonderful @Effervescent. Everything about this RP is fantastic - from the storyline and remarkably well put together world, to the players and their ability to work together. Every post is a joy to read and I wait on bated breath for each new notification!
DAAAMMMM @Effervescent

Even that intro is crazy awesome to read.

I can see what @Elle Joyner is saying. You clearly poses the skills to run a game and make it enjoyable from text alone.

Sweet! I am loving these responses. Haha :)
Reinhardt said:
Mine is the Tales of the Rising Phoenix, which unfortunately, had died recently. Sure there were those who left early, and those who didn't even try showing up, but a select few remained, and with them, the rp progressed in a drastic manner, its story flourished and developed the characters quite well. It was a tale about a bunch of random members of a certain guild, embarking on a quest of discovery in a truly mysterious and dangerous land.
It was really fun, the other players and I had pretty good collaborations, and discussions both regarding the rp and matters outside of its grasp. Sadly, it won't get a rerun. RIP in pieces, good tale of mine.
A team based RP? Wow... I have only handled being a Game Master IRL. So, doing something team based with D&D or Pathfinder is practically unheard of. I guess on here it would be a bit easier to manage but... oh man. Takes a lot of dedication to try something like that.

Very cool @Reinhardt :)
JRGero said:
Very interesting. Yeah the more hands that are able to effectively work together, the better a RolePlay can turn out.
Once my 24 hours of noobie-ness are up and done with-I would love to send you a message about it. ...or you know.

You could send me one right now, haha.
I'd be glad to have another helping hand.
My favorite so far was a wolf rp on lioden where the wolves were migrating instead of stuck in one place. We would have to decide which way to go (around mountains, through the mountains) The story would depend on which way the pack chose to go...and having to deal with the obstacles in a persons path. Unfortunately the rp has kind of died out due to life getting in the way and because lioden is not dedicated to rps...you have to take care of your lions each day which could be detrimental to a persons rping and game.
Hmmm.... I think one of the most interesting group roleplays I've ever been in was an old walk-in tavern RP called Dragon's Paradise Inn. It's where I met @Zahzi, which makes him my first roleplaying partner.

The RP wasn't anything special, honestly. It was a generic kitchen sink fantasy setting. I played a catgirl mechanic maid (Sammy), a superstrong paramilitary ranger (Ozzy), a shapeshifter who was basically secretly made out of goo (Phan/Farron), and at one point I also played an evil plant that spoke in lolcatz memes (Lilith), a 97 year old soldier who carried around a steel pipe as a symbol of his office (Tanner), and a litany of other strange characters that I just don't remember anymore.

It was five hundred pages of ridiculousness, and I'm quite sad that it got deleted. There were dragons, tanks, crazy omnicidal maniacs made of lightning, a prankster kitsune and a giant lizard monk...

They weren't in this particular RP, but I did meet @KamiKahzy and @Giyari in that guild so they can certainly attest to some... "early installment weirdness" of mine.
The best roleplay I had ever been in was a one x one with a good friend of mine who lives far away from me. It was set in Milwaukee (We both know the city so well, so we decided why not? xD ). She played Andy, who was Spiderman, while I played Noah, the villian.

It was so much fun because Noah and Andy went to the same college but didn't know who each other were. So there was this excitement of them figuring it out. Also, I decided to add in cousins Summer and Gabriel, side characters who played a major role in helping Andy. Gabriel was so much fun to rp because he's deaf with brilliant memory, which was a direct contrast to the villian's ability to memorize sound (it can be done, its like having perfect pitch but more). In addition, Andy's roomate turned out to be a spy for evil. We both had so much fun with it! We named it Only Human (we made it deep but I don't remember the "life lesson" anymoreDX).
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